
2020-02-28 演讲稿 下载本文


Part One: Welcome Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to the English Speaking Contest of No 2 Senior High.We are very happy to gather here to take part in the wonderful contest.We four of us are really honored to have this opportunity to share something with our fellow students.尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好(合)!欢迎来到汾阳市第二中学英语演讲比赛的现场。我们非常高兴聚在这里参加这台盛大的比赛。我们四个更是非常荣幸有这样的机会为大家主持这台比赛。

Part Two: Introduction First of all,please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests present tonight.This one is Mr.Ma, our smiling headmaster.This one is Mr.li, our lovely vice-headmaster.And this one is Mr.Hao, our serious dean of the teaching.And „Now Let’s applause to welcome their attending warmly.首先,让我们为大家介绍一下今天到场的各位嘉宾。这位是 我们总是笑眯眯的马校长。这位是我们可爱的李副校长,这位是我们认真负责的教导主任郝主任。„„让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来!

Now let me introduce our serious judges.As you know, they are my dear teachers.They are Madame lv, Madame Zhao, Madame Zhang ,Madame Zhang, Madame Yue, Madame Lv, Madame Madame Wei, Madame Xin, Madame Wu, and our only Mr.Zhang.They will give fair comments by some scores.现在,让我们来为大家介绍我们的评委。你们知道,他们是我们亲爱的老师。他们是吕筠青吕老师,赵华赵老师,张雅琴张老师,张烹兰张老师,岳淑娟岳老师,吕霞吕老师,魏慧珠魏老师,辛艳辛老师,吴建瑞吴老师,还有我们的唯一的男士张建军张老师。他们将为我们的表现做出认真的评价和公正的裁判。Ok, after introducing our judges, let me introduce the rules of this contest.There are just two parts in today’s contest.First, introduce yourselves.Secondly, each of contestants can give your contest.And the judges will give their scores after every contestant showing.Get rid of the highest score and the lowest score, the average score of the rest scores will be the last score.And the last score will be announced before the next contestant’s showing.At end of the contest, we will decide two first prizes, three second prizes and five third prizes.现在,我来介绍我们的比赛方式。今天的比赛分为两个部分:首先,参赛者做简单的自我介绍,然后就开始进行演讲。在参赛选手演讲结束之后,评委老师会当场为参赛选手打出参赛选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余成绩的平均分为参赛选手的最后得分。比赛成绩会在下一位参赛选手上场前当众宣布。比赛结束,就会决出这次比赛的一等奖两名,二等奖三名,三等奖五名。

There are all together 30 contestants to compete in today’s English



are representatives of 15 claes and they will have a wonderful show.They will tell us their dreams!They will show their talents to us!They will share their stories with us!They will say thanks to our parents, friends and clamates!Now, Let’s open our mind to listen to the voice of their heart.今天有30位对英语感兴趣的同学将代表他们的班集体来参加这次英语演讲比赛。他们将告诉我们他们的梦想!他们将向我们展示他们的风采!他们将和我们分享他们的故事!他们将代表我们向我们亲爱的父母,敬爱的老师,朝夕相处的朋友表示感谢!那么,就请我们打开心灵去倾听这场演讲!

Part Three: Announcing beginning Now, let’s announce the rules of this contest.评分细则:


One: The content: The content must have a clear topic;the material must be related the topic;the material must be meaningful;the examples must be related to the lecturer.(3 scores)


Two: The language: The lecturers must give their lecture in clear, fluent , moving , beautiful, rhythmical emotional language.The accent must be standard.(3 scores)


Three: The lecturers: The lecturers must have clear and proper clothes and behave well;the lecturers must use proper body language and right tone and intonation.(2 scores)


Four : The effect: The lecturers have give a instructive and infectious lecture.(2 scores)Part four: having contest I announce: The English Speaking Contest is beginning!我宣布,本次演讲比赛正式开始。

