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Unit 1 Receiving the Guests 1.国内航线 domestic flight 2.海关手续 customs formalities 3.手提行李 hand luggage 4.航班号 flight number 5.免税商店 duty-free shop 6..旅客联 paenger coupon 7.行李认领牌 baggage claim card 8.入境签证 entry visa 9.软卧 soft berth 10.旅客通道 paenger route 1.海关行李申报单customs luggage declaration form 2.非随身载运行李unaccompanied baggage 3.行李过磅处luggage check-in counter 4.停车场 parking area 5.转机旅客transfer paenger 6.机场问询处airport inquires 7.旅游团领队tour leader 8.时差time difference 9.禁烟室non-smoking room 10.接待计划reception program 1.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!

What a great joy it is to have friends from afar.2.我的职责就是为你铺平道路,回答你提出的任何问题和尽我所能地帮助你。My job is to smooth your way, answer any questions you have and aist you in whatever way I can.3.相互访问是旅游业的真正目的,这将使我们的人民更接近,并促进世界和平。

Mutual visits are the real aim and object of tourism and it will bring people closer and promote peace in the word.4.我将确保你们有充足的时间轻松轻松。

I’ll make sure that you have sufficient time to relax.5.旅行中最愉快的事是交到一个真正的朋友。

The best that we find in our travels is an honest friend.Unit 2 On the Way to the Hotel 1.自然保护区 natural reserve 2.水上公园 water park 3.风景点 scenic spots 4.民俗风情 folk custom 5.人造奇迹 man-made wonders 6.国际杂技节International Acrobatic Festival 7.名胜古迹 places of historic interests 8.黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower 9.鱼米之乡 the land of fish and rice 10.建筑技术 construction technology 1.市场经济market economy 2.亚热带季风湿润性气候 subtropical monsoon humid climate 3.活化石living foil

4.水力资源 hydroelectric resource 5.世界文化遗产world cultural heritage 6.盆景园potted--landscape garden 7.海滩饭店beach hotel 8.音乐喷泉休闲广场music spring relaxation square 9.九省通衢nine-province thoroughfare 10.古碑廊ancient tablet corridor 1.武汉市是湖北省省会,中国六大城市之一,中国中部地区工业、金融、商业、科学、文化、教育的中心,是集铁路、水路、公路、航空和邮政于一体的重要枢纽。Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, is one of the six large cities in China.It is the center of industry, finance, trade, science, culture and education in central China, and also the important hub in railway, waterway, highway, aviation, post and communication.2.武汉交通便利在历史上早负盛名,自古以来就有“九省通衢”的美誉。

Wuhan has long been well-known for its convenience of transportation in Chinese history, and it has always been known as “the Thoroughfare to Nine Provinces” from the ancient time.3.屹立于蛇山之巅黄鹤楼高耸入云,成为武汉市的象征,是中外游客向往的地方。The Yellow Crane Tower standing high on the top of Snake Hill is the symbol of Wuhan city.It’s a great attraction for the tourists both home and abroad.4.位于武昌东湖西岸的湖北省博物馆,收藏有曾侯乙编钟、越王勾践剑吴王夫差矛等各种稀世珍品。

Located on the west bank of the East Lake, Hubei Museum has a collection of rare treasures as Chime Bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng, Sword of Gou Jian, King of Yue, and Spear of Fu Chai, King of Wu, 5.江汉路步行商业街是武汉最繁华的商业区之一,类似于北京的“王府井”和上海的“南京路”。在不宽的街道两旁,鳞次栉比的排列着各种商店、专卖店、快餐店和银行、影楼等。

