
2020-02-28 工作报告 下载本文




Fellow Deputies,on behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval, and I invite comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC).一、2014年工作回顾

I.A Review of the Work in 2014


Over the past year, the international and domestic environments faced by China in its development have been complicated and challenging.The road to global economic recovery has been rough, with many ups and downs, and the performance of the major economies has been divergent.Downward preure on China's economy has continued to mount, and we have faced an array of interwoven difficulties and challenges.在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心,克难攻坚,完成了全年经济社会发展主要目标任务,全面深化改革实现良好开局,全面推进依法治国开启新征程,全面建成小康社会又迈出坚实步伐。

However, under the firm leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, all our people have worked together as one, surmounted difficulties, and accomplished the year's main targets for economic and social development, thereby ensuring that we got off to a good start in comprehensively deepening reform, embarked on a new journey to fully advance the law-based governance of China, and again made solid progre in our endeavor to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.1


During the past year, China has, overall, achieved a stable performance while at the same time securing progre in its economic and social development.The main indication of this stable performance is that the economy operated within an appropriate range.增速稳,国内生产总值达到63.6万亿元,比上年增长7.4%,在世界主要经济体中名列前茅。

--The growth rate was steady.China's GDP reached 63.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.4% over the previous year, making China one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world.就业稳,城镇新增就业1322万人,高于上年。

--Employment remained robust, with 13.22 million new urban jobs created, which is higher than the figure for the previous year.价格稳,居民消费价格上涨2%。“进”的总体特征是,发展的协调性和可持续性增强。

--Prices were stable, with the CPI rising by 2%.The underlying feature demonstrating progre is that our development is becoming better coordinated and more sustainable.经济结构有新的优化,粮食产量达到1.21万亿斤,消费对经济增长的贡献率上升3个百分点,达到51.2%,服务业增加值比重由46.9%提高到48.2%,新产业、新业态、新商业模式不断涌现。

--The economic structure was upgraded.Grain output reached 605 million metric tons;the contribution of consumption toward economic growth rose by three percentage points to 51.2%;the value added of the service sector increased from 46.9% to 48.2% of the GDP;and there was a constant stream of new industries, new types of busine, and new busine models.The central and western regions grew faster in economic terms than the eastern region.2


--The quality of development was raised.Revenue in the general public budgets grew by 8.6%.Research and development spending accounted for more than 2% of the GDP.Energy intensity was cut by 4.8%, the biggest reduction made in recent years.人民生活有新的改善,全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长8%,快于经济增长;农村居民人均可支配收入实际增长9.2%,快于城镇居民收入增长;农村贫困人口减少1232万人;6600多万农村人口饮水安全问题得到解决;出境旅游超过1亿人次。

--People's lives were improved.Per capita disposable personal income increased by 8% in real terms nationwide, growing faster than the economy, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents grew by 9.2%, outpacing that of those living in urban areas.In rural areas, the number of people living in poverty was reduced by 12.32 million, and over 66 million more people gained acce to safe drinking water.The number of outbound trips made by Chinese tourists exceeded 100 million.改革开放有新的突破,全面深化改革系列重点任务启动实施,本届政府减少1/3行政审批事项的目标提前实现。

--New breakthroughs were made in reform and opening up.A series of key tasks for comprehensively deepening reform were launched, and the goal of the current administration to cut the number of items that require government review by one third was achieved ahead of schedule.这份成绩单的确来之不易,它凝聚着全国各族人民的心血和汗水,坚定了我们奋勇前行的决心和信心。

These achievements have not come easily.They have been made poible by the painstaking efforts and hard work of all our people, and they have strengthened our resolve and confidence to keep pushing ahead.过去一年,困难和挑战比预想的大。我们迎难而上,主要做了以下工作。

Over the past year, we have faced more difficulties and challenges than anticipated.We have risen to the challenge and accomplished the following in our work.一是在区间调控基础上实施定向调控,保持经济稳定增长。

First, on the basis of range-based macro regulation, we exercised targeted regulation to keep the economy growing steadily.面对经济下行压力加大态势,我们保持战略定力,稳定宏观经济政策,没有采取短期强刺激措施,而是继续创新宏观调控思路和方式,实行定向调控,激活力、补短板、强实体。把握经济运行合理区间的上下限,抓住发展中的突出矛盾和结构性问题,定向施策,聚焦靶心,精准发力。向促改革要动力,向调结构要助力,向惠民生要潜力,既扩大市场需求,又增加有效供给,努力做到结构调优而不失速。

In the face of mounting downward economic preure, we maintained strategic focus and kept our macroeconomic policy unchanged.Instead of using short-term stimulus measures, we continued to develop new ideas and methods for macro regulation.We exercised targeted regulation, stimulated market activity, shored up our weak spots, and boosted the real economy.With a keen understanding of the appropriate range within which the economy needs to be operating, we adopted targeted steps to addre the serious iues and structural problems hindering development.We promoted reform to gain impetus for development, made structural adjustments to produce support for development, and improved living standards to increase the potential for development.We both expanded market demand and increased effective supply, working to ensure that structural adjustments were made without compromising the growth rate.有效实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。实行定向减税和普遍性降费,拓宽小微企业税收优惠政策范围,扩大“营改增”试点。加快财政支出进度,积极盘活存量资金。

We have been effectively implementing proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy.We increased targeted tax reductions, reduced fees acro the board, extended the coverage of tax relief policies to benefit more small and micro businees, and expanded the trials to replace busine tax with VAT to cover more industries.灵活运用货币政策工具,采取定向降准、定向再贷款、非对称降息等措施,加大对经济社会发展薄弱环节的支持力度,小微企业、“三农”贷款增速比各项贷款平均增速分别高4.2和0.7个百分点。同时,完善金融监管,坚决守住不发生区域性系统性风险的底线。

We sped up the proce of making budgetary funds available for fiscal expenditures and put surplus budgetary funds to good use.By flexibly utilizing monetary policy instruments, making targeted cuts to required reserve ratios, carrying out targeted re-lending, and making asymmetric interest rate cuts, we stepped up support for weaker areas in economic and social development.Increases in loans made to small and micro businees, and loans for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, outdid the average increase in loans overall by 4.2 and 0.7 percentage points respectively.At the same time, regulation of the financial sector was improved and regional and systemic risks were forestalled.二是深化改革开放,激发经济社会发展活力。

Second, we deepened reform and opening up and invigorated economic and social development.针对束缚发展的体制机制障碍,我们通过全面深化改革,以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力,啃了不少硬骨头,经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明等体制改革全面推进。

To addre obstructions holding back development caused by certain systems and mechanisms, we comprehensively deepened reform, invigorating the market to offset downward economic preure.We tackled many tough iues and carried out structural reforms in the economic, political, cultural, societal, and ecological sectors.5


We have made solid progre in key reforms.We formulated and implemented a coordinated plan for deepening the reform of the fiscal and tax systems.Important progre was made in the reform of the budgetary management and tax systems.The number of items receiving special transfer payments was over one third le than that of the previous year, and the proportion of transfer payments for general purposes was increased.Management of local government debt was strengthened.The floating ranges of interest rates on deposits and exchange rates were expanded.New steps were taken in the trials to establish private banks.The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect was launched on a trial basis.The scope for using foreign exchange reserves and insurance funds was broadened.Price reforms in energy, transport, environmental protection, and communications were accelerated.We launched reforms to the system for managing research and development funding, the school examination and enrollment systems, the household registration system, and the pension system for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions.继续把简政放权、放管结合作为改革的重头戏。国务院各部门全年取消和下放246项行政审批事项,取消评比达标表彰项目29项、职业资格许可和认定事项149 项,再次修订投资项目核准目录,大幅缩减核准范围。着力改革商事制度,新登记注册市场主体达到1293万户,其中新登记注册企业增长45.9%,形成新的创业热潮。经济增速放缓,新增就业不降反增,显示了改革的巨大威力和市场的无限潜力。

We have continued to give the central stage in reform to streamlining administration and delegating more powers to lower-level governments and to society 6 in general while improving regulation.Over the course of the year, departments under the State Council cancelled the requirement of or delegated the power for review on 246 items.We cancelled 29 performance evaluations, inspections on the meeting of standards, and commendations, and 149 verifications and approvals of vocational qualifications.We again revised and significantly shortened the list of investment projects requiring government review.We channeled great effort into the reform of the busine system.The number of newly registered market entities reached 12.93 million, with that of enterprises increasing by 45.9%, creating a fresh surge of entrepreneurial activity.While economic growth slowed down,more jobs were created, which fully demonstrates both the tremendous power of reform and the endle potential of the market.以开放促改革促发展。扩展上海自由贸易试验区范围,新设广东、天津、福建自由贸易试验区。稳定出口,增加进口,出口占国际市场份额继续提升。实际使用外商直接投资1196亿美元,居世界首位。对外直接投资1029亿美元,与利用外资并驾齐驱。中国与冰岛、瑞士自贸区启动实施,中韩、中澳自贸区完成实质性谈判。铁路、电力、油气、通信等领域对外合作取得重要成果,中国装备正大步走向世界。

