NSEFC 高三 Unit 5 Period 1 教案

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Unit 5 Getting the message

I. 单元教学目标

技能目标 Skill Goals▲Talk about advertising and advertisements▲Practise making complaints and expressing emotions ▲Practise expressing and evaluating different views▲Review the Object Complement▲Write an advertisement

II. 目标语言

功 能 句 式 Making complaints and expressing emotionsHe’s to blame. That’s lovely / great / wonderful!What do you mean by doing so?Does that surprise you?He shouldn’t have done it. Is something worrying you?She blamed him for coming home late.It’s (quite) all right.How could you cheat your teacher?I’m pleased with your spoken English.Why didn’t you tell me the truth?I wish I had never given it up.

词 汇 1. 四会词汇convey, advertise, advertiser, brand, consideration, charge, loss, blame, broadcast, post, react, annoy, annoying, accuse, associate, appeal, frequent, figure, salesman, saleswoman, profit, campaign, policy, spokesman, spokeswoman, illegal, target, nowadays, nephew, waitress, hostess, attach, discount, bonus2. 认读词汇mislead, misleading, critic, Ronaldo, Tetsuya Komuro, bait, bullet, nutritional, heroine, goddess, promotion, legend, slogan, catchy, context3. 重点词组take ... into consideration, in charge (of), hand in hand, get across, appeal to, keep an eye out for sb./sth., point out, make sense4. 重点词汇advertise, charge, blame, react, accuse, figure, profit, attach, discount

语 法 Review the Object Complement 1. Some people find advertisements useful and entertaining.2. As my neighbor Mr. White is a troublemaker, I have to keep myself away from him.3. The Consumers’ Club advises us to make informed choices by reading ads carefully. 4. Companies hope to see ads influence the behavior of customers.5. Companies spend a large amount of money employing advertisers.6. The UN employs famous people to make its programmes known to the public.7. They appointed him head of the Biology Department.8. We found the room decorated with framed ads on the walls.

重 点 句 子 1. You think the newspaper is to blame for this because ... P392. ... has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising. P403. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must ... to get their message across. P404. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions. P405. It has been proven again and again that ... P406. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”. P41

III. 教材分析和教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元的主题是“advertising and advertisements”,功能项目是“表示抱怨”、“表达喜怒哀乐”以及“表达、评价不同观点”,写作要点是尝试写一则广告。通过本单元的学习,要让学生了解广告的语言特点、广告的艺术以及消费者应对广告所持的理性态度。教师要借助听说、讨论、阅读、写作等一系列行之有效的教学活动,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,积极参与到课堂实践中,切实提升其综合运用语言的能力,让他们意识到现代社会广告无处不在,广告是生活中不可或缺的一部分。理性地、科学地对待广告不仅有助于提高个人素养,增添生活的乐趣,还有益于整个社会素质的提高,营造一个诚信、发展、科学、和谐的社会。

1.1 WARMING UP 提供三幅精美图片和相关广告信息,本部分可以作为下文“说”的铺垫,让学生分组讨论这些图片,唤起对“广告”这一主题的热忱和兴趣,使其有话可说,无话不说。

1.2 LISTENING有两大任务,一是根据特定的主题(选购电脑),组织学生讨论或思考,为进一步的“听”作铺垫;二是听录音,培养从听力材料中获取信息,并进行深入分析、推断、加工的能力。

1.3 SPEAKING要求把全班分成四个小组,每一组选择不同的身份和主题,结合本人的生活体验,表示抱怨、喜怒哀乐等。作为报纸编辑,则应从全局出发,运用表示和评价不同观点的句型或结构。这种开放式讨论有助于引导学生运用所学知识合作学习,指导他们全面地、辨证地看待问题。

1.4 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。要求学生以广告为话题展开讨论,初步了解广告的利与弊,为进一步的阅读作好铺垫。再引导学生通过比较阅读检验自己的判断,这有助于潜移默化地培养学生阅读能力、分析能力。

1.5 READING采用“主题句”的写作手法,先引出每段的主题,然后提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。教师要引导学生充分利用“主题句”这一有效的写作技巧,指导学生把握文章主旨,了解作者的写作意图,并深入地培养他们猜测词义、理解语句、归纳大意、理智地应对广告等能力。

1.6 POST-READING从回答问题到展开讨论,由低到高、由易到难,循序渐进,引导学生把握教材,体验广告的魅力并发挥想象,活化语言,从而达到综合运用英语进行交际的目的。

1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY “词汇学习”部分旨在培养学生根据语境猜测生词并正确运用所学词汇的能力。其核心是把词汇的学习和真实的语境巧妙结合起来,逐步拓展学生的词汇量。“同步语法”部分则设计了不同类型的宾语补足语练习题,旨在训练学生准确理解宾语补足语并灵活运用的能力。

