unit 6 going west教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三
unit 6 going west教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三(整理18篇)由网友“莉柚奶酪包”投稿提供,下面是小编整理过的unit 6 going west教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三,希望能帮助到大家!
篇1:高三新教材 Units 1--3教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三
Unit 1 That must be a record !
Summarize the general idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1 The first edition of Guinness Book of World Record
Para. 2 Records of different categories
Para. 3 Chinese record
Para. 4 Records from the world of sports
Para. 5 Why are people so interested in records?
Para. 6 How to set a record?
Fast reading
T or F.
1.The Guinness company began to the Guinness Book of World Records in the 1950s.
2.More than 60,000 new records are printed in the book each year.
3.An Englishman balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilogrammes on his head for 33 seconds.
4.The Lance Armstrong' s speed record is more impressive than his struggle against his disease.
5.The records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are not allowed in the book.
6. The The records in the Guinness Book of World Records are including different areas of people' s life.
careful reading
1. How did Sir Hugh Beaver come up with the idea for Guinness Book of World Records?
He first wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.After talking to his friends, he concluded that a book which answered such questions might popular.
2 .What Guinness record were set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?
Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea ; The A special and delicious record was set in to celebrate Hong Kong' s return to China.
3. How long is the longest moustache in the world? 1.6 meters
4. What are the categories in Guinness Book of World Records?
The human body, the amazing feats, the the natural world, the science and technology, the arts and the media, the model society, the travel and transport, and sports and games.
5. The Why are Lance Armstrong' s records special?
The It fades next to the story of Armstrong' s struggle against disease.
6. What types of record attempts are not allowed?
Records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others
7. Why do you think many people are interested in world records?
The Because we want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves and are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.
Have a competition!
8. Who got the idea to write the Guinness Book of World Records? Sir. Hugh Beaver.
9. When was the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records published? In 1955.
10. How are records collected in the book? Please give 3 examples.
The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters on the human body, amazing feats, the natural world, science and technology , arts and the media, modern society, travel and transport, and sports and games.
Examples: Tian' anmen Square is the largest square in the world.
the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres.
the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long.
11. Why are people so interested in world records?
Because we are curious about the records and also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.
12. How can you try to set a record?
First contact the Guinness Book of World Records.
Then the editors will send you rules and the form you need to apply the record after their discussion. Afterwards a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt.
If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and give you a certificate.
13.How much do you know about Guinness and the world record?
1955 60,000 480 2500 40 5.71 33 1.6
If you want to set a record, what kind of record would you like to?
当时啤酒厂的老板 the then director of the brewery
处理一个争议 settle an argument
一本畅销书 a best-seller
被选入该书 be sent in to the book
记下,写下 set down
联系 keep track of
被分成不同的类别 be put into different categories
惊异的技艺 amazing feats
长达 reach a length of
毒蛇 a poisonous snake
离海最远的城市 the most remote city from the sea
庆祝香港回归 celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China
在辉煌的体育成绩中among the brilliant athletic achievements
瞩目 stand out
背后感人的故事 the moving life stories behind them
次于,在……之后 next to
同疾病斗争 struggle against disease
被诊断出癌症 be diagnosed with cancer
继续创造纪录 go on to set the record
实现目标 achieve the goal of
连续不断 in a row
致使……做…… lead sb. to do sth.
首先 in the first place
高兴 be entertained
可成为,可造成,有好处make for
申请 apply for
一切进行顺利 all goes well
检查纪录 inspect the attempt
确认纪录 confirm the record
取得证书 get a certificate
1.in a soccer career 在足球生涯中
2.settle an argument about 确定关于…的论点
3.be sent into 被收入
4.set down 登记;记载;写下
5.keep track 与…保持接触;跟…的进程或发展
6.be put into 被放入…;翻译成…
7.stand out 显著;杰出
8.be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断出患了癌症
9.in the first place (用与列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先
10.make for 可造成;可译成;有好处;走向
11.apply for 申请;请求
12.head down to 开往;前往;朝向
13.have been around 遍布全球(各地);深入人心
14.burst into something 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物
15.centre on /upon 将某人或某事物当作中心或重点
16.concentrate on 专心致力于
Integrating skills
Revision: Retell the text we learned yesterday according to the information in the following chart.
How and when the first edition was put out? Sir Hugh Beaver, an argument, the first, in 1955,
How are the records printed? different categories
Why people are so interested in world records? curiosity, be entertained by accounts of
How the Guinness Book of World Records accepts a world record? contact, decide, send, inspect, confirm, get
1.On weekends what do Lin Yong and his friends usually do after finishing their homework?
They will go to the park to do skateboarding.
2.When and how did they come up with the idea to build the ramp?
Three years ago after watching a skateboarding competition on TV.
3.What is their skateboarding club called ?
Fun On Wheels.
4.What is the goal of skateboarding competition ?
The goal is to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.
5.Is the sport too dangerous in their opinion?
No, they don’t think so. Because they all wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves. They don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless they are sure that they are skilled enough to perform it safely.
Detailed Reading
Read the text again and answer the following questions:
1.360’ and ‘hang ten’ are two skateboarding terms. Can you guess what they mean?
‘360’ means to make a circle in the air. ‘Hang ten ‘means to fly in the air with one’s feet on the board.
2.How are ‘extreme sports’ different from traditional sports?
Extreme sports are about beauty, harmony and thrills. They do not have rules about winning and losing. The goal is to have fun and the excitement of trying something new.
3.What is the ‘X-factor’ ?
The ‘X-factor’ means the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming your fears.
4.What kind of safety equipment do skateboarders use?
All the riders wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves.
5.Why do you think some people like extreme sports?
They like the feeling, the excitement and the thrill that extreme sports bring.
Use the following words to describe the people in the chat:
enthusiastic, brave, friendly, responsible, curious, delighted, energetic, kind, experienced, interested, wise, athletic, cautious, outgoing, skillful, powerful
Li Yong and his friends enthusiastic, brave,, experienced, cautious, delighted, energetic, skillful, friendly, interested, athletic, outgoing, powerful, responsible
People who visited the grand opening curious
The park manager kind
People who like extreme sports brave
Unit 2 Crossing limits
What do you know about the Silk Road?
The “Silk road” began from Chang’an, the city of Xi’an now, along the Gansu Corridor(通道), then to West Asia and Europe.
1.What could have been possible reasons to search for sea routes from China while routes over land were shorter and already existed?
Marco Polo’s stories, Columbus and other European explorers influenced people.They all thought Asian lands were very wealthy.
2. What do you know about Gan Ying?
In 97 AD Gan Ying, a Chinese ambassador, went to the East Roman Empire over land and returned to Luoyang with a present from an African king ----rhinoceros horn.
3. What do you know about Zheng He?
In the years between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then travelled further south, discovering the eastern coast of Africa.
Summarize main idea of the text and main idea of each para.
Title Reaching Out Across the Ocean
Thesis sentence Many great explorers made expeditions across the Indian Ocean long before Columbus, among whom Zheng He was the most prominent.
Main idea(beforeZheng He) P2 China had contacts with countries along the Indian Ocean from the early time, and during ancient time explorers had begun to contact with each other.
Main idea(before Zheng He) P3 Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the African coast developed into the world trade centre and attracted merchants from the world.
Main idea(before Zheng He) P4 During the Tang Dynasty, Du Huan, who traveled to many lands, wrote the book Record of My Travels.
P5 In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.
Mainidea(afterZheng He) P6 By the beginning of the fifteenth century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.
P7 In the years between 1405 and 1433, under the command of Zheng He, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.
Main idea(after Zheng He) P8 Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.
P9 The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.
Careful reading: Fill in the charts.
Period Name Way of travel Goods
In 97 AD Gan Ying Over land Rhinoceros horns
In 751-762 Du Huan On land and by boat
In the 11th century The Africans By sea Bronze statueof a lion
In 1405-1433 Zheng He By sea Giraffes,zebras, shells, elephant ivory,gold,spices,silk,rhinoceros-horn, medicine, etc.
Judge the following sentences True or False
1.The Europeans were the first Explorers to travel to other countries.
2. Accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean were made before the fifteenth century.
3. In the years between 1405 and 1433,Zheng He sailed westwards only on voyages of exploration.
4. Zheng He invited African countries to send ambassadors to China. T
Put the sentences in good order.
1.In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the song dynasty.
2.Merchants from the Arabic countries began to travel to the Swahili kingdom and the islands off the African coast to trade with them.
3.People of the Han Dynasty exchanged silk for spices and glass with Indians and Romans by way of the Silk Road.
4. The Chinese traveller, Du Huan, wanderedThrough Arabic countries for about 10 years.
5.Christopher Columbus and other European explorers searched for routes to Asia.
6. Zheng He made seven voyages and discovered the eastern coast of Africa.
3 2 4 1 6 5
Integrating skills
What is the third pole? Why? 珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma
Fast reading :
1.What do you think “the third pole” in the text mean?
“The third pole” in the text means the highest mountain on earth.
2.Who were the first to climb to the top of Mount Qomolangma?
They were the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay
Careful reading:
Please judge the main ideas to the proper paragraph
Para1.; By the middle of 1920s, Mount Qomolangma remained to be greatest challenge for human beings.
Para2. Climbing Mount Qomolangma was dangerous and it seemed almost impossible because of its extreme conditions.
Para3: Sherpas prove to be the ideal guide since the first attempt though several attempt failed
in 1920s,
Para4: .Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made their first successful attempt to the summit in 1953.
para5: Who was the first to reach to the summit of Mount Qomolangma still remains to be a question.
para6: Over the past 40 years, other 29 Chinese reached the summit for scientific research or sport.
Explain the following phrases and sentences from the text in English.
1.Going to Mount Qomolangma was like going to the moon.
It was quite difficult and almost impossible to climb up Mount Qomolangma and to the summit of it.
2. The death zone
In this area, it is quite impossible for humans to survive for a couple of days , even though you
can breathe extra oxygen.
3. They had no idea what they were up against.
They didn’t know what difficulties would be in front of them and what the result would be.
4 English air. The bottle full of oxygen.
Answer the following questions:
1 Why is it difficult to climb it?
Because it is too high and the air is thin , oxygen is too low people can’t adjust to these
Extreme conditions. Strength And skill are also needed.
2 Who was the first to reach the Mount Qomolangma? Why was it called a challenge?
Edmund Hillary and Sherpa reach the summit on May 29,1953. it is a honor like winning in OLympics
3.How many chinese reach the summit from 1960 to 1975? Thirty-two (1975年5月27日,我国九名登山运动员从北坡登上珠峰 5月21日,中韩联合登山队的中方队员在珠峰顶上举起国旗)
1 除了…… 还有 apart from/in addition to/besides
2 调节/适应 adjust to
3 充当 act as
4 依靠 rely on/depend on
5把……当做 refer to…as/think of…as/regard…as/treat…as
6用尽 run out of sth
7因某赞扬事某人 praise sb for sth
1.make (good ) use of (充分)利用
2.deal with 处理
3.meet with (偶然)遭遇;碰到;尝到
4.evluate… from… 从什么方面(观点)评价……
5.take possession of 获得;占有;作为……的代表
6. in the name of 以……的名义;作为……的代表;借……为名;
7.search for 寻找……;搜索;探求
8.long before 很久以前。但before long是不久以后之意
9.contact with 与……联系;与……接触
10.in exchange for 与……交换
11.develop into 发展成为
12.lead to 导致;通向
13.be taken prisoner 作为囚犯被关押
14.date from 从……就开始有;追溯到
15.by the beginning of 到……(之)初
16.under the command of 在……的统帅下
17.in turn (for) 作为……的报酬;作为交换(回报;回答)
18.adjust to 附属于某人的;调整;调节;校准;(使)适应
19.be up against 对抗;对付;面临
20.fail to 力所不能;失败
21.succeed in 在……取得成功
22.apart from 别无;除……外(尚有)
23.run out 耗尽;用光
24.have something (nothing) to do with 与……有(无)关
Unit 3 The land down under
(1) What do you know about Australia?
Australia was discovered about 53 000 years ago. It is possible that the first people crossed into Australia from Asia on great land bridge when the water above of the oceans was lower.
(2) Look at the map of Australia. Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.
(3) Show more pictures about Australia to the students.
Which questions will be answered in the passage and tick them.
1. How large is Australia?
2. When was Australia founded?
3. Who lives in Australia?
4. What is the capital of Australia?
5. What animals are native to Australia?
6. What is Australia famous for?
7. What does the Australia flag look like?
8. How many people live in Australia?
9. How is Australian English different from British and American English?
Fast reading
How many parts can the passage be divided into? Five
What’s the main idea of each paragraph?
Para1: The portrait of a nation
Para2: The first Australians
Para3: A nation of prisoners
Para4: Another new world: The birth of a nation
Para5: Speak Australian? No worries!
Careful reading
1.The Australian flag shows________. D
A. the UK flag and seven stars
B. the USA flag and a large star with seven points
C. the UK flag and six large stars with seven points
D. the UK flag, a large star and a group of small stars
2. Who were the first people to arrive in Australia? C
A. Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch.
B. Prisoners and criminals from England.
C. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
D. Asian explorers.
3.According to the text, Asian countries have _________ on Australia culture. A
A. great influence B. little influence C. no influence D. no effect
4.In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the_______ Crown. A
A. British B. Spanish C. Portuguese D. American
5.What does the word ‘‘claim’’ mean in Paragraph 3 of ‘‘A nation of prisoners? ’’ B
Australia A. need B. demand C. believe D. buy
6 It was ________ that made the original Australians suffer. A
A. the American War of Independence B. Captain James Cook
C. the English prisoners D. the first fleet of 11 ships
7.After the Second World War, Australia began to_______ B
A. form the commonwealth B. transform itself into the modern country as it is today
C. change its attitude towards immigration D. suffer from the Depression of the 1930s
8. The last part of the text tells us __________. B
A. Australian English is the same as British English
B. there are no differences between Australia English and British English
C. all the words in Australian English have a different meaning from British words
D. “down under” means the country of Australia to Australians
9. From the national flag of Australia, we can know________. C
A. there are 5 states altogether in Australia
B. people of Australia like American society
C. people of Australia think they have something to do with the English people
D. Australia suffered from immigration
10 From the text we can infer Australia came into being ________ the continent began to exist. B
A. long before B. long after C. at .the same time when D. shortly after
Answer the following questions.
1) What do the symbols on the Australian flag represent?
Six of the points represent the original states (Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania) and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.
2) Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?
The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
3) Why were prisoners sent to Australia after 1788? Where were they from?
The American War of Independence made it possible for England to send prisoners to North America. They were from America.
4) What happened to the original Australians when the European newcomers arrived?
The newcomers changed the way land was managed and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.
5) What was the problem with Australia's Constitution?
The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their base civil rights and described the new government.
6) How did the two World Wars change Australia?
After the First World War, the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Depression of the 1930s. After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.
7) How does Australian English differ from British English?
Australian English differs from British English in pronunciation and some of the vocabulary.
Integrating skills
Get information about Australia
Animals: kangaroo, koala bear, parrot, snake, digo, sheep, cattle
Distance: 3220 km from north to south 4000 km from east to west
Size: the same as the USA( without Alaska)
Population: 20 million
Agriculture: wheat, fruit, vegetables, meat, wines
Natural resources: metals, precious stones, coal, iron
Climate: cool and wet winters, warm and dry summers in the south; warm and dry winters, hot and wet summers in the north dry or desert in two thirds of the country
Sports: tennis, sailing, swimming
Careful-reading: answer the questions.
1. Why does Australia have so many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world?
Because Australia has been separated from other Continents for millions of years.
2.Why do kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach?
Kangaroos give birth to very small and weak young. They are carried in a pocket of skin for several months while they feed on the Mother's Milk and grow stronger.
