[真题例句] As the brain fades,we refer to these occurrences“senior moments.” 我们称这些事件为“老年人的时刻”。【考研,2014,完形】
[真题例句] Whileseemingly innocent,this lo of mental focuscan potentially have a damaging impact on our profeional,social,and personal wellbeing.虽然看似无害,但这种精 神无法集中的情况有可能会对我们的事业、社交和个人幸福产生破坏性的影响。【考研,2014,完形】
3、turn out(证明为),workout(n.锻炼),function(n.功能)
[真题例句] It turned out that the brain needs exercise inmuch the same way our muscles do,and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.事实证明,与肌肉训练很相似,大脑也需要训练,适当的只能训练可以显著提高我们的基本认知功能。【考研,2014,完形】
[真题例句]Thinking is eentially a proce of making connections in the brain.思维本质上是一个再大脑里建立联系的过程。【考研,2014,完型】
[真题例句] To a certain extent,our ability to excel in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited.擅长在大脑中建立联系的这种能力是遗传得来的,这些联系推动了智力的发展。【考研,2014,完形】
6、however(conj.然而),according to(prep.根据)
[真题例句]However,because these connections are made through effort and practice,scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate according to mental effort.然而,由于建立这些联系需要努力和练习,科学家们相信智力能根据脑力付出而扩展或变动。【考研,2014,完形】
[真题例句] Now,a new Web—based company has taken it a step further and developed the first“brain training”designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental sharpne.现在,一个新成立的基于网络的公司已经更进一步,研发出了
细反 馈。【考研,2014,完形】
10.constantly(ad.不断地),build on(在„的基础上进一步发展),effective(a.有效的)
[真题例句] Most importantly,it constantly modifies and enhances the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing—much like an effective exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.最重要的是,与有效的日常锻炼需要你提 高抵抗力、改变参与锻炼的肌肉一样,它不断地对你所参与的游戏进行改进和加强,从而进一步提高你正在形成的各种优势。【考研,2014,完形】
11.sign on [(登记失业(以领取政府的救济金)]
[真题例句“]Those first few days should be spent looking for work,not looking to sign on,”he claimed.“最初的那几天应该花在找工作上,而不是去进行失业登记,”他声称。【考研,2014,阅读】
[真题例句] At first glance this might seem like a strength that grants the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by external factors.乍一看这好像是一种优势,能够使人作出不受外界因素影响的公正的决定。【考研,2013,完形】
[真题例句] But Dr.Uri Simonsohn speculate that an inability to consider the big picture was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with.但乌里?西蒙逊博士推测,不考虑大局会导致决策者受日常处理的信息样本的影响而带有偏见。【考研,2013,完形】
3.be soft on(在„方面软弱),for example(例如),fearful(a.担心的,害怕的)
[真题例句] For example,he thtorised that a judge fearful of appearing too soft on crime might be more likely to send smeone to prison if he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.例如,他提出一个理论,对于一个害怕自己看起来对犯罪活动过于心慈手软的法官来说,如果当天他已经宣判五六个被告仅进行强制性的社区服务,那么他将某个人送人入监狱的可能性会更大。
[真题例句] To test this idea,he turned to the university-admiions proce.为了检验这种想 法,他转而开始研究大学录取过程。【考研,2013,完形】
[真题例句]Dr.Simonsohn suspected the truth was otherwise.西蒙逊博士认为事实并非如此。【考研,2013,完形】
[真题例句] He studied the results of 9323 MBA interviews conducted by 31 admiions officers.他研究了9 323份由31位招生面试官进行的MBA面试结果。【考研,2013,完形】
[真题例句] The interviewers had rate applicants on a scale of one to five.面试官按照1?5的 等级标准对申请人进行评分。【考研,2013,完形】
8.take.„„into consideration(把„考虑在内)
[真题例句] This scale took numerous factors into consideration.这一评分等级考虑很多因素。【考研,2013,完形】
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[真题例句] This might sound small,but to undo the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been neceary.也许少得的分数看起来并不多,但为了消除这一微小分数的影响,申请者就需要在GMAT考试中多考本来不必 要的30分。【考研,2013,完形】
[真题例句] This top-down conception of the fashion busine couldn’t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdreed,Elizabeth Cline’s three-year indictment of“fast fashion.”这种时尚界自上而下的概念太过时了,或者说它和Elizabeth Cline在《过度装扮》一书中描述的狂热世界完全不同。
[真题例句] The court cannot maintain its legitimacy as guard an of the rule of law when justices behave like politicians.当法官的行为像政客一样时,法院便不能维持其作为法律规则捍卫者的公正性。
[真题例句]Yet,in several instances,justices acted in ways that weakened the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial.然而,在一些案例中,法官的行为损害了法庭独立、公正的的声誉。
[真题例句]That kind of activtiy makes it le likely that the court’s decisions will be accepted as impartial judgments.那种 行为使得人们认为法院的裁决不太可能是公正合理的。
