必考词 Unit 1 An ideal is a kind of power.(France)Romance Rolland 一种理想,就是一种动力。Unit 2 There are long roads ahead;I will explore all fronts in search of the destination.Quan Yuan 路漫漫以修远兮,吾将上下而求索。Unit 3 Adversity is the first road leading to truth.Romance Rolland 逆境时达到真理的第一条道路。Unit 4 A soul without imagination is like an observatory without telescope.(Germany)Einstein 没有想象力的灵魂,就像没有望远镜的天文台。Unit 5 Thought is the power.(France)Victor Hugo 思想就是力量。Unit 6 The human being is an animal that has ideals.The objective of the life is to realize the ideals.Yang Changji 人者,理想之动物也。人生之目的在于实现理想。Unit 7 Ideal is the beacon.Without ideal,there is no secure direction;without direction ,there is no life.(Ruia)Lev Tolstoy 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定方向;没有方向,就没有生活。Unit 8 Life is always hot as long as people have ideals.(the Soviet Union)Stalin 有理想的人,生活总是火热的。Unit 9 Without objective ,it is hard to do anything ,and if the objective is too trivial ,you will be unable to do any great things.(France)Diderot 没有目的,就做不成任何事情,目的渺小就做不成任何大事。Unit 10 The nobler the ideal is,the purer the life is.(Britain)Voynich 理想越崇高,生活就越纯洁。Unit 11 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith.[France] Romance Rolland 最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。Unit 12 If a person has enough faith,he will create miracles.(Norway)Sigrid Undset 如果一个人有足够的信念,那么他就能创造奇迹。Unit 13 Faith not put into reality means no faith
(Britain)Thomas Fuller 信念不付诸于生活实践,等于没有信念。Unit 14 Faith only survives in positive actions,so that it can be strengthened and steeled.(the Soviet Union)
信念只有在积极的行动中才能生存,才能够得到加强和磨砺。Unit 15 The subject of life is making choices.(France)Sartre 人生的课题就是选择。Unit 16 Remember that,without your permiion,no one can make you feel inferior.(America)Franklin Roosevelt
记住,没有你的同意,任何人都不能让你觉得差人一等。Unit 17 Life is like playing che,if you take a false step,you will fail all.(Austria)Freud 人生就像弈棋,一步走错,全盘皆输。Unit 18 A person should abandon distracting thoughts and be absorbed in steppping well in his life course.(Britain)Robert Stevenson
一个人应当摒弃那些令人心颤的杂念,全神贯注地走自己脚下的人生之路。Unit 19 If you like your own value,you must create value for the world.(Germany)Geothe 你若喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。Unit 20 The real life is the life of thought and soul.(Ruia)Chernishevsky 真正的生活是思想和灵魂的生活。Unit 21 There are only two kinds of life styles:to be rotten or to burn.The greedy and timid people choose the former while the brave and broad-minded people choose the latter.(the Soviet Union)Gorky 只有两种生活方式:腐烂与燃烧。贪婪而胆怯的人选择前者,勇敢而胸怀博大的人选择后者。Unit 22 People are masters of life;seeing through the prism of the course,people could see the value of his existence.Feng Ding 人是生活的主人,透过事业的棱镜,人才能看到自我存在的价值。Unit 23 Life looks like the ocean,and only the strong-willed person could reach the other shore.(Germany)Karl Marx 生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。Unit 24 People's whole life is trials;the more you try ,the brighter your life will be.(America)Ralph Waldo Emerson
人的一生就是进行尝试,尝试的越多,生活就越美好。Unit 25 If you want to live happily,you must love life.(Britain)Samuel Johnson 要想生活的快乐,就必须热爱生活。Unit 26 The tenser the life is,the more people's vitality is shown.(Germany)Engels 生活越紧张,越能显示人的生命力。
基础词 Unit 1 Love is the sunshine;hatred is the shadow;life is the interweaving of sunshines and shadows.(America)Henry Longfellow 爱是阳光,恨是阴影,人生是光影的交错。Unit 2 The gist of life is to do things at hand earnestly, not stare at the hazy things in the distance.(Britain)Carlyle
