
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文



War Horse

The film is based on the adaptation the British writer Michael.Moerpuge, namesake children's literature, as background to the First World War, briefly about courage, loyalty, peace and brotherhood between a horse named Joey and boy Albertthe touching story.There are two clues movie, a boy looking for love was conscripted to the war horse turning back onto the battlefield, and the other a small Maqiao Yi experiences in the war all the cruelty and moved.The overall tone of the movie is heartwarming, full of youth inspirational elements.You may find yourself resisting this sentimental pageant of early-20th-century rural English life, replete with verdant fields, muddy tweeds and damp turnips, but my strong advice is to surrender.Allow your sped-up, modern, movie-going metabolism, accelerated by a diet of frantic digital confections — including Mr.Spielberg’s just-released “Adventures of Tintin” — to calm down a bit.Suppre your instinctive impatience, quiet the snarky voice in your head and allow yourself to recall, or perhaps to discover, the deep pleasures of sincerity.If you can fake that, the old Hollywood adage goes, you’ve got it made.But while “War Horse” is, like so many of Mr.Spielberg’s films, a work of supreme artifice, it is also a self-conscious attempt to revive and pay tribute to a glorious tradition of honest, emotionally direct storytelling.Shot the old-fashioned way, on actual film stock(the cinematographer is Mr.Spielberg’s frequent collaborator Janusz Kaminski), the picture has a dark, velvety luster capable of imparting a measure of movie-palace magic to the impersonal cavern of your local multiplex.The story, in its early chapters, also takes you back to an older — you may well say cornier — style of entertainment.Joey, the fleet-footed, headstrong half-Thoroughbred of the title, is purchased at auction by Ted Narracott(Peter Mullan), a proud and grouchy Devon farmer with a tendency to drink too much.His household includes a loving, scolding wife, Rosie(Emily Watson);a cantankerous goose;and a strapping lad named Albert(Jeremy Irvine), who forms an immediate and unbreakable bond with Joey.The teenage boy trains the horse to pull a plow and together they ride through the stunning scenery.But this pastoral is darkened by memories of war — Ted fought the Boers in South Africa, an experience so terrible he cannot speak of it to his son — and by

social divisions.The Narracotts are tenant farmers at the mercy of their landlord(David Thewlis), and if “War Horse” pays tribute to solid British virtues of decency and discipline it also, like a Thomas Hardy novel, exposes the snobbery and economic oppreion that are, if anything, even more deeply rooted in that nation’s history.The movie, I was very shocked that two Anglo-German soldiers join forces to cut iron gill nets to rescue Joey that episode.This fragment is not long, but deeply appreciate the war to bring the two warring sides suffering of the people and helplene,At the same time showed the desire of the yearning for peace.British “Times” also comments: “horses” is an absolute can not mi the touching works ,it allows us to re-experience the happine of living.After valiantly battle Maqiao Yi met with the boy, this scene touched by the presence of all the officers and men.In this case, the roar of gunfire, we seem to have heard the hymn of love, their friendship through the war, acro the English Channel, the life and death of distre without fear remains steadfast as ever.Reflects the love in the movie moved us, let us ponder reflects the yearning for peace.It tells us that war is cruel, heartle, we should cherish the life, cherish the hard-won peace.




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