卡梅伦深情演讲挽留苏格兰文稿 完整版_卡梅伦深情挽留苏格兰

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卡梅伦深情演讲挽留苏格兰文稿 完整版由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“卡梅伦深情挽留苏格兰”。


We meet in a week that could change the United Kingdom forever.Indeed, it could end the United Kingdom as we know it.这一周可能永远改变英国,还有可能让我们所有人熟知的‚United Kingdom‛不复存在...On Thursday,Scotland votes, and the future of our country is at stake.On Friday, people could be living in a different country, with a different place in the world and a different future ahead of it.周四,你们开始投票,周五一早醒来,可能你们就已经身在一个不同的国家。This is a decision that could break up our family of nations, and rip Scotland from the rest of the UK.And we must be very clear.There’s no going back from this.No re-run.This is a once-and-for-all decision.我们要知道,此行一投,已再无退路,这就是一锤定音的一次投票。

If Scotland votesyes, the UK will split, and we will go our separate ways forever.如果苏格兰人投YES,那我们便会从此分道扬镳。

When people vote on Thursday they are not just voting for themselves, but for their children and grandchildren and the generations beyond.So I want to speak directly to the people of this country today about what is at stake.I speak for millions of people acro England, Wales and Northern Ireland and many in Scotland, too who would be utterly heart-broken by the break-up of the United Kingdom.Utterly heart-broken to wake up on Friday morning to the end of the country we love, to know that Scots would no longer join with the English, Welsh and Northern Irish in our Army, Navy and Air Force, in our UK-wide celebrations and commemorations, in UK sporting teams from the Olympics to the British Lions.The United Kingdom would be no more.No UK pensions, no UK paports, no UK pound.The greatest example of democracy the world has ever known, of openne, of people of different nationalities and faiths coming together as one, would be no more.It would be the end of a country that launched the Enlightenmentthat abolished slavery that drove the industrial revolutionthat defeated fascism.the end of a countrythat people around the world respect and admire the end of a country that all of us call home.独立会终结一个国家,一个曾发起启蒙运动,发起工业革命,消灭了奴隶制,打败了法西斯赢得全球尊重,一个我们称为家的地方。

And we built this home together.It’s only become Great Britain because of the greatne of Scotland.国破,家亦不再...Because of the thinkers, writers, artists, leaders, soldiers, inventors who have made this country what it is.It's AlexanderFleming and David Hume;J.K.Rowling and Andy Murray and all the millions of people who have played their part in this extraordinary succe story, the Scots who led the charge on pensions and the NHS and on social justice.We did all this together.For the people of Scotland to walk away now would be like pain stakingly building a home – andthen walking out the door and throwing away the keys.So I would say toeveryone voting on Thursday, please remember.This isn't just any old country.This is the United Kingdom.This is our country.And you know what makes us truly great? It's not our economic might or military prowe,it's our values.British values.Fairne.Freedom.Justice.The values that say wherever you are, whoever you are, your life has dignity and worth.The values that say we don't walk on by when people are sick, that we don't ask for your credit card in the hospital, that we don't turn our backs when you get old and frail.That we don't turna blind eye or a cold heart to people around the world who are desperate and crying out for help.This is what Britain means.This is what makes us the greatest country on earth.And it's why millions of us could not bear to see that country ending – for good, for ever – on Friday.Now I know thatthere are many people acro Scotland who are planning to vote Yes.I understand why this might sound appealing.It's the promise of something different.I also know that the people who are running the Yes campaign are painting a picture of a Scotland that is better in every way, and they can be good at painting that picture.But when something looks too good to be true – that's usually because it is.And it is my duty to be clear about the likely consequences of a Yes Vote.Independence would not be a trial separation;it would be a painful divorce.独立不是一次短暂的分居试验,而是一次永久的痛苦离婚。

And as Prime Minister I have to tell you what that would mean.It would mean the armed forces we have built up together over centuries being split up forever.It would mean our pension funds sliced up – at some cost.It would mean the borders we havewould become international and may no longer be so easily croed.It would meanthe automatic support that you currently get from British embaies when you’retravelling around the world would come to an end.It would mean overhalf of Scottish mortgages suddenly, from one day to the next, being provided by banks in a foreign country.It would mean that interest rates in Scotland areno longer set by the Bank of England – with the stability and security thatpromises.It would meanno country is.Of course we must constantly change and improve people's lives.No-one is contentwhile there are still children living in poverty.No-one is content while thereare people struggling, and young people not reaching their potential.Yes, everypolitical party is different.But we are all ofus – Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems, Nationalists – on a constant miion to change our country for the better.The question is: how do you get that change?For me it's simple.You don't get the change you want by ripping your country apart.只有不独立才能带来真正的变革。