3. In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world?
Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.
4. Compare the Climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China.
The climate in Australia is different depending on the area. The south has cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The north has warm, dry winters and hot wet summers.
1.Why does Australia have so many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world?
2. Why do so kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach?
3. In what way is Australia different from all the countries in the world?
4. Compare the climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China. Does the climate in your area affect the way you live?
1.go on + n. 继续……
2.a tour guide 导游
4.as a consequence (of) 作为(……的)结果
5.break out (指激烈事件)突然发生
6.feed…on 给(人或物)食物
7.round up 集合在一起
8.be made up of 由……组成(构成)
9.be surrounded by 由……包围;围绕着
10.be used to 被用来
11.form strong ties with 与……保持良好的关系
12.groups of 成群的……
13.be chosen as 被选为……
14.be harmful to 对……有害
15.have a strong influence on 对……有强大的影响
16.suffer from 遭受;受……之苦
17.transform… into 把……改变成
18.attitude toward(s) 对……态度
19.differ from/differ…from… 与……的区别
20.be fond of 爱好;喜好
21.give birth 出生
22.more than fourteen times as many people 人口比……多达14倍以上
23.keep out 遮挡
24.depend on 依赖;相信
25.all the year round 终年
26.be delighted to 高兴;喜欢
篇2:NSEFC 高三Listening for workbook
Listening text
Part 1
Before a record is accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records, it must pass the following tests. First of all, there must be at least two witnesses. The witnesses must be known to the public, so they can抰 be simply friends or members of your family. In fact, relatives are not allowed to act as witnesses to a Guinness world record. The best witnesses are usually people who work for the city or government, such as policemen, judges, or leaders. The witnesses must read the Guinness rules before the attempt is made, and then write and sign their statements. Second, you must be able to prove that you broke the record in some other way, usually by sending in an article about the attempt from the local newspaper. It抯 also important to take pictures of the record attempt and film it if possible. If you want to break a record, the most important thing to remember is to ask for the rules before you do anything. The Guinness Book of World Records has rules for all sorts of attempts, and you will need to know exactly what you should and shouldn抰 do. The editors at Guinness can also help you by giving you the latest information about a certain record. If you are trying to break an existing record, you need to know if the record has already been broken. If you are trying to set a new type of record, you need to find out if the editors will accept it. If the record is dangerous, you must know about strict safety rules and follow them. There are many strange records in the Guinness Book of World Records, but the editors will not allow any records that are very dangerous.
Part 2
Even if you do set a new record, it isn抰 sure that your record will be included in the book. There are a few basic rules for Guinness records. First, officials must be able to measure the record. Second, as mentioned before, independent witnesses must observe the record and send in a statement. Third, a record must be objective. That means that a record such as 搈ost beautiful girl?or 揵est friend?won抰 be accepted. A record should also be interesting to as many people as possible. Records that have to do with things that happen only once, such as 搕he first??won抰 end up in the book. It is also important that the editors can make rules so that anyone who wants to try to break the record will have a fair chance. If these basic rules are met, the record will be accepted as a Guinness world record. However, a record won抰 appear in the book unless it is chosen by the editors. The editors of the Guinness Book of World Records have to make many difficult decisions. People are very creative and send in all kinds of exciting records. It isn抰 always easy to choose the right ones for the book. The book is read by people all over the world, and the editors must select records that represent the spirit of the Guinness Book of World Records梩hat is, amazing feats and achievements that show just how wonderful the world of world records is!
H: Henry M: Mike, an elephant hunter
H: Mike, what was it that you heard about my brother抯 journey?
M: I heard that he went looking for Solomon抯 Mines.
H: Solomon抯 Mines? Where are they?
M: I don抰 know. I know where they抮e said to be.
H: Tell me, please!
M: Well, South African elephant hunters usually don抰 care much for the life and culture of native blacks. But sometimes you meet a man who takes the trouble to listen to them, and understand the history of this dark land. It was such a man who first told me the story of Solomon抯 Mines, now thirty years ago. His name was Brown. I listened carefully to him, for I was young at the time, and this story of an ancient civilisation and its treasures took a great hold upon my imagination. He asked me whether I抎 ever heard of the Suliman Mountains up in the northwest of the country. He said that that抯 where Solomon really had his mines, his diamond mines. I asked him how he knew that. He answered that an old witch had told him all about it. She said that there were great wizards among the people who lived across those mountains. The wizards had learnt what they knew from white men a long time ago. They also had the secret of a wonderful mine of 揵right stones?
H: So did you go and look for that place?
M: No, I didn抰. I laughed at this story at the time, but I didn抰 forget it. Twenty years later I heard something more about it from a man passing through. When he left he said that if we would ever meet again he would be the richest man in the world. One evening, while sitting in front of my tent, I saw a figure, apparently that of a European, for it wore a coat, coming out of the desert. The figure crept along on its hands and knees, then it got up and walked a few yards on its legs, only to fall and crawl again. Who do you suppose it turned out to be?
H: That man, of course.
M: Yes, or rather his skeleton and a little skin.
揥ater! please, water!攈e begged.
I gave him water with a little milk in it, and then he fell asleep. He had a fever and in his dreams he talked about Suliman抯 Mountains, the diamonds, and the desert. 揟here it is!攈e cried, pointing with his long, thin arm, 揃ut I shall never reach it, never. No one will ever reach it!?
Unit 3
Listening text
Part 1
(Woman, Australian accent)
Bush fire
An Australian woman is talking on a radio programme about her escape from the bushfires near Sydney in 1994.
The first thing I did when I woke up in the morning was to watch the TV news. I could see that the situation was bad, and they showed a map where the fires were. Outside in the garden I couldn抰 see the sun, as the sky was full of smoke.
I decided I抎 better prepare to leave. My daughters were staying in town and my husband was abroad, so it was up to me to decide what to do. I packed a suitcase of clothes and another case of useful things. It抯 difficult in this kind of situation to know what to take with you. So, I took my passport and my bankbook and all the money I had. I took also my diary, my address book and my camera. Finally I took our wedding photographs, as I didn抰 want to lose those.
Out in the garden the sky was getting blacker, and the wind which had been blowing hard for two days was getting stronger. I could now hear the sound of the fire which was only a mile or two away. I was expecting the police to drive by and warn people. Suddenly I noticed little pieces of burning wood falling out of the sky. They landed on the ground and started to burn the grass. I didn抰 wait a moment longer. I got into my car and drove down the road. The smoke was thick and at times it was difficult to see the road. Animals were running across the road, trying to escape the fire. There were dogs, a few horses, and lots of kangaroos. Five miles down the road I came to a long bridge over the river. Once on the other side, I knew I was safe.
Part 2
(A = Radio announcer; male or female, Australian accent)
A: Good morning, listeners. Still hot and dry today and we would like to remind you that people in the following areas may need to leave their homes: Green Hill, Jonestown, and Wesley. The fire is still burning and we advise you to stay tuned for more information. You may have to leave the area if the winds change, so please take the following actions:
l If you have a car, check that it is working properly and park it where you can easily get to it. Close all doors, roll up the windows, and leave the keys in the car. Put emergency supplies in the car. You will need water, some food, a first-aid kit, a radio and a flashlight. Put important documents, such as your bankbooks and passports, in a plastic bag.
l Make sure that you are wearing good clothes. Put on heavy shoes, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and gloves. Bring a towel that you can use to protect your face.
l Call a friend or relative who lives in a safe area and ask if you can stay with them.
l Close all windows and doors in your house and remove the curtains.
l Turn off the gas.
l Fill buckets, bathtubs, and other containers with water.
If you are asked to leave the house, you must do so immediately. Bring only what you need and tell someone when you leave and where you are going. Try to stay calm and listen to the radio for instructions. Choose a road that looks safe and keep an eye on the fire and the wind.
Unit 4
Listening text
G = Guide V = Visitor
V: Excuse me, can you tell us something about the history of Kew Gardens?
G: Botanical gardens have a long history in the UK, beginning with the foundation of the Oxford Botanical Garden in 1621. Kew Gardens was developed (built) in the 16th century. International importance came under the guidance of Sir Joseph Banks. He changed Kew from a royal collection of strange plants to a serious scientific research centre.
V: So what is the purpose of Kew Gardens today?
G: The motto forming the inspiration for Kew Gardens is simple but clear: 揂ll life depends on plants.?The main purpose of Kew is to come to a better management of the earth抯 environment. We try to do that by increasing knowledge and understanding of plants. After all, they form the basis of life on earth.
V: How can Kew Gardens reach this goal?
G: Kew wants to achieve this by:
?developing a global collection of plants and show it to the public;
?undertaking worldwide research into botany;
?supporting the conservation of plants in the UK and overseas;
?and informing and educating the wider public about Kew Gardens and their work.
V: If I may ask, what is there to see at Kew Gardens?
G: Kew has many plants in glasshouses and more than 20 different specialized gardens, such as the Rock Garden, Rose Garden, Woodland Garden and the Winter Garden.
V: I hear that they also have a Grass Garden. What can be interesting about that?
G: The Grass Garden shows a great number of different grasses. In economic sense, (Economically speaking) the grass family is one of the most important plant families. It provides most of our food, feeds our cattle and provides building materials such as bamboo and straw. Only three different bamboos are shown in the Grass Garden. More can be found in the Bamboo Garden. Over 120 species of bamboo planted there come from all over the world.
V: Well, I抦 afraid that抯 a bit boring for me. I think I抎 have a look at the Rose Garden.
G: Of course, the Rose Garden attracts most visitors. It has 54 rose beds, each containing a different variety of rose. The roses are all arranged by the colour of their flowers. Shades of red are closest to the Palm House, while the lighter-coloured roses, such as the white and yellow ones, are planted near the edge of the garden.
Unit 5
Listening text
Part 1
Harry, Jenny, and Brian are discussing their advertisement plans for a new product.
H = Harry; J = Jenny; B = Brian
H: So, how much money have we got to spend?
B: Seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds. Jenny, what do you suggest?
J: I suggest that we use mainly TV, cinema, and print.
B: I see, magazines and newspapers. Can you give us your reasons?
J: Sure. First, our product looks good. So it would be a waste of money to use radio. Second, our product moves well, and it moves fast. So I want people to see it on the roads in our ads, going through the hills, that kind of thing.
B: What about advertising boards?
J: No. I prefer magazines and newspapers, and we haven抰 got the money to do all three. So people will see the ad on TV and in the cinema. Then they抣l be able to read about it when they抮e sitting down, reading their newspapers and magazines.
H: I get the idea. Then customers can read the detailed product information and check the prices.
J: Exactly.
H: So no advertising boards. When do you want the advertising to start, Brian?
B: May the 1st. That gives us three months to run to August 1st when most people like to buy their new cars.
J: I see. So we抮e talking about three months. And have you thought of a headline?
H: What about this one: 揟he new Century 505 ?the car you always promised yourself?
Part 2
Four people in an advertising firm are discussing a future advertising programme.
B= Bob
A: OK. Our plan is to produce an advertisement for this computer which is made by one of China抯 biggest computer producers, FFQ Computer Corporation. Any ideas?
B: I think it would be a good idea to have comments from people who are already using it. They can express their satisfaction with the product.
C: Well, maybe that抯 not such a good idea. Do you think managers want to read what users think about a new piece of office equipment?
D: I agree with Bob. I think we should have a picture of the computer and give a description of the product.
B: I抦 afraid I can抰 agree with you. That抯 a good way of giving information, but it抯 not a good way of persuading people. For one thing, it抯 boring, and people aren抰 going to read an ad that looks boring. For another thing, one computer looks very like another. People aren抰 going to remember the name of the product.
A: So what exactly are you suggesting?
B: I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads.
D: The disadvantage with carrying out interviews is that it may take a long time. No problem, we can do some telephone and email interviews with our users.
C: How can we find out who are using these computers?
A: Easy. I抣l ask the company for a list of recent customers.
Unit 6
R = Reporter O = Mrs Ouyang
Mrs Ouyang runs a little restaurant in southern Yunnan. Five years ago she lost everything in an earthquake. Listen to her experiences and how the restaurant was rebuilt.
R: Mrs Ouyang, five years ago a heavy earthquake struck this area and destroyed almost all buildings in this village. The earthquake also hit your house badly. Can you tell us what happened?
O: In two weeks?time it will be exactly five years ago that the earthquake destroyed our village. My husband and I had been running a restaurant for several years. Before that, he had worked as a taxi driver. All his savings had gone into the restaurant, and on that terrible day everything was destroyed. My husband was killed in the second shake. He shouldn抰 have gone back into the restaurant. It was a stupid thing to do, but he thought he would have enough time to save a few important things.
R: What happened in the weeks after the quake and how did you get over it?
O: I moved to a nearby village with my sister. The death of my husband was of course the worst thing. I cried for many days. I wished I had died in his place. I lost all hope of a happy life.
R: What made you decide to reopen the restaurant?
O: There were two reasons. First of all, I had to make a living. But more important, I did it to honour my husband. The restaurant had been his great achievement. I felt there was no better way to remember him than by reopening the restaurant and continuing the business.
R: Was it easy to reopen the restaurant?
O: No, it wasn抰. My friends and relatives put some money together, a total of about 30,000 yuan. I received 8,000 yuan of financial aid from the local government and 25,000 from a foreign disaster relief organisation. I was also able to take out a loan of 50,000 from the bank. With the money and all the help I got, I opened the restaurant on the same location where our old one had been.
R: Do you often think about the disaster?
O: Yes, I do. I thought the earthquake was the day my life ended, even though I had not lost my life. But look here, I managed. I did not know I had the strength to pull through.
Unit 7
S = Cook O = Oliver B = Mr Bumble
Nine-year-old Oliver lives in a workhouse where the boys are given three meals of thin porridge a day, with an onion twice a week, and half a roll on Sundays. The workhouse is run by Mr Bumble, the headmaster. The room in which the boys are fed, is a large stone hall. The cook, assisted by one or two women, uses a big spoon to pour the porridge into the bowls. One spoonful, and no more -- except on holidays, when two spoonfuls and a piece of bread are given.
The bowls never need to be washed. The boys clean them with their spoons till they shine again, and when they have performed this operation, which never takes very long, the spoons being almost as large as the bowls, they sit staring at the cook. Boys usually have good appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered this slow starvation for three months. At last they got so wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, said to his companions, that unless he had another bowl of porridge per day, he was afraid he might some night eat the boy sleeping next to him. He had a wild, hungry eye; and they all believed him. The boys hold a meeting, casting lots who should walk up to the cook after supper that evening, and ask for more. The lot falls to Oliver Twist.
The evening arrived; the boys took their seats. The cook served the porridge, and the boys prayed. The porridge was eaten, and the boys whisper to each other, and nod at Oliver, while his next neighbours push him. Child as he is, he is desperate with hunger, and feels miserable. He rises from the table and advancing to the cook, bowl and spoon in hand, he says:
O: Please, sir, I want some more.
C: What!
O: Please, sir, I want some more.
The cook was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. Amazed, he stares at Oliver before aiming a blow at his head with the large spoon and screaming for the headmaster.
C: Mr. Bumble, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!
B: For MORE! Calm down, sir, and answer me clearly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten his supper?
C: He did, sir.
B: That boy will be hung. I know that boy will be hung. I was never more convinced of anything in my life, than that that boy will come to be hung.
Unit 8
Listening text
1 Part 1
(Female; since this is supposed to be a Chinese student, I suggest that we use a Chinese person who speaks English well.)
