communicable diseases are now treated free of charge.国家安排资金改造和新建1.88万所乡镇卫生院、786所县医院、285所县中医医院和534所县妇幼保健医院,为1.17万个乡镇卫生院配置了医疗设备,农村医疗卫生条件明显改善。The state allocated funds to renovate or build 18,800 town and township health clinics, 786 county hospitals, 285 county traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and 534 county health centers for women and children, and equip 11,700 town and township health clinics with medical equipment, significantly improving conditions for providing medical and health care services in the countryside.全国建立了2.4万多个社区卫生服务机构,新型的城市医疗卫生服务体系进一步健全。
More than 24,000 community health clinics were set up in China, further improving the new system of medical and health care services in urban areas.人口和计划生育事业取得新进展,低生育水平继续保持稳定。Further progre was made in carrying out population and family planning programs, and the birthrate remained stable at a low level.人民健康水平不断提高,婴儿死亡率和孕产妇的死亡率明显下降,2005年人均期望寿命达到73岁,对于我们这样一个有13亿人口的发展中国家是了不起的成就。People''s health continued to improve, infant and maternal mortality rates dropped significantly, and average life expectancy reached 73 years in 2005.These are momentous achievements for China, a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion.在就业方面。坚持实施和完善积极的就业政策,从财税、金融等方面加大支持力度,中央财政安排就业补助资金五年累计666亿元。Employment.The government continued to follow and improve the policy that strongly promotes employment and to adopt fiscal, taxation and financial measures to increase employment.Expenditures for employment programs from the central government budget in the form of subsidies totaled 66.6 billion yuan over the five-year period.城乡公共就业服务体系建设进一步加强。Urban and rural systems for providing public employment services were further strengthened.统筹做好就业再就业工作,全面加强职业技能培训,平均每年城镇新增就业1000多万人、农村劳动力转移就业800万人。Efforts were intensified to increase employment and reemployment in a well-planned way, and training in vocational skills was comprehensively strengthened.As a result, more than ten million urban people got jobs and eight million rural workers found work in nonagricultural sectors per year on average.基本解决国有企业下岗职工再就业的问题,完成下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险的并轨。The problem of finding other employment opportunities for workers laid off from SOEs was basically solved, and the work of incorporating basic cost of living allowances for laid-off workers into the unemployment insurance system was completed.在劳动力总量增加较多、就业压力很大的情况下,保持了就业形势的基本稳定。
The employment situation remained basically stable despite a large increase in the total workforce and great preure on employment.在社会保障方面。全国财政用于社会保障的支出五年累计1.95万亿元,比前五年增长了1.41倍。城镇职工基本养老保险制度不断完善,2007年参保人数突破了两亿人,比2002年增加了5400多万人;做实基本养老保险个人账户试点扩大到11个省份;从2005年开始连续三年提高企业退休人员基本养老标准。中央财政五年累计补助养老保险专项资金3295亿元。Social safety net.Governments at all levels spent a total of 1.95 trillion yuan on building up the social safety net over the five-year period, a 141% increase compared to the previous five-year period.Continued improvement was made in the basic old-age insurance system for urban workers, with the number of participating workers exceeding 200 million in 2007, an increase of more than 54 million compared to 2002.Trials to fully fund personal accounts for basic old-age insurance were expanded to 11 province-level administrative units.Basic pensions for enterprise retirees were raised three years in a row beginning in 2005.A total of 329.5 billion yuan was allocated for old-age insurance programs from the central government budget in the form of subsidies over the last five years
2007年城镇职工基本医疗保险参保人数达到1.8亿人,比2002年增加近1倍;88个城市启动了城镇居民基本医疗保险的试点;新型农村合作医疗制度不断完善,已经扩大到全国86%的县,参合农民达到了7.3亿人。The number of urban workers participating in basic medical insurance reached 180 million in 2007, nearly twice the number in 2002.The trial of basic medical insurance for urban residents was launched in 88 cities.Continued improvement was made in the new system of rural cooperative medical care, which now covers 86% of all counties and 730 million rural residents in China.全国社会保障基金累计4140亿元,比2002年增加了2898亿元。城乡社会救助体系基本建立。城市居民最低生活保障制度不断完善,保障标准和补助水平逐步提高。.Funds to support the national social safety net totaled 414 billion yuan, an increase of 289.8 billion yuan over 2002.Establishment of the urban and rural emergency aid system was basically completed.The system of basic cost of living allowances for urban residents was improved, with gradually rising standards and allowances.2007年在全国农村全面建立最低生活保障制度,3451.9万农村居民纳入了保障的范围。