We drew on further opening up to boost reform and development.We expanded the China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone and established similar zones in Guangdong, Tianjin, and Fujian.We worked to keep exports stable and increase imports, and China's international market share in exports continued to increase.Foreign direct investment actually made in China reached $119.6 billion, making the country the world's top destination for foreign direct investment.China's outward foreign direct investment reached $102.9 billion, meaning that outward investment has come to draw even with inward investment.China's free trade zone arrangements with Iceland and Switzerland were officially launched, and China completed substantive talks on free trade zones with the Republic of Korea and Australia.Major progre was made in cooperation with other countries in fields such as railways, electric power, oil, natural gas, and communications.Chinese equipment is making significant strides into the international market.7 三是加大结构调整力度,增强发展后劲。

Third, we stepped up structural adjustments to make China's development more sustainable.在结构性矛盾突出的情况下,我们积极作为,有扶有控,多办当前急需又利长远的事,夯实经济社会发展根基。

We took proactive steps to addre prominent structural problems and supported the development of certain areas while containing the development of others, focusing on urgently needed initiatives that promise long-term benefits.Our goal herein has been to lay a firm foundation for economic and social development.不断巩固农业基础。加大强农惠农富农政策力度,实现粮食产量“十一连增”、农民收入“五连快”。农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。新一轮退耕还林还草启动实施。农村土地确权登记颁证有序进行,农业新型经营主体加快成长。

Work was done to strengthen the foundations of agriculture.We increased policy support to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and raise rural living standards.Grain output increased for the 11th consecutive year, and the income of rural residents grew faster than that of urban residents for the fifth year running.Overall agricultural production capacity was steadily improved.Agricultural science and technology continued to be strengthened, and agriculture was further mechanized.The pace of progre in the construction of major water conservancy projects was stepped up.Farmland under water-saving irrigation was increased by 2.23 million hectares.An additional 230,000 kilometers of roads were built or upgraded in rural areas.We launched a new round of efforts to return more marginal farmland to forest or graland.The work to determine, register, and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded as planned, and new types of agricultural businees registered faster growth.8


We channeled great energy into making adjustments in the structure of industry.We focused on fostering new areas of growth by encouraging the service sector to develop more quickly, and supporting the development of strategic emerging industries, including the mobile Internet industry, the integrated circuits industry, high-end equipment manufacturing, and the new-energy vehicles industry.Internet-based finance rose swiftly to prominence.E-commerce, logistics, expre delivery services and other emerging businees developed rapidly.We have seen creators coming thick and fast, and the cultural and creative industries have been developing with great vitality.同时,继续化解过剩产能,钢铁、水泥等15个重点行业淘汰落后产能年度任务如期完成。加强雾霾治理,淘汰黄标车和老旧车指标超额完成。

At the same time, we continued to cut overcapacity.Fifteen key industries including steel and cement achieved their task for the year of shutting down outdated production facilities as scheduled.We stepped up efforts to prevent and control smog and surpaed this year's targets for removing high-emiion and old vehicles from the roads.推进基础设施建设和区域协调发展。京津冀协同发展、长江经济带建设取得重要进展。新建铁路投产里程8427公里,高速铁路运营里程达1.6万公里,占世界的60%以上。高速公路通车里程达11.2万公里,水路、民航、管道建设进一步加强。农网改造稳步进行。宽带用户超过7.8亿户。经过多年努力,南水北调中线一期工程正式通水,惠及沿线亿万群众。

Progre was made in developing infrastructure and promoting coordinated development among regions.Significant progre was made in coordinated development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and in building the Yangtze Economic Belt.An additional 8,427 kilometers of railway lines were put into operation.The length of high-speed railways that are up and running in China reached 16,000 kilometers, accounting for more than 60% of the world's total.The length of the country's expreways open to traffic grew to total 112,000 kilometers.Waterways, civil aviation, and pipelines were all further developed.Steady progre was made in upgrading rural power grids.The number of broadband Internet users exceeded 780 million.Thanks to many years of hard work, the first phase of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was officially put into operation, benefiting millions of people along the route.实施创新驱动发展战略。着力打通科技成果转化通道,扩大中关村国家自主创新示范区试点政策实施范围,推进科技资源开放共享,科技人员创新活力不断释放。超级计算、探月工程、卫星应用等重大科研项目取得新突破,我国自主研制的支线客机飞上蓝天。

We implemented the strategy of innovation-driven development.We worked to commercialize research and development deliverables, expanded the scope of trial policies from the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone, and ensured that scientific and technological resources were openly shared.All this has been helping to constantly unleash the creativity of scientists and engineers.Breakthroughs have been made in major research projects such as supercomputing, the lunar exploration program, and satellite applications, and a regional jet developed and produced in China has been succefully put into service.四是织密织牢民生保障网,增进人民福祉。

Fourth, we worked on developing a tightly woven and sturdy safety net to secure and improve living standards.我们坚持以人为本,持续增加民生投入,保基本、兜底线、建机制,尽管财政收入增速放缓、支出压力加大,但财政用于民生的比例达到70%以上。

We continued to put people first, sustaining increases to spending in areas that are important to improving standards of living.We have been working to build up a basic safety net, ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need, and make relevant institutional arrangements.Despite a slowdown in the growth of government 10 revenue and increased preure on expenditures, more than 70% of last year's government budget was spent on ensuring standards of living.加强就业和社会保障。完善就业促进政策,推出创业引领计划,高校毕业生就业稳中有升。统一城乡居民基本养老保险制度,企业退休人员基本养老金水平又提高10%。新开工保障性安居工程740万套,基本建成511万套。全面建立临时救助制度,城乡低保标准分别提高9.97%和14.1%,残疾军人、烈属和老复员军人等优抚对象抚恤和生活补助标准提高20%以上。

We worked to strengthen employment and social security.We improved the policies to stimulate employment and initiated the scheme to help college students and graduates to start businees, ensuring a steady increase in the employment of college graduates.We unified the basic pension systems for rural residents and non-working urban residents and increased basic pension benefits for enterprise retirees by a further 10%.Construction began on 7.4 million government-subsidized housing units, and 5.11 million such units were basically completed.We established a nationwide temporary-aistance system, increased subsistence allowances by 9.97% for urban residents and 14.1% for rural residents, and increased subsidies and living allowances by more than 20% for disabled military personnel, families of revolutionary martyrs, and old-age veterans.继续促进教育公平。加强贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校建设,提高家庭经济困难学生资助水平,国家助学贷款资助标准大幅上调。中等职业学校免学费补助政策扩大到三年。实行义务教育免试就近入学政策,28个省份实现了农民工随迁子女在流入地参加高考。贫困地区农村学生上重点高校人数连续两年增长10%以上。经过努力,全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例超过4%。

We continued to make progre in securing fair acce to education.We strengthened efforts to improve badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education in poor areas, increased financial aid to students from poor families, and significantly increased the amount available per eligible student for national study aistance loans.The scheme to subsidize the waiving of tuition fees at schools providing secondary vocational education was extended to cover three years of study.Policies have been introduced to ensure that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams, and 28 provincial-level administrative areas began to allow children who live with their migrant worker parents to take the college entrance exam in their cities of residence.The number of students from poor rural areas who were newly enrolled in key colleges and universities increased by more than 10% for the second year running.Through hard work, government spending on education has come to reach over 4% of GDP.深入推进医药卫生改革发展。城乡居民大病保险试点扩大到所有省份,疾病应急救助制度基本建立,全民医保覆盖面超过95%。基层医疗卫生机构综合改革深化,县乡村服务网络逐步完善。公立医院改革试点县市达到1300多个。

We intensified efforts to reform and develop medical and health care.Trials of serious illne insurance for rural and non-working urban residents were extended to all provincial-level administrative areas, the framework of the system for providing aistance for emergency medical treatment was established, and over 95% of the whole population was covered by medical insurance.The comprehensive reform of community medical and healthcare centers was deepened, and the networks of medical and healthcare services for counties, townships, and villages have been steadily improved.The number of counties and county-level cities carrying out trial public hospital reforms reached over 1,300.积极发展文化事业和文化产业。推动重大文化惠民项目建设,广播电视“村村通”工程向“户户通”升级。实施文艺精品战略,完善现代文化市场体系。群众健身活动蓬勃开展,成功举办南京青奥会。

We worked actively to develop the cultural sector.Progre was made in developing major cultural initiatives designed to benefit the public.Great efforts were made to extend radio and television coverage not only to all villages but to all rural homes.Efforts were made to ensure the production of more high-quality literary and artistic works, and the modern culture market was improved.Popular fitne activities are flourishing nationwide, and the 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing were a great succe.12


Fifth, we have been developing new forms of social governance, and promoting social harmony and stability.我们妥善应对自然灾害和突发事件,有序化解社会矛盾,建立健全机制,强化源头防范,保障人民生命安全,维护良好的社会秩序。

