achievement n.成就 about adv.. 关于
absence from U.S. 离开美国
academic a.专科院校的。研究院的;学术的 academic student 专科院校学生 addre n.地址,住址
addre for service(令状,传票的)送达地址 addresee n.收件人;收信人 addreor n.发件人;发信人 adjustment n.调整,适应
adjustment of status 调整身份 admiion n. 入境
admiion number 入境号码
admiible a. 可以接收的,可准入境的 adopt v.收养;正式通过 adopted children 养子女 advance n.前进。进行 advanced degree高等学位
affidavit n.宣誓书;正式书面陈述;保证书 affidavit of support经济担保书
affirmation n.证实。确认,誓言,事实的陈述
alien n·外籍者,外侨,外国人 a.外国的。异己的 amendment n. 修改。修定 apartment n.公富,寓所 applicant n.申请人,请求者 application n.申请(书),适用 application fee 申请费
application for admiion 请求入境 approval n.认可,赞同;核准,批准,许可
approval authority 核准权,批准权;批准机关 approval procedure 批准程序,审核手续 approve v.批准;核准;许可,赞同,同意 arrival n.到达,来到;到达者 arrival card 入境证 arrival record 入境记录 attorney n.律师
available a.可适用的,可达到的,合用的B birth n.出生,出身;血统;起源 birth certificate 出生证书 birth registration 出生登记 date of birth 出生日 country of birth 出生国 place of birth 出生地
bond n.保金,保押金,保证金,保单 bulletin n.通知,公告,公报
C change n.改变,更改,变更 change in addre 住址变更
change of circumstances 环境变更 change of name 更换姓名
change of nationality 国籍的变更,改变国籍 change of residence 住所的变更 change residence 迁居,迁徙 child n.子女,幼年子女
child of divorce 离婚夫妇的子女 child of illegitimate birth 非婚生子女 citizen n.公民,国民,市民 citizen right n.公民权
citizenship n.公民权;公民资格,公民身份;国籍
citizenship by birth 根据出生地取的国籍(或公民资格)citizenship by descent 根据出生地的国籍(或公民资格)citizenship by incorporation of territory 因领土的合并而取得的国籍 citizenship by nation 根据民族取得的国籍(或公民资格)citizenship by naturalization 因入籍而取得的国籍(或公民资格)citizenship paper 公民证书 city n.城市,都市
claification n.类别;分类法 clause n.条款;条目;款项
company n.公司,商号;同伴,交往 company act 公司法;公司条例
company limited by guarantee 担保有限责任公司 company limited by shares 股份有限公司 company of limited liability 有限公司 compensation n.报酬;补偿;薪水 complete v.完成;结束;履行;执行
concurrent a.兼任的;同时的;共存的;有同等裁决权的 condition n, 条件
conditional permanent resident 条件式永久居民 consulate n.领事馆
continue v.1.继续,延续,延伸;2.使延续;使继续;3.使(诉讼)延期 continuation n.继续,延续,连续 country n.国家,国土;祖国;故乡
country of origin 原产国,出产国,起源国,原籍国 country of refuge 避难国
country of residence 居住国;驻在国 current a.现行的,现在的custody n.拘留,拘押,监禁,监护
D deny v.否认;否定;拒绝,拒绝给于 department n.部门;司,局
Department of Justice(the)司法部 Department of Labor(the)劳工部
Department of Health and human Services(the)公共健康与社会福利部 departure n.离境;离开;离去 departure card 离境证 depend v.依靠,依赖
dependant n.受瞻养人;家庭负担 dependent a.受扶(抚)养的;从属的 depose v.宣誓作证
deponent n.宣誓证人,证明人 deposit v.交付,存入
deportable a.可被驱逐的 deportation n.驱逐;驱逐出境 deportation order n.驱逐令 designation n.目的地,目的国
discretion n.裁别,判断;自由裁决;任意决定权 divorce n.离婚 document n.文件
dual nationality 双重国籍
E education n.教育
eligibility n.合格,合格性
employ v.1.雇用,使用;聘请;2.使从事,使专心 employee n.受雇人,职员,雇员 employer n.雇主,雇用人;业主
employers’ liability insurance 职工伤害保险,雇主责任保险 employment n.1.使用,雇用;2.职业;就业;服务;工作
employment Agency 职业介绍所 employment agreement 就业协议;雇用协议 employment authorization 工作许可证 employment permit 就业登记 employment registration 就业登记 employment service 就业介绍 employment system 雇佣制度 entertainment n.娱乐 entry n.入境,进入 port of entry 入境港 evidence n.证据 exception n.例外
exceptional hardship 严重困难 exchange n.交换
exchange visitor 互访者
