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2011年新闻回顾及关键词总结: by.裴晓栋·Travis



新闻听力的特点是:信息量大、词汇难度深、话题涉及范围广。但是如细心研究历年实考,则会发现问题几乎是统一的模式:1.考新闻的第一句话,即新闻导语:News lead。从新闻的播送结构上不难发现,新闻的首句信息量最大,涉及:人物、时间、事件、地点、甚至原因。所以把握住第一句话基本等于听懂了新闻的内容。2.细节题题考察,涉及人物、地点、时间、因果关系等。在听时适当“圈划”和“笔记”,便可从容应对。3.选项中的“同义替代”,考生需要注意的,是选项中的一些常考新闻动词可能是原文的改写项,意味着考生对于这些新闻词需要有替代词的辨析能力,这些完全可以通过做真题和考前适当背诵词汇完成。



1.经济:目前全球经济仍然处于衰退(Slowdown, or receion)之中,各国经济,如欧盟中的希腊,葡萄牙先后出现过债务危机Debt Crisis,政局动荡Political turbulence, 暴动也频发 Riots raging。在亚洲,日本经济依然表现疲软(Sluggish economy), 美国的失业率更是屡创高位(climbed to a record high since 1929),全球股市也一篇萧条(Gloomy stock market),只有一些新兴经济体emergin economies,如金砖四国BRICS依然表现强劲(remain robust),但全球整体表现依然不容乐观(le optimistic), 零售量下降(declining retail), 贸易额(trade volume)也受影响, 不过还是有些许复苏迹象(show signs of recovery)

2.外交和政治:最热门的恐怕要数Libya的局势,对于卡扎菲独裁政权的推翻,联合国安理会进去军事打击的决议Resolution by Security Council。中东依然是火药桶,热点地区(hot spot), 巴以问题依旧(Disputes & Conflicts between Israel and Palestine), 伊朗和朝鲜核问题(nuclear iues)此外柬埔寨和泰国也时有边境冲突(Border conflicts),伊拉克撤军已逐步进行(ongoing troop withdrawal),南苏丹的公投和独立(Founding of Republic of South Sultan),海地大选(Haiti Election),非洲小国的政治内乱,尤其是东北部的埃及Egypt,推翻穆巴拉克overthrow Mubarark等,以及一些列的国际会议,如关于climate change的联合国大会,G8,G20,妇女大会,南方共同体,非洲,东盟等会议.3.灾难和事故:全球各地灾难频发(Frequent occurrence of disasters)、除了传统的沉船、火车、飞机事故之外,爆炸事件、枪击事件也越发严重,如suicide bomb, serial car bomb, airport bomb,shooting spree。最严重莫过于:日本辅导和泄漏和海啸带来的灭顶之灾(devastating blow brought by tsunami & nuclear leak),美国亚利桑那枪击事件再次暴露了强制泛滥的问题,还有造成大量伤亡的挪威奥斯陆枪击。

4.花边新闻:如威廉王子大婚(Royal wedding of Prince William),IMF前总裁性侵犯案件和新当选IMF的收位女总裁等。


爱沙尼亚加入欧元区 Estonia,euro area, 17th member, disintegration of the Soviet Union 美亚利桑那州发生枪击案 Tucson, Arizona, shooting spree, 6 dead 12 wounded, Congrewoman Gabrielle Giffords 伊朗一架客机坠毁 Iran air, 72 dead 33 injured, airplane Boeing 727, Tehran


Southern Sultan, public voting, citizens, suffrage, democracy 巴西遭洪灾和泥石流袭击 Rio de Janeiro, 806 dead, 20,000 displaced & homele, without shelter, miing, polluted water, epidemic


Kerala, stampede, 86 dead 90 injured, religious activity, panic, jeep 本·阿里总统离开突尼斯Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, Tunis, Tunisia, presidency 胡锦涛访问美国 President Hu, Sino-Us tie,俄罗斯首都一机场遭炸弹袭击

Moscow, Ruia, airport explosion, 31 dead, 130 wounded, rescue crew, explosive

世界经济论坛年会召开 Davos Economic Forum, 41st Annual meeting, G20 伊拉克发生汽车炸弹袭击 Serial car bomb, Iraq, Baghdad, 37 dead and 78 wounded, funeral, Shiah什叶派,Sunnite 逊尼派

俄罗斯批准俄美新核裁军条约 Medvedev, nuclear disarmament, atomic warhead核弹头

埃及国内局势出现动荡 Hosni Mubarak穆巴拉克,anti-government protestant,upheaval 动荡, step down下台

第16届非盟首脑会议举行 African Union, summit, Ethiopia, Addis, Ababa, integration of Africa, reach consensus, Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚

澳大利亚洪灾肆虐 Flooding, raging, Australia, flood control dam 防洪堤,Julia Gillard, Prime Minister,donation



Myanmar(Burma), military government, people elected government, transition 泰柬在边境争议地区发生冲突

Cambodia, Thailand, border conflict, bazooka 火箭炮,shootout 交火


State Secretary Clinton, Munich, offensive strategic weapons, nuclear disarmament


98% voters, Southern Sultan independence 埃及总统穆巴拉克辞职 Hosni Mubarak穆巴拉克 resigned


Oil price, top $103 a barrel, tension in the Middle East 马里发生踩踏事件

Bamako, Mali, stadium stampede, imam 阿訇,preaching布道 伊朗军舰通过苏伊士运河 Depot ship补给舰,Suez Canal


Christchurch, New Zealand, 6.3 degree on the Richter Scale, magnitude震级,148 dead, 23 Chinese miing


UN Women, gender equality


Libya, Security Council, resolution, arms embargo 武器禁运,freezing of property财产冻结 3月:


Light crude轻质原油,future期货,Brent crude oil布伦特原油


Discovery, Kennedy Space Center, international space station


Joint military exercise, Korean peninsular


Nuclear leak in Fukushima, tsunami, 11000 dead, 16000 miing, humanitarian aid 沙特和阿联酋部队进驻巴林