Commercial Pedestrian Street on Jianghan Road is one of the most prosperous shopping centers in the city, just like Wangfujing in Beijing,or Nanjing Road in Shanghai.Along the not-wide street line various kinds of stores, specialty shops, fast food restaurants, banks, photo studios and so on.Unit 3 Arriving at the Hotel 1.观光旅行 sightseeing travel 2.抵离时间 arrival and departure time 3.办手续 go through the formalities 4.合单结账 on bill for all 5.储存贵重物品 store the valuables 6.外币兑换 foreign currency exchange 7.问询部 the information desk 8.值班经理 duty manager 9.前台收银员 front office cashier 10.兑换限额currency exchange limit 1.要求住宿类型type of accommodation desired 2.预付现金cash in advance 3.离店现付cash payment on departure 4.自动开账单automated bill 5.残疾人专用房ambulatory room 6.留交邮件hold mail 7.临时住宿登记表registration form of temporary residence 8.客人住房变动单 change slip 9.经理助理aistant manager 10.地下停车场basement car park 1.每个房间都带有浴室、电话和空调。

Every room is equipped with a bath, a telephone and an air-conditioner.2.这是你们房间的钥匙,你们的房间在305,服务员会把你们带到房间去的。

Here are the keys to your room, your room number is 305.The bellman will take you to your room.3.这个酒店是仿古建筑,里面配备了中国传统特色的家具。

The hotel is an imitation of an ancient architecture, and it is equipped with the Chinese traditional furniture, 4.各位,请注意:我们明天早上七点半办理离店手续,请大家在早餐之前将托运行李都准备好并放在门外。

Attention, please.We will check out at 7:30 tomorrow morning.Please get your checked luggage ready and put them outside the door before having breakfast.5.王太太,您的房间不仅通风好,而且看得到整个湖面的风景。

Mrs.Wang, your room is not only airy, but also commanding the view of the whole lake.Unit4 Talking about the Tour Arrangement 1.精选路线selected itinerary 2.附加旅游项目add-ons 3.自由活动时间time for personal arrangements 4.特别服务要求special service requirement 5.组团人数 group size 6.民俗旅游folk custom tour 7.行业考察旅游trade observation tour 8.路线图itinerary map 9.旅游者过夜数guest night 10.延长逗留extension of stay 1.国外派导游的旅行团foreign escorted tour 2.最终旅游线路final itinerary 3.全项委托full appointment 4.最畅销的中国旅游线路best-selling China-tours 5.娱乐或变换节目entertainments and diversions 6.上岸参观on-shore visit 7.预计抵达时间estimated time of arrival 8.旅行安排travel arrangements 9.中途小目的地mini-destination area 10.观光旅行sightseeing tour 1.由于这是一个大型的贵宾团,一切都要安排妥当,不能出差错。

Since this is a big VIP group, everything must be well planned with no mistakes, 2.我想知道那对老年夫妻有没有什么特殊要求呢。

I’d like to know if that old couple have any special needs.3.由于长江上游持续下雨,致使水位已经超出了警戒线。现在长江三峡已经暂时封航,所以目前坐船游三峡是不可能的。

Constant rain in the upper region of the Yangtze River has unexpectedly raised the river waters to alarming level.And the Three Gorges Rive are now temporarily closed to navigation, so the boat trip through the Three Gorges is now impoible.4.我建议我们先游昆明,然后回重庆再坐船游览三峡,希望那时水位已经降到安全线以下了。I propose that we visit Kunming first and then come back to Chongqing to make the boat trip.Hopefully the water level will drop to within safety bounds by then.5.我会尽力安排你们与市长的见面,但这完全得看他是否能抽得出时间。