exclusion n.排斥,排除在外;拒绝;驱逐 exemption n.豁免,免责,免除 explanation n.解释,说明
expiration n.期满,届满,到期 expire v.终止,期满,开始无效 extension n.延期,延长
extraordinary a.非常的,特殊的,特别的,非凡的F family n.家庭;家属;亲属 family income 家庭收入 family name 姓氏
family origin 家庭出身;祖籍
family relation 亲属关系,家庭关系 family status 家庭地位,家属身份 family ties 家庭关系 federal a.联邦的federal government 联邦政府 fee n.费用
fiance(e)n.未婚夫(妻)file n.文件,档案;案卷;卷宗1.归档;2.提出(申请等),提起(诉讼)file a petition 呈交诉状;提出请愿 file an action 起诉
file one’s tax return 报送纳税申请表 filing n.存档;文件(整理)汇集 finger prints 指印 form n.表格
G grant n.同意,准许,许可
H household n.家庭,家庭组合I illegal a.非法
illegal alien 非法移民 illegitimate a.不合法的illegitimate children 非婚生子女 immediate a.直接的;即刻的 immediate relatives 近亲属 immigrant n.移民,侨民 immigrant a.移民的,侨民的 immigrant visa 移民签证
immigration n.移民;移居;移居入境 immigration law 移民法
immigration and Naturalization Service 移民局(全称)immigration Office 移民局
immigration Procedure 入境手续 indicate v.指示,指令 indict v.控告,指控
indictment n.控告(书),告发,检控
information n.通知;报告;资料;消息;信息;知识;情报 inspection n.检查;监察;视察 border inspection 入境检查 intent n.意图,目的,计划 interview n.会见,接见
intracompany n.公司内部
intracompany transferees 公司内部调整人员 in transit alien 过境外国人 itinerary n.旅程安排,旅程计划
J job n.工作
jurisdiction n.司法权,管辖区
L labor n.劳工,劳动,工作 labor certificate 劳工认可书
department of Labor(the)劳工部
M marriage n.婚姻,结婚;婚姻生活,结合 sham marriage 假婚
marriage after divorce 再婚 marriage ceremony 结婚仪式 marriage certificate 结婚证书 marriage ties 结婚关系
married a.结了婚的,有配偶的,夫妇的 marital a.婚姻的marital status 婚姻状况
N naturalization n.入籍,规化
nonimmigrant n.非移民;a.非移民的nonimmigrant worker n.非移民工人,非移民劳工 notice n.通知,声明,布告,告示 notiy v.1.宣布,宣告;2.通知 nurse n.护士
O oath n.誓言,誓约;宣誓
organization n.体制,编制;组织,团体,机构;设立,设置 origin n.缘由,起因,起源,血统出身
original n.原物,原文,来源,起因 a.最初的,最早的,原始的,独创的 original certificate 原始证书,原始凭证 original document 原本,原始文件 original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所 original nationality 原有国籍 original text原本;正本 orphan n.孤儿
orphan asylum孤儿院
P parole n.假释,有条件的释放 paport n.护照;通告证 penalty n.惩罚,处罚,刑罚 permanent a.永久的,长期的 permanent resident 永久居民
petition n.1.请愿,请求,申请放2.诉状,上诉状,申请书 petition for Appeal 上诉状,起诉书 petition for Naturalization 入籍申请 petitioner n.诉愿人;上诉人;请诉人 position n.职位,工作
previous a.以前的,前述的,上面提及的 prior a.在先的,在前的,优先的,更重要的 priority n.优先顺序;优先,优先权 priority date 优先日
priority worker 优先劳工
prospective a.未来的,预期的,预料中的 public charge 受政府救济者
Q qualification n.资格,资历,合格
R recent a.近来的,最近的 rejection n.拒绝,抵制;驳回,否决 relation n.关系
relation by blood 血亲(关系)relation by marriage 姻亲(关系)relationship n.亲属关系
relationship by affinity 姻亲关系
relationship by consanguinity 血亲关系 relative n.亲属,亲戚
request n.要求;请求;请求书 v.请求得到;要求 request for permiion 请求批准
requirement n.1.需要,要求;2.命令,规定 requirement of law 法律的规定 register v.登记,注册,挂号
registered a.已注册的;已登记的;挂号的 reside v.居住
residence n.1.住宅,居所;2.居住,居留;居住期 residence certificate 居留证件 residence permit 居住证,居留证 residence n.住处
resident n.居民,居住者
resident alien 外籍居民,外侨
S signature n.签字,签名
social a.社会的,有关社会的 social security 社会保障
social security number 社会保障号码 spouse n.配偶
sponsor n.1.发起人;资助人;2.保证人,负责人 statement n.1.陈述,声明;2.供述 stepchildren n.继子女 street n.街道,马路