Saudi Arabia & UAE, Bahrain, garrison 驻军


No-fly zone, civilian 平民,armed raid 武装袭击,allies联军


Constitutional amendment 修宪 也门军火工厂发生爆炸

Ordnance factory, blast, Yemen 缅甸完成国家权力交接

Burma, changing of the power

科特迪瓦前总理武装包围经济首都阿比让 Cote d'lvoire, Abidjan



Afghanistan, UN office, under attack, Islamic extremist 联合国气候变化谈判首轮会议在曼谷召开

Climate change, Bangkok 国际油价再刷新高

$112.79 a barrel, record high oil price 葡萄牙请求国际金融救助

Portugal, financial aid, euro area, IMF 国际货币基金组织 科特迪瓦前总统巴博被捕

Laurent Gbagbo arrested


White Ruia, subway bomb, Minsk, 12 dead 200 injured 日本宣布将福岛核事故升为7级

Grade-7 incident, Fukushima nuclear leak 金砖国家领导人在三亚举行会晤Sanya Declaration, BRICS Summit 强风暴袭击美国

Storm hits US “安全与创新利用核能”峰会在基辅举行

Security and innovation of nuclear power, Kiev summit 英国威廉王子大婚

Prince William’s grand royal wedding, Westminster Abbey, Kate Middleton 联合国人权理事会特别会议通过叙利亚问题有关决议

Human Rights Council, UN Charter, Syria



Al-Qaeda, Osama Ben Laden killed, anti-terrorism 巴基斯坦恐怖袭击事件频发

Taliban, Pakistan, revenge, suicide bomb 巴勒斯坦各派签署和解协议

Fatah 法塔赫,Hamars哈马斯,Palestine,Gaza strip 加沙地带


ASEAN,summit, Jakarta, Indonesia 第三轮中美战略与经济对话在美国华盛顿举行

3rd strategic and economic dialogue, Washington


Bulk commodities, debt crisis in Greece


Sexual aault, IMF, president


Tornado hits States 八国集团首脑会议在法国多维尔举行

G8 summit in Deauville


EHEC;enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,outbreak of disease in Europe



Bombardment, President Residence, Yemen


Salvador, citizen safety


Climate summit in Bonne, Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书 上海合作组织峰会召开Astara, Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit “基地”组织产生新领导人

New leadership of Al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri 世界遗产大会举行

35th World Heritage Conference


General Secretary of UN, Ban Ki-moo, continue in office 奥巴马宣布从阿富汗撤军计划

Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan


Christine Lagarde, 1st female president of IMF 希腊议会通过新经济紧缩计划

Austerity program 紧缩计划


Paraguay, South Common Market Summit


刚果(金)发生空难 Congo(Kinshasa), air crash, 127 dead, 57 survived 南苏丹共和国宣告成立

The founding of Republic of South Sudan 俄罗斯伏尔加河发生沉船事故

Volga River, boat sunk, 63 dead, 200 injured 印度发生火车出轨事故

Derailed accident in India, 63 dead, 200 injured 印度孟买遭连环爆炸袭击

Bombay, serial bomb


Kennedy Space Center, NASA, Atlantis Spaceship, succeful landing 挪威发生爆炸和枪击事件

Shooting spree in Norway, 76 dead, 80 injured, Oslo 摩洛哥发生坠机事故

Military transport aircraft crash in Morocco 联合国发布《2011年世界投资报告》

World Investment Report 2011, UN, FDI, emerging market 韩国暴雨造成死亡

Torrential rain, 62 dead, power outages in 13,000 household, mudslide, landslide 朝美代表就重启六方会谈开始接触

6-party talk restarted


Bipartisan, slash fiscal deficit, default risk违约风险,raise upper limit of debt提高债务上限


Directions:Read the following paage and then talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes.Be sure to make your point clear and supporting details adequate.You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk.You need to have your name and registration number recorded.Start your talk with “My name is...” “My registration number is...”

Radiation leaks caused by the explosion happened on reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan after the devastating tsunami and earthquake on March 11.As neighbors, Chinese public is very concerning about whether the leak of radiation would affect China.Among these concerns, salt radiation rumors fuel widespread panic buying in China.And Shanghai, Tian Jin, Hangzhou among other cities have run out of salt.Topic: Nuclear radiation, panic buying

Questions for Reference:

1.What do you think of the panic buying? Have you been one of these buyers?

2.What, in your opinion, have caused this kind of improper buying?

3.What can the government and every citizen do to maintain the order of a city, a country.可参阅的文章:

Salt radiation rumors fuel widespread panic buying in China

Radiation leaks caused by the explosion happened on reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan after last Friday’s devastating tsunami and earthquake.As neighbors, Chinese public is very concerning about whether the leak of radiation would affect China.Among these concerns, salt radiation rumors fuel widespread panic buying in China.Shanghai, Tian Jin, Hangzhou among other cities have run out of salt.Following the nuclear crisis in Japan, Shanghai residents have scrambled to争相buy table salt食用盐fearing that future stock might be contaminated.Another SMS has been circulating the city over the last 24 hours, warning people to stock up存储on the pantry食品储藏室 staple主要物品.Anthony Zhao, a Shanghai Chef and restaurant consultant, told City Weekend that he suspects that this contamination warning is a scare.However, suppliers have already increased prices.“Usually we're buying salt at around RMB50 a box, but today people are selling it for more than RMB500 and up,” he said.In a Reuters report on Tuesday, experts were quoted as saying that the radioactive materials spewed into the air by Japan’s quake-crippled nuclear plant might contaminate food and water resources.This panic buying is quickly spreading acro Asia and local residents are speculating that water could be the next item to go.China National Salt Industry Corp.(CNSIC)on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt.Chinese consumers have emptied supermarkets' shelves of salt in parts of China.Chinese consumers have gone on a panic buying spree for salt since Wednesday, emptying supermarket shelves of salt in parts of China, as rumors of shortage and price hike circulated widely.In response, China National Salt Industry Corp(CNSIC)iued a statement on Thursday, saying China has adequate salt supply to meet market demand.The statement also called for calm and advised against panic buying.It also appealed to various local governments to keep a close watch on salt prices.Since March 16, supermarkets in parts of China have seen waves of consumers buying salt, some in bulk.Some supermarkets in major Chinese cities, such as Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Hangzhou, even ran out of supply following the panic buying.As rumors of salt shortage spread, when the stock market opened on Thursday, the share prices of Yunnan Salt & Salt Chemical Co.rose by 10%-the maximum fluctuation range allowed in a day by Chinese exchange rules.The rumors on salt claimed that nuclear radiation leaks in Japan might have polluted the sea water, thus salt produce in the future might be contaminated, or the safety of salt could be in question.In reality, most of China’s salt is made from mineral salt instead of sea salt, according to an expert in the industry.He said even China's sea salt would not be polluted because of the long distance between China and Japan.奥巴马针对美国信用评级下降的讲话

