Remarks by Premier Wen Jiabao at Joint Pre Conference with European Commiion President
Jose Manuel Barroso
记者朋友们,女士们,先生们: Friends from the pre, Ladies and Gentlemen, 你们好!很高兴与巴罗佐主席一起同大家见面。我对巴罗佐主席、阿什顿高级代表和各位欧盟委员来访再次表示热烈欢迎。
Good afternoon.I am very pleased to meet you with President Barroso.Let me once again extend a warm welcome to President Barroso, High Representative Ashton and the EU commiioners.这是《里斯本条约》生效和新一届欧盟委员会成立之后,中欧第一次高层会晤,也是以往中欧领导人对话的继续。双方就中欧关系和重大国际问题坦诚、深入交换了看法,达成广泛共识。
This is the first high-level meeting between China and the EU since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the formation of the new European Commiion.It is also a continuation of the previous dialogues between Chinese and EU leaders.The two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on China-EU relations and major international iues, and reached broad consensus.我再强调几点:
I wish to stre the following points: 第一,中欧加强战略合作面临难得机遇。2003年中欧建立全面战略伙伴关系,这一历史性抉择对于今天中欧共同应对国际金融危机和全球性挑战具有重大而深远的影响。中欧没有根本利害冲突,也没有悬而未决的重大历史问题。双方都主张世界多极化和文明多样性,认为重大国际事务的决策应该民主、公开、透明,要加强联合国作用,增加发展中国家在重要国际机构中的代表权,支持自由贸易和加强国际金融监管,推进应对气候变化国际合作。中欧在改善全球治理方面的共识远远大于分歧。双方要坚持从战略高度看待共同利益,加强协调配合,携手推动建立国际政治经济新秩序。
First, we face valuable opportunities for enhancing China-EU strategic cooperation.China and the EU established the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003.This historic decision has a significant and profound impact on our joint response to the international financial crisis and global challenges.There is no conflict of fundamental interests or unsettled major historical iues between China and the EU.We both stand for world multipolarity and cultural diversity.We both believe that decisions for major international affairs should be made in a democratic, open and transparent manner.And we both believe it is important to strengthen the role of the United Nations, increase the representation of developing countries in major international institutions, support free trade and more stringent international financial supervision and regulation, and advance international cooperation on climate change.China and the EU have far more consensus than differences in improving global governance.We should continue to view our common interests from a strategic perspective, strengthen coordination and collaboration and work together to build a new international political and economic order.第二,加强相互理解、信任和支持。中国的改革开放取得了巨大成就。国家综合实力和国际地位得到显著提升。但中国政府和领导人对面临的问题和挑战是清醒的,坚持改革开放、走和平发展道路的决心是坚定的,对国家和民族的未来充满信心。中国一定会承担更多的国际责任,这不仅是国际社会的期待,也符合中国的利益。
Second, we should enhance mutual understanding, trust and support.China has made considerable progre in the course of reform and opening-up.And China’s overall strength and international standing have significantly risen.That being said, the Chinese government and leaders are keenly aware of the problems and challenges China faces.We are firmly committed to reform and opening-up and the path of peaceful development.We have full confidence in the future of China and the Chinese nation.China will undertake greater international responsibilities.This not only meets the expectations of the international community, but also serves China’s own interests.历史告诉我们,任何伟大的事业都不可能一帆风顺,不可能一蹴而就。我们这样看待自己的发展,也这样看待欧盟的发展。中国坚定支持欧洲各国联合自强的努力,从不干涉欧盟内部事务,认为欧洲是独立的一极,相信一个强大的欧盟可以为促进世界和平发展发挥更加积极的作用。不管国际风云如何变幻,中欧要同舟共济,携手并进。双方要加强文化、青年、媒体交流,巩固中欧关系的民意基础。
History tells us that when pursuing a great cause, we could never expect a smooth sail or reach the destination overnight.That is how we see our own development.That is also how we see the development of the European Union.China firmly supports the efforts of European countries for self-enhancement through unity, and has never interfered in the EU’s internal affairs.We believe Europe is an independent pole in the world and a strong EU can play a more positive role in promoting world peace and development.No matter how the international landscape may evolve, China and the EU should always join hands and forge ahead like paengers in the same boat.And we should strengthen cultural, youth and media exchanges to consolidate the popular basis for China-EU relations.第三,扩大各领域的务实合作。虽然国际金融危机对中欧经济造成严重冲击,但双方合作的优势没有改变,潜力还很大。当前,中欧都在积极调整发展战略,更加重视经济社会协调发展,更加重视科技创新,更加重视可持续发展,这为双方合作提供了广阔空间。中欧合作应该以经贸合作为基础,高新科技合作为引领,绿色经济合作为重点,充分发挥企业的主体作用和市场的导向作用。
Third, we should expand practical cooperation in all fields.Although the international financial crisis has seriously affected our economies, the advantage of our cooperation has not changed and there is still much potential.Both China and Europe are making active adjustments to development strategies, with greater focus on balanced socio-economic development, scientific innovation and sustainable development.This has opened up broader prospects for our bilateral cooperation.China-EU cooperation should be anchored on economic cooperation and trade and driven by high-tech cooperation.We should take green economy as a priority in our cooperation and bring into full play the primary role of enterprises and the steering role of the market.中欧要共同努力,实现双方贸易总体平衡和可持续增长。中方愿继续向欧盟国家派出贸易投资促进团,扩大从欧方的进口,并考虑设立专项资金,鼓励双方中小企业开展合作。