A system of basic cost of living allowances was established in all rural areas of China in 2007, covering 34.519 million rural residents.这是保障城乡困难群众基本生活的一项根本性的制度建设。The systems provide a fundamental institution to aist poor people in urban and rural areas to meet basic living expenses.社会福利、优抚安置、慈善和残疾人事业取得新进展。Further progre was made in developing social welfare, providing special aistance to entitled groups and developing charity programs and programs to help people with physical and mental disabilities.抗灾救灾工作全面加强,中央财政五年支出551亿元,受灾群众生产生活得到妥善安排。Efforts to combat disasters and provide disaster relief were greatly strengthened, with total expenditures from the central government budget reaching 55.1 billion yuan for the five-year period.This helped restore normal working and living conditions for disaster victims.在文化和体育方面。全国财政用于文化体育事业支出五年累计3104亿元,比前五年增长1.3倍。Culture and sports.Government expenditures for culture and sports programs totaled 310.4 billion yuan for the five-year period, a 130% increase over the previous five-year period.县乡两级公共文化服务体系初步形成,基本实现了县县有图书馆、文化馆。The basic elements of a public cultural services system at the county and township levels were put in place, and basically every county now has a library and cultural center.全国文化信息资源共享工程、广播电视村村通工程等基层文化设施建设扎实推进。哲学社会科学和新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术进一步繁荣。
Substantive progre was made in setting up local cultural facilities such as the projects to set up a national shared databank of cultural information and resources and extend radio and television coverage to all villages.Philosophy, the social sciences, the pre and publishing, radio, film and television, literature and art thrived.文物和非物质文化遗产保护得到加强。对外文化交流更加活跃。
Protection of cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage was strengthened.Cultural exchanges with other countries were intensified.城乡公共体育设施建设加快,群众性体育蓬勃发展,体育健儿在国际大赛中取得优异成绩。Development of public sports facilities in urban and rural areas was accelerated, ma sports activities developed vigorously, and Chinese athletes did well in international competitions.在居民收入和消费方面。努力增加城乡居民特别是低收入居民收入。Personal income and consumer spending.Vigorous efforts were made to increase the incomes of urban and rural residents, especially low-income persons.调高最低工资标准;基本解决拖欠农民工工资的问题;四次提高重点优抚对象的抚恤补助标准,统筹解决退役军人实际的困难。The minimum 2 wage was increased.The problem of arrears in the wages of rural migrant workers in urban areas was basically resolved.The standards for financial aid to key entitled groups were increased four times, and plans were implemented to resolve the practical problems of demobilized military personnel.降低居民储蓄存款利息税率,提高个人所得税起征点。The tax on interest earnings from individual savings deposits was lowered and the earnings threshold for the individual income tax was raised.家庭财产普遍增多。There was a general increase in family aets.居民消费结构升级加快,家用汽车大幅度增加,移动电话、计算机、互联网快速普及,旅游人数成倍增长。Upgrading of consumer spending proceeded at a faster pace, and there was a great increase in the number of family-owned cars and rapid spread in the use of cell phones, computers and Internet services.The number of people going on vacations increased several fold.住房条件进一步改善,棚户区的改造取得积极进展。城乡居民享有的公共服务明显增多。There was further improvement in housing conditions, encouraging progre was made in improving conditions in shantytowns, and much more public services were made available to urban and rural residents.在社会管理方面。着力维护人民群众合法权益,积极化解社会矛盾。Public administration.Work in this area was concentrated on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people and resolving social tensions.制定并实施保障农民工合法权益的政策措施。We formulated and implemented policies and measures for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of rural migrant workers in urban areas.努力解决土地征收征用、房屋拆迁、企业改制、环境保护等方面损害群众利益的问题。We devoted a great deal of effort to resolving infringements on the interests of the public related to land expropriation and requisition, housing demolition, enterprises converting to a stockholding system and environmental protection.信访工作不断加强。Improvement was made in the handling of complaints made by individuals through letters and visits.高度重视安全生产工作,健全安全监管体制,落实安全生产责任制,加强安全生产法制建设。We paid very close attention to improving workplace safety and the safety oversight system, instituted a responsibility system for workplace safety and improved related legislation.社会治安防控体系更加健全,综合治理工作进一步加强。依法打击各类犯罪活动,有效维护了国家安全和社会稳定。The public security system for crime prevention and control was further strengthened, and overall crime control work was intensified.We combated criminal activities in accordance with the law, effectively protected China''s security and maintained law and order.在经济快速发展和财力明显增加的情况下,用很大力量解决了一些长期遗留的历史问题。Taking advantage of the rapid development of the economy and significant improvement of public finance, we worked hard to resolve some longstanding problems.剥离和处置国有商业银行不良资产,置换农村信用社不良贷款和历年亏损挂帐,化解国有企业历史债务,逐步解决国有粮食企业政策性亏损挂账,还清出口退税欠款,完善大中型水库征地补偿和移民后期扶持政策等。
