目前,随着我国中小学英语教学开始进入一个全新的发展时期,课堂教学中更加强调英语口语的应用,而其中英语课堂用语的使用频率很高,为适应新形势对英语课堂教学管理的发展要求,满足教学法课程的教学需要,本人编辑了《英语课堂教学用语新编》。该册子语言准确规范地道、简明实用,具有针对性,附有必要注释说明,配有录音,可供在校师范生、实习生(trainee teachers)和中小学教师(in-service teachers)参考使用。
I.Before Cla Begins 课前 Belling 打铃
The bell’s rung.铃响过了。
Has the bell rung / gone ? 铃响过了吗? Is that the bell? 是打上课铃吗?
Will the bell ring soon? 就要打铃了吗?
The bell will ring in no time/in a minute.就要打铃了。How many minutes are there to go? 还有几分钟? How long is there to go ? How much longer have we got ? There are still five minutes to go(until the bell goes).(离响铃)还有五分钟。The bell will ring in five minutes.There goes the bell.铃响了。
There's the bell.Is that the first bell or the second bell? 是预备铃还是上课铃? The second bell has rung / gone.上课铃响了。
Readine 准备就绪
It is nearly time for cla.Hurry up!就要上课了,快点!Come on./ Step on it!快点,快走。
Quick!The bell is ringing.快点!铃响了。
You'd better hurry.你最好快点。You'd better get a move on.Hurry up, or you'll be late.快点,不然,你就要迟到了。
There goes the bell.I'm just in time.Let's go in.正响着铃呢,我们正赶上。我们进去吧。
Hurry up so that we can start the leon.快点,我们就开始上课了。Please / Let's get everything ready for cla.请把上课用品准备好。Be ready for cla.准备上课。Cla is about to begin.就要上课了。Are you ready for cla? 准备好了吗?
Are you ready to begin ? 准备开始吗?
Have you got everything ready for cla ?
上课用品准备好了吗? It's time to start now.该开始上课了。
Let's start our leon now, shall we ? 我们现在开始上课好吗?
Now we can get down to...我们可以开始。。Let’s get started.我们开始吧。
I hope you are all ready for today's English leon.我希望你们都作好了上今天的英语课的准备。
Be quiet, please!请安静!
Silence, please!I don't want any more noise.请不要讲话。
I'm waiting for you to be quiet.我在等你们安静下来。
We won't start until everyone is quiet.你们安静下来才开始上课。Stop talking now so that we can start.Settle down now so we can start.I think we can start.我想现在可以上课了。
Where did we stop / leave off last time? 上次我们上到哪儿?
How far did we get last time ? Where did we finish / stop reading last time ? 上次我们读到哪儿?
What were we talking about last time ? 上次我们讲些什么?
Let me refresh your memory.Last time we talked about…我来提醒一下。上次我们讲…… If I remember correctly / rightly, we were on page 42.Last time we got to line 20.上次我们讲到第42页。
If you can recall what I said last time about…假如你能回忆起上次我讲的关于…… Let's revise some of the things we did last time.让我们复习上次我们上的一些内容。Where was I ? 上次我教到哪里了?(多半对自己发问)Who has finished ? 谁做好了? Who has done them all ?谁已经全部做好了 ? Have you all finished ? 你们全都准备好了吗 ? Anybody not finished ? 有谁没做完吗 ? How far have you got ?你做完了多少 ? Which question are you on ?你在做哪一题 ? Where are you up to ? 你做到哪里了? Who's next? 下一个是谁? Whose turn is it next ? 下一个轮到谁 ? Who is the next one to try ? 下一个谁来试试 ? Your turn.轮到你了。You next.Now you.You're next.Who hasn't had a turn ? 还有谁没轮到 ? Who else is there ? Who's left ?
You have already had a turn.你已经轮到过一次了。
II.Cla Begins 开始上课 Greetings 问候
Good mourning, everybody / boys and girls / Children.Sit down, please.Hello, everyone/cla.同学们好。喂,魏芳。Hello there, Wei Fang.喂,魏芳。
Let me introduce myself.My name is Mr/Mrs/Mi….I’m your new English teacher.让我作自我介绍。我是。。先生/夫人/小姐。我是新来的英语教师。
I’m a teacher trainee and I’ll be teaching you English this week.I’ve got five leons with you.我是实习教师,本周将教你们英语。我将给你们上五节课。
Registering 点名
I'll just make / check the register.现在我就点名了。Now I'm going to call the roll.Is everybody here ? 都到齐了吗 ? Are you all here ? / Are you all present ? Who is on duty today ? 今天谁值日 ? Absence 缺席
Is there anyone absent ? 有谁缺席 ?
Who is absent ? / Anyone absent ? Who isn't here ? Who is absent / miing today ? 今天谁缺席 ? What's the matter with Tom today ? 汤姆今天怎么啦 ? What's wrong with Tom today ? Has anybody any idea where Mary is today ?有谁知道玛丽在哪儿? Why is Green absent ? 格林为什么缺席? I don't know why he is absent.He's ill / sick.他病了。
He's not well.他不舒服。
He's got a cold./ He's caught a cold.他感冒了。He has asked for sick leave.他请病假了。He's on sick leave.He's got leave to be absent.他请假了。He’s on leave.He's asked for personal leave.他请事假了。He's absent on busine.他因公务请假了。He went home on leave.他请假回家了。
He has got something important to do.他有要紧的事。
He has been kept at home by something important.他在家有要事。I haven't seen him today.我今天没有看见他。
He wasn't here yesterday, either.他昨天也没来。
He wasn't feeling very well, so he went home.他有点不舒服,所以回家去了。He's at the doctor's.他去看医生了。
He's gone for an X-ray / a medical examination.他去X光透视/体检了。He has probably mied the bus.他可能没赶上公共汽车。He has got a temperature.他发烧了。
Latene 迟到
May I come in ?我可以进来吗?
Yes, please do./ Yes, of course you may.当然可以。Why are you late ? 你为什么迟到? Where have you been ? 你上哪儿去了?
We started ten minutes ago.我们上课已有十分钟了。What have you been doing? 你一直在做什么?
Did you oversleep, mi your bus ? 你睡过头了,没赶上公共汽车? I'm sorry I'm late.请原谅,我迟到了。I've been to see the doctor.我刚才去看医生了。I mied my bus.我没赶上公共汽车。
I overslept because I stayed up too late last night.我睡过头了,因为昨晚睡得很迟。Our clock was slow.我家钟慢了。
I see.Well, sit down and let's get started.我知道了,好吧,坐下,我们开始吧。
That's all right.Sit down and we can start.没关系,坐下吧,我们可以开始了。Go to your seat.We have already begun the leon.到座位上去,我们开始上课了。Come earlier next time.Don't be late any more.下次早点来,别再迟到了。Try not to be late next time.下次别迟到了。
Try to be here on time next time.下次要准时来上课。Don't let it happen again.下次别再发生这样的事。Let this be the last time.但愿这次是最后一次。
That's the second time this week.这是本周内第二次迟到了。
I'll have to report you if you're late again.如果你再迟到,我就得向上报告了。
III.The plan which the leon will follow / Warming up宣布教学目的/准备活动 Now let's begin(the cla).现在开始上课。
Have you prepared your leons?功课准备好了吗?
Did you look over your leons?功课看过了吗?
Did you revise/go over the leons before cla?课前功课复习了吗? We’ll finish this off today.今天我们将结束这个(这一课)。
We have two more paragraphs to do.I hope I can wind up the leon today.我们还有两段课文要讲。我希望今天能结束这一课。
Yesterday we went at far as the second paragraph.昨天我们讲到第二段。
Let’s start/go on/continue from where we left off yesterday.我们接着昨天的讲吧。The aim of this leon is to teach the use of “may” and “can”.这节课的目的是教“may”和 “can”的用法。
In this cla most of our time will be devoted to dialogues.这节课,我们主要学习对话。We are going to review the old leons today.今天我们要上复习课。
We’ll do three things today: first we’ll review …,second, we’ll learn …,third, we’ll have some oral practice.今天,我们要做三件事:第一,复习。。,第二,学习。。,第三,做些口语练习。Today, we shall have a general review of what we have learned so far.今天,我们要复习一下到现在为止所学的东西。
I’ll elaborate on what I said yesterday.我将对昨天所讲的再补充说一下。
We’ll go over a little of what we did yesterday.我们来复习一下昨天所学的东西。
We're going to have a new leon today.We shall first read and explain the new words.Then we shall learn the text.今天我们上新课。先读生词,接着解释生词,然后学习课文。
Today we shall study the text first, then I'll ask you questions.If time permits, we shall have a short dictation.今天我们先学课文,然后提问。如果时间允许,我们就进行一小段听写。
Today the cla will be conducted in this way: First we'll go over the text, then we'll do Pattern Drill 2 with the substitutes.And finally we'll do some written exercises.今天这堂课这样安排:首先复习课文,然后做替换练习2,最后做些笔头练习。
Today we shall have aural comprehension.I shall read the material three times.After that you will retell the story.Don't write down anything while I'm reading, but listen to me attentively.You can use your own words in your retelling.今天我们有听力训练。我将材料读三遍,然后你们复述。我读的时候不准记笔记,但要仔细听。复述时可以用自己的话。
Today I'll give you a short story for silent reading.you'll be given 20 minutes for reading without the help of the dictionary.After that you will answer some questions.今天给你们一篇短文默读。不要查词典,20分钟后回答几个问题。
Today we'll have listening practice.After that we'll sum up the uses of the definite article.今天做听力练习。然后总结定冠词的用法。
Today we'll have an end-of-the-unit test.Get out your exercise books.今天进行单元测验。请拿出练习本。
During the test no one is allowed to ask any questions.Ask me now if you have any questions.测验时,不许提问题,如果有问题,现在就提。
IV.Teaching Activity 教学活动 Finding page 翻书页
Open your books at page 37.把书翻到37页。The exercise is on page 64.练习在64页。
Turn over./ Turn over the page./ Over the page.? Turn to the next page.翻到下一页。Next page, please.Let's move on to the next page.让我们翻到下一页。Turn back to page 62.翻回到62页。
Turn back to the previous page.翻回到前一页。
Refer back to the text notes on page 18.回过来查阅27页上的课文。
About the Text 有关课文
Now the text.This short text is selected from a novel(magazine / newspaper).现在讲课文。这篇短文选自小说(杂志/报纸)。
This text is adopted from a short story.这篇课文是由短篇小说改写的。
I shall tell you something about the author's life.我将讲一下作者的生平。
I shall give you a brief account of the author's life.现在我简略叙述一下作者的生平。I think you've all previewed the text.Who would like to say something about the text ?我想你们都预习了课文。谁来讲讲课文大意?
I shall give you the general idea of the text.现在我给你们讲一下课文大意。
We'll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points.我们先将这一段读一遍,然后再解释难句和语言点。
Have you got any questions about this paragraph?这一段有问题吗?
What is the theme / central idea of this eay ?这篇短文的主题/中心思想是什么? When/Where did the story take place ?这故事发生在什么时候/哪儿?
What / Who is the story about ? 这故事讲的是什么?
This paragraph contains a very good description.I hope you will learn it by heart.这一段描写得很好,希望你们把它背出来。
Say something about what you have learned from the hero.谈谈你从故事主人公身上学到了什么?
The hero of this novel / play sets us a good example.I'm deeply moved.小说/剧本的主人公给我们树立了一个很好的榜样。我深受感动。
How do you like the story ? Give your reasons.你觉得这个故事怎样?谈出理由。What is your impreion of the story ?你对这个故事有什么印象? What strikes you most in this leon ?这一课使你感受最深的是什么? What does the story teach us ?这个故事给了我们什么样的教育?
We have gone too far from the subject.We had better come back to the eay.我们扯得太远了,还是回到这篇文章上来。
I hope I can wind up the leon today.我希望今天能结束这一课。
First we shall ask each other questions, then one student will sum up the leon.我们先相互提问,然后请一位同学总结课文。
After the questions one student will retell the story.提问后要请一位同学复述课文。Language work语言学习
What does it mean ?这是什么意思?
What's the meaning of it ? What's the Chinese(word)for “computer”?“计算机”用汉语怎么说? What's this sentence in Chinese ? 这个句子用汉语怎么说? How would you translate this word / phrase into Chinese ? How do you say “at sea” in Chinese ? “at sea”用汉语怎么说? What do you call it in English ?这个用英语怎么说?
How do you say it in English ? How do you expre it in English ? What is the English equivalent of the Chinese word “纪律” ? 汉语“纪律”在英语的对应词是什么?