A: I am an International Business major at a Finance and Economics University. My major courses focus on international trade and finance, but English is also very important. Many of the textbooks we use are in English and some of our courses are taught in English, either by Chinese professors or visiting foreign teachers. At first, it was very difficult to understand what the teachers were saying. We take most of our courses here in China, but we also have the opportunity to study abroad for one year. Our university cooperates with universities in Europe, New Zealand, and the USA. I would like to study in Europe, perhaps in Germany or France, because I believe that the European Union will be an important business partner for China in the future. If I study in Germany or France, I can also learn a third language, which would be very useful.
The most difficult thing, in my opinion, is to understand all the technical terms. I was pretty good at English in middle school, but we only learned everyday English. Now I have to read long articles and textbook chapters that deal with difficult issues. Some of the words are only used in business, so most dictionaries don抰 explain what they mean. I sometimes fell as if I had two majors桬nglish and business. First I have to understand what the terms mean in Chinese, then learn the English words for them. Still, I like my major and I think that it will help me find a good job. My dream is to work in a Chinese import and export company and travel around the world.
2 Part 2
(Male; since this is supposed to be a Chinese student, I suggest that we use a Chinese person who speaks English well.)
B: Before I went to college, I thought that university life would be fun and easy. My friends told me that we would have lots of fun once we passed the entrance exam. If anyone ever says that to me again, I will let them know how wrong they are! Sure, it抯 fun to be a university student, but it is also hard work. We have a lot of homework, and we have to write many papers and essays. I抦 an English major, so most of my courses are about English. The first two years, the courses were similar to studying in middle school. We learnt more grammar and vocabulary, but we also had spoken English classes. In my junior year, I began studying other courses. I chose Linguistics because I am interested in languages, and I also took a few non-major courses. I like English best, but I know that I also need to learn more about other subjects.
Studying a language in college is different from studying other subjects. It is difficult to improve, so you have to spend a lot of time on reading, writing, and speaking. You almost have to 搇ive in English,?that is, you have to use English all the time, not just in class. Our university offers a lot of help: there are many books, DVDs, and tapes that we can borrow, and there are different activities that help us practice our English, such as debate competitions, the university radio station, and conferences and meetings. I decided to become a teaching assistant for one of my foreign teachers. As a teaching assistant, I meet with a small group of freshman students every week. The meeting is their homework for their speaking class, and my job is to lead the discussion and help the students with their English. It is a wonderful way to practice my English梱ou learn a lot when you have to help others梐nd I enjoy making friends with students from other majors.
Unit 9
Listening text
Part 1
In , the World Health Organisation, WHO, warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease which may be even more deadly than SARS. The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to human beings in the next few years. If it does, up to seven million (see note 1)people could die from the disease.
Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses, that is, tiny things which change and become more dangerous over time. When a new type of a common virus changes, it may be able to get past the body抯 immune system. If that happens, humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.
There have always been viruses and people have always gotten sick, of course, but as we saw with (???What抯 your question? As explained in the next sentence, SARS spread very quickly etc.) SARS, the situation is more difficult today. People travel more than ever before, which means that the diseases can spread quickly and across large areas ?in fact the whole world.
Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus, but the process takes time. It is just as important to make sure that countries, especially poor countries, are prepared to deal with the disease. New diseases usually affect poor areas the most, so we must help develop health care in all countries.
One reason for the WHO warning is that big new diseases tend to happen regularly, usually every 20 to 30 years. In the 20th century, there have been three large outbreaks: the Spanish flu in 1918-19, which killed between 20 and 40 million people(note 2); the Asian flu of 1957, killing one million (note 4) people; and the 1968 Hong Kong flu, which killed about 750,000 people (note 3). It has been 36 years since the Hong Kong flu, so scientists and doctors think that the next deadly challenge is just around the corner.
Part 2
There are three kinds of viruses that cause flu: A, B, and C. Type A is the virus that causes bird flu. As the name suggests, the virus is usually found in birds. It can also infect humans, pigs, horses and other animals. There are several different kinds of the Type A virus. (Only Type A has several kinds? Yes. Only type A has 搒ubtypes,?but both B and C are 揼roups?of viruses. If you think it is confusing, or unnecessary, you can delete the stc. Influenza Type B Unlike influenza A viruses, these viruses are not classified according to subtype. Influenza Type C These viruses are not classified according to subtype.) Type B viruses are usually found only in human beings. They have been responsible for some flu outbreaks, but they are not considered as dangerous as Type A viruses. Type C viruses are not considered very serious. They are found in humans, but do not cause serious illnesses.
The most dangerous thing about the flu viruses is that they change. When humans are infected with a virus, the body develops a defense for it. If viruses didn抰 change, we would not have the worry about the viruses we know. Unfortunately, every new generation of virus is slightly different from the older ones. That means that our body doesn抰 recognise the virus and can抰 protect itself from it. This kind of change is not very fast and doctors and scientists can change the medicines we use to help prevent the virus from causing serious illness.
The other kind of change, however, happens very quickly and is more serious. If a virus changes in this way and becomes a new type of virus, the body is defenceless. The virus can spread easily from one person to another and reach far across the world. Fortunately, this kind of change doesn抰 happen very often.
The WHO now believes that a new, dangerous virus will appear soon and that we must prepare the best we can. We must improve health care in all countries and cooperate with each other so that we can discover and prevent new viruses.
Unit 10
Listening text
G: Welcome to the Mark Twain House and Museum. Mark Twain is America抯 most famous writer. Do you know any books written by Twain?
S1: Ehm, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and eh, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
G: Yes, very good. Twain wrote these books while he lived in this house. He loved the house because it reminded him of his youth, and from the window he could hear the sounds of his own children and their friends playing on the banks of the river.
M: Is the house still the way it was when Twain lived here?
G: Yes. The house has been restored to the way it was when Twain lived here, between 1881 and 1891.
M: How long will the tour take?
G: The tour takes about two hours, and the group must stay together. Please, don抰 touch anything.
M: Oh, can you make it a bit shorter? I don抰 think the kids will stay quiet for such a long time.
G: Fine. Entering the house from the south, we are now in the hall. Immediately on the right is the drawing room, a rather formal room, where Twain received guests. The door on the left leads to the guest bedroom. The two doors in front lead to the rooms on the north side of the house: the dining room through the door on the right, and the library through the door on the left. Let抯 first take a look in the library.
S2: I think I don抰 want to see the library.
M: Shut up, Dave.
G: As you can see, the room called the library does not very much look like a library as we know it. The library is one of the nicest rooms in the house. Here, Twain recited poetry or read aloud stories to his family and friends.
S1: Look, they抳e got greenhouse.
G: Yes. The small room on the west side, off the library was filled with large, green plants. Twain抯 daughters called it The Jungle. From the library, we can pass on to the dining room. Twain and his family had most of their meals here. The kitchen is located off the dining room, to the north.
M: Can we have a look at the kitchen, please?
G: I抦 afraid the kitchen is closed to the public until the summer of next year.
M: Oh, what a pity.
G: Let抯 go and have a look upstairs.
M: I think the children are getting tired. What is there to be seen upstairs?
G: The second floor has three bedrooms, another guest room and the schoolroom. The third floor has a servants?room, a guest room and the largest of the rooms, where Twain wrote his books.
M: Shall we go upstairs?
S1: I want to go to the bathroom.
G: You can have a look at the bathroom on the second floor.
S1: Can we use it?
G: I抦 afraid not.
M: Shall, we just go and have a look at the school room then?
S2: No, thanks. I want to go home.
M: Well, OK then. Let抯 visit the museum shop. Then you can go to the toilet, and we can eat an ice-cream before we go home.
Unit 11
Dialogue 1
T: Teacher J: Jeff
T: Take a seat, Jeff. What can I do for you?
J: Well, I抎 like to have another talk with you about my career choices.
T: If I抦 remembering well (not wrong), you are going to be a sales assistant, right?
J: Yeah, well. I抳e changed my mind again. I want to become a vet. I really like working with animals.
T: Oh, but that抯 quite a big change from what we talked about last time. Are you sure about this?
J: Yes. I think working as a vet I can earn much better wages.
T: But Jeff, look here. You aren抰 that good at maths, and last time you said going to college was not for you. How will you be able to do that? (The purple parts seem to be not closely related to becoming a vet?)
J: I will work very hard.
T: Listen, Jeff. This may be a disappointment, but I think this is not a good idea. I know it sounds good, but it requires many years of study to become a vet. I抦 not sure whether you can manage that. Think it over, will you?
Dialogue 2
L: Lizzy M: Ma Lin
L: Hi, Helen. How are you doing? It抯 only a few more months.
M: A few more months? What do you mean, Lizzy?
L: The exams, of course! Aren抰 you getting nervous?
M: Nervous, why?
L: Well, don抰 you think it抯 all (they抮e) important?
M: It抯 ( They抮e) important, but why should I worry? I think I抳e always been quite a good student, so I think (delete this?) I have nothing to fear.
L: Quite good is not good enough, you know. If you want to go to Peking University, you抳e got to come out first.
M: I don抰 want to go to Peking University. I want to go to a local university, here in our own province.
L: How can you say that? You抳e got to try your best.
M: I will, but I抳e already made up my mind. I don抰 want to live in a big city far from home. Even if I get a top score, I will stay here. You know, studying at a local university you抣l have less competition and better chances of graduating as the No 1. (more opportunities)
Unit 12
Listening text
Part 1
Conversation at a private education institute between Julian (J) and a female teacher (T)
J: Good morning, I saw your advertisement in the paper for Chinese courses and I dropped by to get some more information.
T: Great, which course are you interested in -General Chinese or Business Chinese?
J: Well, I抦 not sure, what抯 the difference between them?
T: The General Chinese course is for beginners. It covers everyday situations ?you know, shopping, booking tickets, ordering food in a restaurant, things like that. It抯 very popular with people intending to visit China for a holiday.
J: I see, so is it mainly Chinese conversation, or does it include learning to read and write as well?
T: It mainly deals with spoken Chinese for beginners, but students do learn to recognise about 300 characters ?enough to read simple passages.
J: Mmm, and the Business Chinese course?
T: That抯 a more intense course for people who need to use Chinese for business situations (delete 搒ituations?). Most of the students work for corporations who have projects in China. It teaches a specialised vocabulary that抯 used in meetings, reports, letters and so on. There抯 a lot of speaking practice in this course too, but it places more stress on developing reading and writing skills than the General Chinese course.
J: Is it suitable for beginners?
T: Well, some beginners do choose this course, but they find the workload quite tough. I suggest you take the General Chinese course first because most students find it helps them to have a basic knowledge of the language.
J: I see. And what about the cost? . . . [fade out]
Part 2
Professor Smith is giving an informal presentation to a group of students aged about 17 or 18.
Hello everyone, thanks for coming. Well, we all know that exams are stressful and cause anxiety. Today, I抦 going to explain what happens to your body when you feel anxious, and then give you some advice that might be helpful to you.
To start with, it抯 important to understand that anxiety is a normal, natural response to stress or fear, and in fact it抯 quite useful. Anxiety causes physical changes which prepare your body and mind to face challenges. So feeling anxious about an exam is okay and actually helps you to perform well.
Anxiety becomes a problem, however, if you experience it too frequently or over a long period of time. In this situation, it becomes difficult to concentrate and you may find you get upset easily or lose confidence. It抯 also common to suffer from extreme tiredness and to have difficulty sleeping.
Now, I recommend a 3-step approach to beat anxiety: Firstly, use breathing exercises to reduce your body抯 physical stress. Secondly, use positive thinking methods to calm your mind and improve your concentration, and thirdly, plan your study schedule using the 揈ating an Elephant?approach.
[titters and 慹ating an elephant??from audience]
What do I mean? Well, if I asked you to eat an elephant, you抎 probably feel you couldn抰 do it. You抎 start to worry, feel stressed and experience anxiety. But if I gave you an elephant steak ?say, about this size ?could you eat it?
[murmers of agreement and 憏es?from audience]
Yes, so eating an elephant is easy if you cut it into smaller pieces and just eat one piece at a time. And when you study you should 揷ut up?your workload into small pieces and concentrate on one piece at a time, rather than the 搘hole elephant?
Ok, let抯 look at each of the 3 steps in more detail . . .[fade out]
Unit 13
Listening text
Dialogue 1 Two teenage girls
J: Julie L: Lucy
L: Hi Julie, Oh no! Aren抰 you ready yet? You know, Colin will be offended if we抮e not on time.
J: Sorry, but I can抰 make up my mind what to wear. What do you think ?this or the dress?
L: Well, the blue skirt and pink blouse are very pretty, but I think your red dress is better for a party, it抯 more elegant.
J: Right, the red dress it is, have a seat, I抣l only be 5 minutes.(Can we say so?) Its quite common in informal speech
L: Ok, but be quick . . .Oh what a lovely necklace!
J: Thanks, my grandmother gave it to me, and before that it belonged to her mother. It抯 over a hundred years old.
L: Really? But the way it shines it looks like new!
J: That抯 because it抯 a real diamond, don抰 you know that diamonds last for ever, they never look old!
L: I didn抰 know that th (???) ?Look lets go, and you can tell me about it on the way, it抣l be embarrassing if we抮e the last to arrive.
Dialogue 2 Two teenage boys
D: Hello Alan, what抯 that you抮e reading?
A: It抯 called The Woman in White.
D: Oh, that抯 a novel by Wilkie Collins isn抰 it; we抳e been reading about the Moonstone in class. Is the Woman in White a detective story too?
A: Well sort of, but in this story the person who investigates is not a policeman like Sergeant Cuff, he抯 an art teacher.
D: What is it about?
A: Well, I haven抰 finished yet, but at the beginning of the book the art teacher meets a mysterious woman dressed in white while he is out walking one night. It turns out that the Woman in White looks very similar to his student ? Laura - so he tries to find out more about her. He discovers that the man Laura has just married knows the Woman in White and is responsible for some terrible things that happened to her. It seems that Laura抯 husband is a very wicked man.
D: Sounds exciting!
A: Yes, I hope the art teacher finds out the truth before Laura抯 husband does anything bad to her.
D: Mmm, can I borrow it after you finish it?
A: Sure, it may take me a while though, because it is in English and I have to read slowly.
Unit 14
Listening text
Part 1
A bee-keeper talks about collecting honey from bees.
Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why? You may ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some honey, bee-keepers and farmers used to put out small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and fill the box with honeycomb. However, there was no way of getting the honey out without killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical close to the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey.
Now, bee-keepers use beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden squares with spaces between them which can be lifted out. In late summer, the squares, which are now full of honeycomb, are lifted out. The squares are put in a special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round like this forces out the honey. The honey is then collected and poured into jars. After that, the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year.
Bees need food to live through the winter. That抯 why they make honey. Bee-keepers can do one of two things. Either they can leave some of the honey in the hive for the bees to eat during the winter. Or else they can remove all the honey and provide the bees with a mixture of sugar and water for the bees to eat instead.
Part 2
J : James, a birdwatcher, R: Reporter
(Forrest sounds and birdsong in the background)
R: Welcome to Poyang Lake in northeastern Jiangxi. We are here with a group of people who have come to look at the famous white cranes that nest here every year. Before we talk more about the cranes, we will ask James, one of the birdwatchers, to tell us about his hobby. Hello, James.
J: Hello. It抯 a beautiful morning, isn抰 it?
R: Yes, it is. James, you have been a birdwatcher for many years. What made you choose this hobby?
J: Well, I抳e always loved the outdoors. When I was a child, my mother would always tell me about the birds we saw. I wanted to learn about the birds, too. This hobby is a great way to combine travel, learning, and exercise.
R: Why are you here in Jiangxi today?
J: As you know, Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. There are some 116 species of birds that coming Poyang Lake in winter. After spending the winter here, they return home. It抯 a paradise for birdwatchers!
R: Why do the birds choose this place?
J: Well, it抯 warm here, and there抯 lots of water and food.
R: So this must be a very important place for the birds?