We sold off nonperforming aets of state-owned commercial banks, made alternate arrangements for nonperforming loans and long-term non-paying accounts of rural credit cooperatives, eased the long-term debts of SOEs, gradually eased policy-related loes of state-owned grain enterprises, cleared up overdue tax rebates for exports, and improved the policy for paying compensation for requisition of land for large and medium-sized reservoirs and aisting people displaced by reservoir projects.这些问题的解决对于经济社会发展起到了重要作用。Resolution of these problems played an important role in promoting economic and social development.五年来,我们在民主法制建设、国防和军队建设、港澳台工作和外交等方面,也取得了重要进展。We made major progre over the past five years in enhancing democracy and the legal system, building national defense and the military, doing our work related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and conducting diplomacy.稳步推进社会主义民主法制建设。We made steady progre in improving socialist democracy and the socialist legal system.各级政府自觉接受同级人民代表大会及其常委会的监督,主动接受人民政协的民主监督,认真听取民主党派、工商联、无党派人士、人民团体的意见,通过多种形式征求专家学者和人民群众的建议,接受新闻媒体和社会各界的监督。Governments at all levels conscientiously accepted the oversight of the people's congre and its standing committee at the corresponding level;voluntarily accepted the democratic oversight by CPPCC committees;carefully listened to the views of the democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, persons without party affiliation and people's organizations;solicited suggestions of experts, scholars and the general public in a variety of forms;and accepted the oversight of the media and all sectors of society.实行重大事项决策公示和听证制度。
Governments at all levels made public announcements and held public hearings before making major decisions.加强城乡基层自治组织建设,基层民主管理制度进一步健全。We stepped up efforts to develop autonomy in urban community and village administrative bodies and further improved the democratic system at the local level.五年国务院共向全国人大常委会提交39件法律议案,制定、修订137件行政法规。During the past five years the State Council submitted 39 bills to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congre and formulated or revised 137 administrative regulations.探索建立公众有序参与政府立法的机制和制度,有15部法律草案和行政法规草案向社会公开征求意见。We explored ways to set up mechanisms and systems for orderly public participation in government legislation and published 15 draft laws and drafts of administrative regulations to solicit comments from the public.全面清理了现行的行政法规和规章。We carried out a thorough review of current administrative rules and regulations.贯彻民族区域自治法,推进民族团结进步事业。We adhered to the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy and carried forward the programs to promote unity and progre among ethnic groups.全面落实宗教信仰自由政策,宗教事务管理走向法制化、规范化。The policy on freedom of religious belief was comprehensively implemented, and the administration of religious affairs was put on a more solid legal footing and further standardized.全面落实侨务政策,依法保护海外侨胞和归侨眷属的合法权益。We comprehensively implemented the policy on matters related to overseas Chinese nationals and protected the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals, returned overseas Chinese nationals and their relatives.全面加强军队现代化建设。We stepped up all efforts to modernize the military.积极推进中国特色军事变革。We vigorously preed ahead with the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics.调整改革军队体制编制和政策制度,裁减军队员额20万的任务顺利完成。We adjusted and reformed the military's structure and staffing and its related policies and systems and smoothly cut its size by 200,000 personnel.国防和军队建设取得历史性成就。We made historic achievements in strengthening national defense and the military.人民解放军和人民武装警察部队为维护国家主权、安全、领土完整和促进社会和谐稳定作出了重大贡献。The People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force made major contributions to safeguarding China's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and to promoting social harmony and stability.坚持“一国两制”方针,严格按照香港特别行政区基本法和澳门特别行政区基本法办事。We adhered to the principle of “one country, two systems” and acted in strict accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region.实施内地与香港、澳门建立更紧密经贸关系安排。