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Charity Law of the People's Republic of China

Effective region: NATIONAL

Promulgator: Standing Committee of the National People's Congre

Document no: Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.43 Effectivene: Effective

Category: Civil Administration Law(Civil Administration Law)

Charity Law of the People's Republic of China 发文日期: 2016-03-16 Promulgation date: 2016-03-16 地域: 全国

颁布机关: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会 文号: 中华人民共和国主席令第43号 时效性: 现行有效 所属产品分类: 民政法(民政法)中华人民共和国慈善法 生效日期: 2016-09-01 Effective date: 2016-09-01 中华人民共和国主席令第Order of the President of the People's Republic 43号 of China No.43 2016年3月16日


March 16, 2016

The Charity Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the fourth Seion of China's 12th National People's Congre on March 16, 2016, is hereby promulgated and shall take effect on September 1, 2016.中华人民共和国主席

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of 习近平 China


Charity Law of the People's Republic of China 法


(Adopted at the fourth Seion of the 12th 第十二届全国人民代表大National People's Congre on March 16, 2016)会第四次会议通过)

目录 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 总则

慈善组织 慈善募捐 慈善捐赠 慈善信托 慈善财产 慈善服务

Table of Contents

Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Charitable Organizations Chapter III Charitable Fundraising Chapter IV Charitable Donations Chapter V Charitable Trusts Chapter VI Charitable Aets Chapter VII Charitable Services

第八章 信息公开

第九章 促进措施

第十章 监督管理

第十一章 法律责任

第十二章 附则

Chapter VIII Information Disclosure Chapter IX Promotional Measures

Chapter X Supervision and Administration Chapter XI Legal Liability

Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总则

第一条 为了发展慈善事业,弘扬慈善文化,规范慈善活动,保护慈善组织、捐赠人、志愿者、受益人等慈善活动参与者的合法权益,促进社会进步,共享发展成果,制定本法。

第二条 自然人、法人和其他组织开展慈善活动以及与慈善有关的活动,适用本法。其他法律有特别规定的,依照其规定。

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The Charitable organization Law(hereinafter this “Law”)is enacted to develop charitable causes, promote a culture of charity, regulate charitable activities, protect the lawful rights and interests of charitable organizations, donors, volunteers and beneficiaries and other participates in charitable activities, and promote

social progre and sharing of development benefits.Article 2 This Law shall apply to charitable activities and other related activities carried out by natural persons, legal persons and other organizations.Where there are other special stipulations in other laws, such other stipulations shall apply.第三条 本法所称慈

Article 3 For the purposes of this Law, charitable 善活动,是指自然人、法activities refer to the following public welfare 人和其他组织以捐赠财产activities carried out by natural persons, legal 或者提供服务等方式,自persons or other organizations on a voluntary basis 愿开展的下列公益活动: through the donation of property, provision of

(一)扶贫、济困; services or other means :

(二)扶老、救孤、1.helping the poor and the needy;恤病、助残、优抚;

2.aisting the elderly, orphans, the ill, and the

(三)救助自然灾害、disabled, and veteran and dependents;


3.alleviating loes caused by natural disasters, 等突发事件造成的损害; accidents, public health incidents and other


4.promoting the development of education, 事业的发展; science, culture, health, sports and other causes;


5.preventing and controlling pollution and 他公害,保护和改善生态other public hazards, and protecting and improving 环境; the eco-environment;and


5.other public welfare activities as stipulated by 的其他公益活动。this Law

第四条 开展慈善活

Article 4 Charitable activities shall be carried out 动,应当遵循合法、自愿、under the principles of legality, voluntarine, 诚信、非营利的原则,不integrity, and non-profit, and must not go against 得违背社会公德,不得危social morality or undermine national security or 害国家安全、损害社会公harm public interests or the lawful rights and 共利益和他人合法权益。interests of others.第五条 国家鼓励和

Article 5 The state encourages and supports 支持自然人、法人和其他natural persons, legal persons and other 组织践行社会主义核心价organizations in legally carrying out charitable 值观,弘扬中华民族传统activities that reflect the core values of socialism and 美德,依法开展慈善活动。promote traditional Chinese virtues.第六条 国务院民政部门主管全国慈善工作,县级以上地方各级人民政府民政部门主管本行政区域内的慈善工作;县级以上人民政府有关部门依照本法和其他有关法律法规,在各自的职责范围内做好相关工作。

Article 6 The civil affairs department of the State Council shall be in charge of the charitable work nationwide and the local civil affairs

departments of people's governments at the county level or above shall be charge of the charitable work within their respective jurisdiction.The relevant departments of people's

governments at the county level or above shall carry out the relevant charitable organization work within their respective responsibilities in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.第七条 每年9月