Good afternoon, everybody.On Friday, we learned that the United States received a downgrade by one of the credit rating agencies — not so much because they doubt our ability to pay our debt if we make good decisions, but because after witneing a month of wrangling over raising the debt ceiling, they doubted our political system’s ability to act.The markets, on the other hand, continue to believe our credit status is AAA.In fact, Warren Buffett, who knows a thing or two about good investments, said, “If there were a quadruple-A rating, I’d give the United States that.” I, and most of the world’s investors, agree.诸位下午好。上星期五,我们获悉某信用评级机构下调了美国的等级——并非主要因为他们怀疑我们在作出良好决策的情况下偿付债务的能力,而是因为看到有关提高债务上限问题的争论持续了一个月,他们怀疑我们的政治制度付诸行动的能力。另一方面,市场继续相信我们的信用等级为AAA。事实上,在何谓好的投资问题上颇有见地的沃伦∙巴菲特说:“如果有4A这一等级的话,我会将美国评为4A。”我,以及全世界大多数投资者都同意。

That doesn’t mean we don’t have a problem.The fact is, we didn’t need a rating agency to tell us that we need a balanced, long-term approach to deficit reduction.That was true last week.That was true last year.That was true the day I took office.And we didn’t need a rating agency to tell us that the gridlock in Washington over the last several months has not been constructive, to say the least.We knew from the outset that a prolonged debate over the debt ceiling — a debate where the threat of default was used as a bargaining chip — could do enormous damage to our economy and the world’s.That threat, coming after a string of economic disruptions in Europe, Japan and the Middle East, has now roiled the markets and dampened consumer confidence and slowed the pace of recovery.这并不是说我们没有问题。事实是,我们并不需要评级机构告诉我们,降低赤字必须采取平衡、长期的做法。上个星期是这样,去年是这样,在我就职的时候就是这样。我们并不需要评级机构告诉我们,华盛顿过去几个月的僵持局面至少谈不上具有建设性。我们从一开始就知道围绕债务上限问题的长时间争论——以债务违约相威胁作为筹码——可能对美国经济和世界经济带来巨大的破坏。这种威胁紧随欧洲、日本和中东一系列经济混乱之后,现在已经造成市场的不安,降低了消费者的信心,减缓了经济复苏的步伐。

So all of this is a legitimate source of concern.But here’s the good news: Our problems are imminently [eminently] solvable.And we know what we have to do to solve them.With respect to debt, our problem is not confidence in our credit — the markets continue to reaffirm our credit as among the world’s safest.Our challenge is the need to tackle our deficits over the long term.因此,这些情况都是引发忧虑的合理根源。但有一条好消息:很明显,我们面临的各种问题完全是可以解决的。我们知道,为了解决这些问题,我们必须做些什么。在债务问题上,我们面临的问题并非对我们信用的信心——市场继续确认我们的信用属全世界最安全之列。我们面临的挑战是需要长期解决我们的赤字问题。

Last week, we reached an agreement that will make historic cuts to defense and domestic spending.But there’s not much further we can cut in either of those categories.What we need to do now is combine those spending cuts with two additional steps: tax reform that will ask those who can afford it to pay their fair share and modest adjustments to health care programs like Medicare.上星期,我们达成了一项协议,对我们的防务和国内开支实施历史性的削减。但这两个方面已经没有多少可削减的余地了。我们现在需要做的是,把这些方面的开支削减与另外两个步骤相结合:税务改革,要求有能力承担税负的人公平地分担自己的一份责任;以及对联邦医疗照顾计划之类的医保项目作出适度的调整。

Making these reforms doesn’t require any radical steps.What it does require is common sense and compromise.There are plenty of good ideas about how to achieve long-term deficit reduction that doesn’t hamper economic growth right now.Republicans and Democrats on the bipartisan fiscal commiion that I set up put forth good proposals.Republicans and Democrats in the Senate’s Gang of Six came up with some good proposals.John Boehner and I came up with some good proposals when we came close to agreeing on a grand bargain.进行这些改革不要求采取任何激进的步骤。所要求的是常识和妥协。对于如何在不妨碍目前经济增长的情况下长期降低赤字的问题,有很多好的设想。我建立的两党财政委员会的共和党人和民主党人提出了良好的建议。参议院“六人帮”的共和党人和民主党人提出了一些良好的建议。在我们接近达成重大协议时,约翰·博纳和我提出了一些良好的建议。

So it’s not a lack of plans or policies that’s the problem here.It’s a lack of political will in Washington.It’s the insistence on drawing lines in the sand, a refusal to put what’s best for the country ahead of self-interest or party or ideology.And that’s what we need to change.所以这里的问题不是因为没有计划和政策,而是因为华盛顿缺乏政治意愿,是因为坚持以人为的方式画地为牢,拒绝把国家最高利益置于自身利益或政党或意识形态之上。这就是我们需要改变的。

I realize that after what we just went through, there’s some skepticism that Republicans and Democrats on the so-called super committee, this joint committee that’s been set up, will be able to reach a compromise, but my hope is that Friday’s news will give us a renewed sense of urgency.I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks on how we should proceed.And that committee will have this administration’s full cooperation.And I aure you, we will stay on it until we get the job done.我认识到,在我们刚刚经历了这些事态之后,有些人怀疑,在这个所谓的超级委员会里,成立这个联合委员会,共和党人和民主党人能否达成妥协。但我的希望是,周五的新闻将给我们一种新的紧迫感。我打算在未来几周内,对我们应该如何推进提出我自己的建议。委员会将得到本届政府的充分合作。我向你们保证,我们会坚持不懈,直到这项工作完成。

