Aeing China’s power(评估中国的实力)
A recent poll reports that one-third of Americans believe that China will “soon dominate the world,” while 54 percent see the emergence of China as a “threat to world peace.” Some commentators have argued that China will be as disruptive to the beginning of the 21st century as the Kaiser’s Germany was to the 20th century.最近的一项民意调查报道,1/3的美国人认为中国“将很快主宰世界”,同时54%的人认为中国的崛起是“对世界和平的威胁”。一些评论家认为,中国将在21世纪初制造混乱,就像德意志帝国在20世纪所制造的混乱一样。
But such views exaggerate China’s power.Measured by official exchange rates, China is the fourth largest economy in the world and is growing at 9 percent annually, but its income per capita is only $1,700, or one-twenty-fifth that of the United States.China’s research and development is only 10 percent of the American level.但是这种观点夸大了中国的实力。根据官方的汇率来衡量的话,中国是世界上第四大经济强国,并且每年保持9%的年经济增长率,但是人均收人只有1700美元,也就是说,只是美国人均收人的1/25。中国的研发水平也只是美国的10%。
If both the United States and China continue to grow at their current rates, it is poible that China’s total economy could be larger than ours in 30 years, but American per capita income will remain four times greater.In addition, China’s military power is far behind, and it lacks the soft power resources such as Hollywood and world-cla universities that America enjoys.如果美国和中国都继续保持现在的速度增长,那么中国的总体经济规模将可能在30年后比我们强大,但是那时美国的人均收人将仍是中国的4倍。此外,中国的军事实力远远落后于美国,而且中国缺乏像美国所拥有的诸如好莱坞和世界级大学这样的软实力资源。
While we could not be sure how China would evolve, it made no sense to foreclose the prospect of a better future.Our response combined balance of power with liberal integration.We reinforced the US-Japan alliance so that China could not play a “Japan card” against us, while inviting China to join the World Trade Organization.In a rare case of bipartisan comity, the Bush administration has continued that strategy.虽然我们不能肯定中国将会有怎样发展,但是排除有更好前景的未来是不明智的。所以,我们的做法是,将力量均衡原则与自由融合相结合。我们巩固了美日联盟,这样中国就不能打‘日本牌”来对付我们,同时,我们也邀请中国加入了世界贸易组织。民主、共和两党少有的团结一致的情况是布什政府继续上一届政府的战略。
China is now our third largest trade partner and second largest official creditor.Critics contend this trade with China has made us vulnerable.China could hurt us by dumping its holdings of dollars, but to do so would also damage its own economy.The yuan may be somewhat undervalued, but China accounts for only a third of the increase in America’ trade deficit over the past five years, and a revaluation will not remove our deficit.As for jobs, even if America bars low-cost goods from China, we will import them from somewhere else.To solve our economic problems, we must “get our own house in order by raising savings, cutting deficits, and improving our basic education.中国现在是我们第三大贸易伙伴、第二大官方债权人。评论家认为,与中国建立的这种贸易关系让我们很容易遭受打击。中国如果大量抛售其所持有的美元,将对我们造成损害,但是那样做也会对中国自身的经济造成破坏。人民币币值也许在一定程度上被低估了,但是在美国过去5年所增加的贸易逆差中,只有1/3是中国造成的,因此调整人民币汇率并不能消除我们的贸易逆差。对于工作来说,即便美国禁止从中国进口低成本商品,我们也会从其他地方进口这些商品。要解决我们的经济问题,我们必须通过提高储蓄率、减少赤字和提高基础教育等方式改变我们自己的 状况。
China’s internal evolution remains uncertain.Faced with such uncertainty, President Bush has offered China a strategic dialogue to encourage it to evolve as a“responsible stakeholder”.He can take a lead from Ronald Reagan, who used the phrase “trust but verify”.For china, the right strategy is “embrace, but hedge.”
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