5Article 7 September 5 of each year henceforth 日为“中华慈善日”。shall be the “Chinese Charity Day”.第二章 慈善组织

第八条 本法所称慈善组织,是指依法成立、符合本法规定,以面向社会开展慈善活动为宗旨的非营利性组织。


Chapter II Charitable Organizations

Article 8 For the purposes of this Law, charitable organizations refer to legally established non-profit organizations that meet the requirements specified in this Law and aim to carry out charitable activities in society.A charitable organization can adopt the forms of a foundation, social group or social service organization.第九条 慈善组织应

Article 9 A charitable organization shall meet the 当符合下列条件: following requirements:


1.aiming to carry out charitable activities;动为宗旨;

2.not having profit-making as a goal;


3.having a name and a domicile;的;

4.having an organizational charter;


5.having neceary financial aets;和住所;

6.having a qualified organizational structure

(四)有组织章程; and a qualified person-in charge;and


4.meeting other requirements stipulated by

(六)有符合条件的relevant laws and administrative regulations.组织机构和负责人;


第十条 设立慈善组

Article 10 To establish a charitable organization, 织,应当向县级以上人民an application for registration shall be made to with 政府民政部门申请登记,the civil affairs departments of a people's 民政部门应当自受理申请government at the county level or above.The civil 之日起三十日内作出决affairs department shall make a decision within 30 定。符合本法规定条件的,days from receipt of the application.Charitable 准予登记并向社会公告;organizations meeting the requirements stipulated in 不符合本法规定条件的,this Law shall be approved to register and the 不予登记并书面说明理approval decision shall be publicly announced;and 由。those that do not meet the requirements stipulated

本法公布前已经设立by this Law shall not be approved to register and 的基金会、社会团体、社shall be provided with the reasons for the 会服务机构等非营利性组non-approval in writing.织,可以向其登记的民政

Foundations, social groups, social service 部门申请认定为慈善组organizations and other non-profit organizations 织,民政部门应当自受理established prior to the promulgation of this Law 申请之日起二十日内作出may apply to the civil affairs departments that they 决定。符合慈善组织条件registered with to be recognized as a charitable 的,予以认定并向社会公organization, and the civil affairs departments shall 告;不符合慈善组织条件make a decision within 20 days from receipt of such 的,不予认定并书面说明an application.Those meeting the conditions for a 理由。charitable organization shall be recognized as so,有特殊情况需要延长and the decision shall be publicly announced;and 登记或者认定期限的,报those that do not meet the conditions shall not be 经国务院民政部门批准,recognized and shall be provided with the reasons 可以适当延长,但延长的for the non-recognition in writing.期限不得超过六十日。

Where there are special circumstances requiring

an extension to the period needed to apply for a registration or recognition, an extension of up to 60 days may be granted with the approval of the civil affairs department of the State Council.第十一条 慈善组织

Article 11 The organization charter of a 的章程,应当符合法律法charitable organization shall comply with relevant 规的规定,并载明下列事laws and regulations and specify the following: 项:

1.name and domicile;


2.organizational structure;


3.purpose and scope of activities;


4.sources and composition of financial aets;围;

5.structure and duties of decision-making and

(四)财产来源及构executing bodies;成;

6.internal supervision mechanism;


7.systems for use and management of financial 构的组成及职责; aets;


8.project management system;


9.conditions for termination and 制度; post-termination aet disposal;and


10.other important matters.(九)终止情形及终止后的清算办法;


第十二条 慈善组织

Article 12 A charitable organization shall 应当根据法律法规以及章establish sound internal governance structures, 程的规定,建立健全内部define the responsibility and authority in 治理结构,明确决策、执decision-making, execution and supervision and 行、监督等方面的职责权other areas, and carry out charitable activities in 限,开展慈善活动。accordance with relevant laws and regulations and

慈善组织应当执行国its organization charter.家统一的会计制度,依法

Charitable organizations shall implement the 进行会计核算,建立健全unified national accounting system, conduct 会计监督制度,并接受政accounting in accordance with the law, establish a 府有关部门的监督管理。sound accounting supervision system, and accept

the supervision and management of relevant government authorities.第十三条 慈善组织应当每年向其登记的民政部门报送年度工作报告和财务会计报告。报告应当包括年度开展募捐和接受捐赠情况、慈善财产的管理使用情况、慈善项目实施情况以及慈善组织工作人员的工资福利情况。