You don't getchange by undermining your economy and damaging your businees and diminishing your place in the world.But you can get real, concrete change on Thursday: ifyou vote No.’ Busine as usual' is not on the ballot paper.The status quo isgone.This campaign has swept it away.There is no going back to the way things were.A vote for No means real change and we have spelled that change out inpractical terms, with a plan and a proce.If we get a No voteon Thursday, that will trigger a major, unprecedented programme of devolutionwith additional powers for the Scottish Parliament.Major new powers over tax, spending and welfare services.We have agreed a timetable for that stronger Scottish Parliament: a time-table to bring in thenew powers that will go ahead if there is a No vote...a White Paper by November, put into draft legislation by January.This is a time table that is now agreed by all the main political parties and set in stone and I amprepared to work with all the main parties to deliver this during 2015.So a No voteactually means faster, fairer, safer and better change.And this is a vitalpoint: Scotland is not an observer in the affairs of this country.Scotland is shapingand changing the United Kingdom for the better – more so today than at anypoint in the last three hundred years and will continue to help shape theconstitution of our country.And Scottish people can enjoy the additional powers its Parliament gives without losing the UKpension, the UK pound or the UK paport.Real change is Scotland's for the taking.The power to set your own course and make your own decisions with thesecurity of being in the UK without the risks of going it alone.It's the best of both worlds.Scotland’s identity is already strong strong Scottish culture,strong Scottish arts, a strong Church of Scotland and in the last 15 years youhave built a strong Scottish Parliament not a fleeting institution but apermanent one.So the vote on Thursday is not about whether Scotland is a nation.Scotland is a proud, strong, succeful nation.The vote on Thursday is about two competing visions forScotland’s future.The Nationalists’vision of narrowing down, going it alone, breaking all ties with the UK.Or the patriotic vision of a strong Scot-tish nation allied to the rest of the UnitedKingdom with its own stronger Scottish Parliament at its heart and with thebenefits of working together in the UK on jobs, pensions, healthcare funding,the currency, interest rates.It really is thebest of both worlds and it's the best way to get real change and secure abetter future for your children and grand-children.And speaking of family – that is quite simply how I feel about this.We are a family.The United King Dom isnot one nation.We are four nations in a single country.That can bedifficult but it is wonderful.Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland different nations, with individual identit-ies competing with each other even attimes enraging each other while still being so much stronger together.We are a family of nations.Why should the next generation of that family be forced to choose whether to identify only with Edinburgh or only with London choo-se which embay they want to go to when they are in trouble abroad or pack their paport when they're going to see friends and loved ones? A family is not acompromise, or a second best, it is a magical identity, that makes us moretogether than we can ever be apart so please – do not break this family apart.In human relations it's almost never a good thing to turn away from eachother, put up walls, score new lines on the map.Why would we takeone Great Britain and turn it into separate smaller nations? What is that ananswer to? How will that helpthe ambitious young people who want to make their mark on the world or the pensioner who just wants security or the family relying on jobs make in the UK? Let no-one fool youthat ‘Yes' is a positive vision.It's about dividing people, closing doors,making foreigners of our friends and family.This isn't an optimistic vision.The optimistic vision is of our family of nations staying together there for each other in the hard times coming through to better times.We've just pulled through a great receion together.We’re moving forward together.The road has been long but it is finally leading upwards and that's why I ask you to vote Noto walking away.Vote No – and you are voting for a bigger and broader and better future for Scotland and you are investing in the future for your children and grand children.So this is our meage to the people of Scotland: We want you to stay.Head and heart and soul, we want you to stay.我们希望你留下,从我们内心,头脑到灵魂最深处都希望你们留下 Please don't mix upthe temporary and the permanent.请不要弄混了‚暂时‛和‚永远‛的关系

Don't think: ‚I'm frustrated with politics right now, so I'll walk out the door and never come back.‛


If you don't like me – I won't be here forever.If you don't like this Government – it won't last forever.But if you leave the UK – that will be forever.如果你们不喜欢我,我不会永远在这里,如果你们不喜欢这一届政府,这一届政府也不会永远在这里,但是你们选择独立,那就是永远了...Yes, the different parts of the UK don't always see eye-to-eye.Yes, we need change– and we will deliver it but to get that change, to get a brighter future, wedon't need to tear our country apart.In two days, this long campaign will be at an end.And as you stand in the stillne of the polling booth, I hope you will ask your-self this.Will my family andI truly be better off by going it alone? Will we really be more safe and secure?Do I really want to turn my back on the rest of Britain, and why is itthat so many people acro the world are asking: why would Scotland want to dothat? Why? And if you don't know the answer to these questions – then vote No.At the end of the day, all the arguments of this campaign can be reduced to a single fact: we are better together.So as you reach your final decision, please don't let anyone tell you that you can't be aproud Scot and a proud Brit.Don't lose faith in what this country is – and what we can be.Don’t forget what a great United Kingdom you are part of.Don’t turn your backs on what is the best family ofnations in the world and the best hope for your family in this world.So please, from all of us: Vote to stick together, vote to stay, vote to save our United Kingdom.


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