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1007-0214 04/38 pp24-28 Volume 14, Number S1, June 2009

Abstract: Rapid prototyping(RP)is a computerized fabrication technology that additively builds highly com-plex three-dimensional physical objects layer by layer using data generated by computer, for example CAD or digital graphic.Three-dimensional printing(3DP)is one of such technologies that employ ink-jet printing technology for proceing powder materials.During fabrication, a printer head is used to print a liquid on to thin layers of powder following the object's profile as generated by the system computer.This work looks at redesigning 3DP machine, using piezoelectric demand-mode technology head in order to improve accuracy, surface finishing and color quality of constructed models.The layers created with aforesaid system are be-tween 25 to 150 µm(steps of 25 µm).Key words: prototyping;three-dimensional printing(3DP);piezoelectric head Perusing Piezoelectric Head Performance in a New

3-D Printing Design

RAHMATI Sadegh,†,**†


Mechanical Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, Azad Islamic University, Majlesi Branch, Iran;

† Mechanical Engineering Department, Khaje Nasir Toosi University, Tehran, Iran


Solid freeform fabrication(SFF)technologies are manufacturing/prototyping technologies that are char-acterized by layer-by-layer addition of material to fab-ricate components.These techniques are also known as layered manufacturing and rapid prototyping.The layer-by-layer building approach allows significantly more complex parts to be built in one fabrication step than was previously poible thus simplifying proce planning.SFF technology therefore can automate the proce planning and fabrication of a part under computer con-

trol so that the only input needed is a solid model of [1,2]the part.Over the last decade, many different technologies for SFF have evolved.Broadly, the SFF techniques available currently can be claified as stereo lithogra-phy, solid fusion and solidification, laminated object

manufacturing, and powder-based techniques.The ste-reo lithography technique selectively solidifies a liquid photopolymer while solid fusion and solidification fuse/melt the material and deposit it layer-by-layer.The laminated object manufacturing technology cuts out laminates from sheets of part material and glues or fuses them together.In most methods of SFF, special

support structures are needed to support overhanging


features of the part.Received: 2008-11-09;revised: 2009-03-30 To whom correspondence should be addreed.E-** mail: s_farid_sh@yahoo.com;Tel: 98-912-1350938

The two main powder-based techniques that have

been commercialized are selective laser sintering and three-dimensional printing(3DP)printing.For powder-based methods, no support structures are typically re-quired to create complex shapes.Powder is selectively consolidated into a part and the remaining powder can be removed.In the SLS proce, a thin layer of powder is deposited in a workspace container and the powder is then fused together using a laser beam that traces the shape of the desired cro-section.The proce is re-peated by depositing layers of powder thus building the part layer-by-layer.In the 3DP proce, a binder material selectively binds powder deposited in layers.RAHMATI Sadegh et al:Perusing Piezoelectric Head Performance in a New …

Ink-jet printing head(IJH)technology is used to print

the binder in the shape of the cro-section of the part on each layer of powder(Fig.1)[4,5]

.Fig.1 3-D Printing proce

Two kinds of drop-on-demand heads can be used in IJH systems, piezoelectric and thermal heads

[6], and the thermal heads are used in current 3DP systems.Since thermal heads have some drawbacks, hence piezoelec-tric head has been employed for new generation of 3DP machines.In addition, piezoelectric technology can help to inject the live cells in to vital textures in order to create bones, members and dentures without any chemical or physical changes in cells.Ink-jet Head Technologies

1.1 Thermal heads In thermal systems there is a heating element as a thin-film resistor.When an electrical pulse is applied to the head, a high current paes through this resistor and the fluid in contact with it is vaporized, forming a vapor bubble over the resistor.This vapor bubble expands in

fluid reservoir and is ejected as a droplet through the nozzle(Fig.2)[6,7].Fig.2 Schematic of a thermal head

1.2 Piezoelectric heads In this type of system a volumetric change in the fluid reservoir is induced by the application of a voltage pulse to a piezoelectric material element that is cou-pled, directly or indirectly, to the fluid.This volumetric

change causes preure/velocity transients to occur in

the fluid and these are directed so as to produce a drop

that iues from a nozzle(Fig.3)


.A result of simu-lated droplet ejection is shown in Fig.4.Fig.3 Schematic of a piezoelectric head

Fig.4 A result of simulated droplet ejection in piezo-

electric heads

When a voltage pulse is applied in the direction or-thogonal to the polarization direction of the piezoelec-tric element, it is deformed and the fluid in the channel reservoir is preurized.When the preure wave gen-erated in the channel is reflected between nozzle and common fluid chamber and resonated, the preure ap-

plied to the nozzle change in time, and as a result drop-let is ejected

.1.3 Comparison between thermal and

piezoelectric technology

Thermal demand-mode ink-jet systems can achieve ex-tremely high fluid-dispensing performance at a very low cost.However, this performance/cost has been achieved by highly tailoring the fluid: thermal ink-jet systems are restricted to fluids that can be vaporized by the heater element(without igniting the fluid)and their performance/life can be degraded drastically if other fluids are used.In practice, thermal ink-jet systems are limited to use for aqueous fluids while the work of piezoelectric demand-mode ink-jet technology does not depend on thermal proce and because of this reason, does not 26

create thermal stre on the fluids which is being jetted from the nozzles of head.Meantime, the diversity of fluids that can [6]be jetted by the piezoelectric heads grows vastly.In addition, some thermal ink-jet sys-tems in comparison with piezoelectric type produce more inconsistent droplets with satellite and misting, which causes dimensional error, rough surface [9]

finish-ing, and low color quality in constructed models.Control of the Ejection and Impact Phenomena As the ink-jet printed models structures strongly de-pend on the velocity, the initial size and the path of the droplet just before spreading, it is eential to control

these different characteristics as a function of the driv-ing parameters of the printing head