第十四条 慈善组织的发起人、主要捐赠人以及管理人员,不得利用其关联关系损害慈善组织、受益人的利益和社会公共利益。


Article 13 A charitable organization shall submit its annual work report and annual financial

statements to the civil affairs department that it registered with every year, and the report and statements shall state its fundraising activities and receipt of donations, management and use of its charitable aets, implementation of its charitable projects, and remunerations of its employers in the year.Article 14 Founders, major donors and

management staff of a charitable organization shall not abuse their aociation to harm the interests of the organization or any donor or societal public interests

Where the founders, major donors and

management staff of a charitable organization is involved in a busine transactions with the organization, they shall not participate in the 的,不得参与慈善组织有decision-making of the organization that concerns 关该交易行为的决策,有the said transaction, and the relevant circumstances 关交易情况应当向社会公of the translation must be made public.开。

第十五条 慈善组织不得从事、资助危害国家安全和社会公共利益的活动,不得接受附加违反法律法规和违背社会公德条件的捐赠,不得对受益人附加违反法律法规和违背社会公德的条件。

第十六条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任慈善组织的负责人:





Article 15 Charitable organizations shall not be engaged in or fund activities that endanger national security or societal public interests, or accept

donations with conditions attached which will violate laws, regulations or social morality, or impose additional conditions on donors which will violate laws, regulations or social morality.Article 16 A person in any of the following circumstances shall not serve as the head of a charitable organization:

1.having limited or no civil capacity;

2.having been subject to a criminal sentence for an intentional crime, and five years have not elapsed since the conclusion of his serving of the criminal sentence;

3.having served as the head of an organization which was revoked of its registration license or banned from operation, and five years have not elapsed since the date when the organization's

registration certificate was revoked or it was banned from operation;or

4.Other circumstances as prescribed in relevant laws and administrative regulations.第十七条 慈善组织

Article 17 Under any of the following 有下列情形之一的,应当circumstances, a charitable organization shall be 终止: terminated:


1.where the conditions for termination stated in 的终止情形的; its organizational charter are met;


2.where termination is required due to division 需要终止的; or merger;


3.where it fails to engage in charitable activities 事慈善活动的; for two consecutive years;


4.where it is deregistered or its registration 记或者吊销登记证书的; certificate is revoked by law;or


5.where it is under any other circumstances for 规规定应当终止的其他情termination stipulated by laws and administrative 形。regulations.第十八条 慈善组织

Article 18 A charitable organization shall go into 终止,应当进行清算。liquidation upon its termination.慈善组织的决策机构

The decision-making body of a charitable 应当在本法第十七条规定organization shall set up a liquidation team to deal 的终止情形出现之日起三with liquidation matters within 30 days when the 十日内成立清算组进行清circumstances for termination stipulated in Article 17 算,并向社会公告。不成of this Law occur and announce this to the public.In 立清算组或者清算组不履case that a liquidation team is not set up or the 行职责的,民政部门可以liquidation team fails to fulfill its duties, the civil 申请人民法院指定有关人affairs department may apply to the people's court 员组成清算组进行清算。to aign relevant personnel to form a liquidation

慈善组织清算后的剩team to handle liquidation matters.余财产,应当按照慈善组

Financial aets remaining after liquidation shall 织章程的规定转给宗旨相be transferred to charitable organizations with the 同或者相近的慈善组织;same or similar purpose in accordance with the 章程未规定的,由民政部organizational charter of the liquidated charitable 门主持转给宗旨相同或者organization;where there is no such stipulation in 相近的慈善组织,并向社the charter, the civil affairs department shall preside 会公告。over the transfer of such aets to charitable

慈善组织清算结束organizations with the same or similar purpose and 后,应当向其登记的民政make a public announcement of the same.部门办理注销登记,并由

After completion of liquidation, the liquidated 民政部门向社会公告。charitable organization shall deregister itself with the

civil affairs department and the civil affairs

department shall make a public announcement of the same.第十九条 慈善组织

Article 19 Charitable organizations may legally 依法成立行业组织。form industry aociations.慈善行业组织应当反

Charitable organization industry aociations 映行业诉求,推动行业交shall represent the needs of the industry, facilitate 流,提高慈善行业公信力,exchange within the industry, improve the credibility 促进慈善事业发展。of the charitable organization sector, and promote

the development of charitable causes.第二十条 慈善组织

Article 20 The specific measures regarding the 的组织形式、登记管理的organizational structures and registration of 具体办法由国务院制定。charitable organizations shall be formulated by the

State Council.


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