Could you put that into Chinese for us ? 请你替我们把那个译成汉语好吗? Don't translate word for word.不要逐字硬译。In English, please.请用英语说。Say it in English, please.Try it in English.试用英语说说看。Reading 朗读与说
Please read the text to yourselves.默读课文。Familiarize yourselves with the text.把课文读熟。Let's read the text aloud.让我们大声朗读课文。Start reading from line 5.从第5行开始读。
Read the first ten lines.读前8行。
Read as far as/down to the end of the chapter.读到这章的结尾。One Read to the end of line 6.读到第6行结尾。Let's take(it in)turns to read.让我们轮流读。after the other, please.请依次朗读。Another sentence, please.请再读一句。Finish the sentence(off).读完这一句。
Don't stop in the middle of the sentence.不要在句中停下来。Stop there, please.请在这儿停下来。That's enough, thank you.够了,谢谢。Go on reading, David.大卫,继续读。
Read the next bit / section / paragraph, will you, Mary.玛丽,请你读下面一部分/一节/一段。Next, please./ Next one, please.请下一个读。Someone else, please.请别的同学读。
Mary, go on from where Bill left off.玛丽,请从比尔停下来的地方读起。Let's all read the sentences from the board.让我们一起读黑板上的句子。
We'll read them again, but this time all together.我们把这些再读一遍,不过这次我们大家一起读。
Now, read in chorus after me.现在全班跟我念。Now, let’s read it together.现在我们一起念。Read aloud.大声念。
Read slowly and loudly.慢慢地大声地念。
Reading aloud is very important.朗读是非常重要的。I’ll read it three times.我把它念三遍。
All together now, please.现在大家一起读。The whole cla, please.请全班一起读。Let's read in chorus.让我们齐声朗读。Let's all say it together.现在我们一起念。Say it with me.和我一起念。Say it distinctly.清晰地说出来。
Say it clearly.清楚地说出来。
I can’t understand what you said.我不懂你说什么。You’ve read quite fluently/well.你念得相当流利/好。You’ve mispronounced one word.你念错了一个词。Is it correct, cla? 这对吗,同学们? Not so good.不很好。That’s better.这样好些。
Read with proper expreion.用适当的表情朗读。
This sentence should be read with the rising tune.应该用升调来朗读这个句子。No, you said “night” instead of light.不对,你把“night”念成“light”。Don’t use the nasal sound.不要用鼻音。
Be sure to practice on it again and again.要反复不断地练习。
He used the falling tune instead of the rising tune.他把升调念成降调。
I’ll check on you/your pronunciation again tomorrow.明天我要检查你/你的发音。
You should read aloud for half an hour every early morning.你应该每天清晨朗读半小时。You still have some difficulties with your pronunciation.你的发音还有些困难。I’ll give you some more phonetic drills.我要再给你一些语音训练。
Practice these sounds over and over again until you pronounce them correctly.不断地进行练习,直到你能正确地发这些音。
Do you know all the phonemes? 你掌握了所有的音素吗?
Repeat it two or three times, will you?你重复地说两三次,好吗?
Read these sentences, paying attention to the rising tune.朗读这些句子,注意用升调。I can’t quite catch the pronunciation of this word.我把握不住这个词的发音。
Read the following dialogue with correct pronunciation and proper intonation.用正确的语音语调朗读下面的对话。
Read the transcribed paages with proper pause and correct intonation.用适当的停顿和正确的语调朗读用音标写成的段落。
Don’t put in extra syllables after consonants.在辅音后面不要另加音节。
The [s] sound at the end of the word should be pronounced distinctly.词末的[s]音必须清晰地发出。
Say it louder./ Speak it louder./ Louder./ Speak up.大声说。Let's read them once.让我们再说一遍。
Pay attention to the others when they read, catch their mistakes and make corrections.注意听别人朗读,看看有没有错误并给以纠正。
Read more distinctly/clearly/carefully/slowly, please.请读清楚/仔细/慢些。
Read more naturally, if you can.尽可能读得自然些。
Read more loudly and slowly so that everybody can hear you.读得响亮一些,慢一些,好让大家听到。
Read the endings of all these words distinctly.这些词的词尾都要读清楚。
You have read very well today, but you can do still better.今天你读得很好,你还能读得更好一些。
You read much better now than before.Keep it up.你现在比以前读得好多了。Read after me./ Now repeat after me.跟我读。
I'll read the text alone first, and then you'll read after me / follow my reading carefully.我把课文先读一遍,然后你们跟我仔细读。
I'm going to read the whole text.Listen to me, please.我要读课文,请听。Everybody, listen and repeat.大家先听,然后跟着读。All together now, please.现在大家一起读。
Everyone, say “ severe acute respiratory syndrome,or SARS ”.大家跟着读“severe acute respiratory syndrome,or SARS ”。All of you.你们大家一起读。
Not just this row.别只让这一排读。Now all the boys.现在全体男同学读。
Just the girls./ Girls only.只请女同学读。
Let's begin with the boys.男同学先开始(读)吧。This row.这一排(读)。The next group.下一组(读)。
The back row on its own.后面一排自己读。
Just the front row.前面一排(读)。
One after the other, please.请一个接一个(读)。
Take it in turns, starting here.大家轮流,从这里开始。
Join in with the rest of us, Mary.玛丽,你和我们大家一起读。Understanding 理解
Do you all understand ?你(们)都懂了吗?
Do you understand everything?你(们)全部都懂了吗?
Is there anything you don't understand ?你(们)还有什么不懂的地方?
Can you follow me ? / Can you follow what I've said ?你(们)能听懂我的话吗? Do you catch / get my meaning ?你(们)懂我的意思吗? Don't you see / get my meaning / point ? Can't you see my meaning / point ? Do you understand me thoroughly ?你们懂得透彻吗?
Do you understand all that I've said ?我讲的你(们)全懂了吗?
Do you know the meaning of all the words ?所有单词的意思你(们)都懂了吗?
Are there any words you don't know the Chinese for ?有什么单词的汉语对应词你(们)不懂吗?
Are there any phrases you don't know the meaning of ?还有什么短语的意思你们不懂的? Is everything clear(to you)?你(们)都明白了吗?
Can I help you with any words or phrases ?有什么单词或短语需要我讲解吗? Are there strange words or expreions ?有什么生疏的单词或短语吗? Are there any questions in this text ?课文还有什么问题吗?
Has anybody got anything to ask about this text ?有谁对课文还有问题? Who else has a question to ask ?还有谁有问题?
Is there anything else you would like to ask about ?你还有别的什么问题吗? Are there any points you're not sure of ?还有什么要点你(们)没有把握吗? Is there anything you are unfamiliar with ?有什么东西你(们)不熟悉?
Is anything not clear to you ?有什么不清楚的地方吗? Did I make everything clear to you ? 我都讲清楚了吗?
Please come to me if you don't quite understand.I'll be in the office after cla.如果不太明白,请来问我。下课后我在办公室。
Please come to my office if you need my help.如果需要我帮助,请到办公室来。Don't hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you.有什么不清楚的地方,尽管问。Raise you hands if you can't follow me.听不懂就请举手。
Ask me if you can't catch my meaning.不懂我的意思就问我。
We'll look at some difficult points in this text.我们来看这课课文里的一些难点。We start with a look at some difficult structures.我们先看看一些不易弄清的语法结构。Let's look at the paage in more detail.让我们更仔细地阅读这一段。
Perhaps we should have a detailed look at this again.或许我们应当再仔细把这个看一遍。Look at line 6 for a moment.请看一下第6行。
I'd like to draw your attention to the word “SARS” in line 20.我想你们注意第20行中的“SARS”一词。
It's worth noticing how the word “aircraft” is used in line 5.第5行中“aircraft”一词的用法值得注意。
The meaning of this sentence is something like “ He was shocked ”.这句的意思有些像“He was shocked”。
Let's see if you've understood.让我们看看你(们)是否懂了。
Let's ask some questions about / on this paage.让我们就这一段提一些问题。
You had the job of preparing five questions each on this unit.你们每个人都要对这一单元准备5个问题。
I don't think you've had / met this word before.我想你们以前没有学过这个单词。Let's read through the vocabulary first.让我们先看一下词汇表。I think we had this verb last time.我想上次我们学过这个单词。
We looked at / dealt with these forms last week.上星期我们学过/讲过这些句子形式。We had this in your last leon.上一课你们学过这个。
What's another way of saying “on earth” ? “on earth”的另一种说法是什么?
How else can you say the same thing ?相同的意思你还有什么别的说法?
Can you say the same thing, using different words ?你能用不同的词汇说出同样的意思吗? Give a synonym for “rush”.举出“ rush”的同义词。
What is a synonym for “small” ? “small”的同义词是什么?
What's another word that means the same as “high” ?与“high”同义的另一个单词是什么? What are two words that mean the same as “great” ? 与“great”同义的两个单词是什么?
Can you give me one word that means “to come back” ?你能给我举出一个与“to come back”同义的单词吗?
What's one word that means / for “out of work” ? 与“out of work”同义的单词是什么? Give me a phrase that means approximately / more or le the same thing.给我举出一个意思相近的短语。
What does “blue” mean here ?这里的“blue”是什么意思?
In what sense is the word “cry” used here ?这里用“cry”一词是什么意思? What does it mean in this context ? 在这样的上下文里,这个词是什么意思? What does “PR” refer to in this sentence ? “PR”在这句里指什么?
What do the words in brackets / italics mean here ?括号里的/斜体的单词在这里是什么意思? Use your own words,please。请用自己的话说。
Explain the meaning of this sentence, using your own words.请你用自己的话来解释这句的意思。
Can you paraphrase / summarize the last paragraph ?你能解释/概述最后一段吗? Do you get / take me ? 你明白我的意思吗?
Do you see what I mean / my point ?你明白我的意思吗? Do you know what I mean ? Do you get me? You got it, didn't you ? Don't you see the point ? Are you there yet ?你明白了?吗? Did you get the picture ? Get the meage yet ?
Know what I'm driving at ?知道我说的意思吗? Know what I'm getting at ? OK ?
OK so far ?到现在为止都懂了吗?
You have me, haven't you ? 你明白了吗? Am I making myself clear ? 我说清楚了吗? Did I make everything clear ? Did I make myself understood ? I don't know if I'm making myself clear.If there's anything you haven't understood, please say so.如果你还有什么不明白,请提出来。
Spelling & Punctuation 拼写与标点
Now we shall have a spelling check.现在我们检查听写。
Can you spell all the new words in this leon ?课文中的生词你们都能拼写吗? How do you spell the word ?这个词你怎么拼写? How is “italics” spelt ? “italics”是怎样拼写的?
The word is spelt “i-t-a-l-i-c-s”.这个单词拼成“i-t-a-l-i-c-s” What is the correct spelling of this word ?这个词的正确拼法是什么? Is there anything wrong with the spelling ?拼写上有错吗?
She dropped the final “e” from the word “schedule”.她把“schedule”中的最后一个“e” 漏写了。Spell it aloud.大声拼出这个词。
Spell it in English.用英语拼写这个词。
Have you spelt it right ?这个词你拼对了吗?
Let's see if you've spelt it right.让我们看看你是否拼对了。Can anybody correct Tom's spelling ?谁能纠正汤姆的拼写? I'm afraid this is spelt wrong.恐怕这个拼错了。
I'm sorry, you've made a spelling mistake.很遗憾,你拼错了。There are two words you've spelt wrong.有两个词你拼错了。What letter is miing ? 什么字母漏掉了?
Is this letter right / correct ?这个字母对/正确吗? There's a “k” miing./ A “k” is miing.字母“k”漏掉了。There's one letter too many / few.多了/ 少了一个字母。You've got one “I” too many / few.你多了/ 少了一个“I”。You need an extra letter here.这里你需要再加一个字母。
There should be an “o” instead of “u”.这里应该是“o” 而不是 “u”.Write it with a capital “J”.这个单词的“J”要大写。Spell it with small letters.用小写字母拼写这个单词。
The word begins/ends with the letter “p”.这个单词以字母“p”开始/结束。It's spelt the same as in French.这个单词与法语的拼法一样。Write it as one word / two words.把它写成一个/两个单词。
Write it separately / together.把它分开/合拢写。
These two letters are the wrong way round.这两个字母的先后次序写倒了。
Tom and Mary, you two come to the blackboard;the others please write in your exercise-books.I'll read each word twice.Please give me the spelling, meaning and part of speech of each word.Now look at the blackboard and see any words have been mipelled by either Tom or Mary.Did Tom spell the word “paece” correctly---No, he put the letter “e” after the letter “a”.That's wrong.The letter “a” should come after the “e”.汤姆和玛丽,你们两人到黑板上来,其他的人请写在练
You must try to remember the spelling rules, otherwise you are liable to make mistakes in your spelling.你们要设法记住拼写规则,否则容易拼错。
The spelling of certain numerals requires special attention, e.g., forty, eighth, and ninth.有几个数词的拼法需要特别注意,例如
Do the Americans spelling this word in the same way as the British ?这个词美国人的拼法跟英国人的一样吗?
I'm not sure if I've spelt this word right.Can you check it for me, please ?我不能肯定这个词是否拼对了,你可以帮我检查一下吗?