Now please welcome Contestant 1.Wang Ganwei.He will bring us a lecture about English Learning.As we know, English is becoming more and more important for students.It is a neceary to learn English.Let’s listen to What he will tell us.Welcome!Contestant 2 , please get ready.下面我们有请第一位选手 王港伟,上场。他将带给我们一个关于英语学习的演讲。众所周知,英语对我们学生已经变得越来越重要。那么,让我们听听王港伟带给我们的看法吧!欢迎!请第二位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really great!Your score will be announced later.Thank you again!let’s welcome Contestant 2.He will bring us a lecture about dream.Dream is beautiful, and dream is real in our life.Without dream, our life will lose the direction.Let’s listen to his lecture.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二位选手 董会文,上场。他将带给我们一个关于梦想的演讲。梦想是美丽的,而我们生活中也真正充满了梦想!没有了梦想,生活就会失去方向。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第三位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant One’s score: 下面我们宣布一号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 一号选手王港伟的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 3, Yangrong.He will bring us a lecture about friendship.Friends are very important in our life.Apart from our families, friends bring us many happine and share what happened with us.Let’s listen to his lecture.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第三位选手杨荣,上场。他将带给我们一个关于友谊的演讲。朋友在我们生活中是非常重要的。朋友和我们的家人一样会带给我们许多的快乐并且会和我们一样分享生活中发生的一切。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第四位选手做好 Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Two’s score: 6

下面我们宣布一下二号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二号选手董会文的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 4, Changtian.He will bring us a lecture about dream.What about his dream? Let’s listen to his lecture.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第四位选手常添,上场。他将带给我们一个关于友谊的演讲。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第五位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Three’s score: 下面我们宣布一下三号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 三号选手杨荣的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 5, Zhu Zhiman.He will bring us a lecture titled I love English.What about his love? Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第五位选手朱志曼,上场。他将带给我们一个题目为我爱英语的演讲。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第六位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant four‘s score:

下面我们宣布一下四号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 四号选手常添的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 6, Liujie.She will tell us there is not beauty in our life, but we lack discovery.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第六位选手刘婕,上场。她将告诉我们生活中不是没有美,而是缺乏发现美的眼睛。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第六位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant five‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下五号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 五号选手朱志曼的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 7, Liang Xinlei.He will share a story about his teacher.As we know, our teacher teaches what he or she knows and helps us have a bright future.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第七位选手廉鑫磊,上场。他将和我们分享他和他的老师的一个故事。我们都知道:我们的老师总是把他们知道的都告诉我们,引领我们走向光辉灿烂的美好未来。让我们用心去

倾听吧!欢迎!请第八位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant six ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下六号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 六号选手刘婕的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 8, Wangle.He will share his dram with us.As we know, we are people who are full of dreams, so there are so many lectures about dreams.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第八位选手王乐,上场。他将和我们分享他的梦想给我们。我们都知道:我们都是拥有梦想的人,所以今天有这么多的同学带来了关于梦想的演讲。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第九位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant seven‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下七号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 七号选手廉鑫磊的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 9, Zhao Xiaoqian.She will share her dream with us.Dream is what makes ue work hard.We

should try our best to realize it.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第九位选手赵小倩,上场。她将和我们分享她的梦想。梦想是使我们前进的动力,我们应尽力去实现她。让我们用心去倾听吧!欢迎!请第十位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant eight ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下八号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 八号选手王乐的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 10, Lixin.He will share his dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十位选手李鑫,上场。他将和我们分享他梦想。欢迎!请第十一位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Nine ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下九号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 九号选手赵小倩的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 11, Hao Zhuanping.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十一位选手郝转萍,上场。她将和我们分享她梦

想。欢迎!请第十二位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Ten‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十号选手李鑫的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 12, Ren Mengyang.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十二号选手任梦阳,上场。她将和我们分享她梦想。欢迎!请第十三位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Eleven ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十一号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十一号选手郝转萍的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 13, Geng Jianzhen.He will share his dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十三位选手耿建峥,上场。他将和我们分享他梦想。欢迎!请第十四位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twelce ‘s score: 11