J: Yes, it is. The government has made laws to protect the birds and to make sure that this remains a
safe place for birds in winter.
R: Many of us know that the famous white crane comes to Poyang Lake in winter. What can you tell us about the white crane?
J: It抯 one of the fifteen species of crane in the world. China is home to eight or nine of the species, including some rare and very beautiful cranes like the white crane. It is one of the most endangered crane species, and we must do what we can to protect it. The white crane divides its time between Russia and China, and Poyang Lake is one of the most important places for them.
R: Thank you. Now let抯 go look at the birds!
Unit 15
Listening text
X: Xiaoyi ?young adult female radio presenter *
J: Jiawei ?young adult male radio presenter *
C: Chen Yu ?a male middle school student*
L: Liu Yue ?a female middle school student*
Part 1
J: Hi, it抯 Sunday, 20 past four and it抯 time for 16:20, the weekly youth culture programme for young adults presented by young adults. I抦 Jiawei . . .
X: And I抦 Xiaoyi. Welcome to 16:20.
J: We hope you are having a good weekend. We抳e got a great programme for you today, so sit back for the next two hours and enjoy!
X: Yes, indeed. We抣l be reporting on spring fashions, including all the latest trends that appeared in the Shanghai Fashion Week. And then it抯 Jiawei抯 regular 揝ports Round Up?when he抣l be bringing you all the news from the world of sport.
J: Yup, and this week I抣l be taking a special look at winter sports and talking to Wang Lei, China抯 top snowboarder.
X: All right! You know, I really want to try snowboarding sometimes. Now, don抰 forget that at 5:50 it抯 揝ounding Off? when you can phone in and tell us what you think about a current issue. Today we抣l be discussing the Internet and young people. There抯 been a lot of talk recently about kids spending too much time on-line, and even becoming addicted to some games. We want to hear your views, so give us a call on 5628 3131.
J: Yeah, how can we solve this problem? Let抯 hear your suggestions ?the phone lines are open. That抯 5628 3131. But right now, let抯 have some music. It抯 time for 揕istener抯 Choice?
Part 2
J: Listener抯 Choice is your chance to hear the music you wanna listen to. So send us your requests.
X: First up is a request from two students at No 3 Middle School in Nanchang: Chen Yu and Liu Yue wrote to us saying . . .[reading] ?Please play something by the 12 Girls Band. We think the girls are great, and we really like the way they are mixing traditional sounds with pop music.?Thanks for your email guys, we totally agree with you.
J: We certainly do. For anyone listening who doesn抰 know, the 12 Girls Band is a group of 12 young ?and very beautiful ?women who are using traditional musical instruments in a new way. Their music is a mixture of old and modern styles.
X: Isn抰 it great that this is a type of music that all the family can enjoy together, from the very young to the elderly!
J: In fact Xiaoyi, it抯 a type of music that people all over the world are enjoying together. The 12 Girls Band is so popular in Japan that all the tickets for 32 concerts were sold in just 10 minutes!
X: Wow, so what have you got for us to listen to?
J: Well, I抳e been listening to their album 揈astern Energy? It抯 a fantastic CD, with so many great tracks, but I finally decided on the 12 Girls Band抯 cover version of a hit song by the British group 揅oldplay? It抯 called ?Clocks?
X: OK then. For Chen Yu and Liu Yue and everyone at No 3 Middle school in Nanchang. Here is 揅locks?from the 12 Girls Band抯 album 揈astern Energy?. . .
[Musical extract from the start of track 揅locks? Eastern Energy album, 12 Girls Band]
Unit 16
Listening text
Extracts from a presentation given by a female careers advisor.
Part 1
So, you抳e seen a job you want. You sent in your application and now you have been invited for an interview. What should you do and say to make your interview a success?
Well, first of all, consider the way you present yourself. When we meet someone for the first time, we get an instant impression about what type of person he / she is. This happens in the first five minutes, and once we have decided, we don抰 usually change our opinion. So when an employer meets an applicant for a job, those first five minutes are vital.
To make a good impression, you need to pay attention to two things: the way you look and your body language.
Appearance is very important, so think carefully about what to wear. This will depend on the type of job you are applying for, but as a general rule, I抎 recommend that men should wear a tie. I think it抯 best to avoid jeans and casual trousers; they might make some employers think you also have a 揷asual?attitude towards work. Women, please don抰 wear short skirts or anything too tight, and don抰 choose anything that is too decorated ?keep it simple.
Decide what you are going to wear a few days before the interview. This will give you time to check your clothes and make sure there are no stains on them or buttons missing.
Remember the 搇ook?you are aiming for is neat, clean and tidy. And if you look good, you will feel confident.
Part 2
Now a few tips on body language.
Two very important things that will happen in the first five minutes of your interview are the handshake and eye contact. Both of these are important if you are to make a good impression.
You should look the employer straight in the eye as soon as you enter the room, give him or her a friendly smile and shake hands firmly. (Some people think a weak handshake shows a weak personality, so do give a nice firm grasp.)
Don抰 sit down until invited, and then sit up straight and look interested. Leaning forward slightly when the interviewer is speaking is a good way of showing you are listening carefully, and don抰 forget to keep as much eye contact as possible throughout the interview.
You will probably feel quite nervous about your interview ?don抰 worry, that抯 completely natural. However, nervous tension can affect your body language. Please watch out for this. It is quite common that you move about in your chair and gesture with your hands a lot, so sit fairly still and hold your hands gently together in your lap if necessary.
One last hint: Our body language always shows when we aren抰 telling the truth ?our eyes and body move in different ways ?and some interviewers are quite skilled in spotting this. A lot of us have a tendency to, er, expand the truth a bit when we want to get that great job, but believe me honesty really is the best policy!
篇3:unit 6 going west教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三
Unit 6 Going West
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标Skill Goals▲ Talk about perseverance and success ▲ Practise talking about ability ▲ Review the Attribute ▲ Write a story
II. 目标语言
功 能 句 式 Expressing perseverance and successI believe in myself and know ...I am more of ...I know exactly ...I stand for what I say ...I am honest with myself and ...I always finish what I have started.I am never disappointed for very long.I can quickly adapt myself to ...I am strong and ready for any challenge.I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something.
词 汇 1. 四会词汇 quit, circumstance, assessment, survival, biscuit, alcohol, goat, flour, nail, razor, bedding, beyond, frontier, salty, pond, burden, desperate, beast, accustomed, thirst, starvation, anxiety, shallow, legendary, tax, anniversary, granddaughter, flu, throat, catastrophe, relief, deliver, Arctic, tough, quilt, packet, ray, bark, sculpture, memorial, retell2. 认读词汇 perseverance, Robinson Crusoe, axe, the Rocky Mountains, wagon, Kansas, barren, patch, Anchorage, Nome, front-page, Curtis Welch, diphtheria, vaccine, Nenana, wrap, stake, at stake3. 词组 apply(...)to ..., add up, lose heart, take it easy, keep up, common sense, leave behind, lose one’s way, come to an end, go for4. 重点词汇 quit, apply(...)to ..., add up, circumstance, lose heart, assessment, take it easy, keep up, common sense, survival, leave behind, lose one’s way, come to an end, go for, burden, desperate, accustomed, starvation, anxiety, shallow, flu, relief, deliver, retell
重 点 句 子 1. I was so weak and tired that I got onto my knees and started moving across the sands on all fours. P502. When we saw the valley with fat cattle and horses, we thought we had reached the promised land. P503. If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient. P534. No pains, no gains! Don’t step away from challenges, but go for it. P54
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1.1 WARMING UP是一份自测的问卷。 通过自我打分,了解自我评估结果,引出本单元主要谈论的话题-perseverance and success,为下一步听、说、读、写打下基础。
1.2 LISTENING部分提供一种情景--荒岛求生,其练习的设计体现了听力过程中对要点与细节的理解。通过听前回答问题,帮助学生提高分析总结听力内容的能力。
1.3 SPEAKING部分要求通过想象与鲁滨逊克鲁索遭遇相同的事件,并就如何在荒岛上通过所提供的有限资源自救进行表达,从中培养学生想象的能力。
1.4 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。要求学生采用讨论交流的方式,了解美国的历史,激发他们对阅读主题文章的欲望。
1.5 READING 一文采用叙事的写作手法,介绍了作者一家迁移过程中所遭受的种种艰辛,进而阐明要想成功就需要“不屈不挠”的精神。主题鲜明,容易引起学生的阅读兴趣和共鸣。
1.6 POST-READING从回答问题、概括提炼中心思想和小组讨论三个方面逐步推进,激发学生的求知欲,并充分利用学生已有的知识达到运用英语进行交际的能力。
1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY分词汇和语法两部分。词汇学习分三个部分,练习一是训练学生对单词的理解和用英语解释英语的能力。练习二和练习三训练学生对一些重点单词和短语的理解。语法学习是复习定语,通过判断和填空加以巩固。
1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS中的Reading和Writing是一个整体训练材料。Reading是关于安克雷奇诺姆狗拉雪橇的由来,从而延伸了主课文的中心。Writing要求根据图片重写这篇文章,使学生再度加深对文章内容的理解,锻炼学生捕捉信息的能力,并提高写作能力。
2.1 从话题内容上分析, WARMING UP与SPEAKING相一致;而从训练目的上分析与Talking比较一致。所以可将WARMING UP, SPEAKING和Workbook中的Talking整合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。
2.2 将LISTENING和Workbook中的Listening整合在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。
2.4 将INTEGRATING SKILLS中的Reading和Workbook中的Integrating Skills中的Reading整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。
2.5 将LANGUAGE STUDY与Workbook中的Practising语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。
2.6 将INTEGRATING SKILLS的Writing和Workbook中Integrating Skills的Writing整合成一节“写作课”。
3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时完成)
1st Period Speaking
2nd Period Listening
3rd Period Reading
4th Period Language Study
5th Period Extensive Reading
6th Period Writing
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
quit, apply(...)to ..., add up, circumstance, lose heart, assessment, take it easy, common sense, survival, biscuit, alcohol, goat, flour, nail, razor, bedding
b. 重点句子
I believe in myself and know I can achieve my goals.
I am more of a leader than a follower.
I know exactly what I want in my life.
I stand for what I say, and always act according to my beliefs.
I am honest with myself and know my weaknesses.
I always finish what I have started.
I am never disappointed for very long.
I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.
I am strong and ready for any challenge.
I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to talk about perseverance and success with the target language.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Through oral practice, enable the students to learn how to talk about perseverance and success.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Learn how to survive on a desert island with limited food, tools and materials.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
Help students learn how to overcome all sorts of difficulties in order to survive.
Teaching methods 教学方法
1. Talking;
2. Discussing;
3. Students-centered approach.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式
Step Ⅰ Revision
T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Let’s check the assignment for last unit. First, let’s have a dictation.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Warming up
T: Boys and girls! Look at the two pictures. Do you know who he is?
Ss: No.
T: He is Lance Armstrong. I’ll tell you a story about him.
When Lance Armstrong zipped past this field of sunflowers during the Tour de France, the 27-year-old cyclist already had reason to celebrate. In , doctors diagnosed the Austin, Texas, native with testicular cancer, which had spread to his abdomen, lungs and brain. Armstrong was given only a fifty-fifty chance of survival. He fought those odds with a risky cancer treatment and continued to train between chemotherapy sessions. Armstrong not only beat the cancer, but when he zoomed across the finishing line in Paris on July 25, , out-pacing his closest competitor by seven minutes and 37 seconds, he became only the second American to win cycling’s premier event.
T: What makes him beat the cancer and succeed? I’ll give you two minutes to discuss with your partners.
Two minutes later.
T: What’s your answer?
SA: Perseverance.
T: Good. What kind of person do you think can succeed?
SB: No matter what difficulty he comes into, he always believes that he will succeed and never gives up his goals.
T: Do you know what kind of person you are? Let’s do the quiz below on P46. Read the instruction and then add up your score.
After students finish the quiz.
T: OK, now you may make a self-assessment according to the results on P47. You will know about yourself.
Step Ⅲ Speaking
T: Have you read the book “Robinson Crusoe”? Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe”?
SC: Yes, I have. Daniel Defoe wrote the book “Robinson Crusoe”.
T: Could you tell us the general idea of this book?
SC: Yes. The story starts with Robinson Crusoe’s running away from home. An inexperienced teenager and a young man full of bright fancies about the future, he naturally chooses to go to sea, because in those days it meant a chance to live a chivalrous life, to see the wonders of the world and to make a fortune. After many setbacks and adventures on the sea, he settles down in Brazil as a planter. But the call of the sea is so strong that he soon embarks on another voyage, this time, to Africa. Unfortunately a big storm blows the boat off its course and shipwrecks it near an island.
Of all the ship’s crew Robinson alone escapes to the shore after strenuous efforts. After salvaging from the wrecked ship some stores of necessity such as bread, rice, barley, corns, planks, lead, gunpowder, an axe and two saws, which he later manages to bring to the island with a self-made raft. After several futile attempts to leave the island, Robinson settles himself down to a hard and lonely life. He grows crops, domesticates animals and builds comfortable homes for himself. His life turns better when he saves a young Negro from the hands of savages, whom he names Friday. Robinson teaches him English and educates him in such a way that Friday soon becomes a loyal servant and an indispensable help to him. He struggles to live for 27 years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England.
T: You’ve done a good job. Do you understand what he said?
Ss: Yes.
T: Robinson managed to survive on the island for more than 27 years. Suppose you were cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do to survive? Turn to P48, read through the part of Speaking and discuss with your partners. I’ll give you ten minutes to prepare it.
After ten minutes.
T: Have you finished? That must be an unusual experience. What can you do there? Can you make other tools based on the tools and materials you have? What can you make? What spirit you think you should have to overcome all sorts of difficulties? Volunteer?
SD: If I were cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean like Robinson Crusoe, I would not know what to do but feeling sad, sullen, and lonely. Living in a desert, I would miss my parents and friends. But soon I would cheer up and do something to make myself happy. Though I couldn’t make a tool, I could make full use of the things I had. I could not only use axe to chop wood but also go hunting with gun. Wood would be used to warm myself and cook food. The important thing is that I believe as long as I am alive, I’ll have a chance to go back home. I think strong will and never-give-it-up spirit make me overcome all sorts of difficulties.
SE: I wouldn’t know what to do but crying and feeling lonely. I would feel sad for a long time because I would have to do everything myself. If my families lived with me in the island, I think it would be better than living in the city full of pollution. I would use ink and paper to practice painting day by day. If I could return my home, I wished I would become a famous painter. I think hope makes me overcome all sorts of difficulties.
T: Good. We should be optimistic about difficulties and never give up.
Step Ⅳ Talking (P186)
T: Everybody had a dream when he was a child. Could you tell me what your dream was?
SA: I want to be a doctor. I think a doctor is a great person because he can save people’s lives.
SB: I want to be a lawyer. They earn a lot of money, have a high social status and are respected by others.
T: Good. Do you think it is easy to realize your dreams? What obstacles do you think will be on the way? Are you prepared for them? Think about it. Now turn to P186, I’ll give you ten minutes to finish two dialogues with your partners according to Talking and then some of you will be asked to act out your dialogues.
Ten minutes later.
T: Would you like to act out your dialogues?
SC and SD: Yes.
SC: What are going to be when you grow up?
SD: Sorry, I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it. How about you?
SC: I want to become a famous singer.
SD: To be a singer? I don’t know I should congratulate you or not. I think becoming a singer is very difficult.
SC: Yes. Being a singer isn’t easy. However, I am qualified to be a singer, because I sing well and am good at communicating with others. Don’t you think I am an accomplished girl?
SD: I think you are. Although you are pretty good, I think there will be many obstacles. In the first place, you have little experience in singing on stage. In the second place, your parents don’t back up you.
SC: I have enough confidence in overcoming them.
