
2020-02-29 主持词 下载本文




---许换仙 刘安


许:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!

刘:Welcome to our Christmas party!

许:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend

my new year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone enjoy every single day.刘:yeah!The newyear is a time of new beginnings and new hopes

for the future.I hope that every one of you find yourself more content with each paing day this year.许:but now, please enjoy yourselves.Tonight, we will have a

fantastic celebration of our good friendship that can last not only a year, but a life time.刘:Have a wonderful evening everybody.合:Merry Christmas!许: to begin with, please allow us to introduce the Leaders

and the honored guest present tonight.They are:

刘:President of school of economics and management profeor


许: Our dear foreign teacher Mr.Giles.welcome

刘: teachers who take charge of the international cla Mr.闫

许: and Mr.倪.Thank you for your coming and welcome!


Winter is quite cold, today 8 girls are going to show us a very cute rabbit dance to help us be warmer!let's welcome our first dancing to begin our Christmas party.2、葫芦丝《月光下的凤尾竹》

Thank you for your wonderful performance girls , thank you!Now ,a beautiful girl will provide us a feast of sound by performing a Hulusi Tune ,hope you enjoy it!


A :did you ever been to a job interview ?

B :yes ,of course I did.i think if you want to get that job ,you must be well prepared.A :it’s true.now ,a director wants to employ some people to make a movie ,B :let’s go there and see what will happen between the direcyor and actors!

4、诗朗诵 《Bring it all back》

We always meet difficulty and challenge in our life ,but we should face it bravely.now ,let’s enjoy a Poetry Reading 《Bring it all back》.5、Jazzine《爵士舞》 A:do you enjoy the previous poem?

B: YES , of course.But now I want tosee something paionate.A:oh, you know, I can satisfy you, let’s welcome 2 pretty girls bring us an jazz dance!

6、Singing《Could This Be Love》

A :Do you enjoy our games ?

B :oh ,yes ,I like it.A :wow ,we can play it later.let’s have a short rest and listen to a beautiful song , Could This Be Love.i bet you will love it very much!

7、Runway Show《 T台秀》

A: oh , you know what ,you are right ,I love this song very much.B:wow ,I’m so glad you love it.A: in return ,I prepared a fashionable show for you ,just hold your breath and enjoy our Runway Show8、二胡《赛马》

There are many traditional instruments in china ,here a talented clamate isinvited to show us an amazingErhu Tune, let’s welcome him!


A: do you like dancing?

B: of course I do.but I can’t dance well.A: it doesn’t matter.now ,let’s welcome two

girls to show us a latin dance

B:wonderful!let’s welcome them!

10、Singing《Because OfYou》

In our life , we will meet someone that helps us to grow up.Now let’s listen to a meaningful song , Because OfYou ,and learn something from it!let’swelcome!

11、Drama 《占座时代》

A:Areyou a good student ?

B:Yes ,I think I am.A:I bet you must feel headache about getting a seat in our library.B:Yes!later our clamates will show us the long miserableJourney to find a seat in our library!

A:let’s welcome them!


What a interesting drama it is ,thank you!and now three girls are ready to give us a visual feast.let’s looking forward to their fantastic performance!

13、Singing《Take Me to Your Heart》

许:Wow ,it’s really a visual feast.it’s awesome!I think

you should say something to expre our gratitude.刘:how about a song ?

许:perfect!what would you want to sing ?

刘:Take Me to Your Heart.

江西理工大学届经管学院告别西区晚会主持稿 (615)

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