We implemented the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between the mainland and the regions of Hong Kong and Macao.香港、澳门保持繁荣稳定。Both regions remained thriving and stable.坚决反对和遏制“台独”分裂活动,捍卫国家主权与领土完整,维护台海和平。We resolutely opposed and foiled seceionist activities aimed at Taiwan independence, thereby protecting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and safeguarding peace in the Taiwan Straits.实施一系列有利于人员往来和经济科技教育文化体育交流的措施,促进了两岸关系和平稳定发展。We carried out a number of measures to make it easier for people to visit between the two sides and for economic, scientific, educational, cultural and sports exchanges to take place in order to promote the peaceful and steady development of cro-Straits relations.积极开展对外交往与合作,全方位外交取得重大进展,坚定地维护和发展了国家利益。We actively promoted exchange and cooperation with other countries, made major progre in conducting diplomacy on all fronts, and resolutely safeguarded and developed China's interests.我国同主要大国加强了对话,增进了信任,扩大了合作。China stepped up dialogue with the major countries and increased trust and expanded cooperation with them.中美关系稳定发展,中俄战略协作伙伴关系提高到新水平,中欧全面合作日益深化,中日关系得到改善,同周边国家睦邻友好关系进一步加强,区域合作取得新成果,同发展中国家的团结合作开创了新局面。China-US relations developed steadily, the China-Ruia partnership of strategic coordination reached a new height, China-Europe cooperation in all areas went from strength to strength, and China-Japan relations improved.Good-neighborly relations with surrounding countries were further strengthened, further achievements were made in regional cooperation, and China's solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries entered a new stage.成功举办一系列重大多边外交活动。We succefully carried out a series of major multilateral diplomatic activities.妥善应对国际上各种新挑战,积极负责地参与解决全球性的问题,在解决国际和地区热点问题上发挥着重要的建设性作用。We appropriately responded to new challenges in the international arena, actively and responsibly participated in efforts to resolve global iues, and played an important and constructive role in the resolution of iues concerning international and regional hotspots.五年来,我们始终重视政府自身改革和建设。We paid close attention to self-reform and self-improvement of the government during the five-year period.本届政府把实行科学民主决策、推进依法行政、加强行政监督作为政府工作的三项基本准则。This government took scientific and democratic policy-making, law-based administration and better administrative oversight as the three basic principles for its work.We formulated the Program for Advancing All Aspects of Government
制定全面推进依法行政实施纲要,推动政府职能转变和管理创新,强化了社会管理和公共服务。Administration in Accordance with the Law and promoted change in the way the government functions and innovations in management, thereby improving public administration and public services.认真贯彻实施行政许可法,推进行政审批制度改革,国务院各部门取消和调整行政审批项目692项。We diligently carried out the Administrative Permit Law and promoted reform of the system of administrative examination and approval.As a result, departments of the State Council eliminated or streamlined a total of 692 items requiring examination and approval.推进政务公开,完善新闻发布制度,加强电子政务建设。We promoted greater openne in government affairs, improved the system for releasing information, and increased the application of e-government.全国应急管理体系基本建立。监察、审计等专门监督工作卓有成效。Establishment of a national emergency response management system was basically completed.Oversight work such as supervision and auditing was quite effective.公务员教育培训和管理法制化进一步加强。Further improvement was made in education and training of civil servants and in developing a legislative framework for civil-service administration.坚持不懈地开展反腐败斗争和加强政风建设,治理商业贿赂工作取得良好成效,依法查出违法违规案件和失职渎职的行为,惩处腐败分子。We worked unceasingly to combat corruption and improve the conduct of the government, made good progre in combating bribery in busine, uncovered a number of violations of laws and regulations and cases of neglect and dereliction of duty, and punished corrupt persons.去五年,我们在丰富实践中积累了许多宝贵经验,主要体会是: We learned many valuable leons in our experiences over the last five years.The main ones are as follows.第一,必须坚持解放思想。解放思想、实事求是是我们党的思想路线。First, we must continue to liberate our thinking.Liberating our thinking and following a realistic and pragmatic approach is the Party's ideological line.只有坚持一切从实际出发,破除迷信,敢于冲破不合时宜的观念束缚,尊重群众首创精神,大胆探索、实践和创造,与时俱进,才能使社会社会主义现代化事业充满生机和活力。We must proceed from reality in everything we do, eliminate superstition, break the shackles of outdated ideas, respect the people's pioneering spirit, boldly explore new ways, take concrete action, be creative, and keep up with the times to ensure that the cause of socialist modernization retains its great vitality.