
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



【中文摘要】物流管理系统是一个现代企业不可缺少的部分,它能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的数据处理手段,保证及时按质按量提供生产所需的各种物资,以最小的物资储备来达到最佳的企业运作,避免物资积压和缺料,合理组织企业运转,加强资金周转,保证生产活动的正常运行。中国电信西充分公司想要在激烈的市场竞争中保持优势地位,必须借助于物流管理系统,提高企业的市场竞争能力,提升企业的管理水平,以适应新形势下企业生存与发展的需要,才能发展、壮大,达到企业的预定战略目标。本文首先运用系统工程的观点和方法,对物流管理系统进行需求分析,主要从用户的需求角度出发,从上至下、从粗到细、由表及里的对系统要求做什么的问题进行解析。然后,基于实用性原则、易用性原则、系统性原则、创新原则、标准化原则、可靠性原则,采用微软开发的新一代的程序设计语言、最新的纯面向对象的编程语言、开发.NET框架应用程序的最好语言C#,采用基于C/S模式的一套完整的数据库和分析产品SQL Server2000数据库管理系统,在windows xp 32位操作系统下开发。最后,进过一年多的系统开发,基本形成了一套实用、易用、集数据处理与显示于一体的物流管理客户系统,通过物流管理客户系统将决策层、采购部、仓库部、运输部、工程部、财务部、人事部等六大组织的各级别权限客户机与数据库服务器连接在一起,以此形成了客户机/服务器两层


【英文摘要】Logistics management system is an indispensable part of modern enterprise, which can provide users with sufficient information and efficient data proceing means to providing the required various materials to ensure timely production, to achieve the most Excellent busine operations by a minimum of reserved material ,to avoid overstocking and lack of material goods, to rational organization run enterprises, and to ensure the normal operation of production activities。Xi chong company of China Telecom which want to maintain a dominant position in the fierce competition, must enhance the market competitivene of enterprises and the management level to adapt to the new situation for busine survival and development and intended to achieve busine goals by the logistics management system。Firstly, with viewpoints and methods of systems, logistics management system can be analysised,by the user point of view

which demand from top to bottom, from coarse to fine, outside to the inside of the system requirements for what the problem is resolved。Then, based on the principle of practicality, ease of use principles of systematic principles, innovation principles, the principle of standardization, reliability principles, use of a new generation of Microsoft-developed programming language, the latest pure object-oriented programming language, development.NET Framework for the application of the best language C #, based on C / S model a complete database and analysis products, SQL Server2000 database management system, windows xp 32-bit operating system development.Finally, more than a year into the system development, the basic formation of a set of practical, easy to use, set of data proceing and display in one of the client systems and logistics management, logistics management clients through the decision-making system, purchasing, storage, Ministry of Transport Department, Engineering Department, Finance Department, Personnel Department and other organizations at all levels of the six client privilege connected with the database server in order to form a client / server two-tier structure of the logistics management system, network structure, the establishment within the enterprise The

one for the analysis, management, decision-making proce information logistics LAN。This system can be used to analysis historical data, to observate the current operation, to predict the future data, to manage procurement plans, to manage the signing of procurement contracts, to procure proce management, to manage Allocation of goods out of storage, to monitor capital budget and funds scheduling.【关键词】物流管理系统 C/S模式 c# sql 【英文关键词】Logistics Management System C/S c# sql 【目录】中国电信西充分公司物流管理系统设计与实现4-5背景8-910-1111-1313-1517ABSTRACT5-6

第一章 绪论8-13


1.1 课题1.2 课题研究意义9-101.4 国内外发展趋势11第二章 系统开发技术13-202.2 开发原则15-17

1.3 国内外发展现状1.5 课题主要工作

2.1 开发方法

2.3 开发语言2.5 开发平台18-19


2.6 2.4 数据库17-18涉及理论19-20析20-2223-2930-75计32-52

第三章 需求分析3.1 可行性分3.3 系统运作流程第四章 系统设计4.2 模块结构设3.2 系统组织机构22-233.4 目前存在的问题29-304.1 客户机/服务器结构30-324.3 数据库设计52-57

4.4 界面设计

57-7578-80 第五章 总结75-77致谢77-78参考文献


郑州大学软件学院:09级信息工程专业1班组长:郑贺敏数据库设计说明书数据库名称:物流公司管理系统数据库管理系统:人事管理系统、运输管理系统、仓库管理系统小组成员:郑贺敏 张云......









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