
2020-02-27 庆典致辞 下载本文


Ms.Lu Jianhui, Mr.Li Delong, Mr.Peng Liang, Mr.Wang Chongju, distinguished guests and friends from the UK and Chongqing, good morning!

My name is Paula Middleton and I am the Director of the British Council in Southwest China based here in Chongqing.I am very pleased to extend a warm welcome to all of you here today for this Migrant Workers Training and Employment Forum.The British Council operates in China as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embay and Consulates-General and we seek to build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide and in so doing build relationships of mutual benefit and addre global iues.We are therefore delighted to have this opportunity to gather together this group of major stakeholders in the area of skills development and vocational education and training for migrant workers in Chongqing, including governmental partners, representatives of local Chinese vocational institutions, and representatives of the UK vocational institutions and we look forward to engaging in dialogue on these iues with you today.Chongqing is one of China’s oldest industrial bases, and has gone through dramatic changes over the past 12 years since its establishment as a municipality under the direct administration of the Central Government in 1997.The Three Gorges Dam Project has also affected this region dramatically as it has required the resettlement of 1.13 million people who were formally living in areas later to be flooded as the dam reached completion.Many of these people who were rural workers and farmers with minimal skills come to cities and are becoming a new labour force along with ever faster pace of industrialization and urbanization in Chongqing.These dramatic economic and population shifts have placed considerable demand on the developing vocational education system to equip the migrant workers to serve growing community and economic preures.The rapid economic growth of China more generally has created many challenges for the labour market such as the increased need for skilled workers, the need to identify skill gaps as industries modernise, and the challenge of retraining and re-skilling displaced workers.We have seen local governments place much emphasis on the development of Vocational Education and Training schools and channel a large number of resources into vocational education and training.Chongqing in particular has made enormous progre in setting up skills training schools for migrant workers and resettlement workers and continues to look for ways to develop these resources.This forum aims to generate some approaches and measures applicable to the employment and transfer training for migrant workers in Chongqing, specifically the establishment of channels for personnel training and supply with government, training agencies and enterprises involved, the formation of mechanism with training, appraisal and employment integrated.The speakers from the UK-Mr.Roy Newey, A4e Group Board Director and Mr.Lawrence Wood, on behalf of Wales Further Education Consortium will sharing UK’s experiences on optimizing the efforts of the stakeholders-government, enterprises and training agencies, etc.to foster a mechanism which integrates all the components of training, appraisal and job placement.The forum is organised in the spirit of mutuality and I hope that you will all benefit from learning, understanding and sharing your experiences with fellow practitioners from UK and China.Finally, I wish to give special thanks to our partner Chongqing Technology and Busine University, Chongqing Skilled Personnel Training Group without which we would not have been able to run this forum succefully.Thanks also go to our speakers and to all of you for attending this event.I wish you all an enjoyable time and hope that you will gain benefits and insights from this forum and from each other.Thank you very much.Reference:

Ms.Lu Jianhui: Deputy Director General of CQ Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Mr.Li Delong: Deputy Director General of Chongqing Education Commiion Mr.Peng Liang: Deputy Director General of CQ Immigration Bureau Mr.Wang Chongju: President of Chongqing Technology and Busine University

Mr.Lawrence Wood : Director of Faculty of Culture and Communication, Yale College






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