You mustn't rely on your sense of hearing alone.You must know the spelling of each word you've learned.你不能只凭听觉,而必须掌握学到的每个词的拼法。You need a comma here.你在这里需要加逗号。There should be a full stop(a period).这里应该用句号。Put a comma after this word.在这个词后加逗号。Always check the punctuation.要经常检查标点符号。Can we leave this comma out ?我们可以省略这个逗号吗?
Don't forget to put a full stop at the end of each sentence.别忘了在句末加句号。What punctuation mark shall we put here ? 这儿应该用什么标点符号? Why do we put a colon after this word ? 这个词后面为什么加冒号?
Shall we put a comma, a question mark, a dash, or a semi-colon here ?这里该用逗号、问号、破折号还是分号?
This sentence should be put in quotation marks.这个句子应放在引号内。Correctne 改正 Is that right ?那对吗?
What is the answer ?答案是什么?
Was that the correct answer ?那是正确答案吗? Can you say that ?你能那样讲吗? Can you say it like that ?你能照那样讲吗? It's a trick question.这是个难题。Don't fall into the trap.别陷入圈套。
You make a small / slight mistake.你有个小错误。
There was a small mistake in what you said.That wasn't quite right.那不完全对。
That was almost right--just one little slip.那几乎对了---只是有点小错。You mied the verb out.你把动词漏掉了。You forgot the preposition.你忘了用介词。You used the wrong tense.你用错了时态。
You misunderstood the instructions.你把题目要求理解错了。
Is there anything to correct / that needs correcting ?有什么要改正的吗? Anything wrong in sentence 7 ?第7句里有错吗? How should you say it ?你该怎么说?
What should you say ? How should you answer ?你该怎样回答?
What would you say, Mary ?玛丽,你会怎么说?
Did anyone notice the mistake ? 谁注意这个错误了吗?
Can anyone improve on that / what Mary said ?谁能对这个/玛丽说的加以改进吗? Can you improve on her answer ?你能把她的回答改进一下吗? The whole sentence construction is wrong.整个句子的结构错了。The word order is wrong.语序错了。
He made a serious mistake in grammar.他犯了一个严重的语法错误。
He did not pay enough attention to the agreement of the subject and the predicate.他对主谓语的对应关系注意不够。
After a preposition the objective case of pronouns should be used, but he used the nominative case.在介词后面,人称代词应该用宾格,但是他用了主格。Did he make any other mistake ?还有其他错误吗?
This is an inexcusable mistake.Haven't I pointed it out to you time and again ?这是一个不能原谅的错误。我不是再三给你指出过了吗?
Here is one more mistake.He forgot to put an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.这里还有一个错误。句末他忘了加感叹号。
What correction should be made to / in that sentence ?这个句子怎么改正?
How could you correct that sentence ? Is there another way off saying it ?还有别的说法吗?
Is there a better / shorter way of saying the same thing ?有更好的/较简短的表示相同意思的说法吗?
What's a better way of saying it ?更好的说法是什么?
That is all right, but is there another way ?那不错,但是还有别的说法吗? Any alternative suggestions for number 4 ?对第4题还有别的什么建议吗? Can anyone say it another way ?谁能用别的方式说吗? Try to put it in other words尽量用别的话说说看。.What other word could you use here ?你在这里还能用别的什么词吗? What else could you say ?你还有别的说法吗?
How else could you say it ? That's another poibility.那是另外一种可能性。
That's one answer I hadn't thought of.那是我没想到的一种答案。
I hadn't thought of it that way.我原先没那样考虑。
Try to say something.Don't be afraid of making mistakes.尽量说,别怕说错。Don't be afraid / nervous / shy.别害怕/紧张/胆怯。Can you point out any mistakes ?你能指出错误吗? Any more mistakes ?还有错吗?
I've got it right, haven't I ?我做对了,是吧。
I'd like to check I've got everything right.我想检查一下我是否把一切都搞对了。Anything wrong ? 有错吗? Is it OK ? 这对吗?
That's right ?对吗?
Am I right in supposing so ? 我这样设想对吗? I gue you're right.我想你是对的。
No, there's nothing wrong with that.不,这没什么错。Yes, that's quite right / correct.是的,那是对的。
That's about it.差不多。That's it!对。That's OK.Absolutely.绝对正确。Exactly.一点不错。Precisely.正是如此。
I didn't think so.I'm afraid it's wrong.恐怕这不对。
Sorry, that's not correct.对不起,这根本不对。No, it's all wrong.不,全错了。
Vocabulary Work 词汇学习
Now we'll go ahead with our vocabulary work.First let's look at this word.现在我们进行词汇学习。首先我们看这个词。
Now I'll explain the meanings of theses words.现在我来解释这些词的意思。What is the meaning of this word ?这个词的意思是什么?
This is a colloquialism / a word used in written language only which should not be used carelely.这是一个口语体/书面体的词,不能随便用。
This noun can be used only in the singular / plural number.这个名词只有单数/复数。
This noun appears in the plural form only, never in the singular form.This is a collective noun.这个名词只以复数形式出现,从来没有单数形式。
Though it appears in the singular form, it takes a plural predicate verb.它是一个集合名词,虽然形式上是单数,它必须跟复数的谓语。
You should use the singular, not the plural.你应该用复单数,而不应用复数。
“Development” is the noun form of the verb “develop”.It is formed by adding suffix “-ment”.“Development”是动词“develop”的名词形式,它是加后缀“-ment”构成的。
The noun “means” is always used in the plural.名词“means”总是用作复数。
The word “sheep” has the same form in “sheep” the singular as in the plural.“sheep”这个词单复数同形。
A proper noun should be written with a capital letter.专用名词要大写第一个字母。
“People” is a collective noun.It is singular in form, but takes a plural predicate verb.“People”是一个集合名词,尽管形式上是单数,它必须与复数的谓语动词连用。
This is an uncountable noun.It has no plural form.这是个不可数名词,没有复数形式。What is the plural form of the noun “box”? 名词“box”的复数形式是什么? We form the plural by the addition of “-es”.我们加“-es”构成该词的复数形式。
Why do we add “-es”?--Because “box” ends in “x”.Nouns ending in ,x, sh, ch,o, form the plural by adding “-es”.为什么我们要加“-es”?因为“box”是以“x”结尾的。凡是以, x, sh, ch, o结尾的名词,它们的复数形式都是在该名词后面加“-es”。
This word is no longer used.这个词现在不用了。
The word “record” can be used either as a verb or as a noun.When it is used a verb it means “录音”.when it is used as a noun it means “唱片”.when it is used as a noun the accent is on the first syllable;if it is used as a verb the accent shifts to the second syllable.“record”这个词可以用作动词也可以用作名词。当动词用时意思是“录音”;当名词用时意思是“唱片”。这个词当名词用时,重音在第一个音节,当动词用时重音在第二个音节。
Try not to mix these two words up.尽量不要把这两个词混淆起来。
Don't get “skirt” and “shirt” mixed up.不要把“skirt”同 “shirt”混淆起来。
Is “reading” a participle or a gerund ? “reading”是现在分词还是动名词?
You've got mixed up by the use of participle and gerund.你混淆了现在分词和动名词的用法。“Gerund” can be called verbal noun.Gerund被称之为动名词。
Gerund is used partly as a noun, partly as a verb.动名词部分当作名词,部分当作动词。This word can be used either as a verb or as a noun.It is spelt in one way, but is pronounced in different ways.这个词既可当作动词,又可当作名词。拼法是一样的,但读音不同。This word is mostly used as a noun, but when it is used as verb the accent shifts to the second syllable.这个词在大多数场合下用作名词,当动词用时,重音移到第二个音节上。
This word is a derivation.Point out its root / prefix / suffix.这是一个派生词,说出它的词根/前缀/后缀。
“Rewrite” is formed by adding prefix “re”.“Rewrite”是加前缀“re”构成的。What is the noun derived from “electric”? 由“electric”派生的名词是什么? What is the verb that corresponds to this noun? 与这个名词相应的动词是什么?
In this phrase “to” is a preposition, not an infinitive sign, so it should be followed by a noun or a gerund, not the root form of a verb.在这个短语中,是介词,to不是不定式符号。因此它后面要接名词或动名词,不能接动词原形。
This verb may expre different meanings when followed by different prepositions.这个动词后面跟不同的介词,就有不同的意义。
We should add an “s” to the verb.我们应该在这个动词之后加“s”。
Can anyone tell me the corresponding verb ? 谁能告诉我这个相应的动词?
“Give” is a transitive verb.It needs an object.Give 是及物动词,后面须带宾语。“Run” is an intransitive verb.No object can be followed.Run是不及物动词,后面不能带宾语。How do you say the word in Chinese ? 你能说出这个词的汉语意思吗?
Look up this word in the dictionary and give some examples to show its different uses.先查词典,然后举例说明这个词的不同用法。
Give the synonym and antonym of this word.给出这个词的同义词和反义词。What's the opposite of “generous” ? “generous”的反义词是什么? “Tall” is the synonym of “high”.“Tall”是“high”的同义词。“Big” is the antonym of “small”.“Big”是“small”的反义词。
“Look” has the same meaning with “watch”.“look”与“watch”同义。
These two words are identical in meaning and can be used interchangeably.这两个词意义相同,可以相互替换使用。
Is there a difference in meaning between “pretty” and “beautiful”? “pretty”与“beautiful”的意思有没有区别?
What is another way of saying “How are you”? “How are you”的另一种说法是什么? What is another word for “quite”? 与“quite”同义的另一个词是什么?
What other words are there for “heavy”? 表示heavy意思的还有哪些词?
What's the difference between “poibility” and “probability”? “poibility” 与 “probability”的区别是什么?
Though these two words are synonymous, they are not to be used interchangeably.One is used as an attribute;the other is used as a predicative.这两个词意义相同,但不能交替使用。一个当定语用,另一个当表语用。
Notice “friendly” is an adjective, not an adverb, though it has a “-ly” ending.注意“friendly”是形
Participle is used mostly as adjective or adverbial.现在分词大部分用作形容词或副词。Adverbs which modify adjectives or other adverbs must be placed immediately before the word they modify.修饰形容词或其他副词的副词应该放在它们的所修饰词的前面。
This word has a bad connotation.Be sure to use it only in its right context.这是个贬义词,必须从上下文正确使用。
You must learn this word from the context.你应该从上下文来掌握这个词。
No two words are exactly the same in meaning.Learn to differentiate their shades of meaning.没有哪两个词的意义完全相同。应注意学习它们之间的细微差别。
You can gue the meaning of this word from the context.从上下文你可以猜出这个词的意义。We shall learn how to use the new words and expreions that appear in this leon.我们要熟悉课文中出现的新词的用法。
Notice in this sentence the word is used figuratively / in a transferred sense.注意在这个句子中这个词是转义。
To learn a language well you must build up a useful vocabulary.要学好一种语言,你必须逐步积累有用的词汇。
Don't invent words or phrases.Follow the customary usage.不能臆造词语,而必须按照一般的习惯用法。
Don't always use the same words and phrases in your written work.You should have more variation in your work.在书面作业中不要老是使用同样的单词和短语。应该有更多的变化。This phrase is often used as an independent element.这个短语常用作独立成分。
This phrase often serves as a connecting link in its context.这个短语起承前启后的作用。Try to make use of the words and phrases you have learned.设法利用你学过的单词和短语。Remember it is a set phrase.It should not be changed.注意这是一个固定词组,不要随意更改。This phrase can only be used as an adverbial, never as a predicative.这个词组只能作状语,不能作表语。
This is a useful sentence pattern.Can you make a sentence according to / after this pattern?这是一个很有用的句型。你能按照这个句型造一个句子吗?
You must learn how to use dictionaries and reference books.你必须学会用词典和参考书。Can you use “bright” to mean “clever”? 可不可以用bright表示clever的意思?
Did “ship” and “veel” mean the same thing ? “ship”和“veel”表示同样的东西吗? Does it make sense if I say, “He's head over heels in love with her”?
如果我说:“He's head over heels in love with her”,这讲得通吗?
Does “school” have more than one meaning ? “school”是不是有不止一种意思?
I don't understand this sentence.Can you help me ?我不懂这句子的意思,你能帮助我吗? When would you use the word “silly”? 你什么时候用silly这个词?
Structure 结构
What part of speech is this word ? 这个单词属于什么词类? What part of speech does this word belong to ? What kind of noun is this ? 这是哪类名词?
This is a proper noun.Notice the first letter must be capitalized.这是专有名词。注意其第一个字母要大写。
This is an abstract noun, but it is used as a common noun here.这抽象名词,但在这里当普通名词用。
Give the plural form of this noun.说出这个名词的复数形式。
This noun is used in a general sense, so it must be preceded by the indefinite article “a”.这个名词是泛指,因此必须加上不定冠词a。
This is a material noun.No article is needed.这是个物质名词,不必用冠词。Is the article in this sentence used correctly? 这个句子中的冠词用得对吗?
Here the pronoun is used as the object of the verb, so it is in the object case.这里的人称代词作动词的宾语,因此要用宾格。
Here we can substitute “mine” for “my work”.这里可以mine用来代替my work。
Can you pick out the adjectives in this sentence and tell what each modifies ?你能指出句中的形容词,并说出它们修饰哪些词吗?
