女:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2010 “CCTV cup” English speaking contest, the final in yanan university.男:As we all know that this english speaking contest has become the traditional event, which takes place annually, we feel really happy and excited that we can be part of this contest.女:ye, not only because it is a good opportunity to demonstrate our abilities, but also because through this competition we can make friends from different schools, and we can benefit a lot from the contestants and the procees.男:First of all, it is my honor to introduce our guests today.女:首先要为大家介绍的是光临我们今晚比赛现场的各位嘉宾,他们是:
女:Now I have privilege to introduce our honorable judges.男:现在很荣幸的介绍我们本场比赛的评委们,他们是
女:Vice dean of school of Foreign Languages Ms.ZhangZhimin 男:延安大学外国语学院副院长 张志敏老师
女:Vice dean of school of Foreign Languages, and dean of Department of College English Ms.LiuBaining
男:延安大学外国语学院副院长,大学英语教学部主任刘百宁老师 女:Vice dean of Department of College English Mr.WangSuijuan 男:大学英语教学部副主任 王遂卷老师
女:Vice director of Research Institute of Comparative Linguistics and Cultural Studies Mr.LiuYangchun
男:延安大学中外语言文化比较研究所副所长 柳阳春老师
女:Aociate profeor school of Foreign Languages Ms.LiYan 男:延安大学外国语学院李艳副教授
女:Foreign teacher and our question master Theresa
男:外籍教师 Theresa
女:Our foreign teacher Alisha
男:外籍教师 Alisha
女:Welome to all of you!As well as the judges, a big welcome to the audience, wish you have a good time and enjoy yourselves.男:Now I would like to make clear the regulations for this contest.This final consists of two rounds of competition.The first round speakers are all the winners of school preliminaries.The first round of competition consists of two parts, namely prepared speech, and prompt answers.The second round speakers are all the top 10 finalists(all the 10th placers included).The second round consists of 1 part, namely impromptu speech.女:比赛分两轮进行,所有选手将进入第一轮定题演讲以及回答问题的选拔,第一轮比赛结束之后,得分列入前十名的选手将进入第二轮即兴演讲的比赛。男:At prepared speech: Contestants deliver their 3-minute prepared speeches without reference to their scripts.Contestants are obliged to determine the titles of their own speeches.This part takes up 60% of the total score.女:And at questions and answers: The question master, who must be a foreign teacher , will ask one or two questions related to the prepared speech.The time of this part is 1 minute and this part takes up 40% of the total score.At impromptu speech: The speech title is to be chosen 15 minutes before the performance of the previous contestant.The speech time is supposed to be within 2 minutes.The total score of this part is 100 points.男:在定题演讲部分,每位选手将进行3分钟的演讲,此环节占第一部分分数的60%,在提问环节中,一名外籍专家将根据演讲的相关内容提一到两个问题,选手在一分钟之内作答,此环节占第一部分分数的40%,即兴演讲部分将在选手上场前15分钟内抽取题目,演讲时间两分钟,此环节满分为100分。
女:The judging criteria depends on the content, languages and delivery.The speech is structured around a general idea.The coherence, logic, and full argument in the development of the speech are considered important as well.The speaker should speak with enthusiasm and aurance, showing contact with the audience and confidence in their reactions.男:and also, I wanna make our contestants pay attention to our time limit.15 seconds le or more than the required time is toleratd, failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.A signal will be given to the contestant by the timing person 30 seconds before the speech reaches its required time.If continue, the contestant will be stopped by a ring.女:同时提醒选手们注意比赛规则,演讲时间在正负15秒内不扣分,不足或超过的扣0.5~1分,计时员将在距规定时间30秒时举牌示意,如果选手在规定时间结束15秒后还继续演讲,计时员将按铃打断。评委老师也会酌情扣除相应的分数。
男:and I think all of us are looking forward to watching the most exciting performance, so let’s start.女:First, let’s put our hands together to welcome contestant No1 王雪from school of management, her topic is what is succe
演讲完:thank you, thanks for your speeches wonderful performance we indeed have a wonderful time we really enjoy it.Time is up, please stop now, thank you exactly××minutes, thank you!
We have questions from our judges invite questions from our judges you have to answer the questions its time for your prompt answers, question master please.报分:and now let’s have a look at the score heshe has got„„ let’s take a look at the scores of contestant No„„.The final score of contestant No„„
中间环节:and now, let’s have a short breath and wait for the result.For this period, let’s welcomeinvite„„
第一轮比赛结束:ok, the first round is over and here is the rank of our contestants.The 17th is contestant No„„
男:The top ten contestants will continue finishing their
competition---impromtu speech.女:the scores that contestants got are just temperary scores, what they will perform in the next round will decide who will be the champion tonight.男:so let’s begin our most inspiring round.Ok, now let’s welcome contestant No..from„welcome!
报分:let’s take a look at the scores of contestant No„„.分两轮,the score of second round is„„
第一轮+第二轮(add...to...)(the score of first round plus the score of second round)
The final score of contestant No„„
Excellent organization prize the prize of Excellent organization
Excellent teacher prize the prize of Excellent teacher
最后颁奖:after our judges’discuion, the exciting moment is coming.Right now, what I am going to announce is the winners of moderate excellent rewards, they are...Now let’s welcome„..to confer excellent awards to our contestants.The 3rd prize winners of the competition are„„
let’s welcome„..to confer 3rd prize for the 3rd place.The winners of the 2nd prize are„„
let’s welcome„..to confer 2nd prize for the 2nd place.Who is the champion, we really wonder.Oh, heshe is „..let’s welcome„..to confer 1st prize for our champion.Congratulations!
Congratulations!Let’s have a big round of applause to our contestants for their excellent performances.女:that is the end of the“CCTV cup” English speaking contest, the final in yanan university 2010.thanks for your attention!
男:may you have a good memory and see you next time, byebye
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