
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Q:There’s this girl I don’t want to be friends with anymore.The problem is, she knows secrets about me.I’m worried that she might spill them if she get mad at me.问:我不想和一个女生再做朋友了。但问题是,她知道我的秘密。如果她生气了,我担心秘密会被抖出来。

A: if you decided that this friendship isn’t for you, it’s ok to move on.But maybe this friendship just needs changing.There’s no need to have a big “we are not friends anymore” fight with this girl.Friendships can cool off without anyone getting mad.You can go from being close friend to being casual friends.Distance yourself from this girl by spending time with other friends, finding new interests, and having chats that aren’t as personal-----that is, with fewer feeling and no secrets.As for your secrets, keep them closer in the future.If you keep your secrets safe, you won’t have to deal with that worried feeling.答:如果你决定了不再和她做朋友,也是个不错的选择。但或许这段友谊只是需要些许改变而已,没必要大吵一架。朋友之间要冷静,这样的话,就没人会受到伤害了。你们可以从亲密朋友变为普通朋友。多花些时间和其他朋友在一起,发现新的兴趣爱好,和别的朋友尽量聊非私人化的事情。也就是说,你聊的事情要尽量少带个人情感和秘密。远离你的那个朋友。至于你的秘密,保密不要往外说。如果你把秘密不往外说,也就不会担心秘密被泄露。

Q: I am so afraid of dogs that whenever I see one, I scream and run to my parents.This has got to stop.But how? 问:我看见狗时,很害怕,我会尖叫着跑向我的父母。该怎么办呢? A: try not to run------a dog might chase you.(Instead, walk to your parents.)Since your parents might not always be nearby, it’s a good idea to work on this fear.With a parent, pick out a dog that is small and cute and ask its owner if you can meet it.Stay calm.Talk to the dog and use its name.Maybe throw the dog a toy.Maybe let the dog sniff your hand.Then you can stop.Eventually, you can work up to actually petting a dog.But for now, slow steps.答:试着不要跑,你跑的话,狗会追你。相反,你可以慢慢走向你的父母。你的父母不可能时时在你附近,所以,你能想办法克服这种恐惧的心理很好。和父母一起,了解可爱的小狗。问它的主人你是否可以见它。保持冷静,叫它的名字,和它说话。你可以仍玩具给小狗,或者让小狗嗅你的手。最终,渐渐地你会敢抚摸小狗了。但是现在,放慢速度,不要着急。


Q:There’s this girl I don’t want to be friends with anymore.The problem is, she knows secrets about me.I’m worried that she might spill them if she get mad at......


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