SD: Maybe you can become a successful singer, but you haven’t enough time to take care of your parents and go shopping and so on.
SC: It doesn’t matter. I can get someone to look after them. I think I will be a promising singer because I won the first place in the singing contest in our school last year.
SD: I wish your dream come true.
T: Fantastic. One more dialogue, please?
SE and SF: We’d have a try.
SE: Hello. Fancy meeting you here. Long time no see.
SF: Glad to meet you.
SE: Me too. I’ve heard you want to go to Peking University to study English.
SF: Yes. How do you know?
SE: It is not important. I think your hope is too high. It would be better for you to study in Nankai University. Do you know it needs a lot of money to study in Beijing?
SF: Yes, I know. There will be other obstacles. For example, my parents will not support me and I may get homesick. But I have confidence in overcoming them.
SE: Really? You are always compliant with your parents.
SF: Trust me. I’ll make my parents back up me.
SE: Can you be accustomed to the climate in Beijing?
SF: I think I can. To go to Peking University is my dream when I was a child. If I can not get what I want, I’ll be in despair in the future.
T: Well done.
Step V Homework
T: Find more information about Robinson’s adventure, to see how he survived on the island. You may borrow the novel from library or search on the Internet. So much for today. Bye!
篇4:NSEFC 高三 Unit 5 Period 1 教案
Unit 5 Getting the message
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标 Skill Goals▲Talk about advertising and advertisements▲Practise making complaints and expressing emotions ▲Practise expressing and evaluating different views▲Review the Object Complement▲Write an advertisement
II. 目标语言
功 能 句 式 Making complaints and expressing emotionsHe’s to blame. That’s lovely / great / wonderful!What do you mean by doing so?Does that surprise you?He shouldn’t have done it. Is something worrying you?She blamed him for coming home late.It’s (quite) all right.How could you cheat your teacher?I’m pleased with your spoken English.Why didn’t you tell me the truth?I wish I had never given it up.
词 汇 1. 四会词汇convey, advertise, advertiser, brand, consideration, charge, loss, blame, broadcast, post, react, annoy, annoying, accuse, associate, appeal, frequent, figure, salesman, saleswoman, profit, campaign, policy, spokesman, spokeswoman, illegal, target, nowadays, nephew, waitress, hostess, attach, discount, bonus2. 认读词汇mislead, misleading, critic, Ronaldo, Tetsuya Komuro, bait, bullet, nutritional, heroine, goddess, promotion, legend, slogan, catchy, context3. 重点词组take ... into consideration, in charge (of), hand in hand, get across, appeal to, keep an eye out for sb./sth., point out, make sense4. 重点词汇advertise, charge, blame, react, accuse, figure, profit, attach, discount
语 法 Review the Object Complement 1. Some people find advertisements useful and entertaining.2. As my neighbor Mr. White is a troublemaker, I have to keep myself away from him.3. The Consumers’ Club advises us to make informed choices by reading ads carefully. 4. Companies hope to see ads influence the behavior of customers.5. Companies spend a large amount of money employing advertisers.6. The UN employs famous people to make its programmes known to the public.7. They appointed him head of the Biology Department.8. We found the room decorated with framed ads on the walls.
重 点 句 子 1. You think the newspaper is to blame for this because ... P392. ... has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising. P403. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must ... to get their message across. P404. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions. P405. It has been proven again and again that ... P406. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”. P41
III. 教材分析和教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元的主题是“advertising and advertisements”,功能项目是“表示抱怨”、“表达喜怒哀乐”以及“表达、评价不同观点”,写作要点是尝试写一则广告。通过本单元的学习,要让学生了解广告的语言特点、广告的艺术以及消费者应对广告所持的理性态度。教师要借助听说、讨论、阅读、写作等一系列行之有效的教学活动,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,积极参与到课堂实践中,切实提升其综合运用语言的能力,让他们意识到现代社会广告无处不在,广告是生活中不可或缺的一部分。理性地、科学地对待广告不仅有助于提高个人素养,增添生活的乐趣,还有益于整个社会素质的提高,营造一个诚信、发展、科学、和谐的社会。
1.1 WARMING UP 提供三幅精美图片和相关广告信息,本部分可以作为下文“说”的铺垫,让学生分组讨论这些图片,唤起对“广告”这一主题的热忱和兴趣,使其有话可说,无话不说。
1.2 LISTENING有两大任务,一是根据特定的主题(选购电脑),组织学生讨论或思考,为进一步的“听”作铺垫;二是听录音,培养从听力材料中获取信息,并进行深入分析、推断、加工的能力。
1.3 SPEAKING要求把全班分成四个小组,每一组选择不同的身份和主题,结合本人的生活体验,表示抱怨、喜怒哀乐等。作为报纸编辑,则应从全局出发,运用表示和评价不同观点的句型或结构。这种开放式讨论有助于引导学生运用所学知识合作学习,指导他们全面地、辨证地看待问题。
1.4 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。要求学生以广告为话题展开讨论,初步了解广告的利与弊,为进一步的阅读作好铺垫。再引导学生通过比较阅读检验自己的判断,这有助于潜移默化地培养学生阅读能力、分析能力。
1.5 READING采用“主题句”的写作手法,先引出每段的主题,然后提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。教师要引导学生充分利用“主题句”这一有效的写作技巧,指导学生把握文章主旨,了解作者的写作意图,并深入地培养他们猜测词义、理解语句、归纳大意、理智地应对广告等能力。
1.6 POST-READING从回答问题到展开讨论,由低到高、由易到难,循序渐进,引导学生把握教材,体验广告的魅力并发挥想象,活化语言,从而达到综合运用英语进行交际的目的。
1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY “词汇学习”部分旨在培养学生根据语境猜测生词并正确运用所学词汇的能力。其核心是把词汇的学习和真实的语境巧妙结合起来,逐步拓展学生的词汇量。“同步语法”部分则设计了不同类型的宾语补足语练习题,旨在训练学生准确理解宾语补足语并灵活运用的能力。
1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 阅读部分是READING部分话题的延续和拓展,指导学生创造性地写一则广告。相对起来,写作任务更富有挑战性,不但要求学生大胆想象,还要求学生的习作技巧性和创造性兼备。
1.9 Tips指导学生如何运用声音、图像和动作多途径提高词汇记忆效果。
1.10 Checkpoint部分简要地总结本单元语法重点,并引导学生总结与本单元话题密切相关的词汇。
2. 教材重组
2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAKING相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。
2.2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“听力课”。
2.3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个教学活动整合在一起上一节任务型“阅读课(一)”。
2.4 可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING语法练习题整合在一起上一节任务型“语法课”。
2.5 可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Reading整合起来上一节任务型“阅读课(二)(泛读课)”。
2.6 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的Writing和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Writing整合成一节任务型“写作课”。
3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)
1st Period Speaking
2nd Period Listening
3rd Period Reading
4th Period Language study
5th Period Extensive reading
6th Period Writing
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
convey, advertise, advertiser, charge, loss, blame
b. 交际用语
Making complaints and expressing emotions
He’s to blame.
That’s lovely / great / wonderful!
What do you mean by doing so?
Does that surprise you?
He shouldn’t have done it.
Is something worrying you?
She blamed him for coming home late.
It’s (quite) all right.
How could you cheat your teacher?
I’m pleased with your spoken English.
Why didn’t you tell me the truth?
I wish I had never given it up.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to make complaints and express emotions.
Enable the students to express and evaluate different views on advertising and advertisements.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help the students learn how to make complaints, express emotions and evaluate views.
Teaching important points 教学重点
How to get the students to make comments on advertising and advertisements.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to encourage the students to express themselves on advertising and advertisements.
Teaching methods 教学方法
1. Free-talking method;
2. Task-based approach.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A computer and some related pictures.
Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式
Step I lead-in
T: Boys and girls, first let’s look at two beautiful pictures and tell me what do you think of them.
Sa: The first one is an ad. It is about a famous digital camera. The brand name is Panasonic.
Sb: The second is an ad for Diet Pepsi.
Sc: They are wonderful ads with brand names, photos and slogans.
T: Good. We are living in a world of ads. What’s your opinion on ads? Do you find them annoying or fascinating? Today let’s talk about advertising and advertisements.
Step II Warming up
This step is to arouse the students’ interest in advertising and advertisements and get them to think and talk freely.
T: Now, class. Please look at the three pictures on P37 carefully and try to fill in the following chart with proper information.
Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3
What are they trying to persuade you to buy?
How are they trying to do so?
What is the message of each ad?
How is the information conveyed?
What kind of information about the product is given in each ad?
Suggested answer:
Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3
What are they trying to persuade you to buy? Advanced electronic products Shampoo Soft drinks
How are they trying to do so? By using abstract design, slogan and pictures By using wonderful pictures, slogan and realistic products By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products
What is the message of each ad? The product is of high quality and it helps customers to succeed. True shampoo can create beauty, bring happiness and love to customers. Zhake soft drinks help athletes to refresh themselves.
How is the information conveyed? Pictures+ slogan +spokeswoman Products+ slogan + pictures Pictures+ slogan+products
What kind of information about the product is given in each ad? Brand name promotion Product sales Brand name promotion and sales
Words related to advertising and advertisements
T: What kind of words do you think you would need to talk about advertising and advertisements?
1. Divide the whole class into four or more groups.
2. The students can choose the group whose topic interests them most.
3. Each group tries to think of more words about the related topic.
4. One member from each group is called on to report their work.
After several minutes.
T: Now it’s time to report your work. Volunteer!
Sa: There are many related verbs concerning this topic: advertise, broadcast, post, mislead, promote, appeal to, entertain, increase, decrease ...
Sb: Here are some related nouns concerning this topic: ad, advertising, advertisement, advertiser, customer, slogan, designer, text, writer, brand, spokesman, spokeswoman, salesman, saleswoman, sales, choices, profit, principle, function, influence, shop, store, supermarket ...
Sc: Here are some related adjectives concerning this topic: entertaining, annoying, misleading, expensive, cheap, interesting, humorous, argumentative, persuasive, informative, truthful, false ...
Sd: Media containing advertising and ads are newspapers, TV, radios, the Internet, poster, balloon, buses...
Se: There are many world-famous brand names. Here are some examples: Coco Cola, Panasonic, Lenovo, Haier, Nike, Nestle, Rossini, IBM, Philips, Pioneer, HP, TCL, Ford, NEC ...
T: Well done. I’m glad you know so much about ad. Do you like advertisements? Do you find it annoying when you watch TV and see so many ads on show or you just find them entertaining? List your reasons for likes and dislikes.
1. Divide the students into six or eight groups.
2. Individual work. Each student has to choose his or her opinion and offer more ideas concerning the topic.
3. Group work. Each member lists his or her opinion and reasons.
4. Class work. Group leader displays their work by referring to the useful expressions.
After several minutes.
T: OK, time for you to report your work.
Possible answers:
Reasons for likes Reasons for dislikes
1. Ads can direct our choices of goods.2. Ads tell the latest information about various goods.3. Ads help consumers to make a better choice.4. Well-done ads are kind of art works.5. Ads cut down the costs, making the papers cheaper ... 1. Ads don’t tell real things. 2. Ads make the users buy what they shouldn’t buy.3. Ads cover much space, and waste a lot of paper.4. Ads take up too much time on TV.5. Too many ads will make people bored ...
Step III Speaking
This part is meant to supply the students with realistic situations so that they can have more chances to practise the functional items-making complaints, expressing emotions and evaluating different views.
T: We are going to have a role-play. To be specific, we are going to hold a meeting between readers and the newspaper editor. Four readers complain about the advertisements of a local newspaper and the editor in charge of the newspaper’s advertisements section tries to respond to readers’ complaints and solve the problems. Are you clear?
1. Divide the students into four groups.
2. Individual work. Each student has to offer more ideas concerning the topic.
3. Group work. Each member states his or her opinion and reasons.
4. Class work. Group leader reports their work by stating different views.
After several minutes.
T: Now you’ve warmly discussed this topic. I’d like the group leaders to report your work.
Sa: I’m angry about your ads for weight loss products. The ads say that I will lose weight if I use the products. But when I tried them, I didn’t lose weight at all. Instead I’m putting on weight. I’m also suffering from sleeplessness. Your newspaper should be responsible for this.
Sb: I’m very upset because I have just lost a lot of money after answering an ad in your newspaper. The ad was full of lies. I think the newspaper is responsible and should help me get my money back because your newspaper should make it necessary to check what the ads say is true or not. It’s clear that you failed to do this, least in this ad. Please repay me as soon as possible.
Sc: The ads in the newspaper sometimes show women who are young, beautiful and stupid. This is bad because not all women like this. These ads give readers a false impression and hint that ugly women are unpopular and that if you’re young and beautiful, you can’t be very smart. That’s unfair.
Sd: I’m a school nurse. Many of our students eat too much junk food. I think the newspaper is to blame for this because there are many such ads about junk food in your newspaper. Obviously, you only consider how much money you can earn by releasing ads, without thinking about readers’ interests. Junk food does more harm than good to our health. It is a tragedy.
Se: Dear readers, thank you for your care and your valuable advice to our newspaper. I think the ads are necessary because they can also be enjoyed and appreciated if well designed. Beside, the ads can help to reduce our costs of the newspaper so that the price is lower and readers can read something more interesting and worthwhile. As to your complaints, I think our newspaper will devote more time to checking the contents of ads, trying to provide readers with more scientific, interesting and entertaining ads. Thank you.
Step IV Talking (Workbook on P178)
This part should be a free talk concerning the topic. The students should be encouraged to think creatively and express their own opinions freely.
Design advertisements
1. The whole class is divided into eight groups.
2. The students can choose the group whose topic interests him or her most.
3. Two students design the ad, two think up an idea, two look for pictures and two draw the picture.
4. One member from each group is called on to report their work.
T: Now time is up. I think you must have had a lot of new creative ideas to share with us. Which group would like to try first?
Sa: Let me try. We’d like to advertise a new drug used for treating myopia. It’s a kind of magic medicine. If taken properly, the drug will take effect. In about two weeks a student will no longer suffer from being near-sighted. We’d like to employ three students to promote the drug and advertise it in newspapers, on the radio and local TV. The whole project will cost about 2000 Yuan.
Sb: We’d like to advertise a new type of cellphone. We can talk on the phone, send messages and pictures, take photos and surf on the Internet. We can also store a lot of useful personal information. As it is very fashionable, we are going to employ sports star Liu Xiang, who tells his parents about his winning gold medal and sends pictures at the same time. The whole project adds up to 3,500 Yuan.
Sc: We should like to advertise a new electronic English Dictionary. If we want to look up a word, enter the word immediately, we can find the pronunciation, English and Chinese explanation, set phrases, examples and so on. We’ll employ a senior student to work for us. I think it will be worthwhile. The ad will cost 1000 Yuan.
Step V Homework
1. Consolidation
T: Last Sunday you bought a MP3 player in the local supermarket according to the ad. But soon you found there was something wrong with it. So please write to the manager, explain your complaints and ask for your money back.
2. Preview the new lesson.
T: Please preview Listening after class.
篇5:NSEFC 高三Unit 6 Reading
Unit 6 Going west
Comprehend the text
As we all know, there are many people who are from other places in our city. They come here for different reasons, some because of the war, some because of the poor soil and some because of the bad weather in their places. There are many difficulties for them going from one place to another. Can you imagine what difficulties did they go through? At that time, there are no cars and trains. And the transport is not so convenient.
Now, read the test in your books, you will learn about something about the settlers from other places.
Before reading, look at the questions.
History counts many cases in which settlers moved into areas that belonged to other people. Can you give some examples? What happened?
The TianWan people, the Americans etc. are from other places. They come here for life. On their way here, they may meet many difficulties, because the journey is long and difficult.