.To obtain this data, the mathematical equation was used based on two different voltages(5 and 12 V).This reveals that the increase of the amplitude(up to 12 V)leads to the formation of a satellite droplet, which catches up with the main one later.Moreover, this shows that the final volume increases with the amplitude of the pulse(Fig.5).Fig.5 Resonance frequency vs.droplet volume

The equation is given as[10]

V  πr 2V /(2 f)d


where Vd is the volume of droplet, r is the radius of the nozzle, V is the velocity of droplet, and f is the reso-nance frequency.As can be inferred from Eq.(1), when Vd is increased, the neceary velocity of droplet in-creases rapidly.Also, the frequency of head movement to print the layers decreases contemporary.Consider-ing these conditions, accurate dimensional layers of model are poible to be made.The only downside to these attitudes is the rate of building layers because the

Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2009, 14(S1): 24-28

frequency of working head has direct effect on the ve-locity of printing layers.Nozzles

Another important parameter to build accurate layers is the inner nozzle diameter.When a nozzle diameter is decreased, the droplet volume decreases, however, the viscous resistance in the nozzle is greatly increased, and the energy lo grows rapidly.Figure 6 shows the relationship between the nozzle diameter and the drop-let velocity.Fig.6 Nozzle diameter vs.droplet velocity at differ-ent


In a situation where the binder viscosity is increas-ing, if nozzle throat area gets smaller, velocity drop is significant.In other words, increasing binder viscosity has predominant effect on velocity drop compared with increasing velocity by changing nozzle cro sectional area.The relation between inner nozzle diameters,droplet size, and droplet volume is shown in Table 1.Table 1 Relation between inner nozzle diameter, drop-

let size, and droplet volume[11]

Inner nozzle diameter

Droplet size Droplet volume


(µm)(pL)35 20 50 55 90 70

180Binder Properties

To adjust the fluid properties of the organic suspen-sions to be compatible with the type of printing head, viscosity and surface tension must be 5-20 mPa s and 35-40 mJ/N, respectively.This will provide the ratio of Re / we

1/ 2

to be in the adequate range(1-10)for

ejection of a consistent droplet.RAHMATI Sadegh et al:Perusing Piezoelectric Head Performance in a New … 27

Fig.7 Nozzle configuration of piezoelectric head

In fact succeful drop ejection occurs when the ra-1/2R/Weetio has a value ranged between 1 and 10 with e,where Re is the Reynolds number(vrρ/η);We, the Weber number(V2rρ/σ);ρ, η, and σ are the ink density, viscosity, and surface tension, respec-tively;r, the radius of the R/Wer/nozzle;and v the fluid veloc-ity.When this ratio is too small, viscous forces are

dominant which implies large preure for ejection;in-versely, if this ratio is too large, a continuous column is ejected that can lead to the formation of satellite drops behind the main drop.As demonstrated previously, piezoelectric head tech-nology is capable of jetting the binder from the nozzle continuously and more efficiently.Moreover, this tech-nology aures that the binder drops after leaving the nozzle, would rest accurately at the interested position.Therefore, in general, piezoelectric technology is the most adapted of the ink-jet printing technologies to flu-id jetting or micro dispensing and in particular to rapid prototyping applications.Hence, a piezoelectric head with these specifications has characteristics as given in Table 2.[6][12] Table 2 Piezoelectric head characteristics Print method: Nozzle configuration:

Drop-on-demand ink-jet Monochrome: 48 nozzle(120dpi)Cyan, Magenta, yellow, light cyan, light magnet Bi-direction with logic seeking 238 CPS

3000 million dots/nozzle 110 mm/s(720×2880)dpi Color(48 nozzle×5)Print direction: Print speed: Print head life: Feed speed: Max resolution:

Figure 7 shows the nozzle configuration viewed from the back of the print head.The required energy to eject the binder droplet includes the energy to form the

droplet surface and the kinetic energy of the droplet.In addition, a considerable amount of energy is consumed for the flow of the binder in the nozzle.Fur-ther, even after droplet ejection, more energy is con-sumed until the residual oscillation of the binder is terminated.Conclusions

The advantages and disadvantages of piezoelectric and thermal heads were investigated.Based on the results, parameters such as accuracy, life time and diversity of materials, and piezoelectric heads were recognized as the most adapted to rapid prototyping applications.Based on the new design, piezoelectric demand-mode technology was employed to jet the binder from noz-zles.The printed layer samples with piezoelectric head are shown in Fig.8.Fig.8 A single layer printed by new 3-D printer

Parameters such as dimensional accuracy, surface finishing, and color quality of fabricated models of the new 3DP system demonstrate a significant improve-ment over the common 3DP models.Moreover, the ca-pability of layer dispending mechanism is improved by up to 3 times(minimum layer thickne is 25 μm), and the surface finishing of fabricated models is also im-proved.The fabricated models are colorful, with excellent accuracy and improved surface quality, compared with the fabricated models using current commercial 3-D printers.As a matter of fact, thin layer thickne has significant effect on surface texture quality of the model.Applying piezoelectric technology enables the binder to penetrate the required depth, resulting in layer thickne as thin as 25 μm and improving surface texture quality.This work is currently in progre and initial results have been promising.28


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