Of course, as worrisome as the iues of debt and deficits may be, the most immediate concern of most Americans, and of concern to the marketplace as well, is the iue of jobs and the slow pace of recovery coming out of the worst receion in our lifetimes.当然,尽管债务和赤字问题令人担忧,大多数美国人最直接的忧虑,也是市场的忧虑,是就业问题和我们有生以来最严重的经济衰退复苏缓慢。

And the good news here is that by coming together to deal with the long-term debt challenge, we would have more room to implement key proposals that can get the economy to grow faster.Specifically, we should extend the payroll tax cut as soon as poible, so that workers have more money in their paychecks next year and businees have more customers next year.其中的好消息是,通过我们共同应对长期债务的挑战,我们将有更大的空间实施可加速经济增长的重大建议。具体来说,我们应尽快延长工资所得税减税措施,明年员工的工资支票上就能有更多的钱,明年工商业也能得到更多的顾客。

We should continue to make sure that if you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s out there looking for a job, you can get the unemployment insurance that your tax dollars contributed to.That will also put money in people’s pockets and more customers in stores.我们应该继续保证,如果你是数以百万计到处寻找工作的美国人中的一员,你可以得到你用税款缴纳的失业保险。这也会让人们的口袋里有钱,使更多的顾客走进商店。

In fact, if Congre fails to extend the payroll tax cut and the unemployment insurance benefits that I’ve called for, it could mean 1 million fewer jobs and half a percent le growth.This is something we can do immediately, something we can do as soon as Congre gets back.事实上,如果国会不延长我呼吁的工资所得税减税措施和失业保险福利,那可能意味着丧失1百万个就业机会和半个百分点的增长率。这是我们可以马上进行的工作,是国会一复会我们就可以做的事。

We should also help companies that want to repair our roads and bridges and airports, so that thousands of construction workers who’ve been without a job for the last few years can get a paycheck again.That will also help to spur economic growth.我们也应该帮助希望参加修复道路、桥梁和机场的公司,使过去几年成千上万失业的建筑工人可以再次拿到工资支票。这也有助于刺激经济增长。

These aren’t Democratic proposals.These aren’t big government proposals.These are all ideas that traditionally Republicans have agreed to, have agreed to countle times in the past.There’s no reason we shouldn’t act on them now.None.这些不是民主党的建议。这些不是大政府的建议。这些都是共和党人传统上表示同意的想法,过去曾无数次表示同意。现在,我们没有任何理由不采取这些行动。绝对没有任何理由。

I know we’re going through a tough time right now.We’ve been going through a tough time for the last two and a half years.And I know a lot of people are worried about the future.But here’s what I also know: There will always be economic factors that we can’t control — earthquakes, spikes in oil prices, slowdowns in other parts of the world.But how we respond to those tests — that’s entirely up to us.我知道我们目前正在经历艰难的时期。过去两年半,我们面临艰难的时日。我知道很多人都担心未来。我也知道,总会出现我们无法控制的经济因素——地震、油价上涨、世界其他地区的增长放缓等。但是,我们如何经受这些考验——完全取决于我们自己。

Markets will rise and fall, but this is the United States of America.No matter what some agency may say, we’ve always been and always will be a AAA country.For all of the challenges we face, we continue to have the best universities, some of the most productive workers, the most innovative companies, the most adventurous entrepreneurs on Earth.What sets us apart is that we’ve always not just had the capacity, but also the will to act — the determination to shape our future;the willingne in our democracy to work out our differences in a sensible way and to move forward, not just for this generation but for the next generation.市场有起有伏,但这里是美利坚合众国。不管某些机构会怎末说,我们历来是,并将始终是AAA国家。尽管我们面临诸多挑战,我们仍继续有最好的大学、一些生产力最强的工人、最具有创新能力的公司、全球最有胆识的企业家。我们与众不同的是,我们不仅始终有这份能力,也有采取行动的意愿——决定我们未来的意志;我们的民主制度要求以理性的方式消弭我们的分歧并取得进展,不仅为我们这一代,而且也为了下一代。

And we’re going to need to summon that spirit today.The American people have been through so much over the last few years, dealing with the worst receion, the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s, and they’ve done it with grace.And they’re working so hard to raise their families, and all they ask is that we work just as hard, here in this town, to make their lives a little easier.That’s not too much to ask.And ultimately, the reason I am so hopeful about our future — the reason I have faith in these United States of America — is because of the American people.It’s because of their perseverance, and their courage, and their willingne to shoulder the burdens we face — together, as one nation.我们今天需要发扬这种精神。过去几年来,美国人民经历了如此多的艰辛,需要应对最严重的萧条,经历了自上世纪30年代以来最大的金融危机,他们有尊严地面对这一切。为了赡养家庭,他们如此辛勤地工作。他们惟一的要求是,我们也应该在这座城市同样尽心尽力,使他们的日子好过一些。这个要求并不过分。归根结底,我对我国的未来如此充满希望—我对美利坚合众国充满信心,原因就在于美国人民,是因为他们坚韧不拔,他们勇敢坚定,他们希望全国万众一心,共同肩负我们的重担。

One last thing.There is no one who embodies the qualities I mentioned more than the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.And this weekend, we lost 30 of them when their helicopter crashed during a miion in Afghanistan.And their lo is a stark reminder of the risks that our men and women in uniform take every single day on behalf of their county.Day after day, night after night, they carry out miions like this in the face of enemy fire and grave danger.And in this miion — as in so many others — they were also joined by Afghan troops, seven of whom lost their lives as well.最后一点,没有人比美国武装部队的男女成员更能体现我所提到的那些品质。这个周末,我们失去30名军人,他们乘坐的直升机在阿富汗执行任务时不幸坠毁。他们的牺牲很尖锐地提醒我们,男女军人们为了国家每天都面临着危险。他们冒着敌人的炮火和极大的危险,日日夜夜都在这样执行任务。如同执行其他许多任务一样,阿富汗部队也与他们一起参加了这次行动,其中7人也不幸牺牲。