Give the comparative degree and superlative of this adjective / adverb.说出这个形容词 / 副词的比较级和最高级。
Is this a transitive or an intransitive verb ? 这是及物动词还是不及物动词? If it is a transitive verb, what is its object ? 如果是及物动词,它的宾语是什么?
Here “grew” is used as a link verb, and the word following it is a predicative.这里grew用作联系动词,它后面的词是表语。
Who can give the past tense form and the past participle form of this verb ? 谁能说出这个词的过去时和过去分词形式?
We use “to be able to” instead of “can” in the future tense.在将来时中,我们可以用to be able to代替can。
After modal verbs “may”, “can”, “need” the root forms of verbs should be used.在情态动词may, can, need 后面,应该用动词的原形。
Give the three principal parts of these irregular verbs.说出这些不规则动词的三种主要形式。You should often refer to the list of irregular verbs and learn the forms of these verbs by heart.你们应该经常参考不规则动词表,并熟记这些动词的各种形式。
The predicate verb must agree with its subject in person and number.谓语动词应与主语的人称和数一致。
In this case,what tense should be used?在这种情况下,应该用什么时态?
Then,is it correct to use the present tense here ?那么,在这里用现在时,对吗?
In Chinese the time relationship of the actions in a sentence is expreed by means of adverbs,but in English it is mainly expreed by the inflexion of verbs。So it is most important to learn the different forms of verbs commonly used。在汉语中,句子动作的时间关系是用副词来表达,但在英语中,主要要用动词的形式变化来表达的。因此,掌握常用动词的各种形式极为重要。We can never use the present perfect tense with adverbials“ago”,“last week”,etc。,but we can use the present perfect tense with such adverbials as “for two hours”,“for three years”and “since last spring”,etc。我们绝不能把现在完成时与“ago”,“last week”等状语连用,但现在完成时可以与“for two hours”,“for three years”and “since last spring”等状语连用。Change this verb from the present into the past tense and future tense.把这个动词从现在时改为过去时和将来时。
Here the present perfect tense should be used.Chinese students often confuse the past indefinite tense with the present perfect tense.Chinese students often have difficulty in using tense correctly.这里应该用现在完成时。中国学生常把一般过去时态和现在完成时态混淆。You've used the wrong tense.你用错了时态。
Pay attention to the sequence of tense.注意时态的呼应。
This sentence is in the active voice.Can you change it into the paive voice ?这个句子是主动语态。你能把它变成被动语态吗?
This is an elliptical sentence.Some words have been omitted.Can you fill them in ? This sentence is incomplete.Can you make it complete ? 这是一个省略句,有些词省略了。你能把这些词补填出来吗?
This sentence is in the inverted order.The word order in Chinese is often different from that in English.这个句子的语序是倒装的。你能把它改成正常的语序吗?
We usually place the part to be streed at the beginning of a sentence so as to give emphasis.Make the following sentences more emphatic.为了加强语势,我们往往把强调的部分放在句首。An infinite has the meaning of a verb, but cannot be used as a predicate verb in a sentence;it is used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb.不定式具有动词的意义,但是不能用作句子的谓语动词;它用作名词、形容词或副词。
Underline the infinitives in the following sentences and tell their functions.用横线划出下列句子中的不定式,并说出它们的作用。
Write three sentences, using the same infinitive phrase as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.写出3个句子,把同一个不定式短语用作名词、形容词和副词。
Don't use the past form of the verb after the infinitive sign “to”;the root form should be used.在不定式符号“to”后面,不能用动词的过去形式,应该用动词原形。
A gerund is formed by adding the suffix “-ing” to the root form of a verb.A gerund keeps the meaning of a verb, but it can never be used as a predicate verb in a sentence;it is used as a noun.动名词是动词后面加后缀“-ing”构成的。动名词保留动词的意义,但绝对不能在句中作谓语动词用;动名词在句中作名词用。
How is a gerund different from a present participle ?--They have the same form, but their functions are different.A gerund has the function of a noun, but a present participle is used as part of a predicate verb or as an adjective.动名词和现在分词有什么不同?---动名词与现在分词形式相同,但作用不同。动名词有名词的作用,但现在分词或用作谓语动词的一部分,或用作形容词。
A participle has the function of an adjective.It is quite commonly used.分词有形容词的性质。它用得相当普遍。
Some participles can be used either as attributes or as predicatives.有些分词既可当定语用,也可当表语用。
There are two participles, the present participle and the past participle.分词有两种,现在分词和过去分词。
We can often substitute a participle / participial phrase for an attributive clause.我们往往用分词短语代替定语从句。
Change the following complex / compound sentence into simple sentences containing participial phrases.把下列主从/并列复合句改为含有分词短语的简单句。
Change the attributive clause in the following sentences into participial phrase.把下列句中的定语从句改为分词短语。
Change the direct speech of the following sentence into the indirect speech.把下列句中的直接引语改成间接引语。
Change the affirmative sentence into a negative / interrogative sentence.把这个肯定句改成否定句/疑问句。
What kind of sentence is this ? Is it a simple or a compound sentence ? 这是什么样的句子?它
Let's analyze this sentence “All roads lead to Rome”.This is a simple sentence.The subject is “All roads”.The predicate is “lead”.“To Rome” is an adverbial, modifying the predicate.让我们分析 “条条道路通罗马”这个句子。这是简单句。All roads是主语,lead是谓语,to Rome是状语,修饰谓语。
Let's analyze this sentence “It has been a privilege for us to have travelled so much in your country”.This is a simple sentence with an anticipatory “it”.“It” is the grammatical subject, standing for the real subject “for us to have travelled so much in your country”.The predicate is “ has been a privilege”.让我们分析“我们能在贵国访问这么多的地方是难得的”这个句子。这是一个带有先行词it的简单句。It 是语法上的主语,代替真正主语for us to have travelled so much in your country,谓语是has been a privilege。
Analyze this sentence。Draw a line under the subject,a double line under predicate,a wavy line under the attribute,and a dotted line under the adverbial。分析这个句子。在主语下划横线,在谓语下划两道横线,在定语下划曲线,在状语下划虚线。
Who can point out the subject, the predicate and the object of this sentence ? 谁能指出这个句子的主语、谓语和宾语?
What parts of speech may be used as subjects / attributes ? 哪些词类可用作主语/定语? Point out the compound predicate of the sentence.指出这个句子的复合谓语。
What kind of adverbial clause is this ? Is it an adverbial clause of purpose or of result ? 这是什么样的状语从句?是目的状语从句还是结果状语从句?
If we compare an English sentence with its Chinese version, we find a great difference in word order especially in the position of adverbs.如果我们比较一下英语句子和汉语译文,就会发现它们在语序上很不相同,尤其是在副词的位置方面。
Adverbs of time and place are usually put at the end of a sentence.时间副词、地点副词常放在句末。
Adverbs of manner usually come after the verbs they modify.行为方式副词通常放在它们所修饰的动词后面。
The preposition is most important in building up a sentence.A preposition together with its object is called a prepositional phrase.介词在造句中极为重要。介词与它的宾语一起称为介词宾语。Sometimes the same word can be used either as a preposition or as an adverb.有时同一个词既可当介词也可当副词。
Can you tell how the word “up” is used in this sentence ? Is it a preposition or an adverb ? 这个句子中up的作什么用?是介词还是副词?
What are principal / secondary parts in an English sentence ? Can we leave this out ?
Is a relative pronoun neceary here ? 这里需要一个关系代词吗? Which tense do we use after “if” ? 在“if”后面我们用哪一种时态?
Which preposition comes after “to concentrate” ? 在to concentrate后面跟什么介词? What preposition does “to be proud” take ? 在to be proud后面跟什么介词?
What's the rule about “some” and “any ”? “some” 和 “any ”的应用规则是什么?
Does anybody remember the rule for using “since” and “for” ? 有谁记得应用since和for的规则吗?
Does anybody recall what we said about the verb “to dare” ? 有谁能想起关于动词dare我们讲了什么?
What's the past tense of “to go” ? to go 的过去时态是什么 ?
What are the parts of “to sing” ? to sing的变化形式(过去式、过去分词、现在分词)是什么? Where do we usually put adverbs of frequency ? 频度副词我们通常放在哪里? Where does the word “yet” usually come ? 单词“yet”通常放在句中的哪一个位置? Watch out for the conditional tense this time.这次要注意条件句的时态。Mind the preposition.注意介词。
Phonetics 语音
We'll learn some phonetic symbols/phonemes.我们要学一些音标/音素。
Listen carefully while I read these vowel sounds.在我读这些元音时,请注意听。
Look at my lip position when I pronounce this vowel sound.我发这个元音时请看我的唇位。It's a long/short vowel.这是一个长/短元音。
This is a short sound.Don't draw long when you pronounce it.这是个短音,发这个音时不要拉长。
Don't swallow any sounds.不要吞音。
Don't put the vowel sound [ ] after [g ].在[g ]后面不要加[ ].You don't pronounce [e ] very well.You should practice it more.[e ]这个音你发得不够好,应该多练习一下。
Distinguish these consonants / vowels.区分这些辅音/元音。
Make a clear difference between these sounds.把这些音素区别开来。Read this word syllable by syllable.把这个词按音节读出来。Please divide this word into syllables.请把这个词划分音节。
The word “remember” contains / is made of / is composed of three syllables.“remember”这个词有3个音节。
Put the accent on the right syllable.重音要读正确。
Read the streed syllable distinctly.重读音节要读清楚。
Look here, this word has two strees.The primary / main / strong stre falls on the third syllable.The secondary / light / weak stre falls on the first syllable.注意这个单词有两个重音。主重音在第3个音节上,次重音在第1个音节上。
It is important to know where to place the strees.知道在什么地方要重读是重要的。Now let's come to the text.I shall read it first.Please mark the accented parts.When we read any text, we should pay attention to sentence stre, sense groups, pause and liaison.在读课文时,我们要注意句子重音、意群和连读。
Personal pronouns, link verbs, conjunctions and prepositions are usually not streed.人称代词、联系动词、连接词和介词通常不重读。
Link this consonant with the vowel of the next word.This is what we call liaison.把这个辅音和后面的一个词的元音连起来读,这叫做连读。
A preposition is usually read together with the word following it.介词通常与它后面的词连在一起读。
Don't pause in the middle of a sense group, but at the end of a sense group.不能在意群中间停顿,而只能在意群后停顿。
Read aloud correctly, clearly, and with expreion and observe the rules of intonation in English.应该遵照英语语调规则,正确清楚、带感情地朗读。
This is a general question.It should be read in the rising tone.这是一般疑问句,应该读升调。We use the falling tone when we read special questions.读特殊疑问句时用降调。
The same sentence, when read in different tense, may expre entirely different feelings.同样的句子用不同的语调读,可以表达完全不同的感情。
Pay attention to the other when they read, catch their mistakes and make corrections.注意听别人朗读,看有没有错误并改正。
Your intonation is not correct.你的语调不正确。
Don't confuse [s] and [z].One is voicele and the other is voiced.When we pronounce voiced consonants, the vocal chords vibrate.不要把[s] 和 [z]混淆。一个是清辅音,另一个是浊辅音。在发浊辅音时,声带要震动。
Here are some rules of reading.They may serve as a help in your reading, though there are many exceptions.这里有几条读音规则,它们可以对你有所帮助,虽然例外很多。In the streed open syllable “a” is pronounced as [ei].在重读开音节中字母“a”读作[ei]。In the streed close syllable “a” is pronounced as [ ].在重读闭音节中字母“a”读作[ ]。According to the rules of reading, how should the vowel in this word be pronounced ?根据读音规则,这个词中的元音字母应该怎样发音?
The pronunciation of the vowel in this word does not conform to the rules of reading.这个单词中的元音发音不符合读音规则。
This word calls for your special attention as the “ea” combination is pronounced as [e], not as [ ].这个单词需要特别注意,因为这里的“ea”字母组合不读[ ],而读[e]。Find the words with consonant clusters.找出辅音连缀的单词。Pay attention to incomplete plosion.注意不完全爆破。
Read the words with the help of the transcriptions.按音标读单词。
You do not pronounce the [p] sound very well, as you should have more practice.[p]这个音你读得不好,应该多练习。
Your [e] sound is not pure.[e]这个音你发得不纯。
Again, please, but watch your pronunciation.请再来一遍,但注意你的发音。
Be careful with the “sh” sound.请注意“sh”的发音。
You said “cla”.Listen to the correct pronunciation.刚才你念“cla”,请注意正确的发音。Listen and repeat.先听然后跟着念。
Listen to how I say it.留心听我是怎样发音的。Listen to me saying it.听我发这个音。
Listen again carefully and then you try.再注意听一遍,然后你来试一试。Listen to the way my voice goes up.注意我提高声调的方法。Watch my lips very carefully.仔细看我的唇型。Watch my mouth closely.仔细看我的口型。
Notice how my tongue touches my teeth.注意我的舌尖是怎样触及牙齿的。
What intonation should I use if I want to expre doubt ?如果我想表示疑问我应该用什么语调?