I’ll do my best to arrange for you an interview with the major, but it just depends on the time he can afford.Unit 5 Shopping 1.中国画 traditional Chinese painting 2.水彩画 water color painting 3.草书 cursive hand 4.文房四宝the four treasures of the study 5.象牙雕 ivory carving 6.唐三彩 Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 7.彩陶 painted pottery 8.景泰蓝花瓶 cloisonné vase 9.檀香扇 sandalwood fan 10.刺绣 embroidery 1.紫砂壶purple clay teapot 2.贝雕画shell picture 3.鼻烟壶snuff bottle 4.泥塑clay figure modeling 5.脱胎漆器bodile lacquerware 6.珠绣gla beaded embroidery 7.绣花cro stitching 8.春联Spring Festival couplet 9.素描charcoal drawing 10.真品genuine article 1.福建的脱胎漆器与北京的景泰蓝、景德镇的瓷器并称为中国三大传统工艺品。Fujian bodile lacquerware and the cloisonné of Beijing, porcelain of Jingdezhen, are reputed as three renowned traditional handicrafts in China.2.中国画以其悠久的历史、独特的风格以及鲜明的民族特色而在世界上享有很高的声誉。

Chinese traditional painting is highly regarded throughout the world for its long history, original style and distinctive national features.3.我国刺绣绣工精细,图案漂亮。

Chinese stitchery beautiful pattered and exquisitely embroidered.4.中国的手工艺品门类繁多,品种丰富。

The arts and crafts of China are many and varied in categories.5.檀香扇不仅是艺术欣赏品,也是一种具有实用价值的日用品。

The sandalwood fans are not only for ornamental purpose but also for practical use.Unit6 Tours of Historical Sites and Relics 1.故宫 The Palace Museum 2.龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes 3.秦始皇兵马俑The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi-huang 4.乐山大佛 Giant Buddha of Leshan 5.布达拉宫 Potala Palace 6.毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 7.文化遗产cultural relic 8.天下第一关No.1 Pa Under Heaven 9.天坛the Temple of Heaven 10.孔庙 Temple of Confucius 1.凯旋门Arch of Triumph 2.巴黎圣母院Notre Dame de Paris 3.比萨斜塔Leaning Tower of Pisa 4.自由女神像Statue of Liberty 5.时代广场Times Square 6.珍珠港Pearl Harbor 7.好望角Cape of Good Hope 8.大都会艺术博物馆Metropolitan Museum of Art 9.摄政大街Regent Street 10.尼亚加拉瀑布Niagara Falls 1.黄鹤楼底层大厅高10余米,厅内立巨幅壁画《白云黄鹤》,取材于仙人“橘皮画鹤“的故事。

The hall on the first floor is over 10 meters high.A huge fresco “White Clouds and Yellow Crane” stands inside the hall.The painting originates from the legendary story of “Draw a Crane with Orange Skin”.2.古琴台,位于汉阳龟山西面脚下美丽的月湖之滨。人们熟知的“高山流水”的典故就来源于此。

The Terrace of Ancient Zither is by the side of Moon Lake at the west foot of Tortoise Hill in Hanyang.The familiar allusion of High Mountains and Flowing Waters, comes from here.3.出土于湖北省随州市的编钟被称为世界古代八大奇迹之一。

The chime bells excavated in Suizhou City of Hubei Province are known as one of the eight wonders of the ancient world.4.都江堰位于成都西北57公里处,是公元前250年修筑的一项巨大水利工程。

Dujiang Weir, located about 57 kilometers northwest away from Chengdu, is a great ancient water conservancy project which was built in about B.C.5.紫禁城占地175英亩,四周有护城河和围墙围护,城墙四周建有角楼

The Forbidden City covers an area of 175 acres and is surrounded by a moat and a wall with a watch-tower on each corner.Unit7 City Tours 1.水族馆 aquarium 2.传统文化 traditional culture 3.自然美景 natural beauty 4.商业区 commercial district 5.工业园 industrial zone 6.高新技术开发区Hi-tech Development Zone 7.高速公路 expreway 8.立交桥 flyover 9.地铁 underground 10.儿童乐园 children’s playground 1.珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta 2.林荫大道boulevard 3.市政大厦municipal mansion 4.旅游景点tourist attractions 5.经济特区Special Economic Zone 6.主题公园theme park 7.贸易港trading port 8.基础设施infrastructure 9.海滨城市seashore city 10.铁路交通网railway network 1.汉正街小商品市场是中国中部地区最大的小商品集散地和批发市场,以其便宜的价格和齐全的货物,每天都吸引大量的购物者和观光者。