So I’ve spoken to our generals in the field, as well as President Karzai.And I know that our troops will continue the hard work of transitioning to a stronger Afghan government and ensuring that Afghanistan is not a safe haven for terrorists.We will pre on.And we will succeed.我已与我们的战地将领以及卡尔扎伊总统通了话。我知道,我们的军队将继续从事艰巨的工作,向能力更强的阿富汗政府进行移交,保证阿富汗不再成为恐怖主义分子的庇护所。我们将勇往直前。我们必定成功。

But now is also a time to reflect on those we lost, and the sacrifices of all who serve, as well as their families.These men and women put their lives on the line for the values that bind us together as a nation.They come from different places, and their backgrounds and beliefs reflect the rich diversity of America.然而,此时此刻,我们也缅怀我们失去的这些人员,追忆所有为国效力的人及其家属作出的牺牲。这些男女军人出生入死,捍卫使全国团结一心的价值观。他们来自四面八方,他们的背景和信仰体现了美国丰富的多样性。

But no matter what differences they might have as individuals, they serve this nation as a team.They meet their responsibilities together.And some of them — like the 30 Americans who were lost this weekend — give their lives for their country.Our responsibility is to ensure that their legacy is an America that reflects their courage, their commitment, and their sense of common purpose.无论他们个人有多大的差异,他们都同心同德为国效力。他们共同承担责任。有些人,如本周末刚牺牲的30名美国人,为自己的国家献出了生命。我们的责任是坚决完成他们的遗愿,让美国继续弘扬他们的勇敢精神、他们的坚定意志、他们肩负共同使命的责任感。

Thank you very much.非常感谢诸位。



Good evening.Tonight, I want to talk about the debate we’ve been having in Washington over the national debt--a debate that directly affects the lives of all Americans.晚上好。今晚,我想和你们谈谈我们在华盛顿就国家的债务问题所展开的辩论——一场直接影响到所有美国人生活的辩论。

For the last decade, we’ve spent more money than we take in.In the year 2000, the government had a budget surplus.But instead of using it to pay off our debt, the money was spent on trillions of dollars in new tax cuts, while two wars and an expensive prescription drug program were simply added to our nation’s credit card.10年来,我们的支出一直高于我们的收入。政府在2000年曾有过预算盈余,但这笔钱没有被用来偿还国债,而被用于数万亿美元的新的减税计划,此外,两场战争和一项昂贵的处方药计划又增加了我国的超前支出。

As a result, the deficit was on track to top $1 trillion the year I took office.To make matters worse, the receion meant that there was le money coming in, and it required us to spend even more — on tax cuts for middle-cla families to spur the economy;on unemployment insurance;on aid to states so we could prevent more teachers and firefighters and police officers from being laid off.These emergency steps also added to the deficit.因此,在我就任总统那年,财政赤字已接近突破一万亿美元。更糟糕的是,经济衰退意味着收入减少,同时却要求我们进一步增加开支——为中产阶层减税以刺激经济;发放失业保险金;资助州政府以避免更多的教师、消防队员和警察被裁员。这些紧急措施也增加了财政赤字。

Now, every family knows that a little credit card debt is manageable.But if we stay on the current path, our growing debt could cost us jobs and do serious damage to the economy.More of our tax dollars will go toward paying off the interest on our loans.Businees will be le likely to open up shop and hire workers in a country that can’t balance its books.Interest rates could climb for everyone who borrows money--the homeowner with a mortgage, the student with a college loan, the corner store that wants to expand.And we won’t have enough money to make job-creating investments in things like education and infrastructure, or pay for vital programs like Medicare and Medicaid.每个家庭都知道,持有少量的信用卡债务不会有问题。但如果我们再这样继续下去,日益增长的债务就会导致工作机会减少并严重损害经济。越来越多的纳税人的钱将用于偿还国债利息。公司企业将不太愿意到一个不能做到收支平衡的国家开展业务和雇佣员工。利率可能上涨,危及每个贷款的人——有房屋抵押贷款的房主、有大学学费贷款的学生、想扩大经营的街角小店。而且,我们将不会有足够的资金投资于能够创造就业机会的教育和基础建设部门,也不能为联邦老年医保和联邦贫困医保等重要项目提供资金。

Because neither party is blamele for the decisions that led to this problem, both parties have a responsibility to solve it.And over the last several months, that’s what we’ve been trying to do.I won’t bore you with the details of every plan or proposal, but basically, the debate has centered around two different approaches.由于两党对导致这个问题的种种决策都不是无可挑剔,因此两党也都有责任来解决这个问题。几个月来,我们一直在努力这样做。我不想赘述每项计划或提案的具体细节,但这场辩论基本上围绕着两种不同的方式展开。

The first approach says, let’s live within our means by making serious, historic cuts in government spending.Let’s cut domestic spending to the lowest level it’s been since Dwight Eisenhower was President.Let’s cut defense spending at the Pentagon by hundreds of billions of dollars.Let’s cut out waste and fraud in health care programs like Medicare--and at the same time, let’s make modest adjustments so that Medicare is still there for future generations.Finally, let’s ask the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations to give up some of their breaks in the tax code and special deductions.第一种方式主张量入为出,对政府开支进行严肃的、历史性的削减。让我们把国内开支削减到自德怀特·艾森豪威尔总统任期以来的最低水平。让我们将五角大楼的国防开支削减数千亿美元。让我们砍掉联邦老年医保等医保计划中存在浪费和造成欺诈的部分——同时稍作调整,使联邦老年医保计划能继续为子孙后代提供保障。最后,让我们要求最富裕的美国人和最大的公司企业放弃一些他们所享受的税收优惠和特殊减免。

This balanced approach asks everyone to give a little without requiring anyone to sacrifice too much.It would reduce the deficit by around $4 trillion and put us on a path to pay down our debt.And the cuts wouldn’t happen so abruptly that they’d be a drag on our economy, or prevent us from helping small businees and middle-cla families get back on their feet right now.这种均衡的方式要求每个人都做出一点贡献,但并不要求任何人做出太大的牺牲。这将使财政赤字降低4万亿美元左右,并让我们步入偿清债务的轨道。这类削减不会太突然,以致拖累我国经济,或阻止我们帮助小企业和中产阶层家庭尽快重新站稳脚跟。