第二,必须坚持落实科学发展观。Second, we must steadfastly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development.科学发展观是发展中国特色社会主义重大战略思想,是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针。This is a major strategic concept for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development.我们要坚持把发展作为第一要务,着力转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,提高经济增长质量和效益;坚持以人为本,注重统筹兼顾,推动全面协调可持续发展。只有深入贯彻落实科学发展观,才能实现经济社会又好又快发展,促进社会和谐。We must continue to take development as the top priority, concentrate on changing the way the economy develops, and adjust the economic structure to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth.We must always put people first, attach great importance to overall planning, and promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.Only by thoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development can we achieve sound and rapid economic and social development and promote social harmony.第三,必须坚持改革开放。hird, we must adhere to the reform and opening up policy.改革开放是决定当代中国命运重大而关键的抉择。Reform and opening up is a major and crucial choice that is shaping the destiny of contemporary China.我们要坚定不移地推进经济体制改革、政治体制改革,发展社会主义民主政治,完善社会主义市场经济体制,解放和发展生产力,促进社会公平正义,实现人的全面发展。开放也是改革,开放兼容才能强国。We need to unswervingly promote reform in economic and political institutions, develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist market economy, liberate and develop the productive forces, promote social fairne and justice, and achieve all-round personal development.Opening up is also a kind of reform, and a nation cannot become strong if it is not open and inclusive.改革开放贯穿于社会主义现代化建设的整个过程,任何时候都不能动摇。We must continue to pursue reform and opening up throughout the course of socialist modernization and never deviate from this policy.第四,必须坚持搞好宏观调控。Fourth, we must continue to exercise effective macroeconomic regulation.宏观调控与市场机制都是社会主义市场经济体制的组成部分。Both macroeconomic regulation and market forces are components of the socialist market economy.我们要更大程度地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,增强企业活力和竞争力。We need to make better use of the basic role of market forces in allocating resources, revitalize enterprises and improve their competitive edge.同时,要加强和改善宏观调控,坚持主要运用经济手段、法律手段,发挥各种政策的组合效应;坚持区别对待、有保有压,不搞一刀切,不搞急刹车;坚持不断总结经验,及时调整政策,注重实际效果。只有把市场机制和宏观调控有机结合起来,才能保证整个经济充满活力、富有效率、持续健康协调发展。At the same time, we need to improve macroeconomic regulation, continue to carry out macroeconomic regulation mainly through economic and legal means, and get the complete range of government policies to fully play their role.We must continue to deal with each situation on its own merits, encourage growth in some sectors and discourage it in others as the situation requires, and refrain from taking a uniform approach to different situations or putting on the brakes without good reason.We must continue to draw leons from our experiences, make policy adjustments as needed and be result-oriented.We must integrate the use of market forces with macroeconomic regulation in order to ensure that the economy remains vigorous, performs well, and develops in a sustainable, healthy and balanced way.第五,必须坚持执政为民。Fifth, we must continue to run the government for the people.政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,执政为民是各级政府的崇高使命。All the power of the government comes from the people, and running the government for them is a lofty miion of governments at all levels.我们要牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,作为政府工作的出发点和落脚点。We must never forget that serving the people wholeheartedly is our purpose, and make sure that the aim and outcome of the work of the government is to fulfill, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people.更加注重保障和改善民生,特别要关心和解决城乡低收入群众的生活困难,使全体人民共享改革发展成果。We need to attach greater importance to ensuring the wellbeing of the people and improving their lives, in particular showing concern for urban and rural residents with low incomes and helping them make ends meet in their daily lives, in order to ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development.只有坚持一切属于人民,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,一切归功于人民,我们的各项事业才能获得最广泛、最可靠的群众基础和力量源泉。We must always keep in mind that everything belongs to the people, do everything for their benefit, rely on them in everything we do and attribute all our succees to their efforts.Only by doing so can we enjoy the broadest and most reliable support from the people and draw from them the strength for ensuring succe in all our endeavors.