1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 阅读部分是READING部分话题的延续和拓展,指导学生创造性地写一则广告。相对起来,写作任务更富有挑战性,不但要求学生大胆想象,还要求学生的习作技巧性和创造性兼备。

1.9 Tips指导学生如何运用声音、图像和动作多途径提高词汇记忆效果。

1.10 Checkpoint部分简要地总结本单元语法重点,并引导学生总结与本单元话题密切相关的词汇。

2. 教材重组

2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAKING相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。

2.2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“听力课”。

2.3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个教学活动整合在一起上一节任务型“阅读课(一)”。

2.4 可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING语法练习题整合在一起上一节任务型“语法课”。

2.5 可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Reading整合起来上一节任务型“阅读课(二)(泛读课)”。

2.6 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的Writing和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Writing整合成一节任务型“写作课”。

3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)

1st Period Speaking

2nd Period Listening

3rd Period Reading

4th Period Language study

5th Period Extensive reading

6th Period Writing

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

convey, advertise, advertiser, charge, loss, blame

b. 交际用语

Making complaints and expressing emotions

He’s to blame.

That’s lovely / great / wonderful!

What do you mean by doing so?

Does that surprise you?

He shouldn’t have done it.

Is something worrying you?

She blamed him for coming home late.

It’s (quite) all right.

How could you cheat your teacher?

I’m pleased with your spoken English.

Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

I wish I had never given it up.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to make complaints and express emotions.

Enable the students to express and evaluate different views on advertising and advertisements.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to make complaints, express emotions and evaluate views.

Teaching important points 教学重点

How to get the students to make comments on advertising and advertisements.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to encourage the students to express themselves on advertising and advertisements.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1. Free-talking method;

2. Task-based approach.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer and some related pictures.

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step I lead-in

T: Boys and girls, first let’s look at two beautiful pictures and tell me what do you think of them.

Sa: The first one is an ad. It is about a famous digital camera. The brand name is Panasonic.

Sb: The second is an ad for Diet Pepsi.

Sc: They are wonderful ads with brand names, photos and slogans.

T: Good. We are living in a world of ads. What’s your opinion on ads? Do you find them annoying or fascinating? Today let’s talk about advertising and advertisements.

Step II Warming up

This step is to arouse the students’ interest in advertising and advertisements and get them to think and talk freely.

T: Now, class. Please look at the three pictures on P37 carefully and try to fill in the following chart with proper information.

Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3

What are they trying to persuade you to buy?

How are they trying to do so?

What is the message of each ad?

How is the information conveyed?

What kind of information about the product is given in each ad?

Suggested answer:

Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3

What are they trying to persuade you to buy? Advanced electronic products Shampoo Soft drinks

How are they trying to do so? By using abstract design, slogan and pictures By using wonderful pictures, slogan and realistic products By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products

What is the message of each ad? The product is of high quality and it helps customers to succeed. True shampoo can create beauty, bring happiness and love to customers. Zhake soft drinks help athletes to refresh themselves.

How is the information conveyed? Pictures+ slogan +spokeswoman Products+ slogan + pictures Pictures+ slogan+products

What kind of information about the product is given in each ad? Brand name promotion Product sales Brand name promotion and sales

Words related to advertising and advertisements

T: What kind of words do you think you would need to talk about advertising and advertisements?


1. Divide the whole class into four or more groups.

2. The students can choose the group whose topic interests them most.

3. Each group tries to think of more words about the related topic.

4. One member from each group is called on to report their work.

After several minutes.

T: Now it’s time to report your work. Volunteer!

Sa: There are many related verbs concerning this topic: advertise, broadcast, post, mislead, promote, appeal to, entertain, increase, decrease ...

Sb: Here are some related nouns concerning this topic: ad, advertising, advertisement, advertiser, customer, slogan, designer, text, writer, brand, spokesman, spokeswoman, salesman, saleswoman, sales, choices, profit, principle, function, influence, shop, store, supermarket ...

Sc: Here are some related adjectives concerning this topic: entertaining, annoying, misleading, expensive, cheap, interesting, humorous, argumentative, persuasive, informative, truthful, false ...

Sd: Media containing advertising and ads are newspapers, TV, radios, the Internet, poster, balloon, buses...

Se: There are many world-famous brand names. Here are some examples: Coco Cola, Panasonic, Lenovo, Haier, Nike, Nestle, Rossini, IBM, Philips, Pioneer, HP, TCL, Ford, NEC ...

T: Well done. I’m glad you know so much about ad. Do you like advertisements? Do you find it annoying when you watch TV and see so many ads on show or you just find them entertaining? List your reasons for likes and dislikes.


