What we can’t affort to lose Good morning,ladies and gentleman:
Today I want to begin with a story.In 2002,Sophia,a common people and her daughter went skiing in the Alps,the hightest mountain in the Europe.They were off-piste and got lost through lack of experience.Worse still,they suffered a terrible avalanche and they were buried in the snow.They struggled in the snow foe 2 days and tried to attract the rescue works’attention but worked in vain.Finally,the daughter fainted.When she woke up,she found herself lying in a hospital and her mother,Sophia,died.It is her mother who saved her.Sophia cut off her artery and blood was pouring out off the cut on her hand.The red blood made them conspicuous in the white snoe.Therefore,the rescue helicopter found her.In the story,the mother,Sophia,saved herdaughter at the erpense of her own live.Mother love is great and safe.We were reminded that the love of our family wound get us whatever life might present.Sometimes,our family wound rather sacrifice their own lives in order to protect us.They love us more than their own life,more than the whole world.Yes,our family are selfle.They’re the warmth of the sun,the radiance of their devotion,they’re the vast ocean and reveal a broad mind,they’re milk,feeding the children and robust growth.When I was a child,I did’n know the importance of my family and always lost my temper with my grandma who brought me up,However,everything changed when my grandma paed away a few yeas ago.Until that time,I did realize that how important she meat to me.And I have never had the chance to show my respect to her.Living with my family made me realize the meaning of love.When you feel lonely,who will you think of?when you stand on the croroad in your life and don’t know which way to choose,who will you think of?when you encounter great difficulty than ever and need other’s encouragement,who will you think of?
Yes,you’ll think of your family.Yes,it is our family who will always stay with us whenever we are happy or depreed,rich or poor.They are something that we can’t lose.
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