This approach is also bipartisan.While many in my own party aren’t happy with the painful cuts it makes, enough will be willing to accept them if the burden is fairly shared.While Republicans might like to see deeper cuts and no revenue at all, there are many in the Senate who have said, “Yes, I’m willing to put politics aside and consider this approach because I care about solving the problem.” And to his credit, this is the kind of approach the Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was working on with me over the last several weeks.这种方式还是跨党派的。虽然我所在的党派的很多成员对痛苦的削减措施感到不满,但将有足够多的成员愿意接受削减措施,只要大家都公平地分担这一负担。尽管共和党人可能希望看到幅度更大的削减而不想增加任何税收,但参议院中也有很多人表示:“是的,我愿意将政治因素放在一边来考虑这个方式,因为我所关心的是解决这个问题。”值得肯定的是,共和党籍的众议院议长约翰·博纳几周来曾就这一方式与我共同努力。

The only reason this balanced approach isn’t on its way to becoming law right now is because a significant number of Republicans in Congre are insisting on a different approach--a cuts-only approach--an approach that doesn’t ask the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to contribute anything at all.And because nothing is asked of those at the top of the income scale, such an approach would close the deficit only with more severe cuts to programs we all care about--cuts that place a greater burden on working families.这种均衡的方式现在未能走上立法轨道的唯一原因在于国会中有相当一部分共和党议员坚持推行另外一种方式——一种只削减开支的方式——一种不要求最富裕的美国人或最大的公司企业做出任何贡献的方式。由于这种方式不要求那些收入最高的人做任何贡献,因而只能通过更严厉地削减我们都关心的项目来减少赤字——这类削减措施将加重工薪家庭的负担。

So the debate right now isn’t about whether we need to make tough choices.Democrats and Republicans agree on the amount of deficit reduction we need.The debate is about how it should be done.Most Americans, regardle of political party, don’t understand how we can ask a senior citizen to pay more for her Medicare before we ask a corporate jet owner or the oil companies to give up tax breaks that other companies don’t get.How can we ask a student to pay more for college before we ask hedge fund managers to stop paying taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries? How can we slash funding for education and clean energy before we ask people like me to give up tax breaks we don’t need and didn’t ask for?


That’s not right.It’s not fair.We all want a government that lives within its means, but there are still things we need to pay for as a country--things like new roads and bridges;weather satellites and food inspection;services to veterans and medical research.这样做是不对的,也是不公平的。我们大家都要求我们的政府量入为出,但作为一个国家,仍然有一些必须支出的费用,如道路和桥梁之类的工程、气象卫星和食品检查、以及退伍军人的服务项目和医学研究。

And keep in mind that under a balanced approach, the 98 percent of Americans who make under $250,000 would see no tax increases at all.None.In fact, I want to extend the payroll tax cut for working families.What we’re talking about under a balanced approach is asking Americans whose incomes have gone up the most over the last decade--millionaires and billionaires-– to share in the sacrifice everyone else has to make.And I think these patriotic Americans are willing to pitch in.In fact, over the last few decades, they’ve pitched in every time we paed a bipartisan deal to reduce the deficit.The first time a deal was paed, a predeceor of mine made the case for a balanced approach by saying this:


“Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment? And I think I know your answer.”


Those words were spoken by Ronald Reagan.But today, many Republicans in the House refuse to consider this kind of balanced approach--an approach that was pursued not only by President Reagan, but by the first President Bush, by President Clinton, by myself, and by many Democrats and Republicans in the United States Senate.So we’re left with a stalemate.这些话是罗纳德∙里根说的。但今天,众议院很多共和党议员都拒绝考虑这种均衡的方式——尽管不仅里根总统遵循了这种方式,第一位布什总统、克林顿总统、我本人以及美国参议院很多民主党和共和党议员都遵循了这种方式。为此,我们现在处于一种僵持的局面。

Now, what makes today’s stalemate so dangerous is that it has been tied to something known as the debt ceiling--a term that most people outside of Washington have probably never heard of before.今天,这种僵局之所以如此危险,是因为它与被称作国债上限的东西挂了钩,政府以外的大多数人过去也许从未听说过这一术语。

Understand--raising the debt ceiling does not allow Congre to spend more money.It simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills that Congre has already racked up.In the past, raising the debt ceiling was routine.Since the 1950s, Congre has always paed it, and every President has signed it.President Reagan did it 18 times.George W.Bush did it seven times.And we have to do it by next Tuesday, August 2nd, or else we won’t be able to pay all of our bills.需要澄清的是,提高国债上限并不是允许国会花更多的钱。它只是使我们的国家有能力支付国会已经累积起来的账单。过去提高国债上限是例行公事。自1950年代以来,国会总是予以通过,每一任总统都签过字。里根总统签过18次,乔治∙W∙布什总统签过7次。我必须在下个星期二,即8月2日签字,否则,我们将无法支付我们所有的账单。

Unfortunately, for the past several weeks, Republican House members have eentially said that the only way they’ll vote to prevent America’s first-ever default is if the rest of us agree to their deep, spending cuts-only approach.令人遗憾的是,过去几周来,众议院共和党议员实质上是说,要他们投票防止美国历史上首次债务违约发生,唯一途径是我们其他人都同意他们提出的仅仅大幅削减支出的方式。

If that happens, and we default, we would not have enough money to pay all of our bills--bills that include monthly Social Security checks, veterans’ benefits, and the government contracts we’ve signed with thousands of businees.如果这种情况发生了,我们违约了,我们就没有足够的钱来支付我们所有的账单,其中包括每月社保支票、退伍军人福利以及我们同数以千计的企业签订的政府合同。

For the first time in history, our country’s AAA credit rating would be downgraded, leaving investors around the world to wonder whether the United States is still a good bet.Interest rates would skyrocket on credit cards, on mortgages and on car loans, which amounts to a huge tax hike on the American people.We would risk sparking a deep economic crisis--this one caused almost entirely by Washington.我们国家的AAA信贷评级将有史以来首次下调,使世界各地的投资者怀疑美国是否仍是一个值得投资的目的地。信用卡、房贷和汽车贷款利率将会飙升,这等于是大幅增加美国人民的税负。我们将会面临引发深度经济危机的危险,而这样一场危机将纯粹是由联邦政府造成的。

