中国传媒大学 英语实验班 口译材料汇总_英语口译笔记练习演示
中国传媒大学 英语实验班 口译材料汇总由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“英语口译笔记练习演示”。
口译材料 1.史密斯先生,上次来我们县时,你看了我们的千亩橘园,我们谈了一下你对橘汁饮料项目的想法,你走后,县政府采纳了你的建议,修了一条从县城到橘园,12公里的公路。Mr.Smith,when you come to our county last time you visit our acres of orange orchard.We discued your opinion of the orange juice project.After your visit,the county government took your advice and built a 12-km road between the county and the orchard.2.I’m glad to hear that.And it makes things much easier.Well, let’s come to the project.It’s rather a simple one and would consist of only one production line at the beginning, but of course we would hope to expand it in time.我很高兴得知这个消息,这就好办多了。我们来谈谈项目吧。这是一个比较简单的项目,开始时将只包含一条生产线,但当然我们希望未来能够扩张。3.总共需要多少资金?
How much does it cost in total? 4.I would say in the area of 1 million US dollars.我认为会在100万美元的范围内。5.我明白了。I see.6.How much would you be prepared to invest in this kind of project if we went ahead, that is.如果我们参与,你们会在这种项目中准备投资多少?
The common practice is that we invest on account for 51% of the total investment,naturally including stuff like cash,factory buildings and the right of use.8.I suppose we would be responsible for the machinery and other capital equipment.How does one arrive of the true value of the factory building? 我想我们会对机器和其他资本设备负责。如何评定厂房的真正价值?
Good question.It will be reviewed and discued by both parties and we will make a fair valuation of the capital together.Or,ofcourse,you can choose to entrust a third party,forexample,an aet evaluation company,to do it.10.Is there any regulation regarding the foreign party’s share in the registered capital? 是否有规定关于外国集团在注册资产中的分成?
It is usually no le than 25%,the rest can be solved through bank loan.12.That seems reasonable.Now let’s talk again about the time frame.How long should the venture run? 似乎挺合理的。那我们再来谈谈时间架构。这个企业会运营多长时间? 13.您希望多长?
How long would you prefer? 14.That is a small venture, I would suggest 8 years to start with.这是个小型企业,我会建议从8年起步。15.如果双方同意,合同可以延长。
If we both agree,the contract can be extended.16.8 years takes me to my retirement, you see? 8年之后我就要退休了,明白吗? 17.您退休?恐怕还早着呢。
Your retirement? I’m afraid it’s too early to talk about that.18.I’ll retire from the presidency and join my board as an advisor.See, speaking of board of directors, who will be the chairman of the board of directors of the joint venture? 我会从主席位置退休,作为顾问加入我的董事会。所以,讲到主管的董事会,谁会成为我们合资公司主管董事会的主席?
19.董事长将由我方来任命,副董事长由你们公司来任命。We appoint the chairman,your company appoint the vice chairman.20.How long do the board member serve? 董事会成员任期多长? 21.四年。Four years.22.The chairman is the legal representative? 主席是法人代表吗?
Yes,and a managing department is needed to establish for daily work.As for the managing department, you can appoint the general manager and the chief engineer of the project,we can appoint the positions of a deputy.24.Will we have to export all our production? 我们需要出口全部产品吗? 25.我们希望能出口一部分,希望自己的产品能够在国际市场上竞争,这有助于我们的发展,您明白吗?当然,大部分产品是在中国国内销售,中国市场的潜力巨大,只要咱们的产品物美价廉,销售一定没问题。
We would like to export part of the production, hope that our production can compete in the international market which is good for our development.Of course, most of our production will sell in China.The Chinese market has great potential,as long as our production is of high quality and inexpensive,sales will not be a problem.26.Yes, of course.How about registering the joint venture? How do we go about doing that? 是的,当然。那么关于注册合资公司的问题呢?我们该如何操作? 27.所有必要的文件由我们来准备,向主管部门申请。We will prepare all the files and apply to the authority.28.How does that take? 要多久?
