梅德韦杰夫 在俄中建交60周年庆祝大会上的讲话 中英_60周年庆祝大会讲话

2020-02-27 发言稿 下载本文

梅德韦杰夫 在俄中建交60周年庆祝大会上的讲话 中英由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“60周年庆祝大会讲话”。

Mr President, ladies and gentlemen,尊敬的胡锦涛主席,女士们,先生们:

The history of relations between Ruia and China goes back many centuries.We sincerely cherish the long tradition of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation that we have enjoyed.俄中关系源远流长。我们十分珍视两国关系史上积累的宝贵经验,珍惜俄中友谊和互利合作。

This year we are celebrating a special anniversary: 60 years ago, the very day after the People's Republic of China was declared, the Soviet Union was the first to recognise the new state.Diplomatic relations between the two neighbouring countries were established.Looking back on these events today and taking into account the full extent of our cooperation, we see what

enormous significance these events had, and we get a real sense of how the cooperation between the world's two largest countries has been and remains a vastly important geostrategic factor in the world.今年,我们共同庆祝一个特殊的日子。60年前,中华人民共和国成立后第二天,苏联最先承认新中国,并建立外交关系。今天,在回顾这一事件以及后来建立的全面协作时,我们理解到了它们的伟大意义,懂得两个世界大国的协作始终是全球重要的地缘因素。

Today, relations between Ruia and China are on the rise.Our countries have worked out new ways of working together, new sorts of cooperation.Their eential component is the spirit of autonomy and equality that characterise our contacts in every area.This seamle integration is very important for today's Ruia and for modern China.目前,俄中关系处在快速发展阶段。双方确定了全新的合作模式。独立和平等是双方各领域交流的必要条件。这种立场完全适合当代俄罗斯,也适合当代中国。

In recent years we have been particularly active in promoting political dialogue, increasing the scope of our cooperation and coordinating our efforts in international affairs.Our strategic partnership is the result of all this perseverance and hard work.Relations between China and Ruia are self-sustaining and self-sufficient.They are also flexible enough to enable us to resolve the most difficult problems in a constructive way.An obvious example is the final settlement of the border iue.近年来,我们积极开展政治对话,不断扩大两国合作及在国际事务中的协作。通过长期艰苦努力,我们建立了战略协作伙伴关系。俄中关系是独立自主的双边关系,是意义重大的双边关系。这种关系基础牢固,有助于建设性地解决许多复杂问题,彻底解决边界问题就是明证。

Dear friends, in Ruia the celebration of a 60th anniversary or birthday is considered one of life's most important milestones.I know that in the Chinese tradition 60 years marks the end of a

regular calendar cycle and the beginning of a new one.I am confident that this anniversary in our bilateral relations symbolizes their maturity and marks the moment of our transition to a new level of cooperation.It is also a good occasion to take stock and to look to the future.It is this future that we will be building in the decades to come.To celebrate the anniversary of our establishing

diplomatic relations our countries are preparing a whole range of festive events.Today's opening of the festival of Chinese culture, which has been organised to coincide with the current visit of the President Hu Jintao, is of course a splendid start for the celebrations.朋友们!俄罗斯人认为,60岁是具有里程碑意义的重要阶段。我知道,根据中国的农历,60年是一个甲子。所以,我相信,在我们两国关系中,60年也标志着成熟,标志着两国关系达到全新水平。现在是一个总结过去、展望未来发展前景的好机会。为庆祝两国建交60周年,我们两国将举办一系列隆重庆祝活动,在胡锦涛主席此次访问期间开幕的中国文化节将是庆祝活动的良好开端。

Having analysed our relations since 1992, I have come to the conclusion that such relations are best described as exemplary.And this is important not only for our countries but for the world at

large.This unique sort of good-neighbourline and friendship between two great powers has made a significant contribution to the formation of a new world order, the strengthening of

multipolarity, and the development of respect for those states intent on national development, in compliance with international law.I believe that our experience in reaching agreement on the most difficult iues should be extensively dieminated and recognised as a gift to all humankind.回顾1992年以来俄中关系发展历程,我们可以得出结论:这种关系堪称典范,不仅对我们两国具有很重大的意义,而且对整个世界都是非常重要的。我们两个伟大国家独特的睦邻友好关系为建立国际新秩序、加强多极化势头、尊重各国自主选择的发展模式、遵守国际法作出了重大贡献。我认为,双方在解决最复杂问题方面的经验值得广泛借鉴,可以说这也是全人类的财富。

Let me mention one other thing.Our inter-governmental relations have gone from being the traditional fief of profeional politicians and diplomats to something that truly belongs to our peoples.The intergovernmental committee on cultural cooperation is both active and effective, as is the Ruian-Chinese Friendship Peace and Development Committee.Our businemen have also made an important contribution to the development of our relations.俄中关系曾经是两国政治家和外交官的专有领域,现在已经拥有广泛的民众基础。俄中人文合作委员会和俄中友好、和平与发展委员会为此做了大量工作,两国企业界也为此作出了重大贡献。

The expansion of the social base of our partnership has contributed to large-scale bilateral projects and the Years of Ruia and China.I firmly believe that a new cultural initiative, the Years of

Ruian and Chinese, will meet with the same great succe.All this bears witne to the very high level of interest we have in one another, and that the key to continuing good relations is expanding contacts between our young people.通过开展大规模的双边合作项目、互办国家年活动,双方进一步扩大了两国战略协作伙伴关系的社会基础。我相信,双方新的人文合作项目,即俄中“语言年”活动同样会取得圆满成功。这一切都表明,两国民众对彼此有着非常浓厚的兴趣。两国青年交流将确保睦邻友好关系世代相传。

Our strategic partnership also manifests itself in cooperation between Ruia and China in

international affairs, which is an important aspect of ensuring peace and security in the world and an effective means of confronting serious challenges.We have similar positions on various iues, including those aociated with the effects of the current global financial crisis.And most

importantly, we understand that joint decisions and consolidated action are what is most important now.俄中在国际事务中的协作也突出体现了两国战略协作关系的高水平。这种协作是维护全球和平与安全的重要组成部分,是应对严峻挑战的有效手段。我们在应对当前国际金融危机等许多问题上的立场相近。很重要的一点,我们双方都意识到,在当前这一时刻,需要采取共同的努力和行动

Dear friends, in conclusion, I would like to say that we in Ruia are ready to expand relations with China on all fronts.Everything is in place to make this happen: political will, relations of trust between the leaders of our nations, a sound contractual and regulatory framework, mutual bonds between our peoples, links between our cultures and economies and our basic agreement on major international iues.Finally, we have the spirit of neighbourline, which is seamlely linked with a desire to get things done and respect for our mutual interests.Once again I congratulate everyone on this anniversary.Thank you for your attention.最后我想说的是,俄罗斯愿意深化同中国在各领域的关系。我们在这方面拥有一切条件,包括政治意愿、国家领导人的信任关系、牢固的法律条约基础、人民相互好感、文化和经济互补、对国际重大问题立场一致、务实合作中照顾对方利益的睦邻精神。再次对俄中建交60周年表示祝贺。谢谢大家。


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