
2020-02-26 演讲稿 下载本文





More than 20xx years ago, ancient China first developed the commercial silk trade path connecting Asia, Africa and into Europe, in pursuit of better economic prosperity.This route has become the chief pipeline for economic and cultural communication with eurasia.Based on the traditional silk road, the “One belt one road” initiatives proposed by President Xi Jingping, aim to rejuvenate the economy and to strengthen bilateral ties with other countries.Over the past three years, countries along the OBOR routes including China have achieved many succees in the areas of finance, busine trades and infrastructure development.So, I will present three aspects which highlight the significance ofOne Belt One Road for China.First of all, the OBOR projects are financed by many global organizations such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the New Development Bank, and the Silk Road Fund.This means that increasingly many countries are realizing the importance of joint investment to better develop their economies.Secondly, several cro-regional cooperation systems between China and other countries have been initiated, for examples, the ASEAN Ten Plus One arrangement, the BRICS forum and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.These have ensured a good economic relation for busine practices.Finally, supported by the OBOR concept, many countries are now able to connect to one another through a multi-layer transportation system.This can be seen from the so-called ‘modern Silk Road’: the New Eurasian Continental Bridge, the Economic Corridor which runs from Myanmar via China to Bangladesh.Not only that, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to the farreaching idea, it’s now a lot easier for people to travel in and out of China.These great benefits, together, have laid a solid foundation for future economic developments.As a result, OBOR will not only deepen China-ASEAN cooperation and regional integration, but also bring common prosperity for all other nations involved.This concept has resonated with the voices of many others by linking the “Chinese dream” to the “Global Dream”.I believe that One Belt One Road will leave a lasting legacy in Chinese history, and will continue to bring glory and prosperity to our great nation.20xx多年前,古代中国第一个开发的商业丝绸贸易的路径连接亚洲、非洲和欧洲,在追求更好的经济繁荣。这条路线已成为欧亚大陆经济文化交流的主要渠道。基于传统的丝绸之路,“一带一路”的倡议,习近平主席提出,旨在振兴经济和加强与其他国家的双边关系。






UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said beyond promoting economics and trade, the “Belt and Road” initiative is also helping to increase cultural ties among the countries along its routes.”I believe nowadays we need more such initiatives, in order to see how we trade, with investment, with economic ties.We see also intercultural dialogue being developed, and I believe this is an important initiative that the UNESCO commends and supports.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the “Belt and Road” initiative in 2013, with the main aim to promote infrastructure building, economic and social development along the ancient Silk Road and its maritime trading routes.Bokova said currently cooperation deals have been signed among 40 countries under the initiative, while applauding the timeline of the meages carried by the strategy in todays world.”This is a meage about exchange.This is a meage about diversity.This is a meage about intercultural dialogue.This is a meage about prosperity and development.It is very relevant today because unfortunately, we see also extremism;we see destruction;we see a different vision of the world.”

The UNESCO head said destruction of ancient cultural heritage sites in war-torn Iraq and Syria by extremist groups have been propelled by this “different” vision of the world, and that only promoting diversity and intercultural understanding can help prevent the further spread of extremist views.In March, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the illegal destruction of heritage sites by extremist groups, warning that such acts could constitute war crimes.Bokova said the “Belt and Road” initiative also fits in well with the drive by the Security Council to protect and preserve cultural relics in various parts of the world.”I would like to thank once again, China, for supporting a major resolution of the Security Council on the protection of cultural heritage and diversity for international peace and security.I think it was a landmark decision of the Security Council, where we put on the global political agenda the importance of heritage, dialogue, intercultural dialogue and diversity.And this is also where China, with the project of Belt and Road, plays such an important role.”

Bokova says UNESCO will be represented at the “Belt and Road” forum in Beijing next month and will be ready to share a similar meage of peace and prosperity.”We cannot have only trade and economic investment without having an understanding and intercultural dialogue.I think this is the main meaning of President Xi Jinpings meage here at UNESCO when he came a few years ago with his major, historic speech about the Silk Road, about the intercultural dialogue, about links, trade and prosperity.So this will be my meage – we have to create societies, so that they are at peace with themselves, understanding others and having this intercultural competency.”

UNESCO will be among dozens of international organizations which will have representation at next months “Belt and Road” summit in Beijing.For CRI, Im Victor Ning.联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃表示,除了促进经济和贸易,“一带一路”倡议也促进了沿线国家的文化纽带联系。

















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