(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 G7峰会领导人讨论对俄实行新制裁_高考英语考前指导精

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(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 G7峰会领导人讨论对俄实行新制裁由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“高考英语考前指导精”。


Leaders of the G7 industrial nations meeting in Bruels say they are prepared to impose further sanctions on Ruia.参加G7峰会的各国领导人聚于布鲁塞尔,他们声称将对俄罗斯实行进一步的制裁。

A joint

statement condemned Moscow for its “continuing violation” of Ukraine's sovereignty.The G7 summit is the first since Ruia was expelled from the group following its annexation(合并)of Crimea in March.On Thursday, leaders are set to discu the global economic outlook, climate change and development iues.Although Ruian President Vladimir Putin is not at the Bruels summit, he will hold face-to-face talks with some G7 leaders-not including US President Barack Obama-in Paris afterwards.However, both Mr Putin and Mr Obama will attend a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France on Friday.While in Poland on Wednesday, President Obama warned Moscow against what he called its “dark tactics” in Ukraine.Diplomacy has intensified to try to resolve the biggest crisis in years between Ruia and the West, says the BBC's Chris Morris in Bruels.

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《(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 G7峰会领导人讨论对俄实行新制裁.docx》
(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 G7峰会领导人讨论对俄实行新制裁
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