编者按:对绝大多数中国学生来说,阅读是吸收英语语言材料,增加语言知识,扩大词汇量的最重要的手段。而且阅读能力的提高又能为听说口语能力和写作能力的发展打好基础。因此,看你的语言知识能否巩固,在很大程度上取决于你能否真正学会阅读。阅读能力是影响英语学习的最重要的因素。正因为这样,不同时期的《英语教学大纲》都明确规定要“侧重培养阅读能力”。而英语阅读能力只有通过大量的英语阅读实践才能培养起来。这正吻合了英国著名的语言教学家、新阅读法创始人韦斯特(Micheal West)的观点:“通过阅读学会阅读”。
一、My mother
1.My mother is the loveliest person in the world.She loves her children very much and is always kind and gentle to them.Every mother is kind to her children but my mother’s kindline to us is unlike others.She never gets angry and never loses her temper.When we are naughty and do not listen to her words , she only pretends to be angry and walks away.She will come back to us sometimes later and asks whether we like to be good boys and good girls again.She is so gentle and patient to us.My mother is busy all day.She cooks for us ,washes our clothes and also teaches us to do our homework.We all love and respect our dear ,dear mother.2.My mother is a very kind and gentle woman.I have two brothers and two sisters , so she has five children in all.She takes good care of all of us and keeps the house in good order.My mother has too much to do used to get up very early and sleep very late.She works hard and is always busy.Yet she never makes a complaint.She often says :“Work while you work , play while you play.If you do not work hard and become lazy,My mother is kind not only to her children but to all other people.She is tender-hearted and cannot keep her tears when a sad who know her and we are proud of this.二.My friend
3.I have many friends.Among them , there is one I like much better than all the others.I became acquainted with him when I first went to school and since then we have been living together for over six years.He is sweet and patient, clever and active ,andall who know him..He is good in many subjects and is always glad to teach me and answer my questions.I have much to learn from him and 1
4.Wang Ying is my clamate and good friend.She is as tall as I am and is a lovely and clever girl.She likes pictures and is learning to paint.She also likes swimming.We used to go to swim together and gather sea-shells on the beaches.Wang Ying is the best student in our cla.She studies hard and always pays attention to what the teachers say.She also likes to help her clamates to do their homework and
三.My teacher
5.We have many teachers in our school ,some of them old and some of them young.There are women as well as men.We have Englishmen as well as Chinese.He is Mr Liang , an old man of over sixty.He teaches history and is very gentle and kind.He teaches well and seems to know everything.He also tells stories well.We all like him and admire him.6.My teacher ,Mi Fang , is the best teacher I have ever known.She not only teaches us well but.She is our teacher in the claroom and our friend and playmate after cla , for she likes to play and joke with us.She is very patient in her teaching.She is never tired of helping us in our work.Sometimes , she pays us visits at home to see how we do our homework.四.My---
7.My cat
I have a furry kitten.She is tiny , naughty but clever.filled with cotton and covered with a little piece of blanke
My kitten is named Mimie.She is clean and lovely.I used toplay with her.Mimie is my good friend.I shall always be friendly and kind to her.8.My dog
My father bought me a little dog on my last birthday.We named him little Huang because he is yellow in colour.Little Huang loves to run in the garden and play with a ball.He is very clever and can barks atlittle tricks.Everybody in the family loves him.He is be unkind to him.五.My school
9.Our school lies in a peaceful and quiet place off the city.It has its own buildings and its own playground.The school building has five stories and twenty clarooms.We have nearly one thousand pupils.We are very happy because the teachers treat us like their own children and the school is just like a large family to us.Our school-master is a very kind old man.He has been school –master for the past fifteen years and looks upon us as his own sons and daughters.All the boys and girls respect and love him.10.Our school is a very lovely place.We have many kind teachers children.We work and play together happily like brothers and sisters.We help each other like good friends.We have ten claes and there are about forty pupils in a cla.Our school leons begin at eight o’clock in the morning.We also have morning exercises.All pupils gather in the playground before school begins and one can see many bright and smiling faces there.We learn many useful things in school.Our dear teachers are teaching us all useful subjects when we grow up.We love our school.It is just another home of ours.六.My home town