下面我们宣布一下十二号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十二号选手任梦阳的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 14, Gao Jianliang.He will Let’s have thanks in our heart and remember to show them to our parents to our teachers ,to everyone who helped us before.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十四号选手高建亮,上场。他将告诉我们生活中我们应该时时刻刻不忘感恩,我们应该时时刻刻用我们的行动去感谢我们的老师,家人和同学。欢迎!请第十五位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Thirteenth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十三号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十三号选手耿建峥的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 15, Yuan Lingyan.She will share her dream with us.Dream is beautiful.Dream makes our life colorful.And our life is full of dreams.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十五号选手原凌燕,上场。她将和我们分享她梦想。梦想是美好的,梦想是我们的生活丰富多彩,我们的生活也充满了梦想。欢迎!请第十位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Nine ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十四号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十四号选手高建亮的成绩是。Thank you!And now, we are taking a short break and let’s appreciate the performance from.谢谢!现在,让我们稍作休息,并欣赏 的表演。Thank you for your excellent performance,.Thank you.感谢 的精彩表演,谢谢!Welcome back to our competition!欢迎回到我们的比赛中来!

let’s welcome Contestant 16,Guo Jinhui.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十六号选手国晋卉,上场。她将和我们分享她梦想。欢迎!请第十七号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Fifteenth‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十五号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十五号选手原凌燕的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 17, Chen Yashu.She will tell us her hobboes.We have different hobbies in our life.Hobbies make our life full of colors.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十七号选手陈雅舒,上场。她将告诉我们她的爱好。我们在生活中有各种各样的爱好,正是爱好让我们的生活充满了色彩。让我们用心来聆听他的爱好吧!欢迎!请第十八号选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant GuoJinhui ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十六号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十六号选手国晋卉的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 18, ChenYongsheng.He will share her love for English with us.Let’s listen to his lecture titled I love English carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十八位选手陈永胜,上场。他将和我们分享他对英语的热爱。他的演讲题目是我爱英语。欢迎!请第十九位选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Seventeenth ‘s score: 14

下面我们宣布一下十七号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十七号选手陈雅舒的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 19, Wang Lijun.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第十九号选手王丽君,上场。她将和我们分享她梦想。欢迎!请第二十号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Eighteenth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十八号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十八号选手陈永胜的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 20, Wu Xianyao.She will tell us her story about her English teacher.Let’s listen to her teacher carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十位选手武先瑶,上场。她将告诉我们她的英语老师的故事。让我们用心地倾听她的故事。欢迎!请第二十一号选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Eighteenth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下十九号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 十九号选手王丽君的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 21, Yu Yechao.He will bring us a lecture titled” Health is important”.It is really ture.Without health, we can not even do any little thing,or rather succe.Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十一位选手于叶超,上场。他将带给我们一个健康最重要的演讲。的确,健康的重要性是不可低估的,没有了健康,一切都无从谈起。欢迎!请第二十二号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twentieth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十号选手武仙瑶的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 22,Wu Simin.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十二位选手武思敏,上场。她将和我们分享她的梦想。欢迎!请第二十三号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twenty-first ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十一号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十一号选手于叶超的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 23, Ren Yujing.She will tell us English is very important.Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十三位选手任玉静,上场。她将告诉我们英语学习室非常重要的。欢迎!请第二十四号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twenty-second ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十二号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十二号选手武思敏的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 24, Lv Xuetan.She will share her dream with us.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十四位选手吕雪潭,上场。她将和我们分享她梦想。欢迎!请第二十五位选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant TTwenty-third ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十三号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十三号选手任玉静的成绩是。

let’s welcome Contestant 25, Zhang Xianwang.He will share his dream with us.Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十五位选手张先旺,上场。他将和我们分享他的梦想。欢迎!请第二十六号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twenty-fourth‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十四号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十四号选手吕雪潭的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant26,Zhang Yuxiang.She will tell us her love for our country, China.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十六位选手张宇翔,上场。她将告诉我们她对我们伟大的中国的热爱!欢迎!请第二十七号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Nine ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十五号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十五号选手张先旺的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 27, Liang Ronggui.He will tell us hoe to live a loe-carbon life in order to live happily.Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十七号选手梁荣桂,上场。他将告诉我们为了更健康地生活,我们应该如何过低碳生活。欢迎!请第二十八号选手做好准备。

Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce ContestantTwenty-sixth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十六号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十六号选手张宇翔的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 28, Lihuan.She will tell us the meaning of growing –up.Let’s listen to him lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十八位选手李欢,上场。她将告诉我们成长的真正含义。欢迎!请第二十九号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twenty-seventh’s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十七号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十一号选手梁荣桂的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 29,Wangqian.She will tell us what we are.Let’s listen to her lecture carefully.Please next contestant get ready.下面我们有请第二十九号选手王倩,上场。她将告诉我们我们是世界我们是未来。欢迎!请第三十号选手做好准备。Thank you!You are really good!

