The Book Report In today's societies, relationships play a very important role.It can affect a person's future, affect people's living environment, and sometimes even determine the extent of happy life.University is half society, learning to deal with interpersonal relationships in college is of great important for the career development of graduation college students and has a positive effect on living environment.Moreover, the university itself needs us to deal with relationships between students, between teachers and students, among roommates, between friends, etc.We have to continue to coordinate, to find the optimal approach to deal with interpersonal relationships.After reading the book“HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE”written by Dale Carnegie, I have deeper understanding and insight to human nature and the interpersonal relationship.Especially the book was cited examples of life, which gave me a lot of inspiration, and I changed some of my views on the matter.It also affected my attitude towards future work to some extent.There are four parts in this book.Part one: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People, part two: Six Ways to Make People Like You, part three: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, part three: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, part four: Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment.In the depths of these words, I had a very strong resonance with the author.This is why it is my favorite book.The most impreed part in the book is the eay which tells that a father who felt guilty about his criticism to his son came to his son's beside to apologize for what he has done.The eay let me understand that we should try to understand and pardon others instead of condemning them.I am also touched by the great love between the father and the son.After reading this book, I benefit a lot from it.This book has repeatedly conveyed to the readers an idea, which is to be good at getting along with others and to become a communication expert, and this idea can not only make life go more smoothly but also make others live a happy life.Whether at any stage of life, to learn how to treat people is very important.After a year of college life, I deeply realize that people who are gifted at communicating with others are always welcome and themselves are to live relatively happy.On the other hand, I get six principles to make people like me.When we communicate with others, we should become genuinely interested in other people and encourage others to talk about themselves.I think the most significant way is smiling.What's more, I learn how to win people to my way of thinking.In the twelve principles, I think the greatest principle is that show respect for the other person's opinions and never say “you are wrong”, which help me a lot when I talk with others.In this book, in general, I appreciate the most is to strive to become a happy man.To be a master of communication, find a better life and devote yourself to society with a forgiving heart.All of us need friendship.Only with the help of friends and relatives can we deal with problems more efficient and better.The book just tells us how to win friends and establish good relationships.In a word, all of these principles teach me to build greater self-confidence, enhance communication skills, and develop leadership skills, which will play an important role in my future.I will put the principle into practice and make a difference.
《人性的弱点》读书报告课程(课程序号):成本管理会计 学号:08806712 姓名:蒋微摘要:在如今的社会当中,人际关系起着非常重要的作用。它能影响人一生的事业,影响人的生活环境,甚至有时......
读 书 报 告——《人性的弱点》读后感最近读了美国“成人教育之父”戴尔·卡耐基所著的《人性的弱点》一书,让我受益匪浅。其实,选择读这本书的初衷是我被它的名字所吸引。“......