[真题例句] Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethics code.这个问题是 在某种程度上是由于法官不受道德准则的约束。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句] At the very least,the court should make itself subject to the code of conduct that applies to the rest of the federal judiciary.至少,法院应该服从于那些适用于其他联邦司法部门 的行为准则。【考研,2012,完形】
6.raise(vt.提出),line in(n.界线)
[真题例句] This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there is still a line between the court and politics.这个案件和其他一些类似的案件让人质疑在法庭和政界之间是 否仍然存在界线。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句] The framers of theConstitution envisioned law as having authority apart from politics.宪法的制定者们曾设想让法律有独立于政治之外的权力。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句]They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upset those in power and have no need to cultivate political support.他们给法官永久性的职位,因此法官不会担心得罪当权者,也不需要培植政治上的支持。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句]Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely tied.我们的司法制度之所以将法律和政治分开,正是因为它们的联系太过紧密。
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[真题例句] Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social concepts like liberty and property.宪法具有政治性,因为它产生于那些根植于诸如自由和财产等基本社会观念的选择。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句] When the court deals with social policy decisions,the law it shapes is inescapably political——which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily dismide as unjust.当法院处理社会政策的裁决时,它所形成的法律不可避免地带有政治色彩——这就是那些由于思想路线不同而导致有分歧的裁决很容易以不公正为由而被驳回的原因。【考研,2012,完形】
[真题例句] The justices must addre doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves accountable to the code of conduct.法院必须对行为准则负责,以处理公众质疑法院公正性的问题。【考研,2012,完形】
13.renege on(违背)
[真题例句] The company provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the state’s strict nuclear regulations.上周,当该公司直市背弃长期遵守该州严格的核法规的承诺时,它激起了佛蒙特州(人)的合理愤慨。【考研,2012,阅读】
[真题例句]It hoped they would learn how shop-floor lighting affected workers' productivity.(美国国家研究委员会)希望他们能够弄清楚车间照明是如何影响工人的生产效率的。【考研,2010,完形】
2.end up(最终成为),act(二.行为)
[真题例句]Instead, the studies ended up giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect,” theextremely influential idea that the very act of being experimented upon changed subjects’behavior.不过,这些研究最终被命名为“霍桑效应”,这个极具影响力的概念说明受试者会因为自己正在接受实验这一行为而改变自身行为。【考研,2010,完形】
[真题例句〕The idea arose because of the perplexing behaviorof thewomen in the plant.该厂女工令人费解的行为使他们产生了这样的想法。【考研,2010,完形】
[真题例句〕According to accounts of the experiments,theirhourly output rose when lightingwas increased, but also when it was dimmed.根据实验记录,不论是加强还是减少照明,她们每小时的产量都会增加。【考研,2010,完形】
5.matter(v.有关系),so long as(只要)
[真题例句〕It did not matter whatwas donein the experiment;so long as something was changed, productivity rose.实验内容无关紧要,只要有因素发生改变,生产效率就会提高。【考研,2010,完形】
[真题例句〕An awarernesthat they were being experimented upon seemed to be enough 4 页 共 4 页
toalter workers' behaviorby itself.工人知道正在接受试验这一意识本身就足以改变她们的行为。【考研,2010,完形】
7, be subjected to(使遭受,使经历)
[真题例句〕After several decades, the same data were subjected to econometric analysis.几十年之后,这些相同的数据被应用到了计量经济学分析之中。【考研,2010,完形】
8.contrary to(与„相反),evidence(n.证据)
[真题例句〕Contrary to the deions on record, no systematic evidence was found thatlevels of productivity were related to changes in lighting.与实验记录的描述相反,没有系统的证据表明生产率水平的高低与照明的变化有关。【考研,2010,完形】
9.mislead Cvt.误导),for example(例如)
[真题例句〕It turns out that the peculiar way of conducting the experiments may have led tomisleading interpretations of what happened.For example,lighting was always changed on aSunday.结果表明,进行实验的特殊方式可能导致人们对所发生的事情产生误解。例如:总是在周日改变照明。【考研,2010,完形】
[真题例句〕When work startedagain on Monday,output duly rose compared with theprevious Saturday and continued torise for the next couple of days.当周一再次开始工作的时候,产量理所当然地比上周六要高,而且在接下来的几天还会持续提高。
11.tend to do sth.(往往会发生某事),hit(v.达到)
[真题例句〕Workers tended to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case,before hitting a plateau and then slackening off.在任何情况下,工人们在一周的前几天往往都很勤奋,随后达到一个顶峰,接着就开始松懈下来。【考研,2010,完形】
12, about-face[n.(思想、行为的)大转变]