We responded effectively to natural disasters and emergencies, worked to resolve social problems in a systematic way, and strengthened mechanisms to addre problems at the source.These efforts have protected lives and ensured public order.去年云南鲁甸、景谷等地发生较强地震,我们及时高效展开抗震救灾,灾后恢复重建顺利推进。积极援非抗击埃博拉疫情,有效防控疫情输入。加强安全生产工作,事故总量、重特大事故、重点行业事故持续下降。着力治理餐桌污染,食品药品安全形势总体稳定。

Last year, when strong earthquakes hit in areas including Ludian and Jinggu counties in Yunnan Province, we launched timely and efficient relief efforts and made smooth progre in post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction.We worked proactively to aist Africa in the fight against Ebola, and effectively prevented the virus from entering China.We intensified efforts to ensure workplace safety and achieved reductions in the number of total accidents, serious and major accidents, and accidents in key industries.Serious efforts were made to prevent food contamination, and on the whole the situation was kept stable in food and medicine safety.我们大力推进依法行政,国务院提请全国人大常委会制定修订食品安全法等法律15件,制定修订企业信息公示暂行条例等行政法规38件。政务公开深入推进,政府重大决策和政策以多种形式向社会广泛征求意见。完成第三次全国经济普查。改革信访工作制度。法律援助范围从低保群体扩大到低收入群体。加强城乡社区建设,行业协会商会等四类社会组织实现直接登记。严厉打击各类犯罪活动,强化社会治安综合治理,维护了国家安全和公共安全。

In a major push to advance law-based government administration, the State Council submitted proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congre(NPC)on enacting or revising 15 laws including the Food Safety Law, and formulated or revised 38 sets of administrative regulations including the Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Disclosure.We took thorough steps to increase transparency in government operations, and used multiple means to widely solicit comments from the public on major government decisions and policies.The third national economic census was completed.We reformed the system for handling public complaints made in the form of letters or visits.Legal aid was expanded to cover not only people living on subsistence allowances but also those on low incomes.We strengthened efforts in both urban and rural community building, and made direct registration a reality for four types of social organizations, including industry aociations and chambers of commerce.We cracked down on crime, strengthened efforts in the comprehensive maintenance of law and order, and effectively safeguarded national security and public safety.我们严格落实党中央八项规定精神,持之以恒纠正“四风”。严格执行国务院“约法三章”,政府性楼堂馆所、机关事业单位人员编制、“三公”经费得到有效控制。加大行政监察和审计监督力度,推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,严肃查处违纪违法案件,一批腐败分子得到应有惩处。

We have been strictly putting into practice the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and making persistent efforts to fight formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance.We have been rigorously implementing the State Council's three-point decision on curbing government spending, and have effectively controlled the construction of new government buildings, the staffing of government bodies and public institutions, and the spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality.Administrative supervision and auditing oversight have been intensified;efforts have been stepped up to improve Party conduct, build a clean government, and fight corruption;and we have investigated and prosecuted violations of the law and discipline, bringing many offenders to justice.14


We have taken strong steps to ensure the implementation of major policies and measures, carrying out inspections, introducing third-party evaluations and public appraisals, and establishing permanent mechanisms.These efforts have gone a long way in advancing all of our work.一年来,外交工作成果丰硕。习近平主席等国家领导人出访多国,出席二十国集团领导人峰会、金砖国家领导人会晤、上海合作组织峰会、东亚合作领导人系列会议、亚欧首脑会议、达沃斯论坛等重大活动。成功举办亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议、亚信会议第四次峰会、博鳌亚洲论坛。

Over the past year, Chinese diplomacy has been fruitful.President Xi Jinping and other state leaders visited many countries and attended major international events, including the G20 Leaders Summit, the BRICS Leaders Meeting, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the East Asian leaders' meetings on cooperation, the Asia-Europe Meeting, the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014 in Tianjin, and the World Economic Forum annual meeting 2015 in Davos, Switzerland.China hosted the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the Fourth Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, and the Boao Forum for Asia.积极参与多边机制建立和国际规则制定。大国外交稳中有进,周边外交呈现新局面,同发展中国家合作取得新进展,经济外交成果显著。

China has been participating actively in establishing multilateral mechanisms and writing international rules.We have made steady progre in developing relations with other major countries, entered a new phase in neighborhood diplomacy, and made new headway in our cooperation with other developing countries.Notable progre has been made in conducting economic diplomacy.推进丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路建设,筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行,设立丝路基金。

Progre has been made in pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives;preparations have been made for establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Silk Road Fund has been set up.我们与各国的交往合作越来越紧密,中国在国际舞台上负责任大国形象日益彰显。

China is engaging in more exchanges and cooperation with other countries, and is increasingly recognized as a major responsible country on the international stage.各位代表!

Fellow Deputies,一年来取得的成绩,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央统揽全局、科学决策的结果,是全党全军全国各族人民共同努力、不懈奋斗的结果。

We owe the achievements of the past year to the overall planning and sound policymaking of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary and to the concerted and unremitting efforts of all members of the Party and the armed forces, and all of China's people.我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚感谢!向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,表示诚挚感谢!向关心和支持中国现代化建设事业的各国政府、国际组织和各国朋友,表示诚挚感谢!

On behalf of the State Council, I wish to expre our sincere gratitude to the people of all our ethnic groups, and to the non-CPC parties, people's organizations, and people from all sectors of society.We would like to expre our heartfelt appreciation to our compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan, and to Chinese nationals overseas.We also wish to expre true gratitude to the governments, international organizations, and friends from all over the world who show understanding for and support China in its endeavor to modernize.16


While recognizing our achievements, we must also be mindful of the difficulties and challenges on the road ahead:


--Growth in investment is sluggish;the number of new areas of strong consumer activity is limited;there is no sign the international market is about to significantly pick up;maintaining stable growth is becoming more difficult, and there are still latent risks in some areas.工业产品价格持续下降,生产要素成本上升,小微企业融资难融资贵问题突出,部分企业生产经营困难。

--The prices of manufactured products are continuing to fall;the costs of factors of production are on the rise;small and micro businees are finding it difficult and costly to obtain financing;and the going is tough for some enterprises.经济发展方式比较粗放,创新能力不足,产能过剩问题突出,农业基础薄弱。

--China's economic growth model remains inefficient;our capacity for innovation is insufficient;overcapacity is a pronounced problem, and the foundation of agriculture is weak.群众对医疗、养老、住房、交通、教育、收入分配、食品安全、社会治安等还有不少不满意的地方。有些地方环境污染严重,重大安全事故时有发生。政府工作还存在不足,有些政策措施落实不到位。

--There are still many problems of public concern in medical services, elderly care, housing, transport, education, income distribution, food safety, and law and order.Environmental pollution is serious in some localities, and major accidents in the workplace are not uncommon.17


--There is still much to be improved in the work of the government, with some policies and measures not being satisfactorily implemented.A small number of government employees behave irresponsibly;shocking cases of corruption still exist;and some government officials are neglectful of their duties, holding onto their jobs while failing to fulfill their responsibilities.我们要直面问题,安不忘危,治不忘乱,勇于担当,不辱历史使命,不负人民重托。

We must face these problems head on.In times of peace one must be alert to danger, and in times of stability one must be mindful of the potential for chaos.We must be ready to bear the weight of responsibility, do justice to our historic miion, and live up to the great trust the people place in us.二、2015年工作总体部署

II.The Plan for Work in 2015


China is the largest developing country in the world;it is still in the primary stage of socialism, where it will remain for a long time to come.At this stage, development is of primary importance to China;it is both the basis for and the key to solving every problem we face.In order to defuse problems and risks, avoid falling into the “middle-income trap,” and achieve modernization, China must rely on development, and development requires an appropriate growth rate.同时,我国经济发展进入新常态,正处在爬坡过坎的关口,体制机制弊端和结构性矛盾是“拦路虎”,不深化改革和调整经济结构,就难以实现平稳健康发展。

At the same time, China's economic development has entered a new normal.Our country is in a crucial period during which challenges need to be overcome and problems need to be resolved.Systemic, institutional, and structural problems have become “tigers in the road” holding up development.Without deepening reform and making economic structural adjustments, we will have a difficult time sustaining steady and sound development.我们必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心,切实抓好发展这个执政兴国第一要务。必须坚持不懈依靠改革推动科学发展,加快转变经济发展方式,实现有质量有效益可持续的发展。

We must be adamant in pursuing economic development as our central task and make a thorough job of development as the top priority for ensuring the governance and revitalization of the country.We must continue to promote development in a sound and balanced way through reform and speed up the transformation of the growth model so as to achieve quality, efficient, and sustainable development.当前,世界经济正处于深度调整之中,复苏动力不足,地缘政治影响加重,不确定因素增多,推动增长、增加就业、调整结构成为国际社会共识。我国经济下行压力还在加大,发展中深层次矛盾凸显,今年面临的困难可能比去年还要大。

At present, the world economy is undergoing profound adjustment, its recovery lacks drive, the influence of geopolitics is increasing, and there are a greater number of uncertainties at play.Promoting growth, creating jobs, and making structural adjustments have become common goals for the international community.With downward preure on China's economy building and deep-seated problems in development surfacing, the difficulties we are to encounter in the year ahead may be even more formidable than those of last year.同时,我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期,有巨大的潜力、韧性和回旋余地。新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化持续推进,发展基础日益雄厚,改革红利正在释放,宏观调控积累了丰富经验。我们必须增强忧患意识,坚定必胜信念,牢牢把握发展的主动权。