What's the correct way to pronounce this word ? 这个词怎样念才正确 ? Where's the stre in this word ? 这个词的重音在哪个音节上 ?
Will you tell me if pronounce something wrongly, please.如果我有发音错误,请给我指出。
Writing 书写
Write / Print it in block letters.这要用印刷体。Write it neatly.这要写得工整。
Your handwriting is illegible.你写的字无法辨认。
Do the exercise in pencil / ink.用铅笔/钢笔做这练习。Use a pencil / pen.用铅笔/钢笔。
Copy this down in your notebooks.把这个抄在笔记本上。Take this down in your exercise books.把这个记在练习本。Put that down.把那个记下。
Make a note of this in your books.把这个记在书上。Don't forget to write that down.别忘记把那个写下来。
Write it in the margin.把这个写在书页边上。
Write it the empty space at the top.把这个写在书页上方的空白里。
Jot this down somewhere as that you don't forget it.把这个记下来,免得忘记。Come out to the blackboard, please.请到黑板前来。Go up to the blackboard.到黑板前面去。
Whose turn is it to write the sentence up ?轮到谁在黑板上写句子?
Write it next to / about /below that word.把这个写在那个单词的后面/上面/下面。Try and keep your writing straight / level.尽量把板书写得平直。Write up these notes at home.在家里整理这些笔记。
Rub out the wrong word.把这个错字擦掉。
Wipe out / off the last letter.擦去最后一个字母。
Copy this down from the blackboard.把黑板上的词语抄下来。
I'll write up the correct answers on the board.我把正确的答案写在黑板上。Try to not / jot down the new words as we go along.我们边念边记下新单词。Listening 听力
Let's listen to the tape now.现在让我们听录音。First of all, listen to the conversation.首先听会话。Now you'll hear the conversation.现在你们听会话。
What you will hear is a conversation.你们将听到的是一段对话。
You can hear the sentences on the tape.你们可以听到磁带上的句子。
Here goes.开始听了。
Off we go then.Here it comes.The tape recorder seems to be broken.这部录音机好像有毛病了。There's / There seems to be something wrong with this tape recorder。The recorder isn't working properly.这部录音机不能正常运转。
I have / seem to have brought the wrong tape.我拿错/好像拿错了录音带。We'll have to do something else, I'm afraid.恐怕我们不得不上别的什么内容了。There's nothing we can do about it.对于这个我们没有办法。Put this plug in the socket over there.把这个插头插到那边的插座上。Can you all hear ? 你们能听得见吗? Is it clear enough ? 完全清楚吗? Is the sound clear enough ?声音够清楚吗? Is the volume all right ?音量行吗?
Can you hear at the back ?你们在后面听得见吗?
If you can't hear, come a bit nearer.如果你们听不到,走近一点。Is that better ? 这样好一点了吗?
I've got too much treble and not enough ba.我把音调调得太高了,低音还调得不够。I'll just find the place.我来找出要听的部分。
Wait a moment / second / minute, I'll just rewind the tape.等一会儿,我来把录音带倒回来。Let me just find the beginning again.让我找出录音的开始部分。
Look at the questions while I find the place.你们先看问题,我来找这段录音。I'm sorry about the mix-up over the tapes.很遗憾,录音带不清楚。I'll try not to let it happen again.我尽量不让这种情况再发生。Listen again.再听一遍。
Let's listen to it once more / once again.让我们把这个再听一遍。Now we'll listen to it again.现在我们把这个再听一遍。We'll stop here / there for a moment.我们在这里/那里停一会儿。
Before we go on, I'll ask you some questions.在继续听之前,我将向你们提一些问题。
Listen and repeat.先听,然后跟着复述。
All together, after the tape.全体同学跟着录音朗读。Repeat after the tape.跟着录音朗读。
Just listen.Don't say anything.静听,不要说话。
Listen but don't write anything.听,但不要做笔记。Listen carefully to the instructions.仔细听听要求。
As you listen, fill in the miing words.边听边填充缺少的单词。
While you listen / are listening, answer question 3.在你们听的同时,回答第3个问题。While listening mark your answer sheet.你们边听边在答卷上标出正确答案。
Before listening, read through the questions.在听录音之前,先把问题看一遍。Before listening again, familiarize yourselves with the questions.在重听录音之前,你们要熟悉这些问题。
Now I have a pop song for you.现在我给你们听一首流行歌曲。Listen to the words of the song.请听歌词。
Translation 翻译
Comment on Mr.Green's translation.请对格林先生的翻译提意见。
His translation is not faithful enough to the original.他的翻译对原文不够忠实。He made a few slips in the version.他的译文有些小错。
Who can translate this sentence better ? 谁能把这个句子译得好些? Who can give a better translation of this sentence ?
Who can give a better version ?
Is there another way of translating this sentence ? 还有别的译法吗?
Please read your version.You may have translated this sentence in different way.把你的译文读一下,可能你有不同的译法。
Don't translate word for word.不要逐字死译。
Don't translate it literally.If you wish to translate well, you must know both languages well.如果你要翻译得好,必须精通两种语言。
Exercises 练习
Let's try it aloud before you write it down.在笔头做这个练习之前,先让我们口头试做一下。We'll do the exercise orally.我们将以口头形式做这个练习。
First we shall ask each other questions.Then one student will sum up the leon.我们先相互提问
After the question one student will retell the story.提问后要请一位同学复述课文。
What questions can you ask about this sentence / text ? 对这个句子/课文可以提什么问题? Ask one of the other students a question on this paragraph.对这段提一个问题,请另一个同学回答。
Have your questions ready.You are to ask each other questions today.准备好问题,今天你们互相提问。
Can you ask a question this way ? 可以这样提问吗?
Is there any other way of asking a question ? 还可怎样提问题? Have the questions been asked correctly ? 提得对吗?
Please answer the questions without looking at your books.请回答问题,不要看书。Use the third person when you answer this question.用第三人称回答这个问题。
Perhaps one of you can answer this question.Who will do it ? Please raise your hands.可能你们中间有人能回答这个问题。谁愿意回答?请举手。
Please listen carefully and see whether his answer is correct ?请仔细听他回答得对不对。Can you improve on his answer ? 你能把他的回答改进一下吗?
You should use complete sentences in answering questions.应该用完整的句子来回答。
The student beside him / sitting next to him / seated next to him, please help him.坐在他旁边的同学,请帮助他一下。
Mary, do you think Tom's answer is right ? 玛丽,你认为汤姆的回答正确吗? Did you hear his answer clearly 他的回答你听懂了吗?
He did not understand the question.That's why his answer was not to the point.他没听懂问题,所以回答得不对。
I think we should answer the question this way…我想这个问题应该这样回答。。。Please retell the content of this short eay briefly.请将这篇短文的内容作简单的复述。Tell us the content / the main points of this leon in your own words.用你自己的话把这篇课文的内容 / 要点讲出来。
Please give the general idea of the leon according to the outline.请按提纲讲出课文大意。Tell us what you know about the content of the text you have read.就你所知把有关读过的这篇文章内容给我们讲一下。
Please give the main idea of each paragraph.请把每段的主要意思讲一下。
What sub-topic / sub-heading can be used for this section ? 这一部分可以用什么标题? What is the central idea of this section ? 这一部分的中心思想是什么? What does the first part describe ? 文章的第一部分描述些什么?
Please explain the whole paragraph in simple terms.请把整段用浅显的语言解释。
Can you say this more briefly, in just one or two sentences.你能讲得更简单些,用一两句话来说明吗?
Please point out all the inaccuracies in Jane's explanation.请把珍妮解释得不准确的地方指出来。
Any comments on Alice's description ? 对爱丽斯的描述有意见吗 ?
Today we have oral drill.Please look at the picture and the key words on page 87.You are expected to say a short paragraph about the picture.Look, boys and girls.Here is a picture of Xuan Wu Hu park.Please describe it, using the words and phrases you have learned in this leon.今天做口头练习。请看第87页的图画讲一小段话。同学们看,这是一副玄武湖公园的图画。
Today we have aural training.I shall play you recorder.Please listen carefully, and then try to say what you have heard.今天我们进行听力训练。我给你们放录音。请仔细听,然后把听到的作口头复述。
Now we shall have our conversation cla.现在上会话课。
Who will be the first to speak ? 谁先发言?
I'll ask two students to give up a dialogue about the weather.我要请两个同学作一个有关天气的对话。
Don't speak too fast.Speak slowly.不要说得太快,说慢一点。Please give us all the details.请说出所有细节。
Describe it in detail.详细描述。
Now talk about yourself in the same way.现在用同样的方式谈谈你自己。
Now say what you enjoy doing, using the idea below.现在用下面的意思谈谈你喜欢做什么。Use these ideas to practice similar conversation.用这些想法进行相似的会话。
Now you make some suggestions, beginning with “How about…?” 现在你提一些建议,用“How about…?”开始。
First, let's listen to the dialogue, then we shall do it in pairs.After that, you can change roles.首先,让我们听一段对话,然后分成两人一组做练习。接着你们可以调换角色。Don't go into details.Make it short and simple.不必详述,简单扼要说一下。Can you sum it up in a few words ? 你可以用几句话来总结一下吗? English people do not talk in this way.英国人不是这样说的。
Your sentence is not idiomatic English, though it is not wrong grammatically.你的句子不合英语习惯,虽然语法没错。
You must learn to speak good English.你应该学习说好的英语。You must learn to speak more fluently.你应该学习说得流利些。
Don't feel shy.You must learn to speak in public.不要怕羞。必须学会当众说话。
If you practice speaking in public regularly, I am sure you will overcome your nervousne.如果你经常练习当众说话,我相信你会克服紧张情绪的。
The more you practice, the better you speak.越多练习,越说得好。
If you want to improve your English, you must always try to speak English.如果你要提高英语,你必须经常多讲英语。
Written Exercises 笔头练习
Rewrite the text you've learned.改写刚学过的课文。Write a summary of the text.写一篇课文摘要。
Write a short paage using these words.用这些词写一段话。
Write a composition of about 150 words.写一篇约150 字的作文。You can use a dictionary while writing.写的时候可以用词典。
Write a composition of about 120 words on one of the following subjects.就下面题目中的一个写一篇大约120字的作文。
Write a composition about what you've learned from learning English.写一篇作文谈谈学习英语的收获。
Write a composition on your study of the article “Serve the People”.写一篇作文谈谈学习“为人民服务”一文的体会。
You must make a plan / an outline before writing.写作文之前应该先拟一个提纲。
Make a draft first, then copy it into our exercise-book.写作文之前应该先打草稿,然后抄到本子上。
Write a composition on the topic “Environment Protection in China” in three paragraphs.You are given the first sentence of each paragraph.You are supposed to write on from there.Note that your composition should be no le than 120 words.以“中国的气候”为题写一篇3段内容的作文。按每段所给的第一句或第一句的部分内容往下写。注意作文不得少于120字。1)China is a large country.中国的气候 2)I prefer the climate of the。。我喜欢。。的气候 3)With modern technology。。随着现代技术。。。Write a summary of this story.写这个故事的摘要。
Write a paragraph summarizing the idea of the text.写一段短文,概括课文的大意。
Rewrite the story in the first person.用第一人称改写这篇故事。Write a simple / brief outline of the text.根据课文写一个简短的提纲。Start each paragraph on a new line.每段要另起一行。
Indent the first line of each paragraph.每段第一行开头要空格。
Write an answer to your friend's letter.写一封回信给你的朋友。一行
Summarize the paage in not more than 100 words.写出这篇文章的大意,不要超过100字。Make sentences, using the substitutes.用替换词造句。Will you make a sentence after the model ?请按范例造句。Write on every other line / alternate lines.隔行写。
You should pay more attention to your handwriting.你应注意书写。
Leave more space between words.注意字与字的间隔多一些。Your letters should be connected.字母应该连起来写。
You must dot the i's and cro the t's.必须在i上加点,t上加横道。
Now, concentrate, and try to do perfect work with no mistakes.要集中注意力,不要写错。Now I'll read the paage sentence by sentence.Please write carefully.现在我按句子读这篇短文,请留心听。
Please go over what you have written.I'll read the material once more slowly.Some students may have left out certain words.If so, fill them in.请把写好的仔细检查一遍。我把材料再慢慢读一遍。可能有些同学漏写了一些词,如果有漏掉的,请填进去。
Check your dictation.I'll read the whole story once more.检查一下你们的听写,我把整个故事再读一遍。
You must write neatly.要写得整洁。
You must keep your exercise-books clean and tidy.要保持本子干净整洁。
Today you will write a composition on “How to Improve My English” in cla.今天在这节课上要以“如何提高我的英语水平”为题写一篇作文。
This is a common mistake made by Chinese students.Don't make the same mistake in your work again.这是中国学生常犯的错误。你们不要在作业中犯同样的错误。
Well, that mistake is excusable.Perhaps it is my fault;I didn't emphasize that point in the previous cla.这个错误还可以原谅。也许是我的过错;我没有在上一节课强调这一点。Rewrite the paage, correctly punctuated.重写这一节,正确地加标点。