Now, let’s learn the text, then you will know more about moving.
Read the text then answer some questions.
1 When did we decide to move to another place?
2 How long did the journey last?
3 What is our first destination?
4 Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it?
1> 1845,10 2> About a year 3>India Greek in Kansas 4> Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples.
Listen to the tape carefully then do these exercises.
Exercise1. True or False
( )1 We traveled alone.
( )2 We traveled day and night.
( )3 During walking through the desert, we couldn’t ride the wagons.
( )4 For many weeks we had suffered from heat, thirst and starvation.
( )5 During the long journey, we could help each other.
( )6 When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed.
( )7 When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.
Keys:1F with many other families 2F by day 3T 4T 5F The situation was so desperate that, in most cases, no one could help another. Each had all he could do to save himself and his animals. 6F I didn’t agree. 7T
Exercise 2
1 Where in the text do you find evidence that the wagons were not he most suitable means of transport?
2 Why did the travelers call their ninety mile-drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “long drive”?
3 What can you learn from this reading passage? What impresses you most?
1 You can find your answers in paragraph 3.
2 We had to travel long without water or grass for the animals to eat. It was hard.
3 1> After suffering from many difficulties, we can live a better life. Facing the hardship, never give up, etc.
2>The courage of the people impresses me most.
篇6:NSEFC 高三 Unit 1 reading
Unit 1 Reading
l Have you ever heard of the Guinness Book of World Records? What is it about?
The Guinness Book of World Records is a household book and the global leader in world records. It is the world’s best ever selling copyright book. It is sold in 100 different countries and 37 languages.
l Scan the text and answer the following questions.
1. Who was Sir Hugh Beaver?
2. When was the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records published?
3. How long was the longest moustache in the world?
4. What Guinness records were set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?
5. Who won the Tour de France in ?
1. He was the then director of the Guinness Brewery in 1951, who first had the idea to publish a book which could answer such questions on world records.
2. In 1955 ( by two Englishmen who were hired by the Guinness company).
3. 1.6 meters.
4. Urumqi is the remote city from the sea and the world’s largest jiaozi was make in Hong Kong.
5. Armstrong.
l According to the text, how many new records are sent in to the book each year? Are they all printed? How are they done?
60,000. No, they cannot all be printed. Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways. They are put into different categories.
l What are the categories in the Guinness Book of World Records?
The human body, amazing feats, the natural world, science and technology,arts and the media, modern society, travel and transport, sports and games
l Besides the longest moustache, what records are mentioned in the text?
The oldest person 122 years and 164 days
The longest poisonous snake 5.71 m
Strange records 159.6 km, seconds
The largest square Tian’anmen , 40 hectares
The greatest number of hospitals China
The most remote city Urumqi,2,500 km
The largest jiaozi 480 kg in Hong Kong
The fastest average speed 7
l Who has achieved the most champions at the Tour de France?
Lance Armstrong.
l Why are his records special?
He was diagnosed with cancer but he never gave up and he went on to set the speed record.
l What types of record attempts are not allowed?
Records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others.
l Why do you think many people are interested in world records?
l Language points
1. then
a. 当时的 adj. The then Premier Zhu Rongji attended the earth summit in Johnnesburg and stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world.
b. at that time adv. I didn’t see the accident because I was reading a newspaper then.
c. Next adv. I hear a loud boom from the subway and then many policemen came.
2. settle
a. make an agreement about sth, deal with sth, arrange sth vt.
1) You should settle your affairs before you leave.
2) It’s time you settled (should settle) your problem with him.
3) We have settled that we will leave next week.
4) The nurse settled the patient by a promise.
b. Make one’s home in place vi.
c. Stay for some time 安静,安宁,settle down
1) The clouds settled over the mountain tops.
2) Wait until all the villagers settle down.
d. Settle (up) with : pay
e. Settle down to sth
3. send in 将某物寄至某处进行处理
Have you sent your application for the job?
4. set down
a. write down Why don’t you set down your ideas on paper?
b. stop and allow sb to get off The bus stopped and set down an old lady.
( set up, set off, set out, set aside, set about)
5. keep track of
6. stand out
Poems by Du Fu, Li Bai and Wang Wei among others stand out in the halls of glory.
7. as引导的让步状语从句
Curious as he was, he dare not step into the cave.
Old man as he was, he began to learn English.
8. fade next to 与……相比而逊色
His shout for help faded next to the noisy machine.
9. diagnose
diagnose sb with sth= diagnose sb as having sth
10. in a row
a. one after another Children stood in a row in front of the teacher’s desk and were ready for the game.
b. In unbroken sequence This is the third day in a row that it stays so high a tempereture.
11. lead to
a. lead sb to do sth The injustice in the city and in the south led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation.
b. lead to sth All of the six countries agreed that such an armament race of nuclear booms can only lead to one thing --- war.
12. be out for /to be trying, aiming or hoping to do sth
a. He was not out to change the world, yet he did.
b. Your brother is out for your blood.
c. Liu Xiang was out to win the race but not out for the record.
13. make for
a. move towards The shop made for the open sea.
b. Help to make sth possible The large print makes for easy reading.
Make after sb(追逐,追捕), make at sb(袭击), make off(逃走,匆匆离开), make out (设法活下去,了解,辨认出),make up,
14. apply for
The inventor has to apply to the patent officer for a patent for his new invention.
l Homework
If you want to set a world record, what has to be done to get your record into the Guinness Book? Write down the steps in order.
篇7:高三unit 2 integrating skills的教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三
Unit 2 Crossing limits
The Third Period
Going High: The Pioneers of The Third Pole
Step 1 Led- in
In the last reading passage we talked about navigation exploration. That is to say, the Ocean exploration As we know, by the middle of the1920s , the farthest corners of the earth had already been explored by human being. Continents had not only been reached, but also mapped out. People had even reached the North and South Poles Now what new limit did human being endeavour to cross or conquer?
Step 2 Reading
1. First look at the title “Going High: The Pioneers of the Third Pole”. What does “going high “ mean in this text?
-----Climbing the mountain.
2. What does” the pioneers “ means?
----Of course the climbers who try to conquer the mountain.
3. What new exploration did people want to challenge?
-----How to climb the highest mountain-Mount Qomolangma
4. Why does the writer call it “ the third pole” ?
-----Because Mount Qomolangma can be compared with the North and South Poles
for its extreme condition. The exploration is as tough and risky job as reaching
the North and South Poles. It is said that climbing is like going to the moon.
5. What difficulties and dangers do you think a person will face when he climbs Mount Qomolangma?
---- I think the climbers will face the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels. Besides, continuous bad weather may endanger the climbers’ lives. Worse still, they may meet with snow collapse, which is fatal. Lastly, there will be no chance to survive if the oxygen runs out.
6. What are needed to conquer the Mount Qomolangma besides all the necessary equipment and preparations ?
---- climber’s skill, courage, strong will and wisdom
7. Since it is such a dangerous place , why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions ?
---- Because they lived in Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted to the
conditions at such a height.
8. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?
----Sherpa strength, skill, honesty and dedication have made them the most reliable
9. We know the Sherpas are the local people who live there many years and can be used to the weather there but why don’t they climb that mountain?
----Because in their eyes the mountains were sacred.
10. What might have been the possible reasons that made the British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?
----They were not prepared for many unexpected difficulties and they were not very
familiar with Mount Qomolangma.
11. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?
----Because after World War II, technological advances in clothing and equipment
had been made and more was known about the mountain itself.
12. How do you understand the sentence “ Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievement”?
----Mountain climbing itself means exploring human possibilities and every success
proves the conqueror’s courage, endeavour and ability.
13. After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?
---- Because different people represent different countries and different “number
14. Did the Chinese team ever reach the summit of the mountain? How do you know?
---- They left behind an iron container with our national flag and a portrait of
Chairman Mao Zedong on the summit.
Step 3 Understanding
1. Read the text again and finish Ex. 2.
(1). Going to Mount Qomolangma was like going to the moon.
= it was regarded as difficult as going to the moon.
(2). The death zone = people find it almost impossible to live in the area.
(3). They had no idea what they were up against.
= They didn’t what conditions were to be faced with.
(4). English air = oxygen
(5). Some suggested that it could not be accomplished. = thought
Step 4 :Language points:
1. accomplish: 1). complete / finish
(1). We accomplished such a difficult task in one day
(2). He has accomplished a great deal of work in the past few weeks.
Cf. finish
_____his homework, he went out to play.
_____the following sentences.
2). be accomplished in / at = be clever / skilled / expert in / at
(1). She is accomplished at several foreign languages.
(2). …………………… in a great many arts.
2. apart from: 1). except / except for / but ….
(1). Apart from a few faults, he is a reliable friend.
(2). Apart from you and me, I don’t think nobody knows this matter.
(3). To tell the truth, apart from the slow salary, I don’t think it is a bad job.
2). in addition (to)/ besides / as well as 除了…外,还;;;
(1). Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.
姑且不论价格, 这件衣服不适合我穿.
(2). Apart from being used as a building material, wood is also made into paper.
(3). Apart from a dictionary, he presented me with a dozen pencils.
3). to / at a distance ; separately
(1). The two houses stand 80 meters apart ( from each other.)
(2). He keeps himself apart from other people.
(3). He lives apart from his parents.
3. adjust (sth. /oneself )to = adapt oneself to
= 1). become / get/ make suited ( to new conditions)
(1). If you want to work in Tibet , you must first adjust / adapt yourself to the
new climate.
(2). In order to get adjusted / adapted to the life there, he took an active part in
the activities there.
2). arrange / put …into correct order / position
(1). Astronauts in flight must adjust to their weightlessness.
(2). The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.
(3). This lady carefully adjusted her clothes and hair before going out.
4. dedicate …to… vt. 1). give / devote (oneself / time / energy / effort ) to…
(1). He dedicated his life to the service of his country.
(2). Madam Curies dedicated herself to the cause of science.
(3). His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his students.
2). be dedicated / devoted to = be absorbed in / bury oneself in
/ be busy with
(1). He is dedicated / devoted to the cause that he likes.
(2). When entered, he was dedicated to his work.
5. refer to 1). mention / speak of / mean
(1). The man referred to yesterday has arrived at the airport.
(2). In his speech he often referred to his past experiences as a peasant.
(3). I knew he was referring to Bill Gates when he spoke of a promising boy.
2). turn to ….for information 向。。。查询
(1). If you don’t know the words, please refer to the dictionary.
(2). In the course of his speech he referred several times to his notes.
(3). This traveler referred to his guide book for details of his journey.
3). send…..to…for help / advice / action 提/送交。。。以求。。。
(1). They sent the patient to a big hospital for treatment.
(2). It’s suggested that the nuclear problem on Iran should be referred to the UN.
4). owe ….to….
(1). When asked about the secret of his success, he said he referred his success
to his wife and children.
5). refer to……as = regard / consider / look on…as
(1). The local people laughed at the strange bottles containing what they
referred to as “English air”.
6. arise (from / out of ) iv. 1). appear / come into existence(being)
(1). A new situation will arise when the examination system comes into being.
(2). Nobody knows how the quarrel between them arose.
2). result from
(3). New difficulties will arise from such situation.
(4). Some accidents may arise out of carelessness.
7. sth.(food/money/time/patience/strength) run out
= sth. give out / be exhausted
sb. run out of sth. = sb. use up sth.
(1). ---- Have we run out of food?
---- Yes, our food has run out. We’d better buy some.
(2). That day his patience ran out , so he got very angry with you.
8. have no chance of doing / that… = possibility / hope
(1). --- Do you think he has a good chance of winning? --- I don’t think so.
(2). Is there any chance that he will be rescued ?
/ Does he have any chance of being rescued?
9. …be the first to make it to summit of Mount …
make it 1). succeed in ( one’s career )
(1). --- Do you think we can catch the train?
---- I hope we can make it.
(2). He says he’ll get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never make it.
2). arrange
(3). -- When shall we start? -- Let’s _____it 8:30. Is that all right? (02 Beijing)
A. set B. make C. meet D. take
Cf. mange it. = deal / cope with
(1). ---- May I help you to carry your suitcase?
---- No, thank you, but I can manage it.
(2). Without your help, I shan’t be able to manage the job.
10. leave ….. behind = fail / forget to take / bring ……
(1). Wait --- don’t leave me behind.
(2). It won’t rain. Please leave your umbrella behind.
Cf. leave + n. / pron. + o.c. =cause….in a certain state of….
(1). Don’t leave the door open / locked / shut / closed.
(2). The crash of the aircraft left more than 80 passengers dead.
(3). Most men in the village left for the big cities for better job, leaving the
women and children doing their farm work.
11. be( go / come) up against sth. = be faced with ( problems / difficulties…)
(1). He really doesn’t know what problems he will be up against in the future.
(2). He is really up against difficulties./ in great difficulties.
12. try to remember:
by the middle of the 1920s
at such a great height
act as a guide
rely on = depend on
make an / the attempt to do
in one’s attempt to do
a great personal achievement
on one’s return
be praised as
succeed in doing / be successful in doing
= manage to do
fail to do
ideal companions
a sacred place
篇8:NSEFC高三Unit 4 Green worlds reading教案
Unit 4 Green worlds教案
In SB1(下) Unit19, we have learned some knowledge about agriculture. And we have known about one of the greatest scientists in our history-Jia Sixie.
Did you remember? How do we plant crops?
We should plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field next year.
How do we plough?
Plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.
In this unit, we will learn about scientists who are important to the history of botany and agriculture.
This word “botany”植物学,is a word about plants. As we all know, there are many plants around us, such as wheat, corn, tomato, apple trees etc. Without these plants, we can’t live. But how much do you know about them? Who can tell us something about them.
Student A Wheat is a kind of plant that can be make into bread, some delicious cakes which can make us full.
Student B Apple trees can produce apples that can provide us vitamins which can keep our bodies fit.
Yes, these plants are very useful, but how do we plant them? Where are they from?
It is a kind of very careful work to plant the crops and trees. At first, they are wild plants.
Now let’s look at the text-The birth of a science.
Read then do exercise 1 in post-reading.
(1) Keys:1D2D3B4A5C
(2) Questions
1 How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?
They classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they bad flowers or not.
2 How did Linnaeus classify plants?
He classified plants according to the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.
3 What relationship between Linnaeus and Joseph Banks?
Joseph Banks is the friend of Linnaeus’s student Daniel Solander’s.
4 When did the expedition to Tahiti start?
In 1768.
5 What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?
There are three goals. Page31, Paragraph 4.
6 Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?
Because he wanted to do some researches that the British government didn’t pay for it.
Introduce some words and phrases.
botany 植物学classify分类,归类 herb草本植物 unique独一无二的,独特的 conquer征服 privilege特权 cosy安逸的 appetite欲望,爱好 despite尽管 expedition远征,探险 expenses 经费undertake 从事enterprise事业 accumulate 积累abandon 遗弃breakthrough突破
based on 以――为依据的at first sight乍一看(之下) search for寻找 on a large scale大规模地 be involved in被牵连进去――;陷入――
Page32 Language study exercise 2
Keys(1)group (2)female (3)Herbs (4)was appointed (5)botanical (6)was abandoned (7)globe (8)Oceania (9)enterprises (10)expense.