[真题例句〕Curbs on busine-method claims would be a dramatic about-face.对申请商业方法专利权的限制将会是一个戏剧性的彻底改变。【考研,2010,阅读】
[真题例句]Consider the fruit-fly experiments described by Car Zimmer in the Science Times.试想卡尔·齐默在《科学时代》杂志上发表的关于果蝇实验的描述。【考研,2009,阅读】
[真题例句]Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly tended to live shorter lives.那些被训练得比普通果蝇更聪明的果蝇往往寿命比较短。【考研,2009,完形】
[真题例句〕This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer, that there is an advantage in not being too bright.这说明比较暗的灯泡照明的时间更长,不够明亮也是一种优势。【考研,2009,完形】
4.turn out(最后结果是,最终成为)
[真题例句〕Intelligence, it turns out, is a high-priced option.结果显示,智力是一种昂贵的选择。【考研,2009,完形】
[真题例句〕It takes moxe upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow off the starting line because it depends on learning——a gradual proce——instead of instinct.它需要更多的保养,燃烧更多的燃料,起步缓慢,这是因为聪明依赖于学习一-一个渐进的过程一而不是本能。【考研,5 页 共 5 页
[真题例句〕Is there an adaptive value to limited intelligence?有限的智力是否存在一个适应值呢?【考研,2009,完形】
[真题例句〕Research on animal intelligence also makes us wonder what experiments animals would perform on humans if they had the chance.研究动物智力的实验也让我们思考:如果动物有机会的话,它们会对人类做什么实验。【考研,2009,完形】
8.for instance(例如)
[真题例句〕Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning.例如:每只有主人的猫都在进行小规模的操作性条件反射的研究。【考研,2009,完形】
9.fundamental(a.根本的,基本的),above all(最重要的是)
[真题例句]Above all, they would hope to study a fundamental question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?最重要的是,它们希望研究一个根本问题:人类是否真正了解自己生活的世界?【考研,2009,完形】
10, so far(迄今为止)
[真题例句〕So far the results are inconclusive.口前尚无定论。【考研,2009,完形】
11, rut(n.车辙)
[真题例句〕But don't bother trying to kill off old habits;once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they're there to stay.但是,不要白费力气试图扼杀旧习惯;一旦这些惯有程序融进大脑,它们就会留在那里。【考研,2009,阅读】
1.be prepared to(准备)
[真题例句〕But Gregory Cochran is prepared to say it anyway.但是格雷戈里·科克伦却准备无论如何也要说出这一观点。【考研,2008,完形】
2.rare(a.稀罕的,珍贵的),independently of(独立于)
[真题例句〕He is that rare bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution.他是那样一种特立独行的人:一个独立于任何机构的科学家。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句】He helped popularize the ides.that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infection's,which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.他普及了一种观点,即某些以前没有被认为是由细菌引起的疾病实际上是感染,这一观点最初提出来时引起了极大争议。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句]Togetherwithanother two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only suggests that one groupofhumanity is more intelligent than the others,but explains theproce that has brought this about.他同其他两位科学家一起发表了一篇论文,论文中不仅指出某些人比其他人更聪明,而且解释了这种情况的产生过程。【考研,2008,完形】
5.in question(正被讨论的,谈论中的)
[真题例句〕The group in question are a particular people originated from central Europe.论文中提及的这个族群是起源于中欧的某个特定民族。【考研,2008,完形】
6.score(vt.在游戏或比赛中得分),mean(a.平均的),disproportionately(ad.不相称地,6 页 共 6 页
[真题例句〕This group generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100,and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of their elites, including several world-renowned scientists, affirm.这群人通常在智力测验中得分较高,比平均分100分高12到1}分;但就像这个民族的精英,包括其中一些世界著名的科学家的事业所证实的那样,这个民族对西方学术及文化作出了与他们的人口数量不成比例的巨大贡献。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句〕These facts, however, have previously been thought unrelated.但是,以前人们认为这些事实之间没有联系。【考研,2008,完形】
8.put down to(归因于),value(vt.重视,珍惜)
[真题例句〕The former has been put down to social effects, such as a strong tradition of valuing education.前者归因于社会影响,如重视教育的浓厚传统。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句〕His argument is that the unusual history of these people has subjected them to unique evolutionary preures that have resulted in this paradoxical state of affairs.他的论点是,这些人非同寻常的历史让他们遭受某些独特的进化压力,而这些压力导致了这种矛盾情况的产生。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句〕The latter was seen a consequence of genetic isolation.后者被视为遗传隔离造成的结果。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句〕Dr.Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately linked.克伦博士指出智力和疾病是紧密联系的。【考研,2008,完形】