About a quarter of the year,3 months that is.30.Well, we’d better get going soon, if we want to do it, right? 那我们最好尽快开始,如果我们真想办这个公司的话,对吧? 31.是的,如果顺利的话,也许两个月我们就可将所有手续办好。
Yes.If it goes well, maybe we can get all the procedures done in 2 months.1.为解决大学生就业问题,中国政府实施了促进高校毕业生就业的若干措施,主要有坚持市场导向,政府调控,学校推荐,学生与用人单位双向选择的改革方向。
In order to solve the problem of College Students' Employment, Chinese government carried out several measures to promote the employment of college graduates,the reform mainly includes pursuing market guidance reform, government regulation, school recommendation, and the two-way choice of students and employers.2.鼓励高校毕业生到基层和艰苦地区工作,充实城市地区和农村乡镇单位。
Encourage college graduates to work in graroots and areas with tough conditions to strengthen urban communities and rural townships.3.鼓励企业单位,特别是中小企业和民营事业单位,聘用高校毕业生。
Encourage enterprises,especially small and medium enterprises and private enterprises,to hire college graduates.4.鼓励高校毕业生自主创业和灵活就业,为他们提供税收优惠,小额贷款和创业培训。Encourage college graduates to become self-employed and flexibly employed, the government provides tax breaks, small loans and entrepreneurship training for them.5.建立全面高校毕业生就业服务信息网络,做好就业指导和就业服务工作。同时,引导高校适应市场要求,调整专业结构和人才培养结构。
Build up overall college graduates’ employment service information network, do better job in employment guidance and information service,guidance is given to college to readjust the structure of both their specialities and talent training to meet market demands.1.We agree to increase the exchange of high-level visits.我们同意增加高层互访。
2.Government leaders and foreign ministers of the two countries will exchange visits annually to reinforce and extend bilateral political cooperation.两国政府领导和外交官员将每年进行互访来加强和扩大双边政治合作。
3.The two sides will also increase cooperation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection.双方也将在科学、技术、教育、文化和环保领域加强合作。
4.We signed a number of memoranda of understanding during the visit.我们在访问过程中签署了许多谅解备忘录。
5.We agree to intensify cooperation in broad areas of trade and investment which we will promote through the Joint Economic and Trade Commiion.我们同意在贸易和投资的广阔领域通过联合经济和贸易委员会提升和加强合作。
6.We know the important role that the China-UK forum has played in bilateral relations and invite the forum to consider its future rolein particular in the areas of industry, financial services, science, technology and the environment.我们知道中英论坛在双边关系中所扮演的重要角色,并希望论坛考虑其未来特别是在工业、金融服务、科学、技术和环境领域的角色。1.根据人口普查,这个国家的人口已达2.6945亿。
According to the census, the population of this country has reached 269 million, 450 thousand.2.作为一个省会,这座城市现有人口1189万,市区面积为168平方公里,其总面积已由50年代初的196平方公里扩展为如今的758平方公里。
As a provincial capital, the city has a population of 11 million,890 thousand, urban area of 168 square kilometers, its total area has expanded from 196 square kilometers in the 50s to today’s 758 square kilometers.3.Since the late 1970s, township enterprises in China has become the main stay of the rural economy.Township industry, with its value added output in 1996, totally in 1700 billion Yuan , accounted for 60% of the rural value added output and 30% of the country’s GDP.从20世纪70年代后期,中国的乡镇企业已成为农村经济的主要支柱。乡镇工业在1996年达到17000亿的增值产出,占农村总增值产出的60%和GDP的30%。
4.The UK is China’s second largest European trading partner.British exports to China last year at 3.72 billion pounds, were up 17% on the year 2000.英国是中国的第二大欧洲贸易伙伴。去年英国对中国的出口额是37.2亿英镑,比2000年提高17%。
Shanghai has increased its area from 636.18 square kilometers in1949 to today’s 6 thousand 340.5 square kilometers, the population from 5 million 200 thousand in 1949 to today’s 13 million 271 thousand and 400.Shanghai is heading to its goal of modern international metropolis,with the responsibility of facing and serving the whole globe.6.中国政府对林业高度重视,造林绿化稳步推进,林业经济持续增长,2002年,全国林业总产值约3900亿元,林业资源的管理与保护成效显著,林业投资大幅度增加,2002年,林业投资170.57亿元。
Chinese government pays high attention to forestry, steadily pushing afforestation and greening proce, forestry economy grows continuously.In 2002, the country’s total output value of forestry is about 390 billion Yuan, the management of forest resources and its protection effect are remarkable,the investment of forestry increased greatly.In 2002, the investment of forestry is 17 billion and 57 million Yuan.5改革国际化英翻中
As reform deepens and China opens up even more to the outside world,the country is showing increasing overall economic strength.随着改革的深入和中国对外开放程度的加深,中国展现出增长的综合经济实力。
It is no longer a mere recipient of foreign capital,instead,it is encouraging Chinese enterprises to go international.它不再仅仅是一个外国资本的接收者,而是鼓励着中国企业走向国际化。
The state will increase investment in basic research to such a level that the money used for basic science is account for 20% of the state’s total research and development expenditure.该州将把对于基础研究的投资提升到基础科学支出占州总研究发展支出20%的水平。
Some Asian economies now face a danger of overheating as labor and other costs rise, trade balances get worse and inflation climbs.随着劳动力和其他成本的上升,一些亚洲经济体目前面临经济过热的危险,贸易愈发不平衡,通货膨胀愈发严重。
About 1300 billion Yuan which is 157 billion US dollars is needed for future environmental protection, an environmental official predicted yesterday.未来的环境保护需要大约13000亿人民币,约合1570亿美元,一位环境部门官员昨天预测道。双边贸易美国经济中国银行
Two-way trade has risen sharply in the few short years.The United States is now China’s third largest trading partner.Are bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future? 双边贸易在短短近几年内飞速增长。美国目前是中国第三大贸易伙伴。双边贸易和经济合作是否展现了巨大的保障?