So defaulting on our obligations is a reckle and irresponsible outcome to this debate.And Republican leaders say that they agree we must avoid default.But the new approach that Speaker Boehner unveiled today, which would temporarily extend the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts, would force us to once again face the threat of default just six months from now.In other words, it doesn’t solve the problem.因此,债务欠付将是这场辩论带来的草率和不负责任的后果。共和党领导人说,他们同意我们必须避免债务欠付。但众议院博纳议长今天公布的新方式,即以临时提高国债上限换取削减支出的方式,将迫使我们在短短6个月之后再次面临债务欠付的威胁。换言之,这样做并不解决问题。

First of all, a six-month extension of the debt ceiling might not be enough to avoid a credit downgrade and the higher interest rates that all Americans would have to pay as a result.We know what we have to do to reduce our deficits;there’s no point in putting the economy at risk by kicking the can further down the road.首先,延长债务上限6个月可能不足以避免信用降级和所有的美国人因此将不得不支付的较高利率。我们知道我们要做什么才能减少赤字;把破罐子踢向前方因而危及经济是毫无意义的。

But there’s an even greater danger to this approach.Based on what we’ve seen these past few weeks, we know what to expect six months from now.The House of Representatives will once again refuse to prevent default unle the rest of us accept their cuts-only approach.Again, they will refuse to ask the wealthiest Americans to give up their tax cuts or deductions.Again, they will demand harsh cuts to programs like Medicare.And once again, the economy will be held captive unle they get their way.但这种方式还有一个更大的危险。根据我们在过去几个星期里所看到的情况,我们知道6个月之后会是什么局面。众议院将再次拒绝避免违约,除非我们其他的人接受他们提出的仅仅削减支出的方式。他们仍将拒绝要求最富有的美国人放弃他们的税收减免。他们还将要求对像联邦老年医保这样的计划进行苛刻的削减。美国经济将再一次被用作质押,除非他们如愿以偿。

This is no way to run the greatest country on Earth.It’s a dangerous game that we’ve never played before, and we can’t afford to play it now.Not when the jobs and livelihoods of so many families are at stake.We can’t allow the American people to become collateral damage to Washington’s political warfare.这绝不是管理地球上最伟大的国家的方式。这是我们以前从来没有玩过的一个危险的游戏,我们现在也玩不起,尤其是在就业机会和许多家庭的生计受到威胁的时候。我们不能让美国人民成为华盛顿政治斗争的牺牲品。

Congre now has one week left to act, and there are still paths forward.The Senate has introduced a plan to avoid default, which makes a down payment on deficit reduction and ensures that we don’t have to go through this again in six months.国会现在只剩下一个星期的时间可以采取行动,取得进展的途径仍然存在。参议院已推出一项避免欠付的计划,这为削减赤字做了首付,并确保我们在6个月后不需要旧调重弹。

I think that’s a much better approach, although serious deficit reduction would still require us to tackle the tough challenges of entitlement and tax reform.Either way, I’ve told leaders of both parties that they must come up with a fair compromise in the next few days that can pa both houses of Congre--and a compromise that I can sign.I’m confident we can reach this compromise.Despite our disagreements, Republican leaders and I have found common ground before.And I believe that enough members of both parties will ultimately put politics aside and help us make progre.我认为这种方式要好很多,尽管真正的赤字削减仍需要我们成功应对福利计划和税收改革方面的严峻挑战。我已经向两党领导人表示,无论采用哪一种方式,他们必须在今后几天里拿出一个能够通过国会两院的公平妥协议案——一个我能签署的议案。我相信我们能够达成这个妥协。尽管我们有分歧,共和党领导人和我以前曾找到过共同点。我相信,两党会有足够的成员最终把政治因素搁置一旁,帮助我们取得进展。

Now, I realize that a lot of the new members of Congre and I don’t see eye-to-eye on many iues.But we were each elected by some of the same Americans for some of the same reasons.Yes, many want government to start living within its means.And many are fed up with a system in which the deck seems stacked against middle-cla Americans in favor of the wealthiest few.But do you know what people are fed up with most of all?


They’re fed up with a town where compromise has become a dirty word.They work all day long, many of them scraping by, just to put food on the table.And when these Americans come home at night, bone-tired, and turn on the news, all they see is the same partisan three-ring circus here in Washington.They see leaders who can’t seem to come together and do what it takes to make life just a little bit better for ordinary Americans.They’re offended by that.And they should be.他们厌倦的是一个妥协意味着丢人的城市。他们终日辛劳,许多人省吃俭用,只不过是为了餐桌上有饭吃。这些美国人晚上回到家,精疲力尽,打开电视看新闻时,看到的是华盛顿千篇1律的党派争斗闹剧。他们看到的是领导者似乎无法坐在一起,采取必要措施让普通美国人的生活有一点点改善。他们对此感到恼火。他们理应恼火。

The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn’t vote for a dysfunctional government.So I’m asking you all to make your voice heard.If you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit, let your member of Congre know.If you believe we can solve this problem through compromise, send that meage.是的,美国人民投票选举了分权的政府,但他们没有投票选举一个功能失常的政府。所以,我吁请大家发出你们的声音。如果你们希望以一种均衡的方式来减少赤字,让你们的国会议员知道。如果你们认为我们可以通过妥协来解决这个问题,请发出这个信息。

America, after all, has always been a grand experiment in compromise.As a democracy made up of every race and religion, where every belief and point of view is welcomed, we have put to the test time and again the proposition at the heart of our founding: that out of many, we are one.We’ve engaged in fierce and paionate debates about the iues of the day, but from slavery to war, from civil liberties to questions of economic justice, we have tried to live by the words that Jefferson once wrote: “Every man cannot have his way in all things--without this mutual disposition, we are disjointed individuals, but not a society.”