On the other hand, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity during which great progre can be made in development.Our country's development has enormous potential and is hugely resilient, and we have ample room for growth.Steady progre is being made in the development of new types of industrialization, applications of information technologies, urbanization, and agricultural modernization;the foundation underpinning development is becoming stronger by the day;benefits of reform are being delivered as we speak;and we have gained much experience in conducting macro regulation.We must strengthen our awarene of latent problems while remaining fully confident and taking an active approach to development.新的一年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年,也是稳增长调结构的紧要之年。政府工作的总体要求是:

This coming year will be crucial for comprehensively deepening reform, the first year for fully advancing the law-based governance of the country, and a critical year for ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments.The overall requirements for the government's work this year are as follows:

高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,--hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics;

以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,--follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development;

全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,--comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the 18th National Party Congre and the third and fourth plenary seions of the 18th CPC Central Committee;

贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,--put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major speeches;

主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,--actively adapt to and guide the new normal in China's economic development;20

坚持稳中求进工作总基调,--adhere to the general principle of seeking progre while keeping performance stable;

保持经济运行在合理区间,--ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range;

着力提高经济发展质量和效益,--focus on strengthening the quality and benefits of economic development;

把转方式调结构放到更加重要位置,--give greater priority to transforming the growth model and making structural adjustments;

狠抓改革攻坚,--tackle tough problems of reform head on;

突出创新驱动,--pursue innovation-driven development;

强化风险防控,--strengthen risk prevention and control;

加强民生保障,--strengthen safeguards for people's standard of living;

处理好改革发展稳定关系,--get the right balance between carrying out reform, pursuing development, and ensuring stability;

全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设,--promote all-round socialist economic, political, cultural,social, and ecological advancement;and


--achieve steady and sound economic development and ensure social harmony and stability.我们要把握好总体要求,着眼于保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”,打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务“双引擎”,推动发展调速不减势、量增质更优,实现中国经济提质增效升级。

Keeping in mind these requirements, we must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high-level growth rate and moving toward a medium-high-level of development.We need to maintain policy continuity and keep expectations stable while moving forward with reform and structural adjustment, and we need to develop twin engines to drive development: popular entrepreneurship and innovation, paired with increased supplies of public goods and services.This will ensure that our growth rate is adjusted without weakening momentum and that growth in quantity is underpinned by greater quality, thereby achieving a better-quality, more efficient, upgraded economy.今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:

We have set the main targets for China's economic and social development for this year as follows:

国内生产总值增长7%左右,--increase the GDP by approximately 7%;

居民消费价格涨幅3%左右,--keep the increase in the CPI at around 3%;

城镇新增就业1000万人以上,--create over ten million jobs in urban areas;

城镇登记失业率4.5%以内,--ensure that the registered urban unemployment rate does not rise above 4.5%;22

进出口增长6%左右,--increase imports and exports by around 6%;

国际收支基本平衡,--achieve a basic balance of payments;


--ensure that personal incomes increase in step with economic development;and


--cut energy intensity by 3.1%, and continue to reduce the emiions of major pollutants.经济增长预期7%左右,考虑了需要和可能,与全面建成小康社会目标相衔接,与经济总量扩大和结构升级的要求相适应,符合发展规律,符合客观实际。以这样的速度保持较长时期发展,实现现代化的物质基础就会更加雄厚。

The target growth rate of approximately 7% takes into consideration what is needed and what is poible.This target is both aligned with our goal of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and is appropriate in terms of the need to grow and upgrade our economy.It is also in keeping with the objective laws of development as well as conditions in China.If China's economy can grow at this rate for a relatively long time, we will secure a more solid material foundation for modernization.稳增长也是为了保就业,随着服务业比重上升、小微企业增多和经济体量增大,7%左右的速度可以实现比较充分的就业。各地要从实际出发,积极进取、挖掘潜力,努力争取更好结果。

At the same time, the aim of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment.As the service sector becomes larger, the number of small and micro businees grows, and the economy gains in size, a growth rate of approximately 7% will ensure ample employment.Local governments need to set targets based on local conditions, be fully 23 motivated to make progre, and tap into their full potential so as to deliver better outcomes.做好今年政府工作,要把握好以下三点。

To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year, we need to concentrate on the following three areas:


First, we need to ensure continuity in and make improvements to macroeconomic policies.继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,更加注重预调微调,更加注重定向调控,用好增量,盘活存量,重点支持薄弱环节。以微观活力支撑宏观稳定,以供给创新带动需求扩大,以结构调整促进总量平衡,确保经济运行在合理区间。

We will continue to implement proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy.We will pay greater attention to anticipatory adjustments, fine-tuning, and targeted regulation.We will put both existing and additional financial resources to good use, focusing particularly on strengthening weak spots.We will improve micro-level vitality to underpin macroeconomic stability, explore new ways of achieving supply to boost demand, and balance total supply and demand through structural adjustments to ensure the economy performs within an appropriate range.积极的财政政策要加力增效。今年拟安排财政赤字1.62万亿元,比去年增加2700亿元,赤字率从去年的2.1%提高到2.3%。其中,中央财政赤字1.12万亿元,增加1700亿元;地方财政赤字5000亿元,增加1000亿元。处理好债务管理与稳增长的关系,创新和完善地方政府举债融资机制。适当发行专项债券。保障符合条件的在建项目后续融资,防范和化解风险隐患。优化财政支出结构,大力盘活存量资金,提高使用效率。继续实行结构性减税和普遍性降费,进一步减轻企业特别是小微企业负担。

Our proactive fiscal policy must sustain the momentum of economic growth and increase economic returns.The government budget deficit for 2015 is projected to be 24 1.62 trillion yuan, an increase of 270 billion yuan over last year, which means that the deficit to GDP ratio will rise from last year's 2.1% to 2.3%.Of this amount, the central government deficit will account for 1.12 trillion yuan, an increase of 170 billion yuan, and local government deficit will account for 500 billion yuan, an increase of 100 billion yuan.We need to find the right balance between managing debt and maintaining steady growth.We will develop and improve mechanisms for local governments to secure financing through bond iuance.We will allow local governments to iue an appropriate amount of special bonds, ensure continued financing for eligible projects already under construction, and guard against and defuse risks and latent dangers.We will improve the mix of budgetary spending, redouble our efforts to put government funds on hand into use, and strengthen the effectivene of government spending.We will continue to make structural tax reductions and cut fees acro the board so as to further lighten the burden on enterprises, particularly small and micro businees.稳健的货币政策要松紧适度。广义货币M2预期增长12%左右,在实际执行中,根据经济发展需要,也可以略高些。加强和改善宏观审慎管理,灵活运用公开市场操作、利率、存款准备金率、再贷款等货币政策工具,保持货币信贷和社会融资规模平稳增长。加快资金周转,优化信贷结构,提高直接融资比重,降低社会融资成本,让更多的金融活水流向实体经济。

We will pursue prudent and balanced monetary policy.The M2 money supply is forecasted to grow by around 12% in 2015, but the actual supply may be slightly higher than this projection depending on the needs of economic development.We will work to strengthen and improve macro-prudential regulation, adopt a flexible approach in our use of monetary policy tools including open market operations, interest rates, required reserve ratios, and re-lending, and maintain steady growth in the supply of money and credit as well as aggregate financing in the economy.We will speed up the turnover of funds, improve the credit structure, increase the proportion of direct financing to total financing, and reduce the cost of financing, thereby allowing more financial resources to be channeled into the real economy.25


Second, we need to maintain a proper balance between ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments.我国发展面临“三期叠加”矛盾,资源环境约束加大,劳动力等要素成本上升,高投入、高消耗、偏重数量扩张的发展方式已经难以为继,必须推动经济在稳定增长中优化结构。既要稳住速度,确保经济平稳运行,确保居民就业和收入持续增加,为调结构转方式创造有利条件;

In its current stage of development, China has to deal simultaneously with the slowdown in economic growth, making difficult structural adjustments, and absorbing the effects of previous economic stimulus policies.As resource-related and environmental constraints grow and costs for labor and other factors of production rise, a model of development that draws on high levels of investment and energy consumption and is heavily driven by quantitative expansion becomes difficult to sustain.We must therefore improve the economic structure while ensuring steady growth.The growth rate must be kept steady to ensure that economic performance is stable, and that employment and personal incomes carry on increasing, thus creating a favorable environment for making structural adjustments and transforming the growth model.又要调整结构,夯实稳增长的基础。要增加研发投入,提高全要素生产率,加强质量、标准和品牌建设,促进服务业和战略性新兴产业比重提高、水平提升,优化经济发展空间格局,加快培育新的增长点和增长极,实现在发展中升级、在升级中发展。

