(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀_英语时事新闻阅读

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(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“英语时事新闻阅读”。

五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀 Five Nato soldiers have been killed in an incident in southern Afghanistan, the Nato-led force in the country says.五名北约士兵在阿富汗南部一场事故中被杀。

The International Security Aistance Force(Isaf)says the incident took place on Monday but gave no details.The Isaf force currently has soldiers from 50 contributing nations in Afghanistan.Taliban militants have stepped up attacks ahead of the planned withdrawal of most foreign troops from the country at the end of 2014.Most troops stationed in the south are American, but Nato has not confirmed the nationality of these casualties.Southern Afghanistan is the heartland of the Taliban movement and insurgents frequently attack security forces in the region.There have been more than 30 Nato forces killed this year in Afghanistanwho vowed to disrupt campaigning and voting-attacked the campaign rally of one of the contenders last week.

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《(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀.docx》
(每日一读)6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 五名北约士兵在阿富汗被杀
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