中国教育问题分析 英语演讲_5分钟英语演讲讲稿

2020-02-26 演讲稿 下载本文

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In China, the education is divided into three categories: basic education, higher education, and adult education.Basic Education Basic education in China includes pre-school education, primary education and regular secondary education.Preschool, or kindergarten, can last up to three years, with children entering as early as age three, until age six, when they typically enter elementary school.Secondary education is divided into academic secondary education and vocational secondary education.Academic secondary education is divided into academic lower and upper middle schools.Lower middle school graduates wishing to continue their education can take a locally administered entrance exam, on the basis of which they will have the option either of continuing in an academic upper middle school or of entering a vocational secondary school.Higher Education Higher education at the undergraduate level includes two-and three-year junior colleges four-year colleges, and universities offering programs in both academic and vocational subjects.Many colleges and universities also offer graduate programs leading to the master’s or education in China is continuously growing, changing and developing.There are over 2,000 universities and colleges, with more than six million enrollments in total.China has set up a degree system, including Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees that are open to foreign students.The country offers non-degree programs as well.Adult Education The adult education category overlaps all three of the above categories.Adult primary education includes Workers’ Primary Schools, Peasants’ Primary Schools, and literacy claes.Adult secondary education includes radio/TV specialized secondary schools, specialized secondary school for cadres, specialized secondary schools for staff and workers, specialized secondary schools for peasants, in-service teacher training schools and correspondence specialized secondary schools.Adult higher education includes radio/TV universities, cadre institutes, workers’ colleges, peasant colleges, correspondence colleges, and educational colleges.Most of the above offer both two-and three-year short-cycle curricula;only a few also offer regular undergraduate curricula.These are the Introduction to the Chinese education system.Education as an important part of social life, with the development and changes of entire social, political, economic and cultural, have taken place profound changes.Education has made important contributions to the prosperity of the country and the nation.The first achievement is the establishment of a new socialist education system.It makes the vast majority of the populations and their children have the right to education.The second achievement, education bring up a large number of talents for the development of economic and society and it provides a strong support for the state reform and opening up.The third achievement is that the quantity of teachers continues to grow and the quality gradually improved.Into the fourth, the educational layout, the structure according to the need of economic and social development has been constantly adjusted and it is becoming more rational.The fifth is that we have made lots of achievements in educational theory research which provide the neceary theoretical support for educational decision-making and educational practices.60 years, although China's education has made great achievements, but there are still many problems.Here I want to talk about the problems about Chinese education system and I list three problems.1.The way to select talent person 2.Unfair policy

3.The education in rural area

As we all know, now the only way to select talented person in China is examination.That is to say, we test a person’s level by mark.So the students study hard and they just want to get a good mark, but they are weak in practice, the score is high but the ability is very poor.So I think such an approach is not very scientific.First, the knowledge in the exam only covers a small part of the book.Some people may know it by accident, while other people may not know it.Second , there are many causal factors existed in the proceing of examination, for example, what if someone feel sick in that day?

Unfair policy is a very important iue.We all know that national policy is quite loose for Beijing.The educational level of Beijing is nearly the lowest in our country, but their chance to enter college is much larger than any other cities in our country.On this iue, government can not make a lawful and reasonable explanation to us.Why can’t we get a fair policy in the same country?

Here is an example of my own experience.Now I have a part-time job as tutor.The kid I taught is now the fourth grade in junior high school.This year he will participate in the Mid-Term Examination.He wants go to senior high school in Tianjin city.One day I ask him why he wants to go to Tianjin.His mother tells me that: if he can make it, he can

have an extra 100 score when he participates in the university entrance examination.It is meaning that he can go to a famous university easily.I remembered when I am in the senior high school;if I win the first prize in the National Olympiad I can have a 30 score award.But you know that it is very difficult for anyone to win the prize.So if you can win the prize, you must pay a lot of effort.So if you are given the 30 score, no one will say anything.But now it is not the problem of effort but money.It is very easy to go to senior high school in Tianjin, but if you want to enjoy the benefits of extra points, you must meet the following conditions: First, you must have an apartment in Tianjin.Second, you must have accounts in Tianjin for more than three years.Third, guardian must be taxed for more than five years.I now believe that you will know why I say it is not the problem of effort but money.If your parents have lot of money, you can have a good choice.Furthermore, we should take more care of education in rural area.Rural education is the focus of education reform and development in China.Since the rural population accounts for the vast majority of the country's population, while very few people has accepted advanced education.Thus they are short-sighted.Therefore, we need to vigorously develop rural education.In my opinion this is an important goal in our educational development.But China's education still has its advantage.Such as, through China's education, students will get a solid foundation.This would be benefit for us to learn other more advanced things later.I want to give some advises.Of course they are only my hope.Regardle of where somebody participates in the university entrance examination, all of them should be trade fairly.Our government should provide a fair environment for they can compete impartially.There is a far cry between rural schools and city’s in hardware facilities and quality of teachers.Authorities can introduce relevant policies to encourage graduates to teaching in rural areas.Also we can employ some excellent retirement teachers, but we have a neceary premise: our government must increase investment in rural education.The above is my opinion on Chin’s education.I believe that China’s education is not pretty satisfactory and I hope that one day our education system will improved greatly.








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中国教育问题分析 英语演讲
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