篇9:NSEFC 高三Unit 6 Language points
Unit6 Language points
(1) This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.落矶山脉上这片美丽土地的描述,使他产生了移居到那儿的想法。
account n.描述 the account of the person
拓展: account n. 1>(c) 帐目 2>(关于事件、人物等的)报道,叙述,描写。3>(u)理由4>(u)好处;利益;利润 find one’s account in-在――中得到好处
vt.(+宾+宾补) We account him honest.我们认为他诚实。
(2)It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind.
leave behind(v.+ad.=vt.)不带走,忘了带,留下
Don’t leave me behind.带我一起走
拓展:leave alone别动,让独自呆着 Leave that mad dog alone.别去惹那条疯狗。
leave for 动身到(某处)He left (home) for the station a few minutes ago.几分钟前他(离开家)去车站了。(leave for后的地方是要去的地方,目的地;而leave后的地方是要离开的地方,出发地。)
leave off停止,中断,脱掉
leave out漏掉,忘掉,省略
(3)In the spring we continued our journey westward. 春天,我们继续向西旅行。
westward ad.向西 a.西方的 go in a westward direction 向西走 n.西方,西部 lie to the westward 位于西部
(4)The journey through the mountains and desert in the central part of the continent was the most trying part.通过大陆中央的山脉和沙漠的旅程是最艰难的。
trying a.难受的;难堪的;费劲的;恼人的
a trying situation尴尬的局面;难处的境况
(5)We took the road around the lake and after traveling a short time came to the Salt Lake Desert.我们走绕着湖的路,走了一会儿,来到了盐湖沙漠。
take 走,行走 take over a hill越过小山
(6)The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.这些动物拖着他们的腿,太虚弱了而不能拉动负担,他们的舌头由于极度缺少水而在外搭了着。
hand out挂出; desperate极度渴望的
详解:desperate adj.1>令人绝望的,危急的 in a desperate state 在绝境中 2>(因绝望而)孤注一掷,拼死的 make a desperate effort 找命的努力 3>极度渴望的be desperate for――极度想要―― 4>极端的;(气候)险要的a desperate fool大傻瓜
(7)For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen, suffering from heat, thirst, and starvation.许多个星期,我们习惯于看到马、牛受热、渴和饥饿之苦。
be accustomed to (+n.或V-ing形式)习惯于(比be used to 正式)。
I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.我不习惯于这么早起床。
get/become accustomed to (+n.或V-ing)习惯于――
You will soon get accustomed to the job.你将会很快习惯这个工作的。
suffer from(v.+prep.=vt.)受――之苦;患――
She often suffers from headaches.她常头痛。
suffer from floods遭受洪水
(8)A young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children, and wait for help.我们队伍中的一个年青人建议我和后面的孩子们呆在一起,等待帮助。
I suggest that we (should) get up early tomorrow.
拓展:suggest doing He suggested working hard.
advise 建议
+that 从句,从句中谓语动词用(should)+动词原形
advise doing
advise sb. to do sth.
(9)When we saw the valley with fat cattle and horses, we thought we had reached the promised land.当我们看到牛肥马壮的山谷时,我们知道我们到了一个有指望的土地。
promise有希望,有――可能. This year promises a good harvest.今年有丰收的希望。
(10)Our days of hardship had come to an end.我们苦难的日子结束了。
come to an end告终,结束 This play comes to an end.
拓展:bring to an end 使结束
in the end最后,终于
make and end of 把――结束
end (up) with以――告终
Language study P50 Exercise 2.
Keys:1> burden 2>pond 3>starvation 4>desperate 5>anxiety 6>come to an end.
Exercise 3
Keys:1>had come to an end
2>came to an agreement
3>came to a conclusion
4>coming to a complete stop
5>came to a decision
6>came to a better understanding
篇10:NSEFC 高三Unit 3 Language points
Unit 3 The Land Down Under (SBIII)
Language points in reading:
1.Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories:
be made up of 由….组成的
e.g. The medical team is made up of ten doctors. 这个医疗队是由十名医生组成的
Our class is made up of twenty boys and fifteen girls. 二十个男生和十五名女生组成了我们的班集体
This is made up of three different parts. 它是由三个不同的部分组成的。
[区别] be made of 由….制成的 (能看出原料)
be made from由….制成的 (不能看出原料)
be made into 被制成….
be made in 被制造于….
Exercises: This car _______________Japan.
Are all animal bodies ________________cells?
Glass can ____________________glasses.
Glasses _____________________glass.
keys: is made in ; made up of ; be made into; are made of
[复习]make a face; make friends with ; make ends meet; make fun of; make a living; made room for; make up; make up one’s mind; make use of
2.The capital of Australia is Canberra, a city located between Sydney and Melbourne.
located 在这里是过去分词,与后面的部分构成了分词短语做后置定语修饰city.
e.g. a fallen tree一棵倒下的树 a broken chair一把破椅子 stolen cultural relics被盗的文物
surprised look吃惊的表情 a drunk man 一个醉汉
e.g. money stolen by the fellow; gold hidden under the mud; teachers followed by the students
locate vt. 把….安装于… 把….创建于….
e.g. They located the city Canberra between Sydney and Melbourne.→
The city Canberra was located between Sydney and Melbourne. 因此写成分词的形式就必须用过去分词。
Students interested in reading may go to the library every day in our school.爱好读书的学生每天可以去图书馆。
The enemies stationed on the hill were defeated. 驻扎在小山上的敌人被打败了。
The boy surprised at what he saw couldn’t say a word. 男孩对所见的事非常吃惊,一句话都说不出来。
3.Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stand for all the territories.
Represent → stand for vt. 代表
e.g. Our party represents the people.我们的党代表人民的利益。
They said they represented the team.他们说他们代表整个队。
The foreign minister represented the country at the conference.
4. Australia is a young nation on an ancient continent.
on a continent 是一个介词短语, 意思是: 在陆地上 有如下文当中的
In the seventeenth century, European explorers began arriving on the continent.
arrive vi. 应该与at, in 连用。在这on the continent 是介词短语。
5. Their culture was highly developed.
highly adv. 高度的,非常的,很高地,(多修饰过去分词或形容词)
e.g. The boy was highly praised.他受到了高度赞扬。
He was a highly skilled flier now.现在他是一个技术高超的飞行员。
The industrial life of China is not yet highly developed.中国的工业还没有迅猛发展。
He is a highly trained journalist in Paris.在巴黎他是一名受过严格训练的记者。
6.Later, when the American War of Independence made it impossible for England to send prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.
本句中有一个重要的句式:主语+make+it+adj.+for sb. + to do sth.
e.g. Teachers always make it clear for the students to do the experiment.实验前老师们总是为学生们讲解清楚。
You’d better make it clear before we start. 我们开始前你最好讲明白。
The heave rain made it impossible for us to go for a sight seeing.那场大雨让我们的观光成了泡影。
The Olympic Games makes it important for Chinese to learn English.
Computers make it easy for us to look for information both at home and abroad.
where prisoners and criminals were sent 是一个定语从句,修饰place.
exercises:用which 或where 填空:
This is the room _______I lived when I was young.
This is the room _______I lived in when I was yong.
Do you still remember the place_______ we played in last summer holiday?
Do you still remember the place_______ we played last summer holiday?
We often go to the place_______ there are many tall trees after school.
Keys: where; which ; which; where; where
7.As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.
as a consequence 相当于as a result 结果
8.Many Aborigines and islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.
复习句式have sb./sth. done.
[比较] have sb. /sth. do.
have sb./sth. doing.
have sth. to do.
Tomorrow I will go to Beijing , do you have something __________ (买)?
I am very busy, so I have to have my hair ___________(理) on Sunday.
I have many much homework _____________ (做),so I can’t go with you.
The two cheats had the lights ____________(亮) all the night.
Mum has a lot of housework ___________(做)every day.
Our English teacher had me ___________(站) in class, because I couldn’t recite the text.
Keys: bought; cut(过去分词) ;to do; burning; to do ; stand
9.In the early twentieth century, Australia resembled the USA of the eighteenth century:
resemble →look like 看起来象,显得象
e.g. She resembles her sister.她长得象她姐姐。
So many hotels resemble each other.许多旅馆都很相似。
The plant resembles grass in appearance.这种植物外型象草。
10. The First World War had a strong influence on Australia.
have a strong/great influence on /upon 对…有很大的影响
e.g. Attitude of parents has a great influence on/upon their children.
Literature and art have a strong influence upon/on people’s ideology.
[拓展]under the influence of 在…的影响之下
e.g. Under the influence of the monitor, the students worked hard.
11.Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.
differ vi. differ in = be different in 在…方面是不同的
e.g. The twins differ in character. 这对双胞胎性格相差很大。
We have much in common, but we differ in appearance.我们共同点很多,但长得不象。
differ from… in….
e.g. Chinese differs greatly from English in pronunciation.汉语在发音上与英语差很远。
[拓展] differ with/ from sb. on/about/upon sth. 某人就…问题与别人意见不一
e.g. We differ with/from him on/about/upon that question.就这个问题我们与他意见不一。
篇11:NSEFC 高三Unit 6 词汇详解
高三新教材Unit 6词汇详解
quit [ ]
vt. 过去时,过去分词quit或 quitted,现在分词quitting
1. 离开;退出
He quitted Paris after a week.
2. 放弃,停止 [+v-ing]
He has quit smoking.他已戒了烟。
She asked them to quit talking.她要求他们不要说话
quit a job.辞去工作
advised them to quit their dissipated ways.
1. 离开;迁出
If he doesn't pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit.
2. 停止
It's almost 5 o'clock; time to quit.都快五点钟了;该下班了。
3. 放弃斗争,认输
4. 【口】辞职
I'm going to quit next week.我将在下周辞职。
apply [ ]
1. 涂,敷;将...铺在表面 (+to)
The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.
2. 应用;实施 (+to)
We should apply both theories in the language classroom.
He applied the brakes.他踩刹车
This rule can not be applied to every case.
4. 把...用(于)[(+to)]
She applies all her money to her mortgage(抵押).
apply oneself to
The new comer applied his mind to the job.
Students should apply themselves to their study.
注意:He applied to the company for the position.他向公司申请这一职位。
add up 把...加起来
Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12.
Add up these figures, please.
He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.
add up to
His education added up to no more than one year.他受的教育加起来不过一年。
circumstance [ ]
In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.
under no circumstances ,in no circumstances,无论如何不;决不
词组:under the circumstances或in the circumstances
The circumstances forced me to accept.
Maybe under these circumstances we may say that man can conquer nature.
Don't lose heart.
assessment [ ] n.
He made a careful assessment of the situation.
assess [ ] vt. assessed, assessing, assesses
估定, 评定对...进行估价,评价
It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.
take it easy别着急,别紧张,慢慢来,多休息(从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松)
Take it easy. We'll take care of everything.
Our teacher told us to take it easy before the examination.
---I’ve caught a bad cold,and had a headache.
---Take it easy and drink more water.
keep up保持,维持,坚持;持续,继续:
We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up.
Keep up! 坚持!
keep up a good state of mind 保持一个良好的心态
Keep up your courage!鼓起勇气
Keep up your spirits! 振作精神
I don’t know how long the rain will keep up.不知道这雨会持续多久。
I have formed the good habit of getting up early, but I don’t know if I can keep it up.不知道是否能坚持下去
survival [ ]n.
1. 幸存;残存[U]
2. 幸存者;残存物[C]
The old man is a survival of the past age.
survive [ ]
1. 在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生
Only two passengers survived the air-crash.
2. 比...活得长;丧失(配偶,亲人等)
She survived her husband by twenty years.
1. 活下来,幸存;残留[(+on)]
Few survived after the flood.
beyond [ ] 介词 prep.
What lies beyond the mountains?
This work is beyond my grasp.
Don't stay there beyond midnight.
Understanding this article is beyond my capacity(能力).
It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker.
The fruit is beyond my reach.
4. (常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中)除...之外
He has nothing beyond the house.
leave behind忘了带;留下
I've left my pen behind.
The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back.
He could not carry the burden alone.
The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me.
desperate [ ] a.危急的;绝望的,极严重的
He was desperate when he lost all his money.
the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help.
a desperate illness; 绝症;a desperate situation. 危险境地
accustomed [ ] a.
1. 惯常的,通常的
her accustomed smile她惯常的微笑
He is accustomed to work hard一向勤奋工作
I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯于睡得很晚
I'm not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise.
starvation [ ]n.
1. 饥饿;挨饿;饿死[U]
The old woman died of starvation.
starve [ ] vi.
1. 饿死
The explorers starved to death in the desert.
2. 挨饿
3. 【口】饿得慌
Let's get something to eat; I'm starving.
4. 渴望;极需要 (+for)
The plants are starving for water.
anxiety [ ] n.
1. 焦虑,挂念[U][C][(+about/for)]
The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter's health.
2. 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事[C][(+to)]
That is a great anxiety to me.
3. 渴望[C][(+for)][+to-v]
Their anxiety to go was obvious.
come to an end 结束
The meeting came to an end at last.
come to a stop 停止
come to a decision 作出决定
come to a conclusion 得出结论
relief [ ] n.
1. (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除[U][S1][(+of/from/on)]
The pills gave her some relief.
2. 轻松,宽心,慰藉[U][S1]
Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.
I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.
2. 救济;补助;解救[U]
to send relief to flooded areas
deliver [ ] vt. n.
1. 投递;传送;运送[(+to)]
The mailman delivered the letters promptly.
Some new books have been delivered to the school.
2. 发表;讲;宣布
He delivered an important report at the meeting.
3. 给...接生;生(婴儿)
She delivered twins in the evening.
Which doctor delivered the baby?
tough [ ] a.
1. 坚韧的,牢固的,折不断的
This material is as tough as leather.
2. (肉等)老的,咬不动的
The steak was so tough I couldn't eat it.
3. 困难的 the toughest questions.最困难的问题
*wrap [ ] vt. wrapped, wrapped
1. 包,裹[(+up/in)]
I wrapped the book in brown paper before I mailed it.
2. 缠绕,披[O][(+around/about)]
She wrapped a scarf around her neck.
3. 覆盖;遮蔽
The skyscraper was wrapped in fog.
tie up [ ]
1. 系住
He tied up the horse and went into the inn.
2. 使受阻
The traffic had been tied up for three hours.
packet [ ] n.
1. 小包(裹);小捆;小袋[C][(+of)]
The mailman brought a small packet.
He bought a packet of cigarettes.
go for为…而去,努力争取 He is going for a job.他正在求职。
篇12:NSEFC 高三 Unit 1 That must be a record
Unit 1 That must be a record
something about The Guinness Book of World Records
The Guinness Book of World Records is a world famous collection of records in human life ,including alll specific skills.
What is the longest song title? Who is the tallest living human being? What is the rarest stamp? The answers to these questions, and more, can be found at today's Family Site. Called The Guinness Book of Records, this is a site that represents an organization that for years has recorded events and stunts from all over the world. The desire of human beings to be the fastest, or tallest, or have that smallest or largest of an item are the bread and butter of this group.
At this site, you can find out about the latest record setting attempts and in what categories, search for existing records, find out the schedule of their television show, and suggest ideas for new categories or records.
This site is really interesting, one that you can spend an hour or two and be thoroughly entertained. By the way, the longest song title is a 1946 song by Hoagy Carmichael called “I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doing Those Beat-o, Beat-o, Flat on my Seat-o Hirohito Blues”. Or it was the last time I looked. As for the other answers, you can find those for yourself at the site.
The book of records has been renewed each year and has been bought and enjoyes in 141 countries around the worls .The 262 editions and 35 languanges it has used ,may be a record itself.
Who got the idea to write the Guinness Book of World Records?
In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the then managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went on a shooting party and became involved in an argument. Which was the fastest game bird in Europe ?the golden plover or the grouse? He realized then that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question might prove popular. He was right!
1.Talk about records,adventures and hobbies
2.Practise measuring and comparing
3.Review the Subject
4.Fill in a form
1.Learn and master the following words: beard, cheetah, sailfish, voyager, tight, gorge.
2.Learn something about world records of all kinds.
3.Train the students’ listening ability.
4.Develop the students’ speaking ability by talking about records, adventures and hobbies.
1.Finish the task of listening to train the students’ listening ability.
