驻英大使伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动致辞 0919_深圳致辞

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驻英大使伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动致辞 0919由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“深圳致辞”。



Remarks by H.E.Ambaador Liu Xiaoming at ’Fashion Shenzhen’ During 2011

London Fashion Week

Grand Connaught Rooms, 19 September 2011


Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,伦敦是一座古老的城市,约有2千年的历史;深圳是一座年轻的城市,只有32年历史。今天,古老和年轻的两座城市再度相会,是由于一个令人,尤其是女士们心动的元素:时尚。

It‟s a great pleasure for me to join you tonight.The history of London stretches back over 2000 years.By contrast, Shenzhen is a young city whose history started a mere 32 years ago.Today, London and Shenzhen are coming together.What makes this poible is a shared big busine interest.This is the fashion industry.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,每年两次的伦敦时装周是世界四大时装展示会之一,以充满活力和创意而著称。

London is known worldwide as the fashion capital.Also London Fashion Week ranks as one of the „Big Four‟ fashion weeks worldwide.In creativity and fashion London never fails to impre people with its vitality and creativity.深圳是中国时装业特别是品牌服装最发达的城市之一,时装的总体研发、创意设计在中国居领先地位。现在,深圳有服装企业3000多家,自有品牌800多个,从业人员35万多,去年出口89亿美元。据说,在中国一线城市大商场销售的10件服装中,约有5至6件来自深圳。

Shenzhen is home to the most advanced sectors of the fashion industry in China.Shenzhen is where there is the biggest concentration of Chinese fashion brands and manufacturers.Shenzhen is leading the way in China for research, development and design in the fashion sector.If you visit Shenzhen – as I hope many of you will – you will find these strengths:

· Over 3,000 garment manufacturers.· More than 800 local brands.· There are around 350,000 people employed in the industry.· And last year, Shenzhen sold 8.9 billion US dollars worth of garment products.I can give you one measure of the strength of Shenzhen‟s fashion industry inside China.For every 10 clothing items on sale in high street department stores in Chinese major cities, 5 to 6 are made in Shenzhen.深圳成为中国的“时尚创意之都”,我想:

Shenzhen is well-positioned to be China‟s “fashion and creative capital”.Let me explain why:


First, Shenzhen is a young city.Just 32 years ago Shenzhen was a tiny fishing village.The transformation into an advanced modern metropolis is a most telling example of how China has been transformed by the reform and opening-up strategy.The phenomenal growth of Shenzhen has been driven by the strength, energy and spirit of a young population.In turn from that youth a creative zest has flourished and thus creativity is always the defining character of Shenzhen.This has produced a powerful foundation for fashion to evolve.The result is a fast developing global centre in Shenzhen of new exciting brands and design.二是开拓。深圳作为中国首批对外开放的城市之一,30多年来,始终“敢为天下先”,引领中国经济改革,创造了举世闻名的“深圳速度”,打造了全国领先的“效益深圳”,同时深圳也是最早在中国引进、传播和开创流行时尚。

Second, Shenzhen is a tirele pioneer.Here was the first city of China to open to the outside world over 30 years ago.So, Shenzhen has always been a trail blazer for China.The result of that pioneering means Shenzhen is at the forefront of China‟s economic reform.In China this leadership is recognized as „Shenzhen Speed‟!This speed of development and incredible growth are the trademark of the city.It is in Shenzhen that the Chinese people were first exposed to the fashions and dreing styles in the West.In turn Shenzhen absorbed these trends and spread these global fashion influences acro China.三是包容。深圳是一座“国际化的移民城市”。深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。各种文化、思想在这里兼收并蓄、交汇融合,深圳的时装也是中西合璧、多彩缤纷。

Third, Shenzhen is advancing as a highly cosmopolitan city.Shenzhen is now an international city of migrants.Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.Here, eastern and western cultures and ideas blend and inspire each other.It is now a melting point of creativity that has formed a diverse and unique Shenzhen culture.今天的深圳其实就是当代中国的一个缩影。改革开放30多年,古老的中国不断焕发青春,经济社会取得了前所未有的发展,与世界的关系发生了历史性的改变,中华民族正在实现伟大复兴,同时为构建一个和平、繁荣、和谐的世界贡献自己的力量。

Shenzhen is a window into today‟s China.My country has reinvented herself through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.China‟s social and economic development has been remarkable and the changes to her relations with the world truly historic.China is committed to continued national development and rejuvenation at home and helping create a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.现在,“时尚深圳”第四次走进“时尚伦敦”。我相信,它将继续充分展现深圳时装产业的实力和水平,获取国际市场信息,领略世界时尚风潮;同时,传播璀璨的中国文化并显示其开放包容,促进中英两国经贸关系发展,增进两国人民的理解和友谊。祝此次“时尚深圳”活动取得圆满成功!

This is the 4th time „Fashion Shenzhen‟ has been held in this world fashion city.I have confidence that this event will continue to be a showcase for Shenzhen‟s fashion industry.In turn it is a great opportunity for Shenzhen designers and manufacturers to be exposed to the influences of international markets and world fashion trends.I expect this event to show China‟s rich, inclusive cultural heritage.It will boost China-UK commercial relations.It is also a way to strengthen the understanding and friendship between our two nations.I wish „Fashion Shenzhen‟ a great succe!


Thank you.


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《驻英大使伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动致辞 0919.docx》
驻英大使伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动致辞 0919
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