History is scattered with the stories of those who held fast to rigid ideologies and refused to listen to those who disagreed.But those are not the Americans we remember.We remember the Americans who put country above self, and set personal grievances aside for the greater good.We remember the Americans who held this country together during its most difficult hours;who put aside pride and party to form a more perfect union.历史上有很多人坚守僵化的意识形态,拒绝听取不同意见,但这些人并不存在于我们的记忆之中。我们所记得的是这样一些美国人,他们把国家置于自我之上,抛弃个人恩怨而追求公众利益。我们所记得的美国人在最困难的时刻维护了国家的统一;他们放弃了个人功名和党派利益,组成一个更美好的合众国。

That’s who we remember.That’s who we need to be right now.The entire world is watching.So let’s seize this moment to show why the United States of America is still the greatest nation on Earth--not just because we can still keep our word and meet our obligations, but because we can still come together as one nation.这就是我们所记得的人。我们现在就需要做这样的人。这是一个举世瞩目的时刻。因此,让我们抓住这一时刻,让大家看到为什么美国仍然是地球上最伟大的国家——不仅仅是因为我们仍然信守诺言、履行义务,而且因为我们仍然可以作为一个民族团结起来。

Thank you, God ble you, and may God ble the United States of America.谢谢大家,愿主保佑你们,愿主保佑美利坚合众国。

Stock markets around the globe have been tumbling since S & P's downgraded the US credit rating for the first time in seventy years.It's predicted the downgrade would result in a maive sell-off of US dollars, as investors fret over the risks of another US receion.If so, it could be bad news for China, the largest US foreign creditor.Seventy percent of China's foreign reserves are denominated in US dollars, including 1.5 trillion dollars in US Treasuries and another 700 million dollars of other aets.China is facing ever-increasing preure to maintain the value of these reserves.But a greater part of concerns comes amid a poible negative impact on China's inflation data.According to a report by J.P Morgan, financing costs will increase by 100 billion US dollars every year in America.Demands for another round of quantitative easing policy by the Federal Reserve are now on the rise.At the same time, it is feared that capital flowing out of the stock markets will enter commodity markets.It will drive up prices of bulk materials such as crude oil and iron ore in the long run if the dollar continues to fall.They could become another major obstacle for the Chinese economy.stock markets:股票市场

S & P:标准普尔公司

US credit rating:美国信用评级

US receion:美国经济衰退

foreign reserves:外汇储备

US Treasuries:美国国库券

Federal Reserve:(美国)联邦储备系统

commodity markets:商品市场

drive up:抬高

crude oil:原油

iron ore:铁矿石

Sub-health has now become a major problem among city dwellers, especially white-collar workers and those with high education level.However, not all people have a clear picture of what this condition is.A resident in Beijing, said, I've heard about sub-health, but I don't know what it is.In my opinion, sub-health is a symptom when one is about to get sick, and his body condition is deteriorating.I think it is a state between health and disease.I don't know whether it could be called as an illne, but I think it's not good for our health.”

FengXinzhong, a member of the standing committee of sub-health branch in China Aociation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been studying sub-health problems for years.FengXinzhong said, “The World Health Organization defined sub-health condition as a third state which stands between health and disease.People who suffer from sub-health often feel tired, inactive and experience decreased social adaptability.”

FengXinzhong says that WHO defined “healthy” as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or informity”, and only 15 percent of Chinese people live to this definition, whereas more than 70 percent are in sub-health condition.For various reasons, many industrialized and developing societies are among the most seriously hit.Long term stre, overtaxing physical and mental work, and environmental pollution, all contribute to pushing a person into this condition.Many studies have been conducted on how to help this 70 percent get healthy.FengXinzhong said, “The best way of keeping fit is to use the health preserving powers of traditional Chinese medicine.The purpose of health preservation is to keep the human body in relative balance, allowing ideal health to prevail.Doing exercises such as shadowboxing, qigong, they can all help with that.”

city dwellers:城市居民

white-collar workers :白领

education level:教育水平

standing committee:常务委员会

China Aociation of Traditional Chinese Medicine:中国中医协会

World Health Organization:世界卫生组织

social adaptability:社会适应能力

Chinese medicine:中医

health preservation:养生





Pork prices drive Chinese inflation NEW YORK(CNNMoney)--Think prices are rising rapidly in the U.S.? Inflation is going even more hog wild in China.China's Consumer Price Index--a broad measure of prices consumers pay for food, housing, clothing and other common expenses--showed prices rose 6.4% over the last 12 months ending in June, China's National Bureau of Statistics reported Saturday.That marks the fastest pace in inflation since July 2008 and an acceleration from May's 5.5% rate.But unlike in the U.S., where inflation has been driven primarily by a surge in gas prices, economists say China's inflation problem is due instead to soaring food prices--namely pork.Food, which accounts for more than a third of an average Chinese person's monthly expenses, rose 14.4% year-over-year.Meat and poultry prices were the worst culprit in that category, surging a whopping 32.3%.Pork prices rose 57.1%.Mark Williams, senior China economist for Capital Economics, estimates pork prices alone contributed as much as 2 percentage points to June's overall inflation rate.China raises key interest rates The retail price of pork has increased 15% in the past four weeks, and is now more than 50% above its year-ago level, he said in a note to investors.“A decline in China's pig population at the turn of the year is now resulting in a surge in pork prices,” he wrote.While that hurts the spending power of Chinese consumers who buy pork, it's also a good sign that China's inflation is not broadbased, said Carl Weinberg, chief economist with High Frequency Economics.“Food prices are the only thing that have gone up significantly,” he said.That tells me it's not an overall price change.“

China's government has said that taming inflation to a rate around 4% is one of its key economic goals for the next five years.Both Weinberg and Williams think it will mi its target for this year, but the government won't be too concerned.After raising interest rates three times his year--including one rate hike this week--an exce of credit is not the problem.”Inflation is high not because of exceive lending, interest rates being too low, capital inflows or even a pick-up in demand,“ Williams said.”Increased inflation is simply the result of a cyclical decline in pork supply which will reverse itself in time.“

As for Chinese exports to the United States, Weinberg says not to worry--rapidly rising food prices are not likely to have a major impact on export prices.”We're not going to see an increase in the prices of T-shirts at Wal-Mart or iPads at the Apple Store because of inflation in China," he said.


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