第六,必须坚持依法行政。Sixth, we must continue to run the government in accordance with the law.遵守宪法和法律是政府一切工作的根本原则。Abiding by the Constitution and laws is a fundamental principle for all the work of the government.我们要严格按照法定权限和程序行使权力、履行职责,加强政府立法,规范行政执法,完善行政监督,建设法治政府,不断提高依法行政能力。We need to exercise our power and perform our functions and responsibilities within the jurisdiction stipulated by law and in accordance with legal procedures, improve government legislative work, standardize administrative law enforcement, improve administrative oversight, develop law-based government and enhance our ability to carry out administrative functions in accordance with the law.只有全面推行依法行政,努力做到有权必有责、用权受监督、侵权要赔偿、违法要追究,让权力在阳光下运行,才能保证人民赋予的权力始终用来为人民谋利益。
We must ensure that government administration fully complies with the law, that power comes with responsibility, that there is proper oversight on the exercise of power, that reparation is paid for infringement of rights, that any violation of the law is prosecuted, and that power is exercised in a transparent manner.This is the only way to ensure that the power entrusted to us by the people is always exercised in their interests.我们也清醒地认识到,经济社会发展和政府工作还存在不少问题,国内外形势发展的变化使我们面临诸多新的挑战和风险。We are also clearly aware that there are still many problems affecting China's economic and social development and the work of the government, and that changes in the domestic and international environment present many new challenges and risks.——经济运行中一些突出问题和深层次矛盾依然存在。– There are still some prominent iues and deep-rooted problems affecting economic performance.近年来固定资产投资增长过快,货币信贷投放过多,国际收支不平衡。China has experienced overheated growth in fixed aet investment, exceive supplies of money and credit, and imbalance in its international payments in recent years.长期形成的结构性矛盾和增长方式粗放的问题仍然突出。Longstanding structural problems and the extensive pattern of growth remain serious problems.投资与消费关系不协调,投资率持续偏高;一二三产业发展不协调,工业特别是重工业比重偏大,服务业比重偏低;自主创新能力不强,经济增长的资源环境代价过大。农业基础仍然薄弱,农业稳定发展和农民持续增收的难度加大,城乡、区域发展差距扩大的趋势尚未扭转。特别是影响经济发展的体制机制障碍还相当突出,改革攻坚任务繁重。There is a lack of balance between investment and consumption, with the investment rate still running too high.Development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is not in balance, with too much investment in primary industry, particularly heavy industry, but too little investment in the service industry.China's capacity for independent innovation is still weak and the price paid for economic growth in terms of resource consumption and environmental preure is too great.Agriculture, the foundation of the economy, remains weak.The difficulty of maintaining steady agricultural development and keeping the incomes of farmers increasing has grown, and the growing development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions has not been checked.In particular, the institutional factors hindering economic development remain serious, making institutional reform a daunting task.——涉及群众切身利益的问题有待进一步解决。– More work needs to be done to resolve problems affecting the vital interests of the people.当前物价上涨、通货膨胀压力加大,是广大群众最为关注的问题。The current price hikes and increasing inflationary preures are the biggest concern of the people.去年居民消费价格总水平比上年上涨4.8%,主要食品和居住类价格涨幅较大。Last year's consumer price index(CPI)rose by 4.8% year-on-year, mainly due to large increases in the cost of food and housing.物价上涨有多方面的因素:国内农产品价格多年在低位运行,近期的价格上涨有其必然性和一定的合理因素,但对群众特别是低收入群众生活影响较大;近年来国际市场初级产品价格大幅上升,也直接影响国内价格上涨。由于推动价格上涨的因素还将存在,今年价格上涨的压力仍然较大。There are a variety of factors behind the price increases.Though the domestic prices of farm products have remained low for many years and some of the recent price increases were therefore overdue and somewhat reasonable, price increases neverthele have a great impact on people's lives, especially on the lives of the low-income sector of the population.The prices of primary commodities on the international market have risen considerably in recent years, which directly puts upward preure on domestic prices.Because factors driving prices up are still at work, upward preure on prices will remain great this year.同时,生产资料价格不断上升,房地产等资产价格上涨过快,防止通货膨胀的任务相当艰巨。劳动就业、社会保障、教育、医疗卫生、收入分配、住房、产品质量安全、安全生产、社会治安等方面还有不少问题需要认真加以解决。In addition, prices of the means of production have continued to rise and real estate prices have risen steeply, making the task of holding down inflation difficult.There are still quite a few problems in employment, the social safety net, education, medical and health care, income distribution, housing, product quality and safety, workplace safety and public security, and we need to work harder to resolve them.