
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


关系工作Relational Work

Influence, Interpersonal




Team Leadership—Explanation of Dimensions of Relational Work of Butler and Waldroop影响制造、人际促进、关系创造和团队领袖。Butler和Waldroop的Dimensions of Relational Work“关系工作类型”解析

The 4 Dimensions of Relational Work of Timothy Butler and James Waldroop are presented in the HBR of June 2004.According to Butler and Waldroop, interpersonal common sense is critical in almost any area of busine.Timothy Butler和James Waldroop关于4 Dimensions of Relational Work“关系工作的四个类型”的阐述发表在2004年6月的《哈佛商业评论》上。根据Butler和Waldroop的研究,商场上的人际关系无处不在。

1.Basically, managers can boost productivity by: 最基本的就是,管理人员运用以下人际关系手段来促进生产

(1)(2)(3)(4)By hiring the right employees雇用合适的员工.By making the best work(project)aignments安排恰当的工作.By rewarding performance in the right way给予正确的奖赏.By promoting career development促进职业的发展.No wonder most managers think they know which of their people are good at dealing with interpersonal relations and which aren't.Although this may seem obvious, Waldroop and Butler say one should distinguish between 4 types of relational interests and skills.这也就难怪,为什么大多数管理人员对手下哪些人擅于应付人际关系、而哪些人恰恰相反不善交际等等这些情况了如指掌。虽然这一现象看似浅显,但是Waldroop和Butler指出,有必要对四个不同类型的关系工作进行认真区分。2.4 dimensions of relational work(1)Influence Profeionals who enjoy developing and extending their sphere of interpersonal influence, they take pleasure in persuasion, negotiation and the power of holding valuable information and ideas, typical for Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Negotiators and Mergers and Acquisitions dealmakers.影响制造 这类人往往是某一领域的专业人士,非常喜欢拓展其个人的人际影响力。他们常常会因为说服别人听取他们的意见、与人谈判占据上风、占有重要的信息资源而引以为乐。他们非常适合担任销售经理、市场经理、谈判代表以及并购业务主办。

(2)Interpersonal Facilitation People that are keenly attuned to the interpersonal aspects of work situations.They intuitively focus on experiences of other people and they operate usually quietly behind the scenes.In this way they keep their colleagues committed and engaged so that projects run smoothly.Typical for Human Resources managers 人际促进: 这类人擅长调和工作场所的人际关系。他们能够敏锐地把握他人的经历、经验,常常躲在幕后,扮演地下心理学家的角色,促成同事积极参与团队工作,从而保证项目任务高效运转。他们非常适合担任人力资源经理

(3)Relational Creativity People who are good at making connections with groups of people through visual and verbal imagery;Typical for advertising people and brand managers 关系创造 这类人擅长通过视觉的或口头的表征,与人建立融洽关系。他们非常适合担任广告和品牌经理

(4)Team Leadership These are people that want to see other people, and interact with them.They like managing and working in high-energy teams in hectic service environments.Typical for Program Managers and Managers of Direct Service Delivery Units 团队领袖 这类人既有能力驾驭他人,又能够促进他人互动合作。他们是天生的管理者,并乐于在高强度的服务性团队中工作。他们非常适合担任项目经理、直接服务业务主管(Direct Service Delivery Units)。

These four Dimensions of Relational Work are not discrete types;a person can have great interest and skill in two or more areas or in none of them.Also scoring high in one dimension may be detrimental to other areas and to certain types of work.All 4 types of relational work contribute to the bottom line(financial capital and intellectual capital)and should be rewarded.Certain types of people will be sensitive to specific types of(non-)financial rewards.Senior Managers working on corporate strategy and financial performance are advised to remain sufficiently attentive to relational work: a busine strategy is only as good as the people and teams who carry it out...关系工作的四个类型并不是泾渭分明的,一个人可能同时占有两种或更多的关系工作特征,也可能连一种都不沾边。一个某类关系工作能够得高分的人,如果被错误地安排到不适的岗位上,不仅个人关系工作能力无法正常发挥,还很有可能对工作任务造成损害。这四种类型的关系工作至少对于公司的财务效益和智力资本是有益的,有效发挥这四种特长的人应该受到足够重视,给予相应的经济回报。要知道,有些人对于工作薪酬非常敏感。效力于企业战略或者是掌管金融业务的高级经理们要尤为注意团队中的关系工作,因为,再好的经营战略也还要通过具体的人来执行它、实现它。

Book: Timothy Butler Ph.D., James Waldroop Ph.D.Book: Patrick M.Lancing-The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable











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