Write the verbs in brackets in their correct forms.把括号里的动词写成正确的时态形式。Change these sentences in the same way as the example.仿照例句改写这些句子。Write sentences to explain the following words.写出句子来解释下列单词。
Write appropriate answers to the following questions.写出下列问题的适当答案。
Write out the following numbers in full.完整地写出下列数字。Next, I would like you to …接着我想要你们。。
To finish off with, you can do some writing.最后,你们可以做一些笔头练习。
Let's turn to something a little le serious for a moment.让我们暂时改做一些比较轻松的练习。
Giving Examples 举例
Cars, for example, use a lot of petrol.例如,汽车要消耗大量汽油。Let me give you an example.让我给你举个例子。
Phrasal verbs, such as “get up”, “catch up with”, etc.are most useful.短语动词,像“get up”, “catch up with”等都是很有用的。
Take traffic in modern cities for instance, it's one side-effect of civilization.以现代城市的交通为例,这是文明的一个副作用。
Films like Gone with the Wind, Waterloo Bridge, etc., are all famous Western films.像《飘》、《魂断蓝桥》等都是著名的西方影片。
Some people are very philosophical.Like the Germans, for example.有些人非常富有哲理性,比如德国人就是这样。
What about disco ? It's popular in Western countries.比方说迪斯科舞,它在西方国家非常流行。Allow me to cite an example.允许我举一个例子。
Let me cite a few instances: orange, bananas, pineapples, etc., are all fruit from the south.让我举几个例子:橘子、香蕉、菠萝等都是南方产的水果。
Let me take an example: staff relations are much more complex.让我举个例子:工作人员之间的关系要复杂得多。
Take the case of television, it has a very good influence on people.以电视为例,它对人们有很好的影响。
To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual export of crude oil.为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看我们每年的原油出口。
To give you an example of this, take modern linguistics for instance.我们以现代语言学为例,来给你们证实这方面的情况。
To illustrate my point let us consider the case of Bush.为用实例阐述我的论点,我们来考虑一下布什的情况。
An example of this would be: in 2002 our export increased by 20%.这方面的一个例子就是:2002年我们的出口增加了百分之二十。
The increase of production is evidence of that.生产增长就是这方面的例证。Explaining & Outlining 说明与概括
This is the way we'll do it.这就是我们要做练习的方法。This is how we shall do it.这就是我们怎样做练习的方法。
I would like you to do it in the following way.我想你们按下列方法去做。Could you do it this way / like this ? 请你们这样做/像这样做。Try to do it the way we did it last time.按我们上次做的方法试着做。Do it the same way as last time.像上次的方法一样去做。
What we shall do is this.我们要做的是这个。
Let me explain what I want you to do.让我说明一下我要你们做什么。
Before you begin, let me tell you how I want you to do it.开始做之前,让我告诉你们怎样做。
The idea of this exercise is to…这个练习的意思是。。。。
The idea behind this is for you to ask questions.其用意是要你们提问。The idea is that you use the conditional.其用意是要你们运用条件从句。
The purpose of this is(for you)to practise the future.这个练习的目的是要你们练习将来时。What this exercise is trying to do is(to)make you think.这个练习要达到的目的是要你们思索。The point of the second exercise is for you to ask me some questions.第二练习的目的是要你们向我提出一些问题。
You can spend ten minutes on this.你们可以用10分钟做这个。You have five minutes to complete this.你们用5分钟来完成这个。
I'll give you until ten past nine to finish this off.把这项练习做完,我给你们的时间是到9点50分为止。
You'll have to stop in two minutes / two minutes' time.两分钟后必须停止。
Don't spend more than a few minutes(in)doing / on this.用几分钟的时间做这个练习就够了。Check the Answers 核对答案
I'll return your tests now.现在我把测验试卷发还给你们。
I'll give you your tests back and we can go through them together.我将把测验试卷发还给你们,我们可以一起查看一下。
Let's check the answers.让我们核对一下答案。
Let's run through the answers quickly.让我们很快地对一下答案。Check your answers on page 100.请核对100页上的答案。What's the answer to number 5 ?第2题的答案是什么?
How does the first one go ?第1题的答案怎样?
What have you got for number 6 ?第6题你们得出的答案是什么? What do you have for question 7 ?第7个问题的答案是什么?
What have you put / written / marked for question 15 ?第15题你们填了/写了/勾了什么? Let's go on to number 12.让我们接下去做第12题。And the next one, please, John ?约翰,请你做下一题。
What about the last one, Bill ?比尔,你来做最后一题怎么样?
Could somebody read out what he put for number 16 ?有谁愿意把填入第16题的答案读出来? Has anybody got anything for the last one ?最后一题有谁做好了吗? What is your answer ?你的答案是什么? How did you get on ?你做得怎样?
Mark your own.请自己打分。
Change papers with someone / your neighbour / partner.与他人/邻座/伙伴交换试卷。Give yourself one point for every correct answer.每答对一题,你给自己记一分。Two points for every one right.每答对一题记两分。
Take off a point for every one(you got)wrong.每答错一题扣一分。Count up your points.把你们的分数加起来。
How many did you get right / wrong ?你们做对了/做错了多少? Did anybody get them all right ?有谁全都做对的? What was your score ?你得多少分?
How many points did you score ? Anybody with one mistake ? Two mistakes ?有谁只有一个错?两个错的?
I didn't count it as a mistake if you put “big”.如果你用“big”,我认为这不是一个错误。
I didn't take any points off if you forgot to put a comma here.如果你忘了在这里点个逗号,我也不扣分。
What mark did get last time ?上次你得了几分?
You lost a mark if you put “huge”.如果你用“huge”就丢一分。Mark your own tests.请你自己给试卷打分。
Mark the right answer with a tick.给正确的答案划勾。
Giving Aignments 布置作业
Have you all handed in your exercise books?你们都交练习本了吗?
Monitor, have you collected all the exercise books?班长,练习本收齐了吗? Yes, here they are.是的,(本子)已收齐了。
No, not yet.Some students have not finished yet.没有,还没收齐,有的同学还没做完作业。Li Ming left his exercise book at home.He will hand it in this afternoon.李明把练习本忘在家里了,他下午交。
Collect all the exercise books after cla, and take them to my office, please.下课后请把作业本收齐,送到我的办公室。
Here are your exercise books.Please give them out.这是你们的练习本,请发下去。Be sure to keep your exercise books neat and clean!练习本要保持整洁和干净。Don’t smear your exercise book with ink.练习本别沾上墨水。
Don’t forget to bring your pen with you next time.下次别忘了把钢笔带来。
You should have finished your homework.你本应该把作业做完。
Write the first and second questions of exercise IV on the blackboard.把练习四的第一、二题写在黑板上。
For today's homework / aignment, you must make sentences with the following words , learn the text by heart and do the exercises on page 40.今天的家庭作业是,用下列单词/词组造句,背书,做40页上的练习。
For your homework, please review the text carefully and be prepared for oral questioning / a test.关于家庭作业,请仔细复习课文,准备口头回答/测验。
For your homework, write a letter to your parents telling them about your life at college.家庭作业是,写一封信给你的父母亲,谈谈你的大学生活。
No written work for today.The periods on Friday will be devoted to oral drill.今天没有笔头作业,星期五的课专门用来做口头练习。
Learn the leon thoroughly.You will be given a quiz on Wednesday.熟读课文,星期三有小测验。
Learn the new words taught today.Be sure that you know their spelling, pronunciation and meaning.学会今天教的生词,要掌握拼法、发音和词义。
Study the text carefully and be sure that you are able to translate it into idiomatic Chinese.仔细学习课文,必须能把课文译成通顺的汉语。
Be ready to retell the story.准备复述课文。
Learn by heart the paage beginning from paragraph 2 to paragraph 4.背诵第二至第四段。Learn the poem / dialogue by heart.背诵这首诗歌/这个对话。
Every student must do his homework carefully and finish it in time.同学们都要认真做作业,并及时完成。
You should take your work seriously.你们应该认真对待作业。
You must review today's leon before doing your homework.做作业前必须复习今天学的功课。
Prepare the last two chapters for Monday.预习最后两章,星期一讲。
Your homework for tonight is to prepare chapter 6.今晚的家庭作业是预习第六章。Prepare as far as / down to / up to page 20.预习到第25页。
I'm not going to set(you)any homework this time.这次我不打算布置家庭作业。
Revise what we did today and then try exercise 4.先复习我们今天所学内容,然后试做练习。Go through this section again on your own at home.请你们在家里把这一节自己看一遍。This was your homework from last time.这是上次余下的家庭作业。
You were supposed to do this exercise for homework.你们本该把这个练习作为你们的家庭作业。
Finish this off at home.在家里完成这个作业。
Finish the question you're working on at the moment, and do the rest at home.把你们正在做的那道题做完,其余的在家里做。
There will be a test on this next week.下周五将对这个进行测验。
I shall give you a test on these leons sometime next week.在下周某个时候对这些课文/章节进行一次测验。
Learn the vocabulary because I shall be giving you test on it in the next leon.记住这些词汇,下次上课我们就此进行测验。
General Revision 复习
You must make a plan for the general review, and be sure that you follow / stick to it.你们应订一个复习计划,并切实按计划做。
I would like to give you some advice on how to review / revise your leons.关于怎样复习的问题,我想给你们一些建议。
You must use your time wisely and have proper rest.你们必须好好利用时间,并作适当的休息。See that you understand every leon thoroughly and be able to tell the main idea of each leon.必须彻底了解每一篇课文,并能说出每课的中心思想。
Be sure that you can read aloud the text properly.要能正确朗读课文。
Sentence patterns are useful.You must learn to imitate them.句型很有用。你们应该模仿套用。A careful study of the mistakes that have appeared in your written work will be helpful.仔细研究你们书面作业中出现过的错误,对你们是有好处的。
Go over your exercise once again, try to find your chief weakne and in that way you can best avoid them.把你们做过的练习再从头到尾看一遍,设法找出自己主要的弱点,这样才能最有效地加以克服。
In revision, mutual help is neceary.Still I expect independent work from you.复习时,互相帮助是需要的,但我更希望你们自己努力。
In reviewing, memorizing work should be combined with a good understanding.复习时记忆工作必须与正确的理解结合起来。
In writing or in doing translation, we must pay special attention to sentence construction, agreement, sequence of tenses, verb forms, etc.在书写和翻译时必须注意句子的结构、一致关系、时态呼应、动词形式等等。
When you review your leons, please mark the places which you don't understand, and I will give you some coaching.复习功课时,请把不懂的地方用符号标出,我给你们辅导。
You are bad / weak at grammar.You must spend more time on it.你的语法不行,你得在这方面多花些时间。Examination 考试
What's eating you, Tom? Gosh, you look upset ?怎么了,汤姆?你好象情绪不好。I did very poorly on my English test this morning.今天上午的英语考试我考得糟透了。Watch out!Profeor Taylor sometimes will give a take-home exam or an open-book exam.How many courses are you taking this term ?当心!泰勒教授有时会进行家庭作业式的考试开卷考试。这学期你修了几门课程?
Five and the profeors are very strict.You're over-loaded.5门,老师们都很严。你修的课程过多了。
The final exam is coming soon.期末考试快到了。
I wonder what type of exam the teacher is going to give us.我不知道老师将会考我们什么。If it's all eay questions, I'm dead!假如都是问答题我就完蛋了。
You have to really know your material.Besides that, you have as present it in composition form.I hope it's an objective test---true-false or multiple choice and cloze test are easier for me.你必须了真正了解你要回答的内容,此外还要以作文的方式写出来。我希望是客观题—是非题、选择题、完型填空对我来说较容易。
I'm expecting to come out with two “A's” and three “B's”.我希望得到的成绩是2个A和3个B。For that you must work really hard, cut out some dates, and watch out for Profeor Taylor.He usually flunks a good number of students.那你就必须真正用功,取消一些约会,当心泰勒教授,他经常给许多学生不及格。
What's the good of exams anyway ?考试到底有什么好处?
Well, they really serve as a review and they test the amount and accuracy and familiarity of knowledge retained.If you don't take the exams, you'll wind up with an incomplete, for which you get no credit.考试实际上是一种复习,可以检查一下所记的知识是否正确和熟练。如果你没有参加考试,那门功课就不算修完,也就拿不到学分。
Suppose you get an incomplete because you are sick and can't take the exams.假如因生病缺考而未修完一门课程,怎么办?
Then you must make them up, so that you get credit for the complete course.那你必须补考,这样你才算修完一门课程,得到学分。
Soon we shall have the final examination.马上就要期终考试了。
The final(examination)is coming soon.I hope you will come well prepared for your exam.希望大家为考试做好充分准备。
Everyone is busy preparing for the exams.How are you going to review your leons ?大家都忙于迎考。你打算怎样复习功课?