Hanzhengjie Small Commodities Market is the largest collecting and distributing center and wholesale market dealing in commodities.Reasonable in price and compete in varieties, the market attracts large numbers of businemen, customers and visitors from all over the country every day.2.历史上的武汉是中国“四大名镇”之一,商业网点多,流通渠道广,有“货到武汉活”之说。

Historically Wuhan had been one of the “four well-known cities” in China.It boasts widespread busine network and numerous circulating channels.A saying goes like that “Any commodity will find a brisk market in Wuhan”.3.武汉市辖九个城区、两个郊区和两个县。

There are nine urban districts, two suburban districts and also two counties under Wuhan Municipality.4.重庆的建筑依山而立,城市四面环山,因而赢得了“山城”的美誉。

Chongqing is renown as a “mountain city “ because of its buildings on hillsides and mountains surrounding the city.5.武汉地处江汉平原东缘,市区被长江和汉水分割成武昌、汉阳、汉口三个镇。Wuhan is situates on the east edge of Jianghan Plain.Here the Changjiang River converges with Han River, and thus the whole city is separated into three towns known as Wuchang, Hanyang and Hankou.Unit8 Tours of Mountains 1.朝圣的游客 pilgrim 2.登山探险旅行 mountaineering and adventure tour 3.发源地 cradle land 4.悬崖峭壁 sheer cliffs and steep mountains 5.道教圣地 the Taoist Holy Place 6.温泉 hot spring 7.自然景观 natural wonders 8.常青树 evergreen trees 9.日出 sunrise 10.海拔 above sea level 1.五岳Five Sacred Mountains 2.世界屋脊the Roof of the World 3.怪石oddly-jagged rocks 4.世界自然遗产World Natural Heritage 5.主峰main peak 6.奇松the fantastic posed pines 7.变幻莫测的云海the ever-changing sea of clouds 8.地理构造geographic structure 9.石柱huge rock column 10.雪峰snowcapped peaks 1.四川峨眉山以其壮丽的积雪山峰、奇异的地下洞穴、小溪、瀑布和稠密茂盛的森林闻名全国。

Mt.Emei in Sichuan Province is famous throughout China for its magnificent snowcapped peaks, intriguing underground caves, rivulets, waterfalls and dense, lush forests.2.自东晋至清朝,在中国文化发展过程中约有500位名人与庐山有关。他们的足迹、历史传说和美丽画幅组成了一个有机整体,使庐山成为了一座文化名山。

From the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty ,about 500 noted personages in the history of China’s cultural development had connections with Lu Shan;their traces ,historical relics ,fairy tales and the beautiful landscape merged into an organic whole, making Mt.Lu a famous mountain of cultures.3.武当山不仅有五岳奇、险、雄、幽、秀各种特色,它还是武当拳的发源地。Wudang Mountain not only has all features of the Five Sacred Mountains----magnificence, precipitousne, uniquene, quietne and beauty, but also is the cradle of Wudang Boxing.4.长白山位于吉林省南部,中朝交界的地方。因为每年初秋到次年春末,山顶积雪不化,所以又名白山头。

Changbaishan is located in the south of Jin Lin Province, on the border of Korea.Since the snow covered on the peak doesn’t melt from autumn to spring of next year, it is also called “Ever White Mountain”.5.1987年9月,武夷山自然保护区加入联合国“人与生物圈保留地网组织”,它也是全国五大重点自然保护区之一。

