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中国代表团团长卞志刚在联合国外空委科技小组委员会第48届会议上的一般性发言 Statement by Mr.BIAN Zhigang, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the 48th Seion of the

Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of COPUOS



First of all, congratulations on your election as chairman of the STSC and wish the seion every succe under your guidance.中国一贯坚定不移的走和平发展道路,主张外层空间是全人类的共同财富,支持和平利用外层空间的各种活动,积极探索和利用外层空间。

China steadfastly pursues peaceful development, views outer space as the province of humanity, supports activities in the peaceful use of outer space, and actively explores and uses outer space.2010年,中国在空间技术、空间应用、空间科学方面取得了可喜的进展,并在航天领域开展了广泛而深入的国际合作。下面,我向全会报告2010年中国航天活动所取得的进展。

In 2010, we in China have made gratifying progre in space technology, applications and science, and carried out extensive and in-depth international cooperation in the space area.Now I'd like to inform the STSC of progre made in China's space activities in 2010.一、空间技术


In 2010, the Long March series launch vehicles carried out 15 launches, launching 20 satellites including the FY-III polar-orbiting meteorological satellite, the Beidou(Compa)series navigation positioning satellite, communications and broadcasting satellite, the SJ series space probe satellite as well as the Chang'E-II lunar exploration satellite.其中,中国探月工程二期的先导星 “嫦娥二号”卫星于2010年10月1日从西昌卫星发射中心发射升空,准确进入地月转移轨道。10月9日,实现环月飞行。10月27日至 29日,完成对嫦娥三号预选着陆区的成像,为发射嫦娥三号打下了良好基础。到目前为止,嫦娥二号在轨飞行正常,数据接收良好。

space technology

Of the satellites launched, the Chang'E-II, the first satellite in China's lunar exploration program phase II, was launched from the Xichang satellite launch centre and entered the earth-lunar transfer orbit on 1.10.2010.On 9.10.2010, it commenced lunar orbiting.From 27-29.10.2010, it completed imaging of the pre-selected landing zone for Chang'E-III, laying a good foundation for the latter's launch.To date, it is operating normally on orbit and data reception is good.中国政府强调对空间活动中空间碎片的控制管理,组织实施了空间碎片研究计划,并积极推动减缓技术应用于航天器设计、制造。2010年,中国首份指导航天活动空间碎片减缓的顶层标准《空间碎片减缓》已经正式颁布实施。

The Chinese government emphasizes space debris control and management in its space activities and has implemented a space debris research program, and promoted the application of mitigation technologies in spacecraft design and manufacture.In 2010, China formally promulgated the highest standards in this area entitled Space Debris Mitigation to guide space debris mitigation.二、空间应用 applications


Space technology has played an important role in various fields such as meteorology, remote sensing, environmental protection, and navigation, among others.Major international events like the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the Guangzhou Asian Games, and Guangzhou Asian Para Games have been well served by space technology and applications.风云三号气象卫星经在轨测试、业务试运行和业务运行,目前已经获取了丰富的地球大气探测数据。除风云三号A、B星以外,风云二号D星和E星分别在赤道上空两个轨道位置上运行,对中国及亚太地区天气状况——尤其是台风和暴雨天气系统进行连续监测。迄今为止,风云系列在轨卫星均运行状态良好,取得了显著的经济社会效益。

After on-orbit testing, provisional operation and routine operations, the FY-III satellite has acquired a wealth of earth atmospheric data.In addition to the FY-III A and B satellite, the FY-II D and E satellites are operating on their respective orbits over the equator, carrying out continuous monitoring of weather conditions, particularly typhoon and torrential rain systems in the Asia-Pacific region.So far, the FY series satellites are functioning normally and have yielded notable economic and social benefits.北斗导航系统作为中国独立发展、自主运行的全球卫星导航系统,是中国在建的重要空间基础设施,可广泛应用于经济社会的各个领域。目前,中国已经构建起一个天地一体、设备


The Beidou(Compa)navigation system is a global satellite navigation system independently developed and operated by and an important space infrastructure under construction in China, capable of application in various fields of economic and social activity.To date, China has built a space telemetry and control network composed of space and ground segments, fully equipped and multifunctional, able to meet TTC needs of satellites and provide support for human space flight and deep space probe miions.中国已将卫星遥感技术纳入环境管理业务体系工作中。经过不断研究、实践和应用,建立了以环境一号A、B星为主要数据源、综合利用空间数据的环境遥感业务化运行技术体系,在环境监测、环境执法、环境应急、生态保护、核安全监管等方面发挥着重要的作用。

China has included remote sensing technology in its operational environmental governance system.Through constant research, practice and applications, we have put in place an operational environmental remote sensing technological system, deriving its data mainly from the HJ-I A and