At the same time, structural adjustments must be made to consolidate the foundation for ensuring steady growth.We need to increase research and development spending, raise total factor productivity, improve quality, standards, and brand-building, strengthen the service sector and strategic emerging industries and increase their share of the economy, improve the overall structure of economic growth, and work harder to foster new areas of growth and growth poles.With these efforts, we can ensure that economic upgrading and development reinforce each other.26


Third, we need to nurture and hasten the birth of a new force for driving economic and social development.当前经济增长的传统动力减弱,必须加大结构性改革力度,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,改造传统引擎,打造新引擎。

As the force that has traditionally driven economic growth is weakening, it is imperative that we intensify structural reform, boost efforts to implement the strategy of pursuing innovation-driven development, and upgrade traditional engines while creating new ones for driving development.一方面,增加公共产品和服务供给,加大政府对教育、卫生等的投入,鼓励社会参与,提高供给效率。这既能补短板、惠民生,也有利于扩需求、促发展。

We will increase the supply of public goods and services, increase government input in areas like education and health care, and encourage nongovernmental participation to improve the efficiency of supply.This will bolster weak spots and benefit the people, as well as increase demand and promote development.另一方面,推动大众创业、万众创新。这既可以扩大就业、增加居民收入,又有利于促进社会纵向流动和公平正义。

At the same time, we will also encourage people to start their own businees and to make innovations, which will not only create more jobs and increase personal incomes, but also improve upwards social mobility and social equity and justice.我国有13亿人口、9亿劳动力资源,人民勤劳而智慧,蕴藏着无穷的创造力,千千万万个市场细胞活跃起来,必将汇聚成发展的巨大动能,一定能够顶住经济下行压力,让中国经济始终充满勃勃生机。政府要勇于自我革命,给市场和社会留足空间,为公平竞争搭好舞台。个人和企业要勇于创业创新,全社会要厚植创业创新文化,让人们在创造财富的过程中,更好地实现精神追求和自身价值。

China has a population of 1.3 billion and a workforce of 900 million.Our people are hardworking and talented, and there is no limit to their ingenuity.When an abundance of market cells spring into life, they will form a mighty driving force for development, ensuring China's economy remains resilient in spite of the downward preure on it, and continues to be full of life and dynamism.The government should be bold in imposing a reform on itself so as to leave ample space for the market and society to play their respective roles and level the playing field for fair competition.Individuals and enterprises must have the mettle to promote their busine development and make innovations, and our society needs to nurture a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.In this way, while creating wealth, people will be able to meet their cultural and intellectual needs and realize their full potential in life.今年是“十二五”收官之年,我们要在完成“十二五”经济社会发展主要目标任务的同时,以改革的精神、创新的理念和科学的方法,做好“十三五”规划纲要编制工作,谋划好未来五年的发展蓝图。

This year is the final year for completing the 12th Five-Year Plan.As we strive to accomplish the major tasks and objectives for economic and social development set forth in this plan, we need to formulate the 13th Five-Year Plan, bringing to this work the spirit of reform and innovation and adopting a scientific approach.三、把改革开放扎实推向纵深

III.Deepening Reform and Opening Up


Reform and opening up is crucial for driving development.We must focus on economic structural reform as we comprehensively deepen reform, taking all things into consideration in planning, working solidly to deliver concrete outcomes, making new breakthroughs in areas that can boost development as a whole, and strengthening new momentum to drive development.加大简政放权、放管结合改革力度。

We will do more to streamline administration and delegate more powers to lower-level governments and to society in general while improving regulation.28


This year, we will delegate the power or cancel the requirement for government review for more items, cancel all non-administrative review, and establish a system for exercising well-regulated management over the government review proce.We will deepen reform of the busine system;further simplify the proce for capital registration;take gradual steps to integrate the busine license, the certificate of organization codes, and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate;and overhaul and regulate intermediary services.We will draw up a negative list for market acce, ensure that provincial-level governments make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public, and make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions aigned by law are performed.地方政府对应当放给市场和社会的权力,要彻底放、不截留,对上级下放的审批事项,要接得住、管得好。加强事中事后监管,健全为企业和社会服务一张网,推进社会信用体系建设,建立全国统一的社会信用代码制度和信用信息共享交换平台,依法保护企业和个人信息安全。

Local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society, and properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments.We will exercise stronger oversight both during and after the handling of matters, and improve the network of services for both enterprises and the general public.We will work to improve the credit rating system, put in place a national unified system of codes for rating credit, and establish a platform for sharing and exchanging information on credit.We will, in accordance with the law, protect the information security of enterprises and individuals.大道至简,有权不可任性。各级政府都要建立简政放权、转变职能的有力推进机制,给企业松绑,为创业提供便利,营造公平竞争环境。所有行政审批事项都要简化程序,明确时限,用政府权力的“减法”,换取市场活力的“乘法”。

It goes without saying that powers should not be held without good reason.Governments at all levels need to adopt effective ways to streamline administration, delegate powers, and transform their functions, creating an enabling environment for enterprises, making it easier to start up in busine, and creating the right environment for fair competition.Procedures and procees must be simplified and time frames must be clarified for all items requiring administrative review, and cuts to government power will be made to boost market vitality.多管齐下改革投融资体制。

We will take multiple measures to reform the investment and financing systems.大幅缩减政府核准投资项目范围,下放核准权限。大幅减少投资项目前置审批,实行项目核准网上并联办理。大幅放宽民间投资市场准入,鼓励社会资本发起设立股权投资基金。政府采取投资补助、资本金注入、设立基金等办法,引导社会资本投入重点项目。以用好铁路发展基金为抓手,深化铁路投融资改革。在基础设施、公用事业等领域,积极推广政府和社会资本合作模式。

We will substantially reduce the number of investment projects that require government review, delegate more powers of review to lower-level governments, significantly streamline the need for preliminary review for investment projects, and conduct project reviews online.We will greatly relax market acce for private investment and encourage the use of private capital to set up equity funds.The government will guide nongovernmental investments toward key projects by subsidizing investments, injecting capital, and establishing funds.We will deepen reform of railway investment and financing by making good use of railway development funds.We will actively promote models of cooperation between government and nongovernmental capital in developing infrastructure and public utilities.不失时机加快价格改革。

We will take timely action to accelerate price reform.30


This reform is aimed at ensuring the market plays the decisive role in allocating resources and significantly reducing the number of categories and items of goods and services for which prices are set by the government.In principle, we will lift pricing controls over all goods and services that can viably compete in markets.The government will stop setting prices for most pharmaceuticals and delegate to lower-level governments the power to set prices for certain basic public services.扩大输配电价改革试点,推进农业水价改革,健全节能环保价格政策。完善资源性产品价格,全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。同时必须加强价格监管,规范市场秩序,确保低收入群众基本生活。

We will expand the trials of pricing reforms for electricity transmiion and distribution, carry out pricing reforms for water used in agriculture, and improve pricing policies to make them more conducive to energy conservation and environmental protection.We will improve the pricing of resource products and fully implement a system of tiered pricing for electricity, water, and natural gas used for household purposes.At the same time, we must strengthen oversight over pricing, improve market order, and ensure the basic living standards of people on low incomes.推动财税体制改革取得新进展。

We will ensure that progre is made in the reform of the fiscal and tax systems.实行全面规范、公开透明的预算管理制度,除法定涉密信息外,中央和地方所有部门预决算都要公开,全面接受社会监督。提高国有资本经营预算调入一般公共预算的比例。推行中期财政规划管理。制定盘活财政存量资金的有效办法。

We will put in place a comprehensive, well-regulated, open, and transparent budgeting system.With the exception of cases where claified information is involved, all central and local government departments must release their budgets and

final accounts for public oversight.We will increase the percentage of funds transferred from the budgets for state capital operations to general public budgets.We will introduce medium-term fiscal planning.We will design effective measures to make good use of government funds at hand.力争全面完成“营改增”,调整完善消费税政策,扩大资源税从价计征范围。提请修订税收征管法。

We will devote serious energy to completing work to replace busine tax with VAT acro the board, adjust and improve policies on consumption tax, and extend price-based resource taxes to cover more types of resources.We will submit a proposal to the NPC Standing Committee on revising the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection.改革转移支付制度,完善中央和地方的事权与支出责任,合理调整中央和地方收入划分。

We will reform the transfer payments system, clearly define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments, and make appropriate adjustments to the division of revenue between them.围绕服务实体经济推进金融改革。

We will move ahead with financial reform to better serve the real economy.推动具备条件的民间资本依法发起设立中小型银行等金融机构,成熟一家,批准一家,不设限额。深化农村信用社改革,稳定其县域法人地位。发挥好开发性金融、政策性金融在增加公共产品供给中的作用。

We will encourage qualified private investors to establish, in accordance with the law, small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions;there will be no quota imposed on them, and approval will be granted as long as all required conditions are met.We will deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives, and keep their status as legal persons in their counties stable.We will ensure development-oriented and policy-backed financial institutions function effectively in increasing the supply of public goods.32