Mount Wu Yi Nature Reserve was listed in “Human and Biosphere Reserve Net Organization ” by United States in September, 1987,and it is also designated by the State Council ad being one of China’s five foremost protected Nature Reserves.Unit9 tours of caves 1丝绸之路the Silk Road 2艺术宝库treasure house 3彩塑colored modeling 4历史文化价值historical and cultural value 5石雕stone carving 6碑刻题记tablet carving inscription 7佛塔Buddhist Pagoda 8文物cultural relic 9木质建筑wooden architecture 10藏经洞sutra cave 1风化侵蚀weathering denudation 2婚丧仪式wedding and funeral ceremonies 3摩崖造像cliff side sculpture 4碑帖stone rubbing 5修复工作the restoration work 6湿度the moisture level 7流沙drifting sand 8碑亭pavilion housing a tablet 9石窟造像grotto sculpture 10稀世珍品rare treasure 1著名的龙门石窟就密布在伊水两岸长达一千公里的两山崖壁上,它同甘肃敦煌的莫高窟、山西大同云冈石窟并称为中国三大石刻艺术宝库。

Together with Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang City of Gansu Province, Yungang Grottoes in Datong City of Shanxi Province, Longmen Grottoes are known as the three great sculpture treasure houses of China.2龙门石窟是佛教文化的艺术表现,但它也折射出当时的政治、经济和社会文化时尚。Although Longmen Grottoes are an artistic representation of Buddhist culture, it reflects political, economic, as well as social cultural states of that time.3古老的艺术、优美的环境和方便的交通,龙门石窟吸引了国内外众多的学者和游人。With old culture, beautiful surroundings and convenient transportation, Longmen Grottoes attract a large number of scholars and visitors at home and abroad.4以“中国最大的泥塑艺术博物馆”而享誉国内外的麦积山石窟位于甘肃省天水市东南,因山形像一个巨大的草垛,故命名为麦积山。

Maijishan Grottoes which have won the reputation of “the largest clay modeling art museum in China” at home and abroad are located in the southeast of Tianshui City of Gansu Province.Since the mountain shape is like a giant haystack, it’s named Maijishan.5云冈石窟保留的衣冠服饰、建筑风格、音乐舞蹈等形象为研究我国古代文化艺术提供了丰富的实物资料。

The images of the costumes, architecture style, music and dances provide a rich practicality material for the research of our ancient culture and art.Unit 10 tours of river and lakes 1垂柳weeping willow 2泄洪闸flood discharge gate 3沙滩浴场beach bathing place 4黄金水道golden watercourse 5文化艺术走廊cultural art gallery 6内河inland river 7上游the upper reach 8漂流boat drifting 9大运河the Grand Canal 10三峡大坝工程the Three-Gorges Dam Project 1主要支流principal tributaries 2山水画廊the landscape painting gallery 3摩崖石刻carved stone calligraphy 4中国文明的摇篮the cradle of Chinese civilization 5生态和水资源保护工程ecological and water conservancy project 6河床river bed 7乘船游览boat excursion 8流域面积drainage area 9古栈道ancient plank road 10悬崖陡壁sheer cliff 1秀丽的山水,丰富的植被,浓郁的楚风情和别致的园中园是东湖风景区的四大特点。East Lake Scenic Spots are characterized by the beautiful scenery, abundant vegetation, typical Chu custom, and the unique style of gardens within gardens.2三峡两岸悬崖峭壁,江中滩峡相间,被海内外游客誉为“山水画廊”和“黄金水道”。

With deep precipice and overhanging rocks on each side, many shoals one after another, the Yangtze Gorges were praised as “the Landscape Painting Gallery” and ” Golden Watercourse”.3瞿塘峡又名夔峡,雄踞长江之首,西起白帝城,东至巫山大溪镇,全长33公里,以其雄奇险峻而著称。

Qutang Gorge is also called Kui Gorge.Lying in the start of Yangtze River, west to Baidicheng and east to Daxi Town, it is 33 kilometers long and is famous for its grand, peculiar and steep scenery.4巫峡全长42公里,山高入云,有巫山十二峰神奇天下,其中以神女峰最为俏丽。The Wu Gorge is 42 kilometers long, and the mountains are very high.The twelve peaks of Wu Mountain are wonders in the world, among them the Fairy Peak is the most beautiful one.5西陵峡是三峡中最长最险的一个峡。整个峡区都有高山、峡谷、险滩、暗礁;峡中有峡,滩中有滩,因此古人曾说此处“滩如竹节稠,都是鬼见愁”。

