
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


There are lots of approaches to the rhythm of landscape.The more often used are as following:

1.The simple rhythm

The simple rhythm refers to the succeive arrangement ofthe scenes repeating the same kind of elements in isometry.Such as the trees along the sidewalk with equal distance in between, the long corridors in the same height and distance, the mountain trails or the mountain climbing wall with same height and width.2.Alternative rhythm

Namely, the succeive arrangement of the scenes repeating more than two kinds of elements by turn.3.Regular changed rhythm

Regular changed rhythm refers to rhythm arises from the gradual increase or decrease of the succeively repeated parts of the design at certain aspect, the density of colors, the thickne of the materials ect.At same time,it usually reflects the gradual change of degrees and quanlity between the different components.3.See-saw rhythm

See-saw rhythm is brought about by one or more factors undulating regularly in appearance.The sky in wildwood area

adpots this kind of rhythm.4.Mimesis rhythm

The mimesis rhythm refers to the succeive arrangement of the scenes with the composition of uniform and different elements.For instance, the shape of the parterres may be the same, while the species and arrangement of the flowers and graes inside are different.5.Interlaced rhythm

Namely, the rhythm caused by certain factor which regularly alternates and croes in length and breadth.The changes happen vertically and horizontally or in many a direction.The space may be open or poky,bright or dim,the scenery is sometimes gaily colored, sometimes simple but elegant elegant,living or quite.The suitable organizing can still be rhythmical.In the actual arrangement of the landscape, a number of rhythm are applicable to one scene.The reasonable combination may create more desirable and artistic scenery on the premise that the function of the landscape are available.Therefore, rhythm is a crucial aspect concerning the unity and variety of the scenic layout.


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