A deposit insurance system will be established.We will further liberalize interest rates and improve the central bank's framework for their regulation.We will work to keep the RMB exchange rate at an appropriate and balanced level and allow it to float more freely.We will make steady progre in realizing the convertibility of the RMB capital accounts, expand the use of the RMB internationally, accelerate the establishment of a cro-border payment system for the RMB, improve the worldwide clearing system for the RMB, pilot private overseas investment, and launch the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect on a trial basis at an appropriate time.加强多层次资本市场体系建设,实施股票发行注册制改革,发展服务中小企业的区域性股权市场,推进信贷资产证券化,扩大企业债券发行规模,发展金融衍生品市场。推出巨灾保险、个人税收递延型商业养老保险。

We will strengthen the multilevel capital market and implement the reform to introduce a system of registration for iuing stocks.We will develop regional equity markets to serve small and medium-sized enterprises, encourage the securitization of credit aets, prompt an expansion of the iuance of corporate bonds, and develop the financial derivatives market.We will launch insurance to cover major disasters and commercial pension schemes that allow for deferred payment of individual income tax.创新金融监管,防范和化解金融风险。大力发展普惠金融,让所有市场主体都能分享金融服务的雨露甘霖。

We will explore new approaches to financial regulation to prevent and diffuse financial risks.We will channel great energy into developing inclusive finance and ensuring equitable acce to financial services for all market entities.33


We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises(SOEs)and state capital.准确界定不同国有企业功能,分类推进改革。加快国有资本投资公司、运营公司试点,打造市场化运作平台,提高国有资本运营效率。

We will push forward with targeted reform of SOEs on the basis of having clearly defined their functions.We will move more swiftly in carrying out trials on establishing state capital investment companies and operating companies, create a market-based platform for state capital operations, and improve their performance.有序实施国有企业混合所有制改革,鼓励和规范投资项目引入非国有资本参股。加快电力、油气等体制改革。多渠道解决企业办社会负担和历史遗留问题,保障职工合法权益。完善现代企业制度,改革和健全企业经营者激励约束机制。要加强国有资产监管,防止国有资产流失,切实提高国有企业的经营效益。

We will take systematic steps to implement the reform of introducing mixed ownership to SOEs, and both encourage and regulate equity investment made by non-state capital in SOE investment projects.We will accelerate structural reform of the electricity, oil, and natural gas industries.We will work, through multiple channels, to relieve SOEs of their obligation to operate social programs and help them solve longstanding problems, while at the same time ensuring that the legitimate rights and interests of workers are protected.We will ensure that SOEs improve their modern corporate structure, and incentive and restraint mechanisms for their executives are reformed and strengthened.We will strengthen regulation of state-owned aets and guard against their lo, and ensure that SOEs improve their performance.非公有制经济是我国经济的重要组成部分。必须毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,注重发挥企业家才能,全面落实促进民营经济发展的政策措施,增强各类所有制经济活力,让各类企业法人财产权依法得到保护。

The non-public sector is an important component of China's economy.We will remain firmly committed to encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of 34 this sector, work to enable entrepreneurs to give full expreion to their talent, put into effect all policies and measures encouraging the development of the private sector, strengthen the vitality of enterprises under all types of ownership, and protect the property rights of all types of enterprise-legal persons in accordance with the law.继续推进科技、教育、文化、医药卫生、养老保险、事业单位、住房公积金等领域改革。发展需要改革添动力,群众期盼改革出实效,我们要努力交出一份为发展加力、让人民受益的改革答卷。

We will continue to push ahead with reforms in science, technology, education, culture, medical and health care, pensions, public institutions, and the housing provident fund.Development needs to be driven by reform, and the people are expecting the real benefits reform delivers.We must work hard to make sure that reform boosts development and benefits our people.开放也是改革。必须实施新一轮高水平对外开放,加快构建开放型经济新体制,以开放的主动赢得发展的主动、国际竞争的主动。

Opening up is itself a reform.We must carry out a new round of high-quality opening up, move more swiftly in building a new open economy, and maintain momentum in development and in international competition by preing ahead with opening up.推动外贸转型升级。

We will transform and upgrade China's foreign trade.完善出口退税负担机制,增量部分由中央财政全额负担,让地方和企业吃上“定心丸”。清理规范进出口环节收费,建立并公开收费项目清单。实施培育外贸竞争新优势的政策措施,促进加工贸易转型,发展外贸综合服务平台和市场采购贸易,扩大跨境电子商务综合试点,增加服务外包示范城市数量,提高服务贸易比重。实施更加积极的进口政策,扩大先进技术、关键设备、重要零部件等进口。

We will improve the mechanism for sharing the cost of export tax rebates between the central and local governments, with the central government paying all

this year's increase over last year for the benefit of local governments and exporting enterprises.We will overhaul and regulate charges for imports and exports, and establish and release a complete list of such charges.We will implement policies and measures to enable China's foreign trade to develop new competitive edges, facilitate the transformation of proceing trade, develop market purchase trade and a comprehensive service platform for foreign trade, expand comprehensive trials in cro-border e-commerce, turn more cities into trendsetters in undertaking services outsourced by other countries, and increase the share of service trade in China's foreign trade.We will adopt a more active import policy to increase the import of advanced technology, key equipment, and important parts and components.更加积极有效利用外资。

We will take a more active, more effective approach to making use of foreign capital.修订外商投资产业指导目录,重点扩大服务业和一般制造业开放,把外商投资限制类条目缩减一半。全面推行普遍备案、有限核准的管理制度,大幅下放鼓励类项目核准权,积极探索准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式。修订外商投资相关法律,健全外商投资监管体系,打造稳定公平透明可预期的营商环境。

We will revise the Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment.We will focus on making the service and manufacturing sectors even more open by halving the number of industries in which foreign investment is restricted.We will introduce, acro the board, the management system under which foreign investment projects generally need only to be placed on record, with government review required in only a limited number of cases.We will delegate to lower-level governments the power of review for a large number of projects that are encouraged by the state;and work actively to explore the management model of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list.We will work to improve the foreign investment regulatory system, revise laws concerning foreign investment, and create a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable busine environment.加快实施走出去战略。

We will speed up the implementation of the “go global” strategy.36


We will encourage Chinese companies to participate in overseas infrastructure development projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity.We will work to increase the international market share of Chinese railway, electric power, communications, engineering machinery, automobile, aircraft, electronics, and other equipment, and encourage the metallurgical, building materials, and other industries to invest overseas.Outbound investment will be mainly managed on a record-keeping basis.We will scale up export credit insurance to provide export financing insurance for all insurable complete sets of large equipment.拓宽外汇储备运用渠道,健全金融、信息、法律、领事保护服务。注重风险防范,提高海外权益保障能力。让中国企业走得出、走得稳,在国际竞争中强筋健骨、发展壮大。

We will broaden the channels for using foreign exchange reserves, provide better financial services, information services, legal services, and consulate protection to Chinese firms investing abroad, guard against risk, and strengthen our capacity to protect the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises overseas.We are confident that these steps will enable Chinese companies to go global and go steadily, emerging stronger in international competition.构建全方位对外开放新格局。

We will foster a new environment in all-round opening up.推进丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路合作建设。加快互联互通、大通关和国际物流大通道建设。构建中巴、孟中印缅等经济走廊。扩大内陆和沿边开放,促进经济技术开发区创新发展,提高边境经济合作区、跨境经济合作区发 37 展水平。积极推动上海、广东、天津、福建自贸试验区建设,在全国推广成熟经验,形成各具特色的改革开放高地。

We will work with the relevant countries in developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.We will move faster to strengthen infrastructure connectivity with China's neighbors, simplify customs clearance procedures, and build international logistics gateways.We will work to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor.We will make China's interior and border areas more open to the outside world, promote the innovation-driven development of economic and technological development zones, and upgrade both border and cro-border economic cooperation areas.We will work actively to develop pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, and Fujian, and extend good practices developed in these zones to the rest of the country so that such zones become leading reform and opening up areas, each with its own distinctive features.统筹多双边和区域开放合作。

We will promote multilateral, bilateral, and regional opening up and cooperation.维护多边贸易体制,推动信息技术协定扩围,积极参与环境产品、政府采购等国际谈判。加快实施自贸区战略,尽早签署中韩、中澳自贸协定,加快中日韩自贸区谈判,推动与海合会、以色列等自贸区谈判,力争完成中国-东盟自贸区升级谈判和区域全面经济伙伴关系协定谈判,建设亚太自贸区。推进中美、中欧投资协定谈判。中国是负责任、敢担当的国家,我们愿做互利共赢发展理念的践行者、全球经济体系的建设者、经济全球化的推动者。

We will uphold multilateral trade systems, work to promote expansion of the Information Technology Agreement, and take an active part in international talks in areas such as environmental products and government procurement.We will move faster to implement the strategy of developing free trade zones, ensuring that agreements on free trade zones with the Republic of Korea and Australia are signed as soon as poible;stepping up negotiations on the China-Japan-RoK Free Trade Zone;working for progre in talks on free trade zones with the Gulf Cooperation Council 38 and Israel;endeavoring to complete the talks on upgrading the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone and on establishing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership;and working to build the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone.We will continue negotiations on investment agreements with the United States and the European Union.As a responsible and enterprising nation, China champions the vision of promoting mutually beneficial development, boosting the global economy, and encouraging economic globalization.四、协调推动经济稳定增长和结构优化

