2002年中国科协主席周光召在国际数学家大会开幕式上的讲话时间:2008-10-13 20:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:730次
Speech by Zhou Guangzhao
Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of NPC, President of the China Aociation for Science and Technology-CAST
Ladies and gentlemen:
Today, we are particularly overjoyed at the grand opening of the 24th International Congre of Mathematicians.On behalf of the China Aociation for Science and Technology and the Chinese scientific community, I would like to expre our warmest welcome to participants from all over the world and our sincere congratulations to the newly awarded Fields medallists and the winner of Nevalinna Prize.我上面说感到“特别高兴”,是因为数学一向以其辉煌的智力成就而被尊为“科学的皇后”,如上一世纪哥德尔定理的提出与费马大定理的证明就是一例。数学又是“科学的仆人”,正如伟大的德国数学家高斯在提到数学作为“科学的皇后”的同时所指出的那样。在过去的一个世纪里,数学的应用更是经历了空前蓬勃的发展。数学家们创造的高度抽象的语言、结构和方法,被反复证实是其它科技领域和社会生产实践中普遍适用的工具,这恰恰反映了数学理论与客观世界之间深刻而奇妙的联系。请回顾一下黎曼几何与相对论;图灵机与真实的计算机;还有拉东积分与CT扫描仪!数学,高度抽象而又广泛应用,对现代文明与人类进步正发挥着越来越重要的作用。
The reason of our being particularly overjoyed lies primarily on the fact that the subject of this Congre is mathematics, which has been respected as “the queen of sciences” for its brilliant intellectual accomplishments, as suggested by the examples of the discovery of Goedel's theorem and the proof of the Fermat Last theorem in the last century.Mathematics is also “the servant of sciences” as explained by the great German mathematician Gau when he spoke of “the queen of sciences”.In the past century the application of mathematics witneed rapid and more exciting development.The highly abstract languages, structures, methods and ideas created by mathematicians have been repeatedly proven to be universal instruments useful to other fields of science and technology and to economic and social development.This truly reflects the marvelous and close relations between mathematical theories and the objective world.Just by mentioning Riemann geometry and the theory of Relativity, Turing machine and the real computers, Radon integral and the CT scanners, we can see that mathematics is exerting more and more important influence on the modern civilization and social progre.中国古代科学技术有光辉的成就,但在三、四百年前渐趋衰落。1915年,中国第一个民间综合科学组织——“中国科学社”成立,其创始人是一批海外中国留学生,其中有一位数学家,他是中国获得博士学位的第一人。“中国科学社”一开始只有180名会员。从那时到现在已将近一个世纪,今天科学的种子已经在中国大地上开花结果。特别是1978年以来,改革开放的方针给中国的科学研究与教育带来了新的活力。我们已建成了一个巨大的群众学术团体网络和完整的专业科研机构系统。我们的科研队伍在广泛的领域从事着前沿性的探索。在过去二十年间,中国科学家建成了正负电子对撞机、大型计算机和强激光源;培养了优良的杂交水稻并成功地进行了基因测定;创造了有效的汉字处理系统;建成了卫星遥感地面站和全国范围的生态观察站,等等。在数学方面,据我所知,中国数学家在诸如数论、定理机器证明、微分几何、拓扑学、复分析、概率论与数理统计、偏微分方程、泛函分析、数值分析和控制论等领域里也都取得了具有国际水平的成果。
China had created glorious scientific and technological achievements in ancient times before a decline set in some three or four centuries ago.In 1915, the first Chinese comprehensive scientific society-“the Chinese Society for Science” was founded.Its founders were a group of students studying abroad, including a mathematician who was the first Chinese Ph.D.in mathematics.Starting with only 180 members at the beginning, the seeds it sowed are blooming and bearing fruits in China today.The reform and opening up policy that China has adopted since 1978 has given tremendous impetus to the country's science and education.We have built up a well distributed system of research and a network of academic societies.Our scientists are working on many frontier projects in various fields.In the past 20 years Chinese scientists succeeded in constructing the electron-positron collider, developing large computers and strong laser light sources, breeding hybrid rice and determining genetic codes, developing sophisticated word proceing systems for Chinese characters, and setting up terrestrial stations for satellite remote sensing and nation-wide network for ecology observations.In mathematics, Chinese scholars have achieved important results in fields such as number theory, theorem-proving by computer, differential geometry, topology, complex analysis, probability and mathematical statistics, PDE, functional analysis, numerical analysis and control theory and so on.人类正迈进一个新的时代,在这个时代里社会的发展比以往任何时候都更加依赖于知识的进步。这一趋势对中国科学技术的发展来说既带来了无限的机会,同时又提出了严峻的挑战。我们必须奋力拼搏,赶超世界先进水平,为正在到来的人类知识经济时代作出我们应有的贡献。科学研究是国际性事业,任何民族都不可能在与其它国家或地区相隔绝的情况下获得成功。在数学科学方面的国际交流与合作意义尤为重大。数学作为一种普遍的科学语言,可以说是地球上不同文化相互融合交汇的粘合剂。历史上东方十进位制数码的西传与希腊几何的东传,就是这种融合的生动体现。我衷心希望21世纪的第一次国际数学家大会将揭开世界文化交流史上新的一页。我们愿意为促进国际科技交流与合作作出新的贡献。
Today, we have entered a new age, in which the social development is more dependent than ever before on the advancement of knowledge.This situation has brought about both opportunities and challenges to the development of science and technology in China.We have to work hard to keep pace with science and technology development in the world and strive to make greater contributions to the progre of human society.Science is an international endeavor, and no nation could be succeful in isolation.International exchanges and cooperation in mathematics is of greater significance.As a universal language of science, mathematics plays a unique role in merging diverse cultures on the Earth.A typical example is the transmiion of the oriental decimal numeration and the Greek geometry in history.I hope sincerely that the first International Congre of Mathematicians in the 21st century will open a new page in the history of world cultural exchanges.We will continue our efforts to promote international cooperation in science and technology.最后,预祝大会圆满成功,祝大家在北京工作顺利,生活愉快!
In conclusion, I wish the Congre a great succe, and hope that you all enjoy your stay in Beijing.Thank you very much.原文链接:http://www.daodoc.com/
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