Now let’s announce Contestant Nine ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十八号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二 十八号选手李欢的成绩是。let’s welcome Contestant 30, Du Xuepeng.he will ask us to protect our home----the earth.Let’s listen to his lecture carefully.下面我们有请第三十号选手,独雪鹏,上场。他将告诉我们很好地保护我们的家园——地球!欢迎!Thank you!You are really good!Now let’s announce Contestant Twenty-nineth ‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下二十九号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 二十九号选手王倩的成绩是。Now let’s announce Contestant Thirtieth‘s score: 下面我们宣布一下三十号选手的成绩。去掉一个最高分 去掉一个最低分 三十号选手独雪鹏的成绩是。And now, we are taking a short break and waiting for the final results.现在,让我们休息一会,静静地等待最后的结果。For this period, let’s invite to give some comments on our contestants’ performance.在这段时间内,让我们有请 来为我们的参赛选手的表现作一些评论。

Thank you for your wonderful comments.Thank you.感谢 的精彩点评,谢谢!

Now please welcome , Can you give us some comments on our contest.现在,有请 来为我们的比赛作一些评论。Thank you , for your wonderful comments.Thank you.感谢 的精彩点评,谢谢!

Now please welcome our lovely English teacher, , I think you must have a lot of comments to make on this speaking competition.现在,有请我们可爱的英语老师,老师,我认为有关这次的演讲比赛,您一定有很多的想法吧。Thank you , for your great comments.感谢 老师的精彩点评,谢谢!

Let me announce the list of third prizes.They are ___________________________________ Congratulations!让我来宣布三等奖的获奖名单:__________________________,祝贺他们!

Allow me to announce the list of second prizes.They are ________________________ Congratulations!让我来宣布二等奖的获奖名单:________________祝贺他们!

Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们,who will gain the first prizes? 谁是今天的冠军呢? Let’s hold our breath, 让我们屏住呼吸,-------the most lucky person this afternoon is-----今天晚上的幸运儿是


Congratulations everybody.You are really excellent.Thank you for your outstanding performance.祝贺你们,你们真的很棒。感谢你们出色的表现。Part five: Announcing the ending ladies and gentlemen.For this evening party all the students have made careful preparations.So We can be able to enjoy these excellent performances this evening.We are ready, we are winner.Maybe some students think that they didn’t show themselves wonderfully!But we don’t think so.Only if we are here to take part in, you are succeful!Only if you have worked hard for your aim, there will be no pity!We firmly believe that as we are growing up, we will have a bright future if we have the same confidence as what we have today!各位来宾及选手,为了今晚的比赛,每一位参赛选手都做了精心的准备和认真的练习。所以我们才能享受到这台耳朵的“盛

宴”,心灵的倾诉!当然,他们中有的同学可能没有表现的很好,也没有得到预期的精彩,但是我们觉得只要参与了就是成功了,只要付出了就不用遗憾!相信在我们成长的路上,有今天演讲的这一份自信就会一往无前,就会前程灿烂!How exciting tonight is!How forgettable tonight is!But now I have to say : “The English speaking contest is ending.” Let us expect the next contest!今晚真的很精彩,今晚真的很难忘,让我们期待下一场的英语演讲比赛吧!

The proce of English Contest


English Department






1.2.For judges: 外院英语演讲初赛3.主题:Ourfutureisnotadream4.比赛形式5.比赛包括“定题演讲”和“回答问题”两个环节。1.定题演讲:根据事先所定题目由各选手事先准备,限时......




英语演讲比赛决赛流程一、主持人宣布比赛开始,介绍评委和嘉宾二、主持人宣读比赛规则三、第一轮比赛:(共4分钟)第一环节:定题演讲(2分钟)20名选手围绕规定题目:“When Socrates Meet......



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