China and the EU should make joint efforts to achieve the overall balance and sustainable growth of the bilateral trade.China will continue to send trade and investment promotion miions to EU countries and increase imports from Europe.We will also consider setting up a special fund to encourage SME cooperation between the two sides.欧盟应该尽快承认中国完全市场经济地位,使中国企业获得公平竞争待遇,简化中国商务人员赴欧洲签证手续,实现中欧审计公共监管体系等效,减少各种壁垒,为中国企业在欧洲扩大贸易和投资提供更具吸引力的环境和条件。
The EU should recognize China’s full market economy status as soon as poible so that Chinese enterprises can receive fair treatment in competition.We hope that the EU will simplify visa procedures for Chinese businemen, enable equivalence of our public audit oversight systems, remove various barriers and provide a more appealing environment and conditions for Chinese enterprises to expand trade with and investment in Europe.我注意到有些外国在华企业家对中国投资环境发表的言论。为加强同他们的交流,我主动提出记者会后与巴罗佐主席共同会见欧盟在华企业家代表。在此,我愿意表示,中国政府坚定不移地实施对外开放政策,致力于为外国企业和中国企业等所有市场主体创造一个公平竞争的市场环境。中国正以认真和积极态度开展加入世贸组织《政府采购协定》谈判。涉及政府资金的采购和建设项目,都采取公开透明的办法,平等对待中国企业和在华外资企业及其产品。鼓励自主创新的政策对中国境内所有企业一视同仁,不会把外资企业排除在外。中国政府将进一步增加决策透明度,规范行政行为,及时发布发展规划、产业政策、准入标准、行业动态等信息。我们欢迎外国企业参与中国改革开放进程,依法经营,分享中国经济发展带来的机遇和成果。
I have taken note of the remarks on China’s investment environment made by some foreign entrepreneurs in China.To enhance communication with them, I proposed to President Barroso for a joint meeting with representatives of the European entrepreneurs in China after the pre conference.Here I want to say that the Chinese government will unswervingly pursue the opening-up policy and endeavor to create a market environment of fair competition for all market players, foreign and Chinese enterprises alike.China is now seriously and actively engaged in negotiations for China’s acceion to the Government Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization.We treat Chinese and foreign enterprises and their products as equals in procurement and construction projects involving government funds in an open and transparent way.The policy of encouraging indigenous innovation provides the same treatment for all enterprises that operate on Chinese soil, and foreign enterprises will not be excluded.The Chinese government will further increase the transparency of decision making, regulate administrative conducts and provide timely information on development plans, industry policies, acce standards and industry development.We welcome foreign enterprises to take part in China’s reform and opening-up proce, run businees according to law and share the opportunities and fruits of China’s economic development.第四,国际社会要共担责任,巩固世界经济复苏势头。尽管国际金融危机的冲击正在减弱,世界经济和贸易开始回升,但真正战胜危机还需要各国在今后相当长的时期内作出不懈努力。特别要从引发危机的根源上加强治理,坚定不移地反对形形色色的贸易保护主义。中国愿与欧方在20国集团和其他重要多边机制中,就涉及世界经济金融的重大问题加强沟通协调。
Fourth, the international community should undertake joint responsibilities and consolidate the momentum of world economic recovery.Although the impact of the international financial crisis is waning and the world economy and trade are picking up, we still need to make unremitting efforts for a fairly long time to come if we are to truly prevail over this crisis.In particular, we should improve governance, addreing the root causes of the crisis, and stand firm against trade protectionism in various forms.China stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with the EU on major international economic and financial iues within the G20 and other major multilateral institutions.第五,应对气候变化涉及全人类的命运,包括中国的利益。中国通过积极参加哥本哈根气候变化大会,向世界表明了致力于推进气候变化国际合作的坚定意愿和实际行动。我们理解欧盟和国际社会对中国节能减排的关注。我要强调的是,中国言必信、行必果,不管有多大困难,都会努力实现自主决定的控制温室气体排放行动目标。我们愿意在坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则基础上,与欧方一道推动有关谈判不断取得进展。
Fifth, climate change concerns the destiny of all mankind, China’s interests included.By actively participating in the Copenhagen climate change conference, China has demonstrated to the world its firm commitment to and concrete actions for advancing international cooperation on climate change.We understand that the EU and the international community pay much attention to China’s energy conservation and emiion reduction efforts.What I want to stre is that China will honor its words with result-oriented actions.No matter how difficult the task is, we will endeavor to meet our voluntary target for controlling greenhouse gas emiions.We want to work with the EU to push for progre in the relevant negotiations on the basis of adhering to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”.第六,中国致力于维护国际核不扩散体系,维护中东地区和平稳定。中方将继续本着负责任和建设性态度同有关各方保持沟通,为伊核问题早日妥善解决发挥积极作用。
Sixth, China is committed to upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East.China will maintain communication with other relevant parties with a responsible and constructive attitude and play a positive role for the early and proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear iue.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 我在会谈开始时表示,这次会晤要为中欧关系发展勾画一幅轮廓更加清晰、内容更加丰富的蓝图。通过双方共同努力,我们实现了预期目标,为今年下半年在欧洲举行第十三次中欧领导人会晤打下了扎实基础。我期待着届时同大家再次见面。谢谢!
I said at the outset of this meeting that we should aim to sketch out a clearer and more substantive blueprint for the future of China-EU relations.Thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, we have achieved the set objective, and laid a solid foundation for the 13th China-EU Summit to be held in Europe in the latter half of this year.I look forward to meeting you then.Thank you.
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