a film review on Mona Lisa Smile Based on the background in 1953-1954 in Wellesley college, the movie seems to a charming picture with a famous women's-only college, smart girls and a delicate school campus, everything has kept well, even though it just looks like how it performs, until a “wonder teacher” graduate from UC Berkeley, Katherine Ann Wasten, come to the school, which is famous for tradition.Certainly, when it comes to this film we can not deny that women's position in the past can always be a hot topic.However, taking current situation about fairne beween males and females into consideration, I still think this theme must be an excellent one as the film not only discu things in the past but also make audiences resonate, especially females.The plots just always suit everybody to reveal their distinctive characters, in which Katherine is the most out-standing.It seemed that she used her art leons as a vehicle to put acro her opinion to young women that women were not born to become housewives and mothers.Katherine wanted to make a difference and do more things in life rather than solely adopt the roles of wives and mothers.I can never forget, in one scene of the movie, she showed her students four newspaper ads, and asked what future scholars would think of the idea that women were born to be housewives and mothers.The first time I have seen this movie, I have to sign about how satisfactory the movie present to us!Beautiful frame, perfect plot and distinctive characters convey us a real dream just like Mona Lisa Smile.
She is smile, is she happy?She is smile, is she happy? 贝蒂问他的妈妈,看到这里,我们可以发现这个女孩内心的转变。 达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中的主人公,把永恒的神秘的......
Film Review--Be ourselvesThe story took pace in 1953, when the second women's liberation gradually arisen.However, some educational institution in American, e......
②蒙娜丽莎的微笑之影评——2010120631数计院 软件班 林淑娟 是谁叩响了知识殿堂的大门我,一位普通的女性你在追求什么通过苦学活得灵魂……将我的一生献给知识那么欢迎你所......
蒙娜丽莎的微笑教育学期中论文--《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》观后感周宇 0933028 理学院 统计班摘要 1953年,坐落在美国马萨诸塞州、被誉为“没有男子的常青藤”的卫斯理女子学院,新来......