street name(/number)街道名称(/门牌号码)status n.1.地位,身份;2.状况,情形;法律地位 succeful a.成功的,有成就的T trader n.贸易者 trainee n.受培训者
U undocumented a.没有记录的undocumented alien 非法入境移民
V visa n.签证
visitor n.访问者,旅游者 voluntary a.自愿的,自动的 voluntary departure 自动离境
W wage n.工资,薪金;价
minimon wage(法定)最低工资 waiver n.免除,免去
45)You will be an American engineer after you finish your PH.D!How can you convince me that you will come back?
46)What is your plan after you come back to china, as a teacher or find a high salary job?
(注:这类似诱供,若回答high salary,对方会说美国工资更高,你不会回来!)
47)Who will offer you the money?
48)Why does the univ.give you funding?
49)How long will you get your financial support?
50)How much is your salary of one month?
51)Can you talk something about the course of *** ?
52)Why your Diploma look so new ? Are they forged ?
53)Do you feel that you are trapped in a logic loop? you see, you said you come back to earn money and you said you will not be attracted by good living conditions?
54)TELL ME the standard to judge a school.55)Why did you apply this Univ., please give me some academic reason?(我回答的最后一条原因是有很多著名教授。)...Then, specify someone.(说出教授名字)
56)What is the thing you like best in America....Then what is the thing you don't like most in China?...57)What is your dream?
58)Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive his visa or not ? 面签具体问题
Nice to meet you!/ Good morning, sir!Which university did you study? When did you graduate from University? what's your subject/major?
What's your highest level of education ?
Which degree do you have? Where do you live? What will you do in Australia? How did you know the company? Have you been to Australia? Where did you work before? How long? What did you do in this company? What will you do in Australia Company ? Detail What's busine of your company?
What kind of project your company are doing?
Could you please describe the company? How many persons are there in your company in Australia? What's the partner of your company? What's your Special skill? What kind of project did you do? Why did the company hire you? I.The Main Documents for Visa Application1、签证申请表 Visa application 's form2、护照 Paport3、在读证明 Studying certificate4、学习计划 Study plan5、个人陈述 Personal Statement6、推荐信 Reference letter/ Recommendation letter7、录取通知书 The offer letter/ I 20 form8、毕业证书 Graduation diploma9、学位证书 Bachelor's Degree10、成绩单 Score list/ transcripts11、雅思成绩单 IELTS list12、英语四、六级证书 The certificate of CET4 and CET613、奖学金Scholarship14、获奖证书 Honor certificates15、GPA grade point average美国的GPA满分是4分,即A=4,B=3,C=2,16、住校 Live on campus17、订机票 Book the ticket
II.The Finance Supporting Documents1、存款证明 The certificate of deposit2、存单/存折Bank receipt/Bankbook3、父/母亲收入证明 The working certificate of my father/mother4、津贴/奖金 Subsidy /Bonus5、年终奖金 Year-end bonus
6、年工资 Annual salary/Yearly salary
III.Other Supporting Documents1、身份证及户口本 ID card and Household register(Family book)
2、股票证明和资金对帐单 Stock certificate & fund list3、房产证明 The certificate of house property4、签发签证 Iue the visa
5、签证官 Visa officer
第四节商务英语写作格式、句型和样信对任何企业组织来说,函电书信处理是其日常业务的重要组成部分之一。根据贸易流 程,商务书信可以分为询盘、报盘、还盘和接受四大部分。根......
