
2020-02-27 演讲稿 下载本文





Hello, everyone.I’m from translation cla two.My name is Mindy.Nowadays, we all know Britain is both a parliament democracy and a constitutionaldemocracy.Today, let’s share together something about the constitution of this country!I will divide this topic into three parts.The first part is the about how did the constitution form.Although Britain and Israel are the only two countries without written constitutions of the sort which most countries

have.British governance today is based upon the terms and conditions of the constitution.The British constitution is gradually formed ,having its own long history ,it mainly including :

1215年的大宪章(Magna Carta).,1259年的人民协定(Agreement of the People)

1295年的禁徵赋税条例(De Tallagio non Concendo)

1628年的权利请愿书(The Petition of right)

1653政府约法(The Instrument of Government)

1679年的人身保护法(The Habeas Corpus act)

1689年的权利法典(The Bill of right)

1701年的王位继承法(The Act of Settlement)

1706年的苏格兰联合法(Act of Settlement)

1911年及1928年的国会法(The Parliament Act)

1914年的国家防卫法(Defense of the Rralm Acts)

1918年的人民代表法(The Representation of the People

Act);1925年高等法院法(Supreme Court of Judicature);1928年的男女选举权平等法(The equale franchise act);1931年的西敏寺年的西敏条例(Statute of Westminster);1936年的国王禅位法(the Abdication act);1937年的摄政法(The

Regency);1947年的印度独立法(Indian Independence Act)

1963年的贵族法(Peerage Act)


1972年的欧洲共同体法(European Community Act)等,but these laws are not attached to the name of the constitution, and the status and other common law is the same.as known to all people ,is these: Magna Carta;The Petition of right;The Habeas Corpus act;The Bill of right;The Act of Settlement.Then, let’s come to the second part –the structure


2.statute law(成文法).which is paed by parliament

3.the common laws(普通法)又叫判例法。Which have been common practized in the courts.4.conventions(习惯法).又叫宪法惯例。Which do not exist legally, but regarded as vital to the workings of

government.Such as the king's “king system and not to”, “the king can do is a”;About the prime minister to

organize the cabinet and the constitution of the practice.5.some authoritative works of the constitution(权威性的宪法著作)

next is also the last part:characteristics

first,as we all kown from the above ,the constution

of the Britain is an unwritten constitution like other countries.Second.The British constitution is the fundamental law of the significance in eence, not form the fundamental law of the meaning

What’s more,The British constitution is flexible

constitution.This is because the British constitution conservative

In a conclusion,the British constitution to the

national system of the state, mainly based on the three basic principles: the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, that means the parliament has one of the highest legislative power, parliamentary legislation not restricted;The

principle of the rule of law, namely, everyone is equal before the law, government and citizen by the same law;Practice principle, namely constitutional convention and the constitution act have the same constitution effect.This is the thing I know about the country ,thanks!





18世纪英国小说及背景 PPT

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