[真题例句〕The roughly 20 million inhabitants ,of these nations looked hopefully to the future.这些国家的大约两千万居民对未来充满期待。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例句〕Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian Colonialism, many of the leaders of independence shared the ideal of representative government,careers open to talent,freedom of commerce and trade,the right to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society.许多独立运动的领导人在旧政权和伊比利亚殖民主义统治岌岌可危之际出生,他们都怀有这样的治国理念:代议制政府、为有才能的人提供职业选择、商业贸易自由、私有财产所有权以及个人是社会基础的信念。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例句〕Generally there was a belief that the new nations should be sovereign and independent states,large enough to be economically viable and integrated by a common set of laws.他们普遍认为新国家应该是独立自主的国家,大到能够维持自身的经济水平,并由一套共同法律把它们联合起来。【考研,2007,完形】
4, freedom(n.自由),however(ad.然而,但是),among(prep.在„当中)
[真题例句〕On the iue of freedom of religion and the position of the Church, however, 7 页 共 7 页
there was le agreement among the leadership.但是,在宗教自由和教会地位问题上,领导人之间存在着分歧。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例句〕Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one allowed by the Spanish crown.罗马天主教过去是西班牙国教,是唯一得到西班牙王室承认的宗教。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例]While most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism as the official religion of the new states, some sought to end the exclusion of other faiths.虽然大多数领导人试图继续将天主教作为新国家的官方宗教,一部分领导人却致力于终结这种排斥其他信仰的状况。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例句]The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservative forces.保卫教会成为保守势力的战斗口号。【考研,2007,完形】
8.promise(v.保证,答应),in return(作为„回报)
[真题例句]Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had promised in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated.玻利瓦尔得到海地的援助后,作为回报,他承诺在自己解放的地区废除奴隶制。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例句〕By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except Spain's remaining colonies.到1854年,除了西班牙残余的殖民地外,其他地区都已废除奴隶制。【考研,2007,完形】
[真题例]Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produced.之前承诺的取消印
[真题例句〕Estimates range anywhere from 600 000 to 3 million.估计是在60万到300万之间。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句]Although the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homele is increasing.尽管人们估计的数字可能各不相同,分析家们对另外一个问题的意见却是一致的:无家可归者的人数正在增长。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句〕one of the federal government's studies predicts that the number of the homele will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.联邦政府的一项研究预测,在现在这个十年结束之前,无家可归者的人数将接近1900万。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句]Finding ways to aist this growing homele population has become increasingly difficult.想办法帮助这些越来越多的无家可归者变得越来越困难。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句]Even when homele individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night,a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.即使无家可归者设法找到了能提供一日三餐和晚上睡觉的地方,还是会有很多人每天大部分时间流落街头。【考研,2006,完形】
8.survival(n.生存,幸存),turn around[(使业务、部门等)好转]
[真题例句〕Many others, while not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday survival skills needed to turn their lives around.还有许多人虽然不酗酒吸毒,精神也正常,但缺乏改善自己生活状况的日常生存技能。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句]Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that addre the many needs of the homele.《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯·雷迪认为只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面 才有可能得到改善。【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句〕As Edward Zlotkowski, director of community service at Bentley College inMaachusetts,puts it,“There has to be coordination of programs.What's needed is a package deal.”用马萨诸塞州本特里学院社区服务部主任爱德华·兹罗特克沃斯基的话来说就是:“各种规划必须协调运作,我们需要的是一整套计划。”【考研,2006,完形】
[真题例句〕In spite of “endle talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.尽管人们对于美国社会的差异性存在无止境的争议,美国社会仍然是一部神奇的同化人的机器。【考研,2006,阅读】
[真题例句〕Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be a bummer too.鉴于此,人们也就不需要用艺术再来表现痛苦了。【考研,2006,阅读】
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