2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


The speaker claims that all observation is subjective---colored by desire and expectation, while it would be tempting to concede that we all see things differently, careful scrutiny of the speaker‟s claim reveals that it confused把。。混同 observation with interpretation.In fact , in the end the speaker‟s claim relies entirely on the further claim that there is no such thing as truth and that we cannot truly know anything.While this notion might appeal to certain existentialists存在主义者 and epistemologists认知论主义者, it runs against the grain of all scientific discovery and knowledge gained over the last 500 years.It would be tempting to afford 提供给予the speaker‟s claim greater merit than it deserves.after all , our everyday experience as humans inform us that we often disagree about what we observe around us.we „ve all uttered说 and heard uttered many times the phase”that is not the way I see it!” indeed, everyday observations---for example, about whether a football palyer was out of bounds, or about which car involved in an accident ran the red light---vary depending not only on one‟s spatial空间的 perspective but also one‟s expectations or desires.If I „m rooting for one football team, or if the player is well-known for his ability to make great plays while barely staying in bounds, my desires or expectations might influence what I think I observe.Or if I am driving one of the cars in the accident, or if one car is a souped-up sports car, then my desires or expectations will in all likelihood 可能,可能性color my perception感知(能力),观点 of the accident‟s events.However, these sorts of subjective ”observations” are actually subjective ”interpretations” of what we observe.Visitors to an art museum might disagree about the beauty of a particular work, or even about which color predominates占支配地位 in that work.In a court trial 法庭审判several jurors陪审员 might view the same videotape evidence many times, yet some jurors might “observe” an incidence of police brutality无情野蛮, while others “observe” the appropriate use of force to restrain a dangerous individual.Thus ,when it comes to making judgments做出判断 about what we observe and about remembering what we observe, each person‟s individual perspective, values, and even emotions help form these judgments and recollections回忆.It is crucial to distinguish between interpretations such as these and observation, which is nothing more than a sensory experience感受的经历.Given the same spatial perspective 空间感and sensory acuity感觉的敏锐 and awarene, it seems to me that our observations would all be eentially本质上 in accord一致---that is , observation can be objective.Lending credence to my position is Francis Bacon‟s scientific method, according to which we can know only that which we observe , and thus all truth must be based on empirical observation.This profoundly important principle serves to expose and strip away 脱去all subjective interpretation of observation, thereby revealing objective scientific truths.For example, up until Bacon‟s time the Earth observed to be at the center of the universe, in accordance with the prevailing religious notion that man was the center of the God‟s creation.Applying Bacon‟s scientific method Galileo expose the biased nature of this claim.Similarly, before Einstein time and space were aumed to be linear, in accordance with our”observation” Einstein‟s mathematical formulas suggested otherwise, and his theories have been proven empirically to be true.Thus , it was our subjective interpretation of the time and space that led to our misguided notions about them.Einstein, like history‟s other most influential scientists, simply refused to accept conventional interpretation of what we all observe.In sum, the speaker confuses observation with interpretation and recollection回忆.It is how we make sense of what we observe, not observation itself, that is colored by our perspective,expectations, and desires.the gifted individuals who can set aside their subjectivity and delve深入探究 deeper into empirical evidence, employing Bacon‟s scientific method, are the ones who reveal that observation not only can be objective but must be objective if we are to embrace接受 the more fundamental notion that knowledge and truth exist.认知能力是指人脑加工、储存和提取信息的能力,即人们对事物的构成、性能与他物的关系、发展的动力、发展方向以及基本规律的把握能力。它是人们成功的完成活动最重要的心理条件。知觉、记忆、注意、思维和想象的能力都被认为是认知能力。


The speaker aerts that society should place more emphasis on intellect and cognition.While the speaker might overlook the benefits of nurturing certain emotions and feelings, on balance I agree that it is by way of our heads rather than our hearts that we can best ensure the well-being of our society.I concede that undue emphasis on cultivating the intellect at the expense of healthy emotions can harm an individual psychologically.Undue suppreion of legitimate and healthy desires and emotions can result in depreion, dysfunction机能障碍,机能失调, and even physical illne.In fact , the intellect can mask such problems thereby exacerbating使恶化使加重 them.To the extent they occur on a ma scale these problems become societal ones-----lowering our economic productivity, burdening our health-care and social-welfare systems, and so forth等等.I also concede that by encouraging and cultivating certain positive emotions and feelings---such as compaion同情 and empathy同感共鸣---society clearly stands to benefit.In many other respects, however, emphasizing emotions and de-emphasizing intellect can carry negative , even dangerous, consequences for any society.Our collective sense of fairne , equity, and justice can easily give way to base instincts like hate, greed, and lust欲望 for power and domination.Thus, on balance any society is better off生活更好 quelling镇压,制止 or at least tempering these sorts of instincts, by nurturing reason, judgment, tolerance, fairne, and understanding—all of which are products of the intellect.The empirical evidence supporting this position is overwhelming;yet one need look no further than a televison set.Most of us have been witne to the current trend in trashy 无价值的talk shows, which eschew回避 anything approaching intellectual discourse论文演说讲道 in favor of pandering迎合 to our baser urges 强烈的愿望and instincts---like jealousy妒忌,lust , and hate.Episodes片段 often devolve into anti-social, sometimes violent, behavior on the part of就。。而言 paticipants and observers alike.And any ostensible假装的”leon learned”from such shows hardly justify the anti-social outbursts爆发 that the producers and audiences of these shows hope for.The danger of a de-emphasis on intellect are too evident in contemporary America.The incidence of hate crimes is increasing at a startling令人震惊的 rate;gang warfare is at an all-time high;the level of distrust between African Americans and white America seems to be growing.Moreover, taken to an extreme and on a ma scale, appeal to the emotions rather than the intellect has resulted in humanity‟s most horrific atrocities暴行,邪恶,like the Jewish犹太人 holocaust大屠杀, as well as in nearly every holy神圣的 war ever waged throughout history.Indeed, suppreing reason is how demagogues煽动者 and despots专制君主,专制者,暴君 gain and hold their power over their citizen-victims.In contrast, reason and better judgment are effective deterrents制止物 to despotism专制统治, demagoguery, and especially to war.Those opposed to the speaker‟s position might argue that streing cognition and intellect at the expense of emotion and feeling would have a chilling effect on artistic creativity, which would work a harm to the society.However , even in the arts students must learn theories and techniques, which they then apply to their craft---whether it be music performance , dance , or acting, and creative writing requires the cognitive ability to understand how language is used and how to best communicate ideas.Besides , creative ability is itself partly a function o f intellect;that is ,creative expreion is a marriage between cognitive ability and the expreion of feelings and emotions.In sum, emotions and feelings can serve as important catalysts催化剂 for compaion and for creativity, yet behaviors that are most harmful to any society are also born of emotions and feelings, which the intellect can serve to override压倒.The inescapable conclusion, then, is that the speaker is fundamentally correct.


一、北京市的考点 1、北京语言大学考试地点;10520 北京语言大学国外考试中心2、10261 北京工商大学国外考试中心3、10262 北京航空航天大学国外考试中心4、10609 北师大新......









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