——国际经济环境变化不确定因素和潜在风险增加。– Both uncertainties in the international economic environment and potential risks have increased.随着经济全球化深入发展,我国经济与世界经济联系越来越密切。As economic globalization proceeds, the Chinese economy becomes increasingly tied to the world economy.当前全球经济失衡加剧、增速放缓,国际竞争更加激烈;美国次级抵押贷款危机影响蔓延,美元持续贬值,国际金融市场风险增大;国际市场粮食价格上涨,石油等初级产品价格高位运行;贸易保护主义加剧,贸易摩擦增多。The current imbalance in the global economy is only getting worse and global economic growth is slowing, making international competition even fiercer.The impact of the US sub-prime mortgage crisis is expanding, the value of the dollar is continuing to fall, and there is greater risk in international financial markets.Grain prices are rising and prices for petroleum and other primary products remain high in the international market.Trade protectionism has gotten worse, and trade frictions have increased.国际上一些政治因素对世界经济走势影响也不容忽视。这些都可能对我国经济发展带来不利影响。The effect of certain political factors in the international arena on world economic trends cannot be overlooked.All this could adversely affect China's economic development.我国正处在改革发展的关键时期,必须充分做好应对国际环境变化的各种准备,提高防范风险的能力。China is now in a critical period in its reform and development, and we must be fully prepared for changes in the international environment and become better able to defuse risks.——政府自身建设和管理需要加强。– The government's self-improvement efforts and administration need to be strengthened.我们深深感到,政府工作与形势的要求和人民的期望还有不小的差距。We are keenly aware that the work and accomplishments of the government still fall somewhat short of what circumstances require and the people expect.政府职能转变还不到位,社会管理和公共服务比较薄弱;一些部门职责交叉、权责脱节,相互推诿,办事效率低下;一些政府工作人员服务意识不强,素质不高;对权力的监督和约束机制不健全,形式主义、官僚主义问题比较突出,弄虚作假、奢侈浪费和腐败现象比较严重。The functions of government have not been completely transformed, and public administration and public services are still weak.Some government departments have overlapping responsibilities, their powers and responsibilities are not well matched, some try to shirk their responsibilities, and their performance is poor.Some government employees have an inadequate sense of responsibility toward the public and are not competent enough.Oversight mechanisms and checks on government authority are not strong enough.The problems of formalism and bureaucratic behavior are fairly common, and fraud, extravagance and waste, and corruption are quite serious.我们一定要始终保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识,以对国家、对人民高度负责的使命感和紧迫感,更加兢兢业业、扎扎实实地做好政府各项工作。We must remain clear-headed at all times, be more mindful of potential danger, be highly responsible to the country and the people, maintain a high sense of miion and urgency, work even more industriously, and succefully carry out all of the government's work.各位代表!Fellow Deputies,过去五年的成就和进步,来之不易。The achievements of the past five years have not come easily.这是在改革开放多年来奠定的基础上取得的,是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央驾驭全局、正确领导的结果,是全国各族人民奋发进取、共同努力的结果,也是与广大海外侨胞、国际友人的支持和帮助分不开的。在战胜种种严重困难和挑战、完成各项重大任务中,充分表现了中国人民不畏艰险、一往无前的决心、勇气和意志。They were built on a foundation laid through many years of reform and opening up, and are attributable to the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, which has effectively managed the overall situation.Credit also goes to the hard work and concerted effort of the people of all the ethnic groups in China, and to the support and aistance of overseas Chinese nationals and foreign friends.Displaying indomitable determination, courage and will, the Chinese people have overcome untold difficulties and challenges and accomplished major tasks.我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚的感谢!On behalf of the State Council, I would like to sincerely thank the people of all the ethnic groups, the democratic parties, the people's organizations and people from all sectors of society.向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞和台湾台胞,以及广大侨胞,表示诚挚的感谢!I would like to expre my sincere thanks to our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese nationals.向世界各国政府、国际组织和国际友人对中国现代化事业的理解和支持,表示诚挚的感谢!I would like to thank governments of other countries, international organizations and foreign friends of China around the world for their understanding of and support for China's modernization.
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