Xiling Gorge is the longest and the most dangerous one of the Yangtze River.The high mountains, canyons, dangerous shoals and reefs can be seen everywhere in this area;gorges link gorges and shoals connect shoals.So the ancient people had ever described it like this:” The number of shoals is like the bamboo joint, and even the ghost worries about it”.Unit 11 Tours of Temples 1,大雄宝殿 the Grand Hall 2,罗汉堂 the Hall of Arhats 3,钟鼓楼 Bell Tower and Drum Tower 4,素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant 5,西方圣经 the Holy Triad of the West 6,极乐世界 the paradise of the west(Sukhavati)7,苦海无边 the endle sea of suffering 8,诵经 chanting sutra 9,卧佛 Reclining Buddha 10,完美建筑 perfect architecture 1.celestial being 神仙

2.The Four Major Protectors 四大天王 3.Buddhist monastic name 法号 4.Meditation room 禅堂

5.Mahayana Buddhism 大乘佛教 6.previous existence 前世 7.afterlife 来世

8.release souls from suffering超度 9.the boundle universe 大千世界 10.relief sculpture 浮雕雕塑

1,归元寺为湖北省四大佛教基地之一,也是全国重点佛教寺院,是省级文物保护单位。Guiyuan Temple is one of the four great Buddhist bases in Hubei Province ,a key Buddhist temple in China ,and a provincial key relic spot.2,白马寺是佛教传入中国后所建的第一座佛寺,相传佛经是用白马从印度迎归洛阳,故建寺后以“白马”命名。

The White Horse Temple is the first Buddhist temple since Buddhism was introduced to China.It was said that the sutra was carried by a white horse from India to Luoyang, so it was named after “White Horse” after its construction.3,上海的玉佛寺以存有两尊罕见的佛像著称,每尊用整块白色缅甸玉雕刻而成。The Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai is famous for two rare statues of Buddha, each carved out of a single piece of white Burmese jade.4,喀什清真寺是一座规模宏大的伊斯兰教建筑物,也是我国最大的清真寺之一。Karshgar mosque is a grand architecture of Islam, and is also one of the largest mosques in China.5,宝通寺位于武昌洪山南麓,洪山宝塔为其标致性建筑。

Baotong Temple lies at the south of Hongshan in Wuchang.Hongshan Tower is the representative building in Baotong Temple.Unit 12 Departure 1,机场建设费 airport construction fee 2,登机牌 boarding card 3,安全检查 security check 4,普通舱 economy cla 5,告别演说 farewell speech 6,免费行李限额 free baggage allowance 7,超重费 exce baggage charge 8,登机口 boarding gate 9,海关官员 customs officer 10,返程票 return ticket 1.group visa 集体签证

2.Departure lounge 出境旅客休息室 3.board the plane 上机 4.take off 起飞

5.exit visa 出境签证 6.luggage rack 行李架 7.platform ticket 站台票

8.expre extra ticket 特快票

9.mother-and-child room 母婴候车室 10.identity card 身份证


We’ll have to arrive at the airport something like an hour before the plane takes off so as to have time to go through the Customs and other things.2,这是你的行李牌,这是你的登机牌。上机时你得出示登机牌。

This is your luggage tag, and this is your boarding card.You’ll have to show the boarding card when you board the plane.3,请照看好你们的机票和手提行李。

Please take care of your ticket and hand luggage.4,请代我向你的家人问好,我希望我们能够常联系。

Please take my best regards to your family.I hope we’ll keep in touch.5,这些事意见征询表,邮资已付。请将它们填好,并在你登记之前投进邮箱里。Here are some evaluation forms, postage paid.Please fill them out and drop them in the mailbox before you board the plane.


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