
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


The differences between American and Chinese educationWith the development of society, it becomes more and more important to make a better education.As all of us can see, our Chinese have numerous differences with Americans, especially in education.In the first place, the Chinese teachers aim at fostering the high-degree and more skillful students, however, the goal of the American system is to motivate pupils to be creative and help them reach their maximum potential.Meanwhile, Chinese universities admit students mainly by the grades which they got in college entrance examination, because it is generally accepted that the exam should be the justice.But for the American universities, they take consideration of not only the GPA but also the extracurricular activities、recommendation、the interview performance and so on.Apparently, they think it could be better if children develop in an all-around way.In addition, Chinese students especially for senior high school students are burdened with preure from homework.As a consequence, almost all of us take persistent efforts to work hard to get a good grade.Differently, Americans take it for granted that the children should experience their happy childhood by playing instead of hard work before college.What’s more, American students emphasize more on practice so they always take a crack at trying anything they want.But for the Chinese students, it is exactly on the contrary.There are so many differences in education between the two countries and we both have merits and demerits.As a result, it is absolutely neceary for us to take measures to improve.All in all, we will definitely benefit a lot if we learn from each other and make up for our disadvantages.

中美教育比较 读书笔记



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