
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文



Baotou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd is one of the earliest established steel industrial bases.It began to be founded in 1954 and put into operation in 1959, in October of which, Prime Minister Zhou Enlai came to the company, cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony of furnace 1.By the end of 2011, the company had capital of RMB93.9 billion.During the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan, Baotou Steel will enhance capacity and build “large Baotou Steel” to make it a trans-regional, trans-industrial,trans-ownership and transnational operating enterprise with large economic aggregate and strong strength.It focuses on becoming the largest rare earth steel making base and most competitive rare earth producing and research base in the word with annual sale revenue over RMB100 billion.包钢集团于1954年建厂,是中国重要的千万吨级钢铁工业基地、世界最大的稀土工业基地和内蒙古自治区最大的工业企业,拥有钢铁、稀土、矿业、非钢四大产业板块和“包钢股份”、“包钢稀土”两个上市公司。2011年实现销售收入588亿元,率先成为自治区收入超500亿元企业; 实现利润84.23亿元、上缴税金62亿元以上;截至2011年底,资产总额达998亿元。

Baotou Iron and SteelGroup, established in 1954, is an important domestic iron and steel industry base with capacity of ten million tons , largest rare earth industry base in the world and largest industrial enterprise in Inner Mongolia.The group has four businees, including iron and steel, rare earth, mines and non-steel and two listed companies, Baotou Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd and Baotou Iron and Steel Rare Earth.In 2011, the group achieved sale revenue of RMB58.8 billion, the first enterprise whose sale revenue was more than RMB50 billion and its profit was RMB8.423 billion, generating over RMB6.2 billion tax.Total aets was RMB99.8 billion in the end of 2011.2、内蒙古乌兰浩特钢铁有限责任公司,是国家中型一档钢铁联合企业,也是内蒙古自治区唯一的中型钢铁联合企业,内蒙古兴安盟地区最大的国有工业企业,职工总数7000多人(包括第三产业、离退休人员)。企业年综合生产能力35万吨,主要产品为红城牌Φ10-28mm热轧光圆钢筋和带肋钢筋等。

Inner Mongolia Ulanhot Iron and Steel Company is the only medium integrated iron and steel enterprise in Inner Mongolia and the largest State-owned industrial enterprise in Xing'an League.The company has over 7,000 staff(including tertiary industry and retired people)and 350,000 tons annual capacity.Its lead products include hot rolled plain round bar Φ10-28mm and ribbed bar.


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