
2020-02-27 演讲稿 下载本文



This week, we mark the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks.It’s a time to remember the nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children we lost, and the families they left behind.It’s a chance to honor the courage of the first responders who risked their lives – on that day, and every day since.And it’s an opportunity to give thanks for our men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed, sometimes far from home, to keep our country safe.这个星期,我们纪念9.11遇袭事件11周年。在这个时刻,我们追念失去的近3,000名无辜的男女老少,也向他们的家人表示慰问。在这个时刻,我们向紧急救援人员表示敬意,他们在那一天和此后的日日夜夜冒着生命的危险舍己救人。在这个时刻,我们感谢为国服务和做出奉献的男女军人,他们一心保卫我们的国家,有时还需要远离家乡。

This anniversary is about them.It’s also a time to reflect on just how far we’ve come as a nation these past eleven years.On that clear September morning, as America watched the towers fall, and the Pentagon burn, and the wreckage smoldering in a Pennsylvania field, we were filled with questions.Where had the attacks come from, and how would America respond? Would they fundamentally weaken the country we love? Would they change who we are?



The last decade has been a difficult one, but together, we have answered those questions and come back stronger as a nation.We took the fight to al Qaeda, decimated their leadership, and put them on a path to

defeat.And thanks to the courage and skill of our intelligence personnel and armed forces, Osama bin Laden will never threaten America again.这一个10年充满了艰难险阻,但我们共克时艰,回答了这些问题,再次重振国之雄风。我们向―基地‖组织发起了反击,扫除了该组织的首恶分子,让他们走上了灭亡的道路。由于我国情报人员和军人的大智大勇,奥萨马·本·拉登无法再对美国造成威胁。

Instead of pulling back from the world, we’ve strengthened our alliances while improving our security here at home.As Americans, we refuse to live in fear.Today, a new tower rises above the New York skyline.And our country is stronger, safer and more respected in the world.我们没有在世界上退守一隅。相反,我们加强了联盟的力量,同时改善了国内的安全。作为美国人,我们决不在恐惧中生活。今天,一栋新的高楼在纽约地平线上升起。我国日益强盛,更为安全,在全世界受到更大的尊重。

Instead of turning on each other, we’ve resisted the temptation to give in to mistrust and suspicion.I have always said that America is at war with al Qaeda and its affiliates – and we will never be at war with Islam or any other religion.We are the United States of America.Our freedom and diversity make us unique, and they will always be central to who we are as a nation.我们没有相互指责,决不屈服于互不信任和猜疑的的诱惑。我经常表示,美国在与―基地‖组织及其附庸作战,我们决不以伊斯兰教和其他任何宗教为对立面。我们是美利坚合众国。我们的自由和多样性使我们独树一帜,这些始终是我们的立国之本。

Instead of changing who we are, the attacks have brought out the best in the American people.More than 5 million members of the 9/11 Generation have worn America’s uniform over the past decade, and we’ve seen an outpouring of goodwill towards our military, veterans, and their families.Together, they’ve done everything we’ve asked of them.We’ve ended the war in Iraq and brought our troops home.We brought an end to the Taliban regime.We’ve trained Afghan Security Forces, and forged a partnership with a new Afghan Government.And by the end 2014, the transition in Afghanistan will be complete and our war there will be over.我们没有丧失我们的本色。相反,面对这些袭击事件,美国人民展示了最优秀的品质。10年来,500多万 ―9.11一代人‖穿上了军装。我们看见军人、老兵及其家人处处受到无比热


And finally, instead of turning inward with grief, we’ve honored the memory of those we lost by giving back to our communities, serving those in need, and reaffirming the values at the heart of who we are as a people.That’s why we mark September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.Because we are one American family.And we look out for each other – not just on the difficult days, but every day.最后,我们没有陷入悲痛不能自拔。我们回馈社区,为有需要的人提供服务,坚持我国人民的核心价值,以此缅怀失去的生命。正是因为如此,我们确定9月11日为全国服务与纪念日。因为我们都属于美国大家庭。我们不仅在艰难的日子相互守望,而且每一天都相互扶持。Eleven years later, that’s the legacy of 9/11 – the ability to say with confidence that no adversary and no act of terrorism can change who we are.We are Americans, and we will protect and preserve this country we love.On this solemn anniversary, let’s remember those we lost, let us reaffirm the values they stood for, and let us keep moving forward as one nation and one people.11年来,9.11留下的遗产——有能力自信地说,任何敌人和任何恐怖主义行为都无法改变我们的本色。作为美国人,我们将捍卫和维护我们热爱的这个国家。在这个隆重的纪念日到来之际,让我们铭记我们失去的生命,让我们重申他们坚持的价值观,让我们的国家和人民继续奋勇向前。


奥巴马发表2012年国情咨文演说THE PRESIDENT: Mr.Speaker, Mr.Vice President, members of Congre, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: 总统: 众议院议长先生、......


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