The US economy is going to enjoy steady growth for the remainder of the year with unemployment rate lowered and inflation kept under control.美国经济将在今年剩下的时间里享受稳定增长,同时伴随失业率的下降和可以掌控的通货膨胀。
Branches of Chinese banks have at times of appear to behave more like subsidiaries than branches.As if they have their own capital and balance sheet and this consequently complicate the internal risk management of institution.中国银行的支行有时似乎更像附属物而非分支。好似他们拥有自己的资本和资产负债表就会因此使机制的内部风险管理更复杂。互补性开放电信
We succefully prevented our economy from changing radically, and prevented exceive price rises.2.双方贸易与合作迅速发展的主要原因在于两国的经济有着很强的互补性。
The main reason of the booming in trade and cooperation between the two sides is that the economy of two countries are highly complementary.3.中国将逐步开放电信基础业务和增值业务市场,允许外资在中国直接投资并建立合资企业。China will gradually open the basic and value-added service market of telecom, allowing foreign capital to invest directly in China and form joint ventures.4.要全方位地开拓国际市场,市场多元化是立于不败之地的关键。
To develop international market in all directions, market diversification is the key not to lose.人民币汇率民间贸易
The exchange rate of RMB has always been a international concern, many important trade partners of China pre China to take more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism.2.中国民间贸易在对外贸易中起着重要的作用,与此同时,中国与世界各国政府间的贸易联系也得到了巨大而持续的发展。
Chinese private trade plays an important role in foreign trade, meanwhile, the trade relations between China and governments around the world get great and sustained development.3.我们的目标是进口我国现代化建设所需要的先进技术和设备和国内市场短缺的原料。Our goal is to import the advanced technology and equipment which are needed in our country’s modernization drive and materials that are short in domestic market.4.中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康稳定的关系,这种关系有利于亚太地区乃至世界其他地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。
Both China and US have great influence among the world,people in both countries hope to remain and develop healthy and stable relationship which is good to peace, stability and prosperity of Asia Pacific Region, even the rest of the world.我们要优先发展教育…… Text for Interpretation:
We will give priority to education and turn China into a country rich in human resources.Education is cornerstone of national rejuvenation, and equal acce to education provides an important underpinning for social equity.We must implement the Party’s educational policy to the letter, focus on educating students with top priority given to cultivating their moral integrity, improve their overall quality, modernize the educational system, and train socialist builders and succeors who have all-round attainments in moral,intellectual, physical and aesthetic education.All this is designed to run education to the satisfaction of the people.我们优化教育结构,促进义务教育均衡发展,加快普及高中阶段教育,大力发展职业教育,提高高等教育质量。
我们重视学前教育。更新 We will also attach importance to
我们加强教师队伍建设,We will optimize the educational structure, promote balanced development of compulsory education, move faster toward universal acce to senior secondary education, vigorously develop vocational education, and improve the quality of higher education.pre-school education.We will update our views on education and deepen reform in curricula, modes of instruction, the systems of examination and enrollment, and the system for evaluating educational quality.We will ease the study load of primary and secondary school students and improve their overall quality.We will continue to run education on a nonprofit basis, increase government spending on education, regulate the collection of education-related fees, support the development of education in poverty-stricken and ethnic autonomous areas, improve the system of financial aid to students, and ensure that children from poor families and of rural migrant workers in cities enjoy equal acce to compulsory education as other children.重点提高农村教师素质。
emphasis on improving the quality of We will build up the ranks teachers in rural areas.of teachers, with the
Nongovernmental sectors are encouraged to operate educational programs.Distance learning and continuing education will be promoted to make a society in which every citizen is committed to learning and pursues lifelong learning.8
中国传媒大学关于推行发展党员公示制的意见(2006年 1月 13日)为进一步做好新形势下发展党员工作,健全发展党员工作制度,扩大发展党员工作中的民主,根据《中国共产党章程》、《中......