The examination schedule is posted up.考试日程贴在墙上。I wish you good luck.祝你们一切顺利。
I wish you every succe.祝你成功。
The examination papers have all been distributed.考卷都分发了。
Don't worry.You have plenty of time to do your work.不要急。你们有充分的时间来答题。Put your name on your examination paper.Write in ink, not in pencil.把名字写在试卷上。用钢笔,不能用铅笔。
Go over your papers carefully before you hand them in.交卷时仔细地把试卷从头到尾看一遍。I hope all of you will succefully pa the term exam / entrance exam / graduation exam.希望你们都能通过学期/入学/毕业考试。Dismiing Cla 下课
It isn't time to finish yet.还没到下课时间。
The bell hasn't gone yet.铃还没响。
There are still two minutes to go.还有两分钟。
We still have a couple of minutes left.我们还有几分钟时间。
I only make it a quarter to ten.There's another five minutes yet.我以为现在是9点3刻,现在还有5分钟。
This leon isn't supposed to finish until ten to ten.这节课要到9点50分才下课。We seem to have finished a few minutes earlier.我们好像提前了几分钟下课。
My watch must be fast.I make it only five to ten.我的表肯定偏快。我以为现在是10点差10分。What time do you make it ?你们看现在几点钟了?
It seems we have two or three minutes in hand / to spare.看来我们还有两三分钟。One more thing before you go.在你们走之前,我还要说一件事。
Don't go rushing off.I have something to tell you.别急于离开,我还有一些事情要告诉你们。We'll finish this next time.下次我们学完这个。
I don't think we've got time to finish this now.我想我们没有时间把这个学完。We'll do the rest of this chapter on Thursday.下周四我们继续学完这一章的剩下部分。We'll finish off this exercise in the next leon.我们下节课做完这个练习。
We've run out of time, but we'll go on with this exercise next time.今天时间用完了,我们下次继续做这个练习。
It's eleven thirty.We'll have to stop now.现在是11点30分,我们得下课了。It's almost time to stop.快到下课时间了。
I'm afraid it's time to finish now.恐怕现在该结束了。
I make it almost time.We'll have to stop here.我看时间到了。我们就上到这里吧。There's the bell for dismial.下课玲响了。
There's the bell, as we must stop working now.铃响了,我们得下课了。All right!That's all for today, thank you.好吧,今天就学到这儿,谢谢。Right.You can put your things away and go.好,你们整理一下东西就可离开了。Try not to make any noise as you leave.离开时尽量别弄出声响。
No noise as you leave.Other claes are still working.离开时,不要弄出声响,其他班还在上课。Let's have a break.我们休息一会。
Now we can relax.We'll have/take a ten-minute break.我们休息10分钟。
We'll continue our leon after break.休息后我们再继续上课。So much for today.今天就讲到这里。
We'll stop / leave off here today.今天的课就到此结束。
If you need help, stay behind after cla.如果你需要帮助,请课后留下来。
We're going to have coaching in the seventh period.Anyone who needs help, go to room 206.第七节课我们进行辅导,需要帮助的同学请到206教室去。
Don't sit over your work any more.Come out and stretch your legs.不要埋头用功了,出来活动一下。
I'm sorry I have not been able to wind up the leon in time.很抱歉,我没能及时讲完课。Don't leave your seats before you have been dismied.在下课未宣布之前,不要离开座位。After the break,I'll see you in Room 510 of the Language Training Center.休息后,我们到语言中心510教室上课。
There's been a change of room for next week.下周将调换教室。
We'll be meeting in Room 115 instead.我们将改在115教室上课。
The 6 period has been cancelled next Thursday as there won't be an English leon.下周四的第6节课已取消了,所以那节英语课不上了。
I won't be here next week.Mi Wang will take / be taking you instead.我下周不在这里。王老师将代我给你们上课。
Go and join cla 4A for your English leon.到4A班去,与他们一起上英语课。I'll leave Bill some work to give you.我将委托比尔把一些作业转给你们。This was my last leon with you.这是我给你们上的最后一课。That's it.到此为止。Cla is dismied.下课。
Cla is over.Let's call it a day.Goodbye, boys and girls.同学们,再见。(对中小学生)Goodbye,everyone。各位,再见。(对中、大学生,成年人)Bye-bye, children.孩子们,再见。(对小学生)See you later回头见。See you tomorrow 明天见。See you(on)Friday.星期五见。
Good-bye for the present!Bye now, Bill.比尔,再见。
Be seeing you soon!希望不久见到你们!
Cla Control 课堂管理
Stop that / it / doing that!停止做那个。That'll do now!够了!
That's enough of that!别再那样了!No more of that!再那样可不行!
Give it a rest!停止那样做。Gut it out!停止!
I've already asked you to stop once.I won't tell you again.我已经说过要你停下来,我不再跟你说第二次了。
(以上句子带有不赞成或生气的口吻)stop now.现在就停止。
everyone, stop what you are doing.大家停下来手头的事。That's enough for now.做到这里就够了。That will do, thank you.行了,谢谢。OK, that's enough.行,够了。
All right, you can stop now.好了,你们现在停下来。Be quiet!安静。
Silence, please!Settle down, all of you.你们大家都安静下来。Listen attentively, please.请认真听。Listen to me carefully.No talking, please.请勿讲话。
Stop talking now.现在别讲话。
Don't talk.别讲话。
Don't talk any more.不要再讲话了。
Not another word, please.请不要再讲话了。Don't be so noisy!不要吵!
You are too noisy!你们太吵闹了。
What's all this row / noise? 怎么这样吵闹/嘈杂? Don't make such a noise.不要这样闹哄哄的。
Not as much noise, please.请不要这样闹哄哄的。What are you doing there, Mary and Jane ? Stop chattering there.别在那里闲聊。Don't fidget(about).不要做小动作。Listen to what I'm saying.听我讲。Shut up, all of you.你们都别讲话!
Put a sock in it, will you ? 别作声,好吗?
Get on with your work quietly.要安静地继续做功课。Sit still.坐着别动。
Don't move.Nobody move.(用作祈使句, move不加s)Sit up.坐端正。
Behave yourself.规矩点!
Don't keep turning round.别转来转去。
Stop fidgeting / meing about.别坐立不安 / 荡来荡去。Don't be such a nuisance.别这么讨厌。Stay in your seat.呆在座位上。
Look at the blackboard, please.Don't look at your books.Look at me.请看黑板。不要看书,看着我。
Think it over.想想看。Try / Have a try!试试看。Try again!再试试看。
Don't whisper to each other, boys and girls.同学们,不要私下说话。No peeping.不准偷看。
No whispering allowed.不准提示。Don't give hints.不要提示。
Don't keep prompting.别提示。
Please go on reading / writing.请继续读/写。Don't interrupt him.别打断他。
Let him go on.让他说下去。
Will you repeat your last sentence ? I didn't get everything you said.最后一句请重复一下,我没有完全听清楚。
Raise your hand before asking a question.提问前要先举手。
Please raise / put up your hand(s).请举手。
All those who got it right, put your hands up.所有答对的同学请举手。
Those of you who know the answer, put your hands up.知道答案的同学请举手。
Hands down!把手放下。
Put your hands down.Back up.振作精神。
Don't hang about, get on with it.别闲混,要继续努力做。Stop dilly-dallying.别再消磨时间。Look this way.看这边。Look over here.往这边看。
Could I have your attention, please.请注意听我讲。Try to concentrate now.要集中精神。Don't look out of the window.别往窗外看。Look up for a moment.抬起头来看一看。
Don't sit there daydreaming.Work on your own.独自做。
Everybody work individually.各自分别做。(用作祈使句, work不加s)坐端正。
Try to work independently.独自试着做。Work by yourself.单独做。No cheating.不许作弊。
Don't disturb your neighbour.别打扰邻座。
There's no need to discu it with your neighbour.没有必要与邻座讨论这个。Try to do it exactly the same way as I'm doing it.完全按我的方式试着做。That's fine.You will have to finish in a minute.你们必须马上结束。
I'll have to stop you in two minutes.再过两分钟你们就停下来。Your time is up now, I'm afraid.恐怕现在时间已到了。Let her try it on her own.让她自己试着做。Don't whisper the answer.别私下告诉答案。Don't help him.别给他提示。
Teacher’s comments 教师评语
Responses and Asking Questions 回答与提问 I see.我明白了。
Oh, did you? 哦,是吗? Oh, is it? Oh, was there? Oh, can they? That’s interesting.那很有趣。
What you said is very interesting.你说的很有趣。I didn’t know it.我不知道那个。Is that so? 那是这样吗? Really? 真的吗?
Fancy that!那真想不到。
That’s a very good point.那是一个很好的论点。I haven’t thought of that.我没想到那个。
Yes, that’s true, as a matter of fact.是的,事实上,那是真的。
(以上可用于学生发表意见之后或讲述某些事实之后,这样说显得师生间的交流更自然,并对下面的发言或提问起连接作用。)Why? 为什么?
In what way? 以什么方式? How? 怎么样?
Why do you think so? 为什么你这样认为?
What reasons do you have for saying that? 你说那个有什么理由?
Is there any evidence to support what you say? 有什么证据可以支持你的说法?
Do you really think so? 你真的这样认为吗? Is that your honest opinion? 那是你的真实想法吗? Is that what you honestly think? 那是你真正想到的吗? You’re convinced of this, are you? 你确信这个,是吗? Don’t you think, though, that…然而,你不认为。。。I’m not sure about that.对那个我不那么有把握。Well, that all depends, doesn’t it? 要看情况而定,是吗? You can’t be serious.你恐怕不够认真。(以上用语要使对话继续下去。)
Has anybody else anything to say on this?关于这点还有别的什么要说吗?
Have you got anything to add to what Tom said?对汤姆所讲的你还有什么要补充的吗? Who agrees / disagrees with Tom / what Tom said?谁同意 / 不同意汤姆 / 汤姆所说的? Does anybody share Tom’s opinion / views?有谁与汤姆持同样的意见? Bill, what do you think about this?比尔,关于这个问题,你的意见如何?
Could someone sum up what has been said?请哪位同学把刚才所说的总结一下?
Let’s just run through the arguments for and against.让我们看一看赞同和反对的理由。
Perhaps we could come back to what Jane said earlier.或许我们可以回过头来看看珍妮刚才所说的意思。
I’m not sure what you are getting / driving at.我不懂你的话是什么意思。Could you explain what you mean?请你解释一下你所说的意思。Could you give me an example?请你给我举一个例子。What exactly are you trying to say? 你究竟想说什么? Could you come into more detail?请你详细叙述。
Could you expand on that a little?请把那个说得详细一点。
Be a little more precise.What exactly do you mean?说得稍微确切些。你究竟是什么意思? Correct me if I’m wrong, but do you mean that…如果我错了,请纠正。你的意思是。。Confirmation & Encouragement 肯定与鼓励 Confirmation Good.好。Yes.对。Right.对。
Right you are.很好。Fine.非常对。Quite right.Hm-hm.Uh-huh.啊,对。
(以上仅用来认可学生的回答是对的,并不表示这些回答很好。)That’s the way.就这样。That’s right.对了。That’s quite right.非常对。That’s it.对的。
Yes, you’ve got it.对,你答的对。That’s correct.对了。You’ve got the idea.你懂了。
Excellent.优秀。Magnificent.极好。Very good.很好。Terrific.非常好。That’s very good.那很好。Wow!好极了。Well done.答得好。Jolly good.特别好。Very fine.好极了。Great stuff.了不起。That’s nice.那很好。Fantastic.好极了。
I like that.我喜欢那个。
You made a very good job of that.那个你做得真不错。(以上用于赞赏和鼓励学生的出色回答。)Excellent work!作业优秀!Satisfactory!令人满意!Very well done!做得很好!Could do better.可更好些!Good stuff!真了不起!
Too many carele slips!粗心错多!Keep it up!保持下去!Carele!粗心大意!Adequate!说得过去!
Needs to show more effort!需花气力!Much better!较前更好!
Not up to your usual standard!不如以前!Shows some improvement!有些进步!Great improvement!进步很大!Disappointing!令人失望!See me about this!见我面批!