IV.Balancing Steady Economic Growth and Structural Improvement


Steady growth and structural adjustment complement each other.We must work hard to ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range while promoting economic transformation and upgrading, and maintaining sustainable economic growth.加快培育消费增长点。

We will move faster to foster growth areas of consumption.鼓励大众消费,控制“三公”消费。促进养老家政健康消费,壮大信息消费,提升旅游休闲消费,推动绿色消费,稳定住房消费,扩大教育文化体育消费。

We will encourage private consumption and curb spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality.We will promote consumption in elderly care, domestic services, and health services, help strengthen spending on information goods and services, raise consumer spending on leisure and tourism, give impetus to green consumption, keep housing consumption stable, and encourage people to spend more on education, culture, and sports.全面推进“三网”融合,加快建设光纤网络,大幅提升宽带网络速率,发展物流快递,把以互联网为载体、线上线下互动的新兴消费搞得红红火火。

We will pre ahead with the nationwide project to deliver telecoms, radio, television, and Internet service over a single broadband connection, accelerate the

development of fiber-optic networks, significantly increase broadband speeds, develop logistics and expre delivery services, and ensure that new forms of Internet-based spending, which combine online-offline activities, come to thrive.建立健全消费品质量安全监管、追溯、召回制度,严肃查处制售假冒伪劣行为,保护消费者合法权益。扩大消费要汇小溪成大河,让亿万群众的消费潜力成为拉动经济增长的强劲动力。

We will strengthen monitoring, tracking, and recall systems to ensure the safety and quality of consumer goods, severely punish the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.In expanding consumption, we need to ensure every drop of spending builds to create a mighty river, so that the potential contained in an ocean of private consumers will be channeled into a powerful force driving economic growth.增加公共产品有效投资。

We will increase effective investment in public goods.确保完成“十二五”规划重点建设任务,启动实施一批新的重大工程项目。主要是:

We will ensure that the projects set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan are completed.We will launch a number of major new projects, including:

棚户区和危房改造、城市地下管网等民生项目,--projects for rebuilding rundown urban areas and renovating dilapidated housing, urban underground pipe network projects, and other projects to improve living standards;

中西部铁路和公路、内河航道等重大交通项目,--major railway, highway, and inland waterway transport projects in the central and western regions;

水利、高标准农田等农业项目,--agricultural projects on water conservancy and developing high-quality farmland;40

信息、电力、油气等重大网络项目,--projects that involve major information, electricity, oil, and natural gas networks;

清洁能源及油气矿产资源保障项目,--clean energy projects, and oil, natural gas, and mineral resource supply projects;

传统产业技术改造等项目,--projects for upgrading traditional industries;and


--energy-saving, environmental protection, and ecological conservation projects.今年中央预算内投资增加到4776亿元,但政府不唱“独角戏”,要更大激发民间投资活力,引导社会资本投向更多领域。

This year, the central government will increase its budgetary investment to 477.6 billion yuan.However, the government does not intend to perform an investment soliloquy;we need to do more to stimulate private investment and channel the investment of nongovernmental capital into more areas.铁路投资要保持在8000亿元以上,新投产里程8000公里以上,在全国基本实现高速公路电子不停车收费联网,使交通真正成为发展的先行官。重大水利工程已开工的57个项目要加快建设,今年再开工27个项目,在建重大水利工程投资规模超过8000亿元。棚改、铁路、水利等投资多箭齐发,重点向中西部地区倾斜,使巨大的内需得到更多释放。

We will invest over 800 billion yuan in railway construction and open over 8,000 kilometers of railways to traffic.We will work to ensure that drive-through electronic toll collection systems are connected up on expreways throughout the country, and work toward making transportation truly lead the way in promoting development.Construction on the 57 ongoing major water conservancy projects needs to be accelerated;construction will be started on an additional 27 such projects this year,41 and investment in the major water conservancy projects under construction will exceed 800 billion yuan.Investment to be made in the above sectors, such as railways, water conservancy, and projects to rebuild rundown urban areas, will be weighted toward the central and western regions, helping stimulate enormous domestic demand.加快推进农业现代化。

We will work harder to modernize agriculture.坚持“三农”重中之重地位不动摇,加快转变农业发展方式,让农业更强、农民更富、农村更美。

We will continue to give top priority to our work relating to agriculture, rural areas, and the rural population, speed up the transformation of the agricultural growth model, and ensure that agriculture is stronger, people in rural areas are better off, and rural China is more beautiful.今年粮食产量要稳定在1.1万亿斤以上,保障粮食安全和主要农产品供给。坚守耕地红线,全面开展永久基本农田划定工作,实施耕地质量保护与提升行动,推进土地整治,增加深松土地2亿亩。加强农田水利基本建设,大力发展节水农业。

This year, we need to keep grain output above 550 million metric tons, and ensure both food security and the supply of major agricultural products.We will make sure that China's arable land area does not fall below the red line of 120 million hectares.We will carry out work on designating permanent basic cropland throughout the country, launch an initiative to maintain and enhance the quality of cultivated land, improve rural land, improve the subsoil of 13.3 million hectares of cropland, strengthen the building of irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and work hard to develop water-efficient agriculture.加快新技术、新品种、新农机研发推广应用。引导农民瞄准市场调整种养结构,支持农产品加工特别是主产区粮食就地转化,开展粮食作物改为饲料作物试点。综合治理农药兽药残留问题,全面提高农产品质量和食品安全水平。

We will step up efforts to develop and expand the use of new technology, new 42 crop varieties, and new agricultural machinery.We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand.We will offer support for agricultural products to be proceed locally, particularly for grain proceing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation.We will comprehensively addre problems such as residual traces of chemicals in agricultural products and livestock shipments.We will work to improve the quality of all agricultural products and make our food more safe to eat.新农村建设要惠及广大农民。突出加强水和路的建设,今年再解决6000万农村人口饮水安全问题,新建改建农村公路20万公里,全面完成西部边远山区溜索改桥任务。力争让最后20多万无电人口都能用上电。

Our efforts to build a new countryside should benefit the rural population.We will give high priority to building roads and water facilities.This year, we will ensure that 60 million more rural residents gain acce to safe drinking water;that 200,000 kilometers of rural roads are built or upgraded;and that bridges are built to replace all ropeways in the western region.We will work toward providing electricity to the over 200,000 remaining people in China who are still without acce.以垃圾、污水为重点加强环境治理,建设美丽宜居乡村。多渠道促进农民增收,保持城乡居民收入差距缩小势头。

We will strengthen efforts to improve the environment, focusing particularly on refuse and sewage treatment, to build a more beautiful and livable countryside.We will increase rural incomes through multiple channels and keep narrowing the urban-rural income gap.持续打好扶贫攻坚战,深入推进集中连片特困地区扶贫开发,实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫。难度再大,今年也要再减少农村贫困人口1000万人以上。

We will continue to fight the battle against poverty, carry out extensive poverty alleviation and development programs in contiguous poor areas, and take targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty.Regardle of how difficult it may be, this year, we must again reduce the poor rural population by more than 10 million.43


Reform is key to modernizing agriculture.On the premise of keeping household operations stable, we will support the development of large family farming businees, family farms and pastures, farmers' cooperatives, leading agricultural enterprises, and other emerging agribusinees;cultivate a new type of skilled farmer;and develop diversified and scaled agricultural operations.做好土地确权登记颁证工作,审慎开展农村土地征收、集体经营性建设用地入市、宅基地制度、集体产权制度等改革试点。在改革中,要确保耕地数量不减少、质量不下降、农民利益有保障。

We will ensure smooth progre in determining, registering, and certifying contracted rural land-use rights.We will move prudently to carry out pilot reforms relating to rural land requisition, putting rural collective land designated for busine-related construction on the market, the system of land use for rural housing, and the rural collective property rights system.We need to ensure that during reform, the acreage of cultivated land does not diminish, its quality does not deteriorate, and the interests of people in rural areas are protected.深化供销社、农垦、种业、国有林场林区等改革,办好农村改革试验区和现代农业示范区。完善粮食最低收购价和临时收储政策,改进农产品目标价格补贴办法。加强涉农资金统筹整合和管理。无论财政多困难,惠农政策只能加强不能削弱,支农资金只能增加不能减少。

We will deepen the reform of rural supply and marketing cooperatives, state farms on reclaimed land, the seed industry, state forestry farms, and state forests, and work to ensure the succe of both experimental zones for carrying out rural reform and modern agriculture demonstration zones.We will refine the policy on setting minimum state grain purchase prices and the policy on the temporary state purchase and storage of major agricultural products, and improve the ways that subsidies are granted under the system of guaranteed base prices for agricultural products.We will 44 strengthen the integration and management of funds for agricultural development.Whatever fiscal difficulties we may face, our policies to support agriculture must be strengthened, and related funding must be increased.推进新型城镇化取得新突破。