B satellites and using space data in an integrated manner.The system is playing an important role in environmental monitoring, law enforcement and emergency response as well as ecological conservation, nuclear safety regulation, among others.三、空间科学 science


In 2010, China made great efforts in space scientific research in a variety of fields such as space weather, astronomy, solar physics, dark matter probe, etc using space scientific satellites, guided by space science objectives and oriented toward scientific knowledge output.China has also deployed some new space scientific installations and devices, for example, the Meridian project already in operation.Furthermore, China has taken an active part in international programs like the International Space Science Cloud Computing Network and the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS), and together with UNESCO jointly implemented an international space science and information technology training program for young people to increase their knowledge of and foster their interest in space science.四、国际合作 cooperation


In 2010, administrator Mr.Chen Qiufa of China National Space Administration(CNSA)met with his counterparts from the Ruian Federation, USA, Ukraine, European Space Agency, among others for in-depth friendly discuions on bilateral cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis.CNSA also had fruitful cooperation with international organizations such as OOSA, ESCAP and APSCO.2010年6月,中国政府与联合国正式签署《中华人民共和国政府与联合国建立联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台(UN—SPIDER)北京办公室东道国协定》,随后又签署了《中华人民共和国民政部与联合国外层空间事务司资助联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台北京办公室协议》。2010年12月,UN-SPIDER北京办公室正式揭牌成立。联合国外空司领导和中国国家航天局领导出席了揭牌仪式,该办公室的成立,必将为区域内防灾减灾工作做出积极贡献,中国国家航天局将继续支持联合国外空委及外空司在该领域发挥积极作用。

Last June, the Chinese government formally signed the host country agreement concerning the UN-SPIDER Beijing office and subsequently an agreement between China's civic affairs ministry and OOSA on financing for the office.Last December, the office was formally inaugurated.Leaders of OOSA and CNSA attended the inaugural ceremony.The opening of that office will no doubt contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation in the region.CNSA will continue to support COPUOS and OOSA in playing a positive role in this area.中国作为“空间与重大灾害国际宪章(CHARTER)”的成员,在中国遭遇南方雨雪冰冻灾害、汶川特大地震、玉树地震、舟曲特大泥石流、淮河流域洪灾等重特大灾害期间,迅速启动该机制,通过该机制获取了其他成员提供的空间数据,在减灾及灾害重建工作中起到了重要作用。与此同时,中巴地球资源卫星、风云气象卫星、环境减灾卫星也为其它遭受重大灾害的国家无偿提供相关的数据和信息,以协助受灾国对灾害进行监测和评估。

In recent years China was hit by major disasters like snow and ice storms in southern China, killer earthquakes in Wenchuan and Yushu, mudslide in Zhouqu and floods along the Huai River basin.In those instances, China, as a member of International Charter Space and Major Disasters, quickly activated that mechanism and acquired space data from other members through the mechanism, which played an important role in disaster mitigation and post-disaster reconstruction.At the same time, the Sino-Brazilian earth resource satellites, the FY meteorological satellites and environmental disaster mitigation satellites have also made relevant data and information freely available to other countries suffering major disasters to aist them in disaster monitoring and aement.主席先生,Chairperson,外空是全人类的共同财富。当前,外空武器化和军各竞赛风险日益上升,这不符合任何一国的利益。中国政府坚决反对外空军各竞赛和外空武器化,积极致力于维护外空和平与安全的努力。中方始终认为,谈判制定相关国际法律文书是维护外空永久和平与安全的最佳途径。裁谈会是谈判缔结这一法律文书的最佳场所。

Outer space is the common heritage of humanity.At present, there is a growing risk of weaponization of and an arms race in outer space, which is in nobody's interests.The Chinese government resolutely opposes this and strives to maintain peace and security in outer space.We have always been of the view that the best way to ensure lasting peace and security in outer space is the negotiation of a relevant international legal instrument and the Conference on Disarmament is the best forum for this work.中国愿意在“和平利用、平等互利、共同发展”的基础上,加强与世界各国在外空领域的交流与合作,使空间科学与技术更好地服务于社会经济发展,为推动人类文明进步做出贡献。

China is prepared, on the basis of peaceful use, equality and mutual benefit and common development, to strengthen exchange and cooperation with other countries in the outer space area so that space science and technology may better serve socioeconomic development and contribute to progre in human civilization.谢谢主席先生!

Thank you, chairperson.


[本资料来源:英文巴士 中国最大的典籍英译网、翻译学习研究网、教研资讯网] 中国代表团团长康勇参赞在2010年联合国裁军审议委员会一般性辩论中的发言......




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