
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Much of northeastern China remained shrouded in heavy smog on Tuesday, forcing the closure of roads, schools and a major airport for a second day, and adding to public preure on Chinese officials to addre mounting concerns over air pollution.中国北方大部分地区周二依然笼罩在重度雾霾当中,迫使一些公路、学校和一个主要机场的关闭状态又持续一天,并且令中国官员面临更大的要求尽快解决污染问题的公众压力。

China's official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday that all expreways in northeastern Heilongjiang province remained closed due to poor visibility.Claes at primary and middle schools in the northeastern city of Harbin also remained suspended as a health precaution, it said.In some downtown areas of Harbin, known for its bitterly cold winters, ice sculptures and strong Ruian influence due to its proximity to the Soviet border, visibility was le than 20 meters, it said.中国官方媒体新华社周二称,在东北的黑龙江省,由于能见度非常低,所有高速公路依然关闭。报道称,在哈尔滨,作为一项健康预防措施,中小学依然停课。报道称,哈尔滨部分区域的能见度不足20米。哈尔滨以极度寒冷的冬季、冰雕以及深受俄罗斯影响(因为靠近苏联边境)而闻名。

Coal burning from the start of the winter heating season, vehicle emiions, crop burning and a lack of stronger winds, were factors contributing to the smog, Xinhua reported Monday, citing environmental authorities in Heilongjiang.The northeastern Chinese provinces of Jilin and Liaoning were also struggling with heavy smog on Tuesday, it said.新华社周一援引黑龙江环境部门的话报道称,冬季采暖季开始后烧煤供暖、汽车尾气排放、焚烧秸秆以及缺少劲风是造成雾霾的主要原因。报道称,东北的吉林和辽宁周二也出现重度雾霾。

As public preure has mounted in China in recent months, authorities have shown a new urgency in their efforts to control air pollution.在近几个月来自公众的压力上升之际,政府在控制空气污染方面表现出紧迫感。

Many Chinese cities, including the capital Beijing, have imposed limits on car purchases, hoping to ease the traffic congestion while managing air pollution.Beijing's city government is launching a longer-term plan to control industries such as cement and steel, which are considered to be heavy polluters.China's central government is also spending an additional five billion yuan($820 million)to improve air quality in the northern region covering Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province.包括北京在内的中国多个城市已经限制购车,希望此举一方面能缓解交通拥堵,一方面能控制空气污染。北京市政府将推出一个控制水泥和钢铁等被视为严重污染行业的长期计划。中国政府也将额外支出人民币50亿元来改善包括北京、天津和河北在内的北方地区的空气质量。

On Tuesday Beijing formally announced a new air pollution alert system and unveiled standby measures for the highest 'red alert' level, including curbs on construction as well as traffic and recommendations that schools halt outdoor activities.周二北京正式发布《北京空气重污染应急预案》,并公布了污染达到最高的“红色预警”级别时的备用措施,包括限制建筑工地施工、限行以及建议学校停止户外活动。

In Harbin on Monday, the density of small, health-threatening particulates known as PM2.5 rose as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the city's environmental protection bureau.The World Health Organization says chronic exposure to particles in the air--especially at extremely high concentrations--increases risks for cardiovascular and repository diseases, as well as lung cancer.据哈尔滨环保局称,周一该市对健康有害的细小颗粒物PM2.5浓度最高一度达每立方米1,000微克。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)称,长期吸入空气中的细小颗粒物,尤其是在浓度极其高的情况下,会增加患心血管病和呼吸系统疾病以及肺癌的风险。

Steven Q.Andrews, an environmental consultant who studies China's air pollution, said the last time he had heard of a concentration that high in China was during a super dust storm in Beijing in 2002.研究中国空气污染问题的环境顾问安雪峰(Steven Q.Andrews)说,上一次他听说中国的PM2.5浓度达到如此高的水平是2002年北京出现超级沙尘暴期间。'Absent a dust storm or forest fire, to see concentrations that high is truly shocking,' Mr.Andrews said.安雪峰说,在没有出现沙尘暴和山火的情况下,PM2.5浓度达到如此高的水平着实令人震惊。

Although Harbin's air-monitoring stations still showed a maximum air-quality index of 500 on Tuesday morning, the city's average AQI had eased somewhat to around 360 by early evening.Still those readings are extremely rare by U.S.standards and typically occur during events such as forest fires.尽管哈尔滨的空气监测站在周二显示空气质量指数依然位于500这个最大值,到傍晚,该市的平均空气质量指数已降至360左右。但这一水平按美国标准看依然极为罕见,通常在山火这样的情况下才会发生。

Some social media users expreed outrage over the pollution levels.一些社交媒体用户对污染水平表达了愤怒情绪。'The moment we encounter a situation like the Harbin haze that's happening right now, the government remains silent and shirks their responsibilities,' Heilongjiang radio reporter Guo Yazhou wrote on the Twitter-like microblog service Weibo.'Based on current technology, I'm afraid that Heilongjiang province won't be able to change its winter-heating situation...We need our government to start doing something proactive.Out requirements aren't high, we just want clean food, clean water and clean air.' 黑龙江电台记者郭亚洲在新浪微博上说,一遇到类似于哈尔滨雾霾天这样的恶劣气象灾害,政府要么不说话,要么百般推卸自己的责任;按照目前的技术水平,恐怕黑龙江百年之内也改变不了冬季取暖这样的格局„„我们的政府,拿出一些实际行动吧!我们的要求不高:干净的食物,干净的水和空气。

At a news conference on Beijing's new emergency antipollution measures, a spokesman for the city's environmental protection bureau blamed Harbin's recent buildup of air pollution on poor weather patterns rather than on the start of winter heating season, which began Sunday.在围绕北京新公布的空气污染应急措施召开的一个新闻发布会上,北京市环保局一位发言人将哈尔滨最近空气污染加剧归因于气候条件,而不是供暖季(已于周日开始)。

'We have to manage the air pollution [in Beijing], but there is also a need for good weather conditions to diffuse the pollutants,' he said.他说,我们必须控制北京的污染,但也需要可以帮助污染物扩散的天气条件。Separately, China's Ministry of Environmental Protection said Tuesday the northern region of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei had the worst air-pollution ranking in the third quarter, with air quality below government standards 62.5% of the time.However, air quality improved in the region during the quarter, reaching standards 37.5% of the time versus 33.8% in the second quarter, the statement said.Hebei province surrounds Beijing, while the industrial city of Tianjin is nearby.另外,中国环境保护部周二称,第三季度京津冀的空气污染问题最严重,空气质量平均超标天数比例为62.5%。但这三个地区同期的空气质量有所改善,空气质量达标天数比例平均为37.5%,而第二季度为33.8%。

Of the 10 cities with the worst air quality, seven were in Hebei province.The others were the city of Jinan in Shandong province and Tianjin and Zhengzhou in Henan province, the ministry said.Harbin received no mention.环保部称,在10个空气质量最差城市中,河北省占到七个。其他三个城市包括山东的济南、天津和河南的郑州。哈尔滨未被提及。











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