11.Singapore is my home town.I was born there and my family has lived in Singapore for many generations.Singapore is a beautiful city and a good place to live in.It has grown intoscenerybotanical gardenon public holidays.One can see rubber trees , coconut trees and palm trees everywhere.12.Hong Kong is the place I love most.I love it because it is my homeland and my family has lived here for many , many years.I love it also because it is a beautiful place and its name has become known“the pearl of the east”.I am proud of it.Hong Kong is a modern city.It is a good sea port and has a good harbour and a modern equipped airport.It has a population of about five million.It has also first-cla hospitals and clinics.Ninety-eight per cent of the population of Hong Kong is Chinese.They have lived here for attractive place for world-wide touristsI am proud of Hong Kong and of
七、My Boyhood
13.My boyhood has gone and can never come back.Yet I still cannot forget the happy days when I was a little boy and was a prince in the family.My family was not rich, but as there were only two of us in the family , my younger sister
and myself , we naturally became our parents’ treasurehared more of my mother’s affection than my sister.I well remember the evenings when , after supper ,we sat together and begged our parents to tell us stories.How I liked those tales told byfairy stories having a brave and honest boy as the heroine.It is a pity that I cannot remember even one of them now.I also remember the days when I fell sick and had to be confined to bed.My parents were then the most unhappy persons on earth.There would be no more fairy tales to be told and thegot well again.The recollectionmy youththe sorrows of life.Let me stand up and walk on like a man and a hero in the tales.八.My family
14.There are seven persons in my family.They are my father and mother , my grand-mother, my three sisters and myself.My parents are just over fifty, and are still strong and healthy.Among the seven , my three sisters are naturally the youngest.Although our family is not very rich , we live a happy home-life.My grand-mother is a very kind woman and helps to look after the children.She is seventy-two , but her eye-sight and hearing young person’s.She is also a good story teller.On weekdays , my father goes to his office and my sisters and I go to school.On
Sundays and holidays, we used topicnic.15.I have a good and happy family.We have altogether five persons : my father , my
mother , my two sisters and myself.My father is a merchant.He is very busy and is seldom at home except after office and
on Sundays and holidays.My mother is very busy too.She has to look after the house and take care of all of us.The evenings at home are the happiest and liveliest moments in our family.After that he has seen or heard in the day-time.After that , my father would begin to enjoy some music from his record player ,leaving us children to do our homework by ourselves.九、My profeion
16.Everyone must have a profeionserve the publicmankind.I do not desire I believe wealth cannot absolutelyor help one to
My profeion must be useful to all and should add value to my life.I have chosen to be a doctor when I grow upcure people of their illnees and make them live By making other people happy, I myself of
course will always be happy.17.I wish to be a teacher.Some say that a teacher’s life is a very dull one.I do not agree with this.As a teacher , one has the opportunity of all sorts of
among the younger generation Some of your pupils may become prominent citizens after some years.They may be famous politicians, artists , doctors ,profeors, etc.Imagine has broght up.I look forward to the day when I can stand before a cla of lovely children and being my as a teacher.十、The year
18.A year is divided into twelve months.Every three months make a season , so we have four seasons in a year.When winter comes , the weather is cold.In northern countries , snow falls and all trees and gra are covered with snow.In spring , the days become warmer.The trees put forth new leaves and the voices of birds are heard
Summer follows.The days become hotter and hotter.The sun is blazing in the sky.This is a season for swimming.The weather is mild in autumn.This is always the best part of the year.People go to picnic and enjoy themselves.They know that before long , winter will set in again and they have to remain indoors for quite a long time.19.We have four seasons in a year.They are : spring , summer , autumn and winter.Spring is the loveliest season in the year.In this season , flowers bloom and birds sing.The world is full of life.The weather is warm and the swallows begin to come back to live with us again.Poetsfull of hope.Summer is the most welcome season to school children.They have a long summer vacation.They may go to swim and play.Autumn is a good season for picnics and games.In this season , leaves begin to fall and flowers begin to wither away.This is why some people say that autumn is a season of sadne and loneline , but I do not think it is true.Winter is cold.In some northern countries , snow begins to fall and most people have to stay indoors.But in tropical countries , the weather is still warm and the people go out of doorsdraws near paes , a new year will be born.
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