1. Divide the students into six or eight groups.

2. Individual work. Each student has to choose his or her opinion and offer more ideas concerning the topic.

3. Group work. Each member lists his or her opinion and reasons.

4. Class work. Group leader displays their work by referring to the useful expressions.

After several minutes.

T: OK, time for you to report your work.

Possible answers:

Reasons for likes Reasons for dislikes

1. Ads can direct our choices of goods.2. Ads tell the latest information about various goods.3. Ads help consumers to make a better choice.4. Well-done ads are kind of art works.5. Ads cut down the costs, making the papers cheaper ... 1. Ads don’t tell real things. 2. Ads make the users buy what they shouldn’t buy.3. Ads cover much space, and waste a lot of paper.4. Ads take up too much time on TV.5. Too many ads will make people bored ...

Step III Speaking

This part is meant to supply the students with realistic situations so that they can have more chances to practise the functional items-making complaints, expressing emotions and evaluating different views.

T: We are going to have a role-play. To be specific, we are going to hold a meeting between readers and the newspaper editor. Four readers complain about the advertisements of a local newspaper and the editor in charge of the newspaper’s advertisements section tries to respond to readers’ complaints and solve the problems. Are you clear?


1. Divide the students into four groups.

2. Individual work. Each student has to offer more ideas concerning the topic.

3. Group work. Each member states his or her opinion and reasons.

4. Class work. Group leader reports their work by stating different views.

After several minutes.

T: Now you’ve warmly discussed this topic. I’d like the group leaders to report your work.

Sa: I’m angry about your ads for weight loss products. The ads say that I will lose weight if I use the products. But when I tried them, I didn’t lose weight at all. Instead I’m putting on weight. I’m also suffering from sleeplessness. Your newspaper should be responsible for this.

Sb: I’m very upset because I have just lost a lot of money after answering an ad in your newspaper. The ad was full of lies. I think the newspaper is responsible and should help me get my money back because your newspaper should make it necessary to check what the ads say is true or not. It’s clear that you failed to do this, least in this ad. Please repay me as soon as possible.

Sc: The ads in the newspaper sometimes show women who are young, beautiful and stupid. This is bad because not all women like this. These ads give readers a false impression and hint that ugly women are unpopular and that if you’re young and beautiful, you can’t be very smart. That’s unfair.

Sd: I’m a school nurse. Many of our students eat too much junk food. I think the newspaper is to blame for this because there are many such ads about junk food in your newspaper. Obviously, you only consider how much money you can earn by releasing ads, without thinking about readers’ interests. Junk food does more harm than good to our health. It is a tragedy.

Se: Dear readers, thank you for your care and your valuable advice to our newspaper. I think the ads are necessary because they can also be enjoyed and appreciated if well designed. Beside, the ads can help to reduce our costs of the newspaper so that the price is lower and readers can read something more interesting and worthwhile. As to your complaints, I think our newspaper will devote more time to checking the contents of ads, trying to provide readers with more scientific, interesting and entertaining ads. Thank you.

Step IV Talking (Workbook on P178)

This part should be a free talk concerning the topic. The students should be encouraged to think creatively and express their own opinions freely.

Design advertisements


1. The whole class is divided into eight groups.

2. The students can choose the group whose topic interests him or her most.

3. Two students design the ad, two think up an idea, two look for pictures and two draw the picture.

4. One member from each group is called on to report their work.

T: Now time is up. I think you must have had a lot of new creative ideas to share with us. Which group would like to try first?

Sa: Let me try. We’d like to advertise a new drug used for treating myopia. It’s a kind of magic medicine. If taken properly, the drug will take effect. In about two weeks a student will no longer suffer from being near-sighted. We’d like to employ three students to promote the drug and advertise it in newspapers, on the radio and local TV. The whole project will cost about 2000 Yuan.

Sb: We’d like to advertise a new type of cellphone. We can talk on the phone, send messages and pictures, take photos and surf on the Internet. We can also store a lot of useful personal information. As it is very fashionable, we are going to employ sports star Liu Xiang, who tells his parents about his winning gold medal and sends pictures at the same time. The whole project adds up to 3,500 Yuan.

Sc: We should like to advertise a new electronic English Dictionary. If we want to look up a word, enter the word immediately, we can find the pronunciation, English and Chinese explanation, set phrases, examples and so on. We’ll employ a senior student to work for us. I think it will be worthwhile. The ad will cost 1000 Yuan.


Step V Homework

1. Consolidation

T: Last Sunday you bought a MP3 player in the local supermarket according to the ad. But soon you found there was something wrong with it. So please write to the manager, explain your complaints and ask for your money back.

2. Preview the new lesson.

T: Please preview Listening after class.

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NSEFC 高三 Unit 5 Period 1 教案