人生的要旨是脚踏实地的做好眼前的事,而不是把眼睛盯在远处朦胧之物上。Unit 3 But for the cold ,we would not know the pine tree's resistance;but for the difficulties we would not know great men's toughne.Xun Kuang 岁不寒,无以知松柏;事不难,无以知君子。Unit 4 Vanity,haughtine and arrogance are the true features of ignorance.(Britain)Butler 无知的真正特点:虚荣、骄矜和傲慢。Unit 5 Reading needs three organs' attention:the heart,the eyes and the mouth.Zhu Xi 读书有三到:谓心到、眼到、口到。Unit 6 Reading is like eating;if you chew leisurely,the taste will last,and if you gobble hurriedly,it will be tastele.Zhu Xi 读书譬如饮食,从容咀嚼,其味必长;大嚼大咽,终不知味也。Unit 7 The value of reading lies in proceeding in an orderly way and step by step to the details.Zhu Xi 读书之法,莫贵于循序而渐精。Unit 8 The key of reading lies in reading thoroughly and repeatedly not in the number of books.Hu Juren 读书贵精熟,不贵贪多。Unit 9 Only today belongs to you really.(Britain)Johnson 只有今天才真正属于你。Unit 10 On the big clock of time ,there is only one word:present.(Britain)Shakespeare 在时间的大钟上,只有两个字——现在。Unit 11 Time is just ,which spares nobody one more minute.The diligent is given clusters of fruits,while the lazy is left with gray hair and empty hands.(the Soviet Union)Gorky 时间是最公平合理的,它从不多给谁一分。勤劳者能叫时间留给串串果实,对懒惰者,时间只留予他们一头白发,两手空空。Unit 12 Self-esteem is a virtue,an original force to urge one to progre.(Britain)Maugham 自尊心是一种美德,是促使一个人不断向上发展的一种原动力。Unit 13 Among all moral qualities,the born kindne is needed the most in the world.(Britain)Ruell 一切道德品质之中,善良的本性在世界上是最需要的。Unit 14 True modest is a holy virtue,the mother of all virtues.(Britain)Tennyson 真正的谦虚是崇高的品德,是美德之母。Unit 15 Pride,envy and greed are three Mars which make our hearts explode.(Italy)Dante 骄傲,嫉妒,贪婪是三个火星,它们使人心爆炸。Unit 16 No matter where he goes,a noble person is always accompanied by a strong defender----conscience.(Britain)Scott 高尚的人无论走向何处,身边总有一个坚强的捍卫者---那就是良心。Unit 17 One is weak and usele if he is honest and ignorant;but it is dangerous and horrible if he has knowledge but is not honest.(Britain)Johnson 诚实而无知,是软弱的,无用的;然而有知识而不诚实,却是危险的,可怕的。Unit 18 How can you gain dignity if you are not honest?
(Ancient Rome)Cicero 没有诚实,何来尊严? Unit 19 Happine brought by evil will hurt us even when we are happy;pain brought by virtue can comfort us even when we are painful.(Britain)Golden 由美德而来的快乐,在快乐之中仍然伤害我们;由美德而来的痛苦,在痛苦之中仍能安慰我们。Unit 20 Greed leads one to do anything.(Italy)Dante 贪欲使人无所不为。Unit 21 Politene is the main sign of good breeding.(Spain)Glasien 礼貌是教养的主要标志。Unit 22 Being polite is the gold key to get along with others.(Spain)Sonsunegi 礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。Unit 23 All doors are open to politene.(Britain)Fuller 一切门户都向礼貌敞开。Unit 24 Being punctual is the biggest courtesy.(France)Lewis Fourteen 守时是最大的礼貌。Unit 25 One's courtesy is a mirror to see his image.(Germany)Goethe 一个人的礼貌是一面照出他的肖像的镜子。Unit 26 The heart is not conquered by force,but by love and tolerance.(Holland)Spinoza 心不是靠武力征服,而是靠爱和宽容大度征服。Unit 27 To tolerate is painful,but the fruit it bears is sweet.(France)Roueau 忍耐是痛苦的,但它结出的果实是甜美的。Unit 28 Thoughtfulne is the first skill one should learn.Lv Kun 肯替别人想,是第一学问。Unit 29 Nothing is more beautiful and more pleasant than friendship in the world.If there is no friendship,the world would seem as if it had lost the sun.(Ancient Rome)Cicero 世界上没有比友谊更美丽,更令人愉快的东西了;没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳。Unit 30 Friends are sunshine in life.(Norway)Ibsen 朋友是生活中的阳光。Unit 31 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith.(France)Romance Rolland 最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。