We will work to achieve breakthroughs in promoting a new type of urbanization.城镇化是解决城乡差距的根本途径,也是最大的内需所在。要坚持以人为核心,以解决三个1亿人问题为着力点,发挥好城镇化对现代化的支撑作用。

Urbanization is a fundamental way to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and provides the largest source of domestic demand.We will make urbanization people-oriented, focus on the three tasks, and fully leverage the role of urbanization in underpinning modernization.加大城镇棚户区和城乡危房改造力度。今年保障性安居工程新安排740万套,其中棚户区改造580万套,增加110万套,把城市危房改造纳入棚改政策范围。农村危房改造366万户,增加100万户,统筹推进农房抗震改造。

We will redouble efforts to rebuild rundown urban areas and renovate dilapidated urban and rural housing.This year, our plan includes building an additional 7.4 million units of government-subsidized housing, of which 5.8 million are to be located in rundown urban areas, an increase of 1.1 million over last year.We will bring the renovation of dilapidated urban housing under the coverage of the policy on rebuilding rundown areas.We will renovate 3.66 million dilapidated rural houses, an increase of one million over the number renovated last year.We will carry out coordinated work to make rural housing more earthquake resistant.住房保障逐步实行实物保障与货币补贴并举,把一些存量房转为公租房和安置房。对居住特别困难的低保家庭,给予住房救助。坚持分类指导,因地施策,落实地方政府主体责任,支持居民自住和改善性住房需求,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。

In providing government housing support, we will phase in the policy of using both the provision of physical housing and the allocation of housing subsidies, and

transform a portion of available housing into public rental housing or housing to be sold to those being relocated.Housing allowances will be provided to families who live on subsistence allowances and are facing serious housing difficulties.We will give targeted guidance, implement policies suitable to local conditions, aign primary responsibility to local governments for the development of housing, support people's demand for housing for personal use and second homes, and promote the stable and sound development of the real estate market.用改革的办法解决城镇化难点问题。抓紧实施户籍制度改革,落实放宽户口迁移政策。对已在城镇就业和居住但尚未落户的外来人口,以居住证为载体提供相应基本公共服务,取消居住证收费。建立财政转移支付与市民化挂钩机制,合理分担农民工市民化成本。建立规范多元可持续的城市建设投融资机制。坚持节约集约用地,稳妥建立城乡统一的建设用地市场,完善和拓展城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点。加强资金和政策支持,扩大新型城镇化综合试点。

We will draw on reform to solve tough iues in urbanization.We need to promptly implement reforms to the household registration system and relax controls over the transfer of household registration.People originally from rural areas who live and work in urban areas but have yet to gain urban residency will be able to acce basic public services on the basis of their residence certificates, and we will get rid of fees related to residence certification.We will link the transfer payments of cities to their performance in granting urban residency to eligible migrant workers and find suitable ways to share the cost of ensuring migrant workers can become urban citizens.We will establish well-regulated, diversified, and sustainable mechanisms for financing urban development.We will continue to use land economically and intensively, establish a sound unified market for urban and rural land that may be used for construction purposes, and improve and expand pilot projects to link the amount of urban and rural land granted for these purposes to that of land returned to cultivation.We will increase funding and policy support for expanding trials in the new type of urbanization.提升城镇规划建设水平。制定实施城市群规划,有序推进基础设施和基本公共服务同城化。完善设市标准,实行特大镇扩权增能试点,控制超大城市人口规46 模,提升地级市、县城和中心镇产业和人口承载能力,方便农民就近城镇化。

We will improve the planning and construction of cities and towns.We need to formulate and implement plans for building city clusters, and work systematically to develop integrated infrastructure and basic public services within clusters.Standards for designating municipalities will be improved, trial programs will be launched to expand the powers of very large towns and increase their overall carrying capacity, and efforts will be made to bring population growth in megacities under control.We will also raise the industry and population carrying capacity of prefectural cities, county towns, and hub towns to make it easier for people from rural areas nearby to gain urban residency.发展智慧城市,保护和传承历史、地域文化。加强城市供水供气供电、公交和防洪防涝设施等建设。坚决治理污染、拥堵等城市病,让出行更方便、环境更宜居。

We will develop smart cities and protect historical and local culture, ensuring it is paed on from generation to generation.We will strengthen urban facilities for water, gas, and electricity supplies, public transport, and flood prevention and rainwater control.We will ensure the effective governance of urban maladies such as pollution and traffic congestion to make transportation more convenient and improve the environment for urban living.拓展区域发展新空间。

We will expand space for promoting development in different regions.统筹实施“四大板块”和“三个支撑带”战略组合。

We will pursue in a coordinated way the strategy of developing the western region, revitalizing the northeast, boosting the rise of the central region, and ensuring the eastern region takes the lead in development and the strategy of developing the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the Yangtze Economic Belt.在西部地区开工建设一批综合交通、能源、水利、生态、民生等重大项目,-In the western region, we will launch a number of major projects involving 47 multipurpose transportation systems, energy, water conservancy, the environment, and living standards;

落实好全面振兴东北地区等老工业基地政策措施,-In the old industrial bases of the northeast and other parts of China, we will implement policies and measures designed to ensure their full revitalization;

加快中部地区综合交通枢纽和网络等建设,-In the central region, we will speed up the development of integrated transportation hubs and networks;

支持东部地区率先发展,-We will support the eastern region in taking the lead in development;

加大对老少边穷地区支持力度,-We will increase support to old revolutionary base areas, areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities, border areas, and areas with relatively high incidences of poverty;and


-We will improve differentiated policies for promoting the development of different regions.把“一带一路”建设与区域开发开放结合起来,加强新亚欧大陆桥、陆海口岸支点建设。

We will integrate the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with the development and opening up of related regions.We will promote development of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge as well as major coastal and border ports which serve as hubs for the Belt or the Road.推进京津冀协同发展,在交通一体化、生态环保、产业升级转移等方面率先取得实质性突破。

We will step up coordinated development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and ensure that the region takes the lead in making substantive breakthroughs in areas 48 such as integrated transportation, ecological conservation, environmental protection, and industry upgrading and relocation.推进长江经济带建设,有序开工黄金水道治理、沿江码头口岸等重大项目,构筑综合立体大通道,建设产业转移示范区,引导产业由东向西梯度转移。加强中西部重点开发区建设,深化泛珠等区域合作。

We will pre ahead with the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt, working step by step to launch major projects including upgrading the area's major waterways and building docks and quays along the Yangtze River to create an integrated, multidimensional transport corridor.Industrial relocation demonstration zones will be built along the belt to guide the orderly relocation of industries from the east to the west.We will step up efforts to develop major development zones in the central and western regions and ensure cooperation is deepened in the pan-Pearl River Delta and other regions.我国是海洋大国,要编制实施海洋战略规划,发展海洋经济,保护海洋生态环境,提高海洋科技水平,加强海洋综合管理,坚决维护国家海洋权益,妥善处理海上纠纷,积极拓展双边和多边海洋合作,向海洋强国的目标迈进。

China is a major maritime country.We need to draw up and implement a strategic maritime plan, develop the marine economy, protect the marine environment, strengthen marine science and technology, strengthen coordinated maritime management, resolutely safeguard China's maritime rights and interests, properly handle maritime disputes, actively expand bilateral and multilateral maritime cooperation, and move closer to achieving the goal of building China into a maritime power.推动产业结构迈向中高端。

We will move forward in industrial structural upgrading, aiming at a medium-high level.制造业是我们的优势产业。要实施“中国制造2025”,坚持创新驱动、智能转型、强化基础、绿色发展,加快从制造大国转向制造强国。

Manufacturing is a traditionally a strong area for Chinese industry.We will implement the “Made in China 2025” strategy;seek innovation-driven development;apply smart technologies;strengthen foundations;pursue green development;and redouble our efforts to upgrade China from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality.采取财政贴息、加速折旧等措施,推动传统产业技术改造。坚持有保有压,化解过剩产能,支持企业兼并重组,在市场竞争中优胜劣汰。促进工业化和信息化深度融合,开发利用网络化、数字化、智能化等技术,着力在一些关键领域抢占先机、取得突破。

We will provide subsidies and accelerate equipment depreciation to push forward the technological upgrading of traditional industries.We will ensure the development of some industries while restricting the growth of others, cut overcapacity, support busine acquisitions and restructuring, and let market competition determine which businees survive.We will promote the extensive application of information technologies in industrialization, develop and utilize networking, digitalization, and smart technologies, and work to develop certain key areas first and make breakthroughs in these areas.新兴产业和新兴业态是竞争高地。要实施高端装备、信息网络、集成电路、新能源、新材料、生物医药、航空发动机、燃气轮机等重大项目,把一批新兴产业培育成主导产业。制定“互联网+”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场。国家已设立400亿元新兴产业创业投资引导基金,要整合筹措更多资金,为产业创新加油助力。

Emerging industries and new types of businees are areas of intense competition.We will launch major projects to develop high-end equipment, information networks, integrated circuits, new energy, new materials, biomedicines, aero engines, and gas turbines, helping a number of emerging industries to become leading ones.We will develop the “Internet Plus” action plan to integrate the mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, to 50


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