(以上是对学生笔头作业常用的评语。)That’s perfectly correct.完全正确。
There’s nothing wrong with your answer.你的回答没有错。What you said was perfectly all right.你所说的完全对。You didn’t make a single mistake.你没有一个错。That’s exactly the point.答得很中肯。
That’s just what I was looking for.那正是我所期待的。
I couldn’t have given a better answer myself.我自己也提不出更好 的答案了。
No, that’s wrong.不,那是错的。Not really.不会吧。
Unfortunately not.可惜不对。
I’m afraid that’s not quite right恐怕那不完全对。.You can’t say that, I’m afraid.恐怕你不能那样说。You can’t use that word here.在这里你不能用那个词。Good try, but not quite right.很好的尝试,但不完全对。Could be.可能是对的。It depends.看情况而定。
It might be, I suppose.我想这可能是对的。In a way, perhaps.也许在某种程度上是对的。Sort of, yes.有几分对。
Encouragement That’s better.那就更好了。
That’s more like it.那更接近于正确。That’s much better.那好多了。
Not quite right.Try again.不完全对,再试试看。You were almost right that time.这次差不多对了。That’s almost it.几乎对了。
You’re half way there.差不多对了。You’re almost there.You’ve almost got it.You’re on the right lines / track.你的思路是对的。Take it easy.别着急。
There’s no need to rush / hurry.没有必要这么急急忙忙。There’s no hurry.不必匆忙。
Go on.Have a try.继续下去。试试看。Have a go!试一下。
Have a gue if you don’t know.假如你不知道,就猜猜吧。
Don’t worry about the spelling / pronunciation.别为拼写 / 发音担心。Don’t worry.It’ll improve.别担忧,会改进的。
Don’t be discouraged, you’ll learn by and by.不要灰心,你慢慢就会学好。Be persistent, don’t give up.要坚持下去,不要放弃。Maybe this will help you.这对你可能有帮助。What if I give you a clue?我提示你一下怎么样?
I’ll help you if you get stuck.假如你难住了,我会帮助你。
You have made a lot of progre.你取得了很大的进步。
You still have some trouble with your composition.在作文方面你还有一些困难。You need some more practice with the text.你需要把这篇课文多读几遍。
You’ll have to spend more time practicing spoken English.你得多花些时间练习说英语。You’re getting better at it all the time.这方面你一直有进步。You’ve improved no end.你进步很大。
Don’t be afraid.I’ll help you.别害怕,我会帮助你。Don’t let this get you down.不要为此灰心丧气。Don’t give up hope.不要放弃希望。
Don’t worry.I’m sure you’ll do better this time.别担心,我确信这次你会干得好些的。That’s better than he could do.这比他干得好。
Try to look on the bright side of things.尽量从好的方面看吧。You’re doing fine.你现在干得不错嘛。
Be a good sport and sing us a song.勇敢些,给我们唱只歌吧。Be a man.拿出勇气来。
Cheer up, boy!振作起来,孩子!Come on!来吧。Go on!继续下去。
I’m right behind you!我作你的后盾。Keep at it!别松劲!Keep it up!坚持下去!Stick to it!Keep your chin up!别灰心!Try again!再试一下。
You can do it!你能办到的!
I think you should keep up your courage.我认为你应该鼓起勇气。There’s no reason to feel discouraged.没有理由感到气馁。
There’s nothing to feel discouraged about.没有什么可以为之感到气馁的。I feel you should go ahead with it.我觉得你应该干下去。Grumbling $ Reproaching Grumbling
That wasn’t very good.这不很好。
That was rather disappointing.这有点令人失望。That wasn’t up to much.那没多大意思。Come on, now!快开始啊!
I’m sorry to say your answer is not very satisfactory.很抱歉,你的回答不很令人满意。I wasn’t very satisfied with that。我对那个不很满意。That was awful / terrible /rotten.这根本不行。
Come on, can’t you do any better than that?得了,你就不能做得更好些吗? You can do better than that.你能够做得更好。
There’s room for improvement there.这里确实有改进的余地。Try harder.好好试一试。A bit more effort.再试试看。
Pull your socks up!鼓起劲来!
Come on, wake your ideas up!来,动动脑筋。Put a bit of life into it.提起劲来。
I hope you do it better next time.我希望你下次做得好一些。From now on there will be no interrupting.从现在起不许插话。This is the last time I shall tell you.这是我最后一次告诉你。
Do you have to slam the door?难道你一定得把门关得那么响吗? I think it’s meant to be hard to understand.我想这是有意叫人难以理解。I’m afraid, it just isn’t good enough.恐怕这不太好吧。
I’m really very annoyed about your answer.我对你的回答真是很生气。It just won’t do!这就是不行。
That really is the limit!简直叫人忍无可忍。
That’s no excuse.这不能成为理由。
Well, this is most unsatisfactory.哼,这叫人很不满意。I’m not in the least satisfied.我一点也不满意。What a worry you are.你真叫人担心。
Would you please not make as much noise?请你们不要这样吵闹行吗? Would you mind not spitting everywhere?不要随地吐痰行吗?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to leave your exercise books tidy?让你们的练习本保持整洁不是很好吗?
You are exceively mischievous.你们过分顽皮了。
You’re really the typical absent-minded student.你真是典型的心不在焉的学生。It’s always the case!老是这样!
Look here!It’s happened five or six times.喂!这已经有五六次了。
Really!I’m fed up with your carelene.真的!你这么粗心大意我已经受够了。
Really!I’ve just about had enough of that.真的!这个我简直受够了。
I really do object to your wasting our precious time here.我确实反对你在这儿浪费我们宝贵的时间。
Reproaching I must be honest with you.You’re not doing very well these days.我只能对你说实话。近几天来你学习得不好。
I wonder if you have been working hard enough.我怀疑你学习是否认真。
If you don’t change your ways some day you’ll be sorry.如果你不改正,有一天你会后悔的。If you go on like this you will not make any progre, rather the reverse.如果你继续这样下去,你不会进步,只会退步。
You must not betray the hope of your parents.你不应辜负你父母亲对你的希望。You must prove worthy of the hope your parents have placed on you.You must live up to the expectation of your parents.I am serious.If you don’t change your ways we shall reconsider our opinion of you.我不是开玩笑。如果你不改正,我们将对你重新考虑。
How can you do that to your studies?你怎么能那样对待学习呢?
I don’t know how you could be as carele.我不知道你怎么可以这样粗心大意呢?
I felt as ashamed of you.我真为你感到羞愧。
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.你应该为自己感到羞愧。
It’s as typical of you.你老是这样。
What a shame for you to cheat on the examination.你考试作弊真是不应该。You can’t just do whatever you like in cla.在课堂上你不能想怎样就怎样。You shouldn’t leave the room as you please.你不应该随意离开教室。You should ask for permiion first.你应该先得到许可。
You haven’t done your duty well enough.你不够负责任。
I’m sorry to say, you’ve neglected your duty.遗憾得很,你玩忽职责。
Well, don’t forget to perform your duty next time.好吧,下次要履行自己的职责。You shouldn’t have left the claroom early.你不应该早退。Can’t you be serious for once?你就不能严肃点吗? Don’t butt in!别插嘴!当我解释时要注意听。
How dare you to speak to me like that!你竟敢这样对我说话。
Now look what you’ve done in cla!瞧你在课堂上到底干了什么!Who asked you?谁问你呢?
You naughty boy!你这调皮的孩子!
I wonder why you couldn’t have returned the book earlier.我真不知道你为什么不早点归还这本书!
I don’t think it’s proper for you to behave so in cla.我认为你在课堂上这样的举动不合体统。Praise 表扬
You’re working very well.你现在学习很好。
Your English has improved greatly this year.今年你的英语学习大有进步。
Your work has much improved;we are all pleased with your progre.Keep it up.你的作业很有进步;我们对你的进步很高兴。希望保持下去。
You can expre yourself in English quite freely now.你现在可以用英语相当流利地表达自己的思想了。
Your compositions are much better written than ever before.你的作文比以前写得好多了。How clever of you to answer this difficult question!你真聪明,能回答这个难题。You have good understanding / comprehension.你的理解力很强。You’ve interesting ideas.你的想法很有趣。You really did a good job.你的确干得很好。Nice going!干得好!
Your presentation is smashing.你的表现十分出色。Wonderful!好极了!
Great!I think you deserve the highest praise.我认为你应该得到最高的赞扬。My compliments on your memory.我佩服你的记忆力。
She is good at / excellent at all subjects.She always gets an “excellent” in everything.她每门功课都好。她每门功课都得优秀。
He paed the exam succefully.But he did not become conceited, because he knows “Pride goes before a fall”.这次考试他很顺利,但他并不骄傲,因为他知道“骄者必败”。Your cla have done well this time.你们班级这次考得不错。
Criticism 批评
There are too many mistakes in your homework.你的作业中错误太多。
You made a lot of mistakes in your written work.你的书面作业中有很多错误。
You should not have made such a serious mistake.你本不该犯这样严重的错误。Your handwriting / grammar is still very poor.你的书写/语法还是很差。
This is typical Chinese English.这是典型的中式英语。
Your composition is too mey.Besides, there are many mistakes.You must do it again.你的作文很不整洁,而且有许多错误,应该重做。
You should have learned this rule by heart long ago.你早就应该牢记这条规则了。
He did very poorly in the final exam.他期终考试考得很差。
Jane, your work has been disappointing lately.You showed signs of improvement, but you didn’t keep it up.珍妮,最近你的作业很令人失望,你有过进步的迹象,但没能保持下去。You did not work hard enough, Mary.玛丽,你不够努力。
You must strive to work harder, otherwise you won’t be able to catch up with your clamates, I am afraid.你必须加紧努力,否则我怕你会赶不上同班同学。She failed the exam, actually.实际上,她考试不及格。
She will have to take a make-up exam in English.她得补考英语。
The make-up exam will be given at the beginning of next term.下学期开学时举行补考。Grading 评分
What did you get for dictation / composition?你听写 / 作文得了多少分? What was your grade for the last test?上次测验你得了多少分? He got a “90” points.他得了90分。
You just managed to pa the exam.你考试刚刚及格。He failed in the mid-term exam.他期中考试不及格。What was your score? 你得了多少分?
How many points did score?你得了多少分?
Two points for every one right.每答对一题得两分。
Add up your points.把你们的分数加起来。
How many points have got altogether?你们总共得了多少分? What was your final score?你们最后得分是多少?
Let’s count up the points together.让我们把分数加起来。It was a close finish.这是一场比分接近的比赛。
You lose a point if you answer wrong.答错扣一分。
Prof.Smith has graded / marked eays / compositions.史密斯教授已给论文打分。He won high ratings in his exams.他考试得了高分。
He scored high marks in his examination.他考试得了高分。She won / scored a rating of 85% in English.她英语得了85分。
Glad to see you again.Hello, nice to see you here.Are you fine today? Are you happy today? How are you doing today?
How are you going today? How about you today? How do you feel today? How are you today? The weather is lovely, isn’t it? Is everybody/everyone here? Who’s absent? Who’s on duty?
Let’s begin our cla.Let’s start our English leon now.What we are going to learn is … Be quiet!Listen to me carefully.Let’s review the new words together.Please read after me.Could you follow me? One more time.Now, keep on.Go ahead!The whole cla!Moving on.More exactly.Try your best.Please give out these papers, one between two.Mm, not bad.Wow!Great!You are smart.You did a good job.You guys did a good job.You guys are good students.Good job.Well done.Terrific!That’s great!Jolly!Wonderful!That’s it!Good gueing.It’s better than last time.You are so cute!You are very clever.I’m glad to hear that.You’re welcome.It doesn’t matter.Talk your…
Let’s have a talk.Have a free talk.Can you tell me … Please speak loud.Louder, please.It’s very nice to talk with you.How do you spend your weekend? How about your study recently? How about your holiday? What’s the meaning of … What do you think of … Give it a try.Who could try? Who want to have a try? Any volunteers? Take it easy.Don’t be nervous.Let’s do the exercise.Let’s discu the problem.Answer my questions in natural English.Have any questions? Put up your hand.Please think it over.Use your head, then you find the way.Come here and face the cla.Tell us your opinion.Would you like to tell us your idea? What hobbits do have, would you like to tell me? Oh, never mind.No matter.Go on.Come back to your seat, please.Did you sleep soundly last night?
Oh my!What’s up? What’s now? What are you up to? What’s going on? I’m sorry to hear that.Do you understand my meaning? Can you gue that’s the meaning of this? Do you get it ? Are you clear? Do you catch my picture?
Do you know the word’s meaning? What do you call it in English? Do you want me to tell something about… We want to do something different.Will you please join us? Act out the dialogue in pairs.Talk with your partner.Let’s play games.Please do the game with me, OK? I divide you into four groups to play games.Let’s take a break.So much for today.See you.So I must say good-bye.See you next week.Let’s call it a day.Good-bye.Have a good weekend.I hope you’ll have a good time in this weekend.May you have a good weekend.You’re dismied.Have a super day.星沙英语网
英语课堂教学过程用语一、开始课堂教学(Beginning the leon) Now, who can remember what we did last leon? Well, can any of you tell me what we practised last time?......
Beginning a cla ( 开始上课) 1.Let's start cla.= It's time for cla.上课 2.Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好 3.Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / t......
英语课堂教学用语集锦英语课堂教学用语集锦一、评价学生的表现That’s true.对。You’ve done a good job.太棒了。 It’s almost perfect.几乎完美无暇。I think your answ......
小学英语课堂教学用语一. 上课。(Beginning a cla). Let’s start now.\Let’s begin our cla\leon.Stand up.Please.. sit down, please.二.问候。(Greeting) hello ,boys......