2.Talk about records, adventures and hobbies to improve the students’ speaking ability.
1.Help the students to improve their listening ability.
2.Help the students to finish the task of speaking practice.
1.Talking about the pictures to arouse the students’ interest in world records.
2.Listening and speaking to train the students’ ability to speak English.
3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Period 1 warming-up
Step 2
Take the quiz below and see whether you can guess the answer
1. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is __________.
A. –75.4℃ B. –89.2 ℃ C. –110.7 ℃
2. The world’s tallest man is ________
A. 2.35m B. 2.45m C. 2.55
(America's Robert Wadlow who still towers above the rest at 8ft 11.1 inches. )
3. The youngest college graduate
A.10 years old B 12 years old C. 14 years old
4. The highest number of goals
in a soccer career is ______
A. 1279 B,546 C. 3850
5. The longest beard is _________
A. 73cm B. 1.83 cm C. 2.33
6. The longest lecture lasted _______
A. 32.5 h B. 62.5h C. 82.5h
1. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth①is _____.
A. –75.4℃ B. –89.2 ℃ C. –110.7 ℃
(-128.6°F) at the Russian Base in Vostock in Antarctica on July 21, 1983
① on earth在世上,在人间;究竟(用于疑问词后)
ever, in the world也可用于疑问句who, what等词后,表“究竟”的含义。
(-128.6°F) at the Russian Base in Vostock in Antarctica on July 21, 1983
2. The world’s tallest man is ________. A. 2.35m B. 2.45m C. 2.55
(America's Robert Wadlow who still towers above the rest at 8ft 11.1 inches. )
3. The youngest college graduate① was_______.
A.10 years old B. 12 years old C. 14 years old
② graduate n. (大学)毕业生
graduate vt. 毕业 graduation n.
graduate from从…毕业 after graduation
4. The highest number of goals in a soccer career is _____. A. 1279 B. 546 C. 3850
5. The longest beard is _________. A. 73cm B. 1.83 cm C. 2.33
6. The longest lecture lasted① _______. A. 32.5 h B. 62.5h C. 82.5h
③ Last延续,持续;耐久,支持
The raining season lasted until July.
This coat has lasted well.
Take the quiz below and see whether① you can guess the answers.
① whether 和if 的区别。whether 和if 引导宾语从句一般情况下都可以互换。
1)句中出现or/or not 时,且位于句末,用whether/if都可以。Whether后可以直接跟 or not,if则不能。
3)whether 引导的从句可作介词宾语,而if 则不可以
4) whether 引导的从句可以作某些动词,如:discuss 的宾语,而if则不能。
5) whether 可与不定式连用,而if则不能。
He wasn’t sure whether/if he ought to laugh or cry.
I don’t know whether or not he is coming.
Whether it is true remains a problem.
Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
What the doctors really doubt is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.
I am in doubt whether I should agree to the plan.
Everything depends on whether we have enough time.
We discuss whether we should close the shop.
I don’t know whether to accept the gift.
② records of all kinds各种各样的记录
of all kinds定语修饰名词,意思是“各种各样的”。
There are flowers of all kinds in the garden.
of 意思是“具有”,可加抽象名词,of + n. = adj。
of importance / help / value / use
What he said just now was of great importance.
Step 3 listening
answer the questions in the SB
posssible answers:
1, large, big ,short,great,long,giant,small,tiny,strong , thin,….
2. reach, up to,speed, kilometre,hour,second,minute,metre,mile, per, fast,slow…
3.tall people; easy to reach sth, waste coth
short pepole : smart quick,difficult to reach sth.
① talk about谈论;谈起
talk of谈到;谈起 talk with与…交谈; 与…讨论
talk to sb找某人谈话 talk big说大话, 吹牛
talk sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事
become the talk of the town 成为大众的话题
② speed
with great speed迅速地 at full / top speed 以全速
at a speed of …以…的速度 speed up加速
2. (3) Some people are short and small and some are tall and big. What are the advantages①and disadvantages of different sizes?
① Advantage n. 优势,好处,有利条件
take advantage of sb 利用某人,欺骗某人
take advantage of sth (巧妙地)利用某物
have the advantage of 胜过,占优势
gain /get / have / win an advantage over [of]较…获得(占,赢得)优势,优于
3. 2 The world’s heaviest living person weighs①______ kilograms.
① weigh vt. 称…重量;掂量;考虑; vi. 重若干
weight n. 重量;重担,负担 weighty adj. 重的,沉重的
by weight 按重量计算 put on weight 增至;发福
lose weight体重减轻
Finish the Exs in the SB
Step 4 speaking
ask the students to work in pairs to have a dissussion
1.Prepare预备,准备prepare; prepare for; preparation; get ready for
prepare a meal / one’s lesson准备饭/功课
I prepared the ground for the seeds. 我整理好土地准备播种。
2.use sth to do用…来做…
be used to do sth被用来做… be used for doing sth被用来做…
be used to sth / doing sth
it’s no use doing sth做某事没用
Period 2and 3 reading
Step1. Pre –reading : answer the questions in the Sb
Step2. Scanning
1. Who was Sir Hugh Beaver?
2.When was the first edition of Guinness Book of World Records published?
Match the general idea of each paragraph.
1. Chinese record Para. 1
2. The first edition of Guinness
Book of World Record Para. 2
3. Records from the world of sports Para. 3
4. Records of different categories Para. 4
5. How to set a record? Para. 5
6. Why are people so interested in records? Para. 6
Step 3 carefully reading
1. Who got the idea to write the Guinness Book of World Records?
2. When was the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records published?
3. How are records collected in the book? Please give 3 examples.
4. Why are people so interested in world records?
5. How can you try to set a record?
posssible answers:
1. Sir. Hugh Beaver.
2. In 1955.
3. The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters on the human body, amazing feats, the natural world, science and technology , arts and the media, modern society, travel and transport, and sports and games.
Examples: Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world.
the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres.
the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long.
4. Because we are curious about the records and also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.
5. First contact the Guinness Book of World Records.
Then the editors will send you rules and the form you need to apply the record after their discussion.
Afterwards a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt.
If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and give you a certificate.
Step 4
Match each of the sentence below with a paragraph in the reading.
A . The Guinness Book of World Records is popular because people enjoy reading about strange facts and exciting achievements.
B. The editors of the book collect all the records and put them into different groups.
C. Sir Hugh Beaver decided to write the book as the result of an argument with a friend.
D. Even though the records themselves are amazing, the stories of the people who set the records are often even more interesting.
E. A new Guinness world record will only be accepted if it is safe and has been done according to the rules.
F. “ I just love reading about people who do amazing things, such as swimming a long river or running across a country. The stories inspire me and are fun to read.
Step 5 T or F.
1. The Guinness company began to the Guinness Book of World Records in the 1950s.
2. More than 60,000 new records are printed in the book each year.
3. An Englishman balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilogrammes on his head for 33 seconds.
4. Lance Armstrong’s speed record is more impressive than his struggle against his disease.
5.The records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are not allowed in the book.
6. The records in the Guinness Book of World Records are including different areas of people’s life.
Step 6 post- reading
Answer the following questions.
1. How did Sir Hugh Beaver come up with the idea for Guinness Book of World Records?
2 .What Guinness record were set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?
3. How long is the longest moustache in the world?
4. What are the categories in Guinness Book of World Records?
5. Why are Lance Armstrong’s records special?
6. What types of record attempts are not allowed?
7. Why do you think many people are interested in world records?
How much do you know about Guinness and the world record?
If you want to set a record, what kind of record would you like to?
posssible answers:
1. He first wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.After talking to his friends, he concluded that a book which answered such questions might popular.
2. Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea ; A special and delicious record was set in to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China.
3. 1.6 meters
4. human body,amazing feats,the natural world,science and technology,arts and the media,model society,travel and transport,and sports and games.
5. It fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
6.Records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others
7.Because we want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves and are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.
Step 7 Language points
1. conclude vt.推断出, 断定 [+that]
conclusion. n. 结论;决定;推论 短语:
come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定
draw a conclusion/conclusions得出结论,推断
come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定
bring sth. To a speedy conclusion 使某事尽快结束
leap / jump to a conclusion冒然断定, 过早下结论
in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之
eg: In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.
③ Contain包含…(在内); 包括(不可用进行时态); 抵制, 控制
This book contains a lot of notes. We should learn to contain ourselves.
辨析: include & contain:
include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。include 是数量包含,组成各外在部分的包含。如坐车人中包含两个小孩.我手里拿的钱包含我弟弟用的钱。
The bill includes tax and service.
contain指一个整体包括的内容,侧重“内有”的意思, 侧重包含的内容和成分。Contain 内含质量的“包含”,如水包含氢和氧,香烟内含尼古丁。还有容积容纳数量也用contain,如教室能容纳多少人,这瓶子能装多少水等。
Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat.
including 可用作介词,用在名词和代词之前; included为过去分词,置于修饰的名词和代词之后。常以including 和included的形式出现在短语中。
我们这里一共有10 个人,包括3 个女孩。
There are ten of us here,including three girls.
…………………………, three girls included.
2.hire 的用法
1) hire vt. 雇用(某人),(同)dismiss/take on, (反) dismiss/fire ;租借(东西)=rent
特别注意区别:hire ;employ;rent;appoint
We intend to___D______ the hall for a week.
A. employ B .rent C. appoint D. hire
3.set sth. down 写下来
eg: Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?
set sb. down 停车让人下车
eg: The bus stopped to set down an old lady.
I’ll set you down on the corner of the street.
set about sth./doing sth.做手某事/做某事=set out to do开始干
set off 出发
set aside 不理会;搁置;存储=put away
set foot in/on 踏上
set fire to sth./set sth on fire 防火烧掉…
set up 成立;建造
be set in 以…为背景
4. keep /lose track of…=keep in/lose touch with 与…保持/失去接触
be on sb’s track/be on the track of sb.=be after sb.追踪某人
make tracks for…=go towards 走向
in one’s tracks =there and then当场,立刻
eg: It’s hard to keep track of all one’s old school friends.
lose track of time 说不准现在的确切时间
5. live to be 活到 不定式 to be 作结果状语
她活到了八十岁。She lived to be 80.
吃为了活着,但不要为了吃而活着。Eat to live, but don’t live to eat.
类似结构:prove /turn to be…证明是;结果是
6. balance 天平
eg: Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance?
平衡 eg: keep the balance of nature
keep/lose one’s balance 谐调,匀称
eg: All the parts of the building are in perfect balance. 余额
eg: I must check my bank balance. v. 使……保持平衡
eg: How long can you balance on one foot? 结算
eg: balance an account / one’s books 结帐 等价,抵消
eg: This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.
7.with an area of…拥有…面积
8. stand out明显;醒目
突出;杰出 ; 坚持;支撑eg: to stand out a crisis挨过危机
Stand still ! 站住,不许动!stand by 在场;靠近; 袖手旁观
(无线 电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动 ; 试图援助;极力支持 忠于;信守
eg: to stand by one's promise
遵守诺言 stand down退出竞选;离开证人席
stand for代表,表示;意指; 容忍;允许
stand in当替身;代替 stand up耐久;耐用; 成立
eg: Will the charge stand up in court?
stand up for维护;拥护;支持
9.as conj.虽然,引导让步状语从句时,必须倒装表语名词(若为可数名词单数必须省去a/an)或形容词﹑副词状语或动词原形。此时用though 也可以,但though引导的从句可以倒装也可以不倒装。
Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.
Young as/though he is ,he can do it well.
Much as /though I like the book, I won’t buy it.
Try as /thoughhe may , he won’t succeed.他或许会尝试,但不会成功。
The air was cold, bright as the sun was.
_________, I have never senn anyone who’s as capable as John.
A.As long as I have traveled B.Now that I have traveled so mucu
C. Much as I have traveled D.As I have traveled so much
10. fade的用法
补:vi. 从视觉﹑听觉或记忆中渐渐消失
The sound of the cheering faded away in the distance. (=died away)
As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. (=disappeared)
Their hopes faded. (=disappeared)
The memory of her son will never fade from her mind.
11.next to
1) 在……旁边He lives next to me.
2) 跟在……之后 Next to skiing her favorite sport was ice-hockey.
3) 几乎,近于next to impossible 几乎不可能
next to last 倒数第二
12. diagnose sb. with a disease 诊断某人患了某种疾病
be diagnosed. with a disease 被诊断患了某种疾病
13. go on with; go on to do; go on doing; continue with sth.; continue doing(to do) sth. 的用法
14.record vt.记录,录制 n 记录;唱片(注意读音)
keep a record 保持记录
set a new record 创新记录
break/beat a record 打破记录
make a new record 刷新记录
keep a record of 保存…的记载
make e record 录制/制作唱片
15. in a row 连续,一连串;排成一排地 in rows 成行, 成排
eg: China women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.
They planted the trees in rows.
16..in the first place首先, 第一点(用于列举理由等时)=firstly;原先,本来
in the last place最后
in the next place其次, 第二点
in places在某些地方, 有几处in one’s place
in place of代替, 用...而不用…in place 在适当的位置
I won,t go out today. In the first place I am tired; in the next place I have so much work to do.
17. enterain 的用法.注意当“款待”时的用法=treat sb to sth./serve sb with
18.make for 可造成;可成为;有好处,有助于=contribute to
大字排版使阅读轻松些。The large print makes for easier reading.
早起有利于健康吗?Does early rising make for good health?
文化交流有助于相互了解。Cultural exchanges makes for mutual understanding.
Mary has been preparing carefully for the English examination, so that she can be sure of passing it at her first_______. A. request B. attempt C. promise D. purpose
A man is being questioned in relation to the ________ murder last night.
A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted
20.apply for 的用法
1) vi. apply( to sb.) for sth.(向某人)申请某物 apply to do sth. 申请干某事
2)vt. 应用;运用
4)apply oneself to stn../doing sth.=devote oneself to sth./doing sth. 专心从事/埋头于…
注意:application n.u 申请,请求,n.c 申请书
applicant n.c 申请人
applicable adj.使用的,合适的
21.inspect vt
22. confirm vt.
23.result vi.; n.动词的用法:result in…=lead to/cause/bring aout 导致
result from…=be caused by起因于…;由…导致/造成的
他的粗心造成了失败。His carelessness resulted in failure.
失败是由他的粗心导致的。Failure resulted from his carelessness.
As a result of /Because of /On account of /Owing to /Due to
He was late due to thick fog
Language Study
1.be fascinated by 被…迷住
be fascinated with迷上…
2.burst into +n. =burst into +doing 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某物
突然喝彩/大笑/大哭/尖叫burst into cheers/laughter/tears/screams
=burst out cheering/laughing/crying/screaming突然欢呼起来 /哈哈大笑。
Period 4 Integrating skills
Step 1.Scanning
1. How did many teenagers discover the skatebord?
2. Does the skatebord belong to an extreme sport or regular sport?
Step 2 Read the passage and answer the questions on page 1.
Step 3 More words to describe people
Enthusiastic curious experienced cautious
Brave delighted interested outgoing wise
skillful friendly energetic responsible kind
athletic powerful all/ thin/slim/ a broad face, / wide eyes/ short, beautiful/pretty/ lovely/
handsome/naughty /healthy/foolish/stupid /silly/clever /smart/wise /bright/ diligent
/intelligent/lazy /hard working man ,
He is …meters high/tall/in height
good-looking funny-looking strong-looking ugly-looking dirty-looking ordinary-looking
blue-eyed white-eyed warm- hearted
light-hearted kind-hearted absent- minded
be in good or poor condition strong-tempered
bad-tempered near-sighted far-sighted
Step 4 Language points
1. head vi. 前往;朝向
head down to 开往;前往;朝向
更常用 head for
When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.
Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.
2. a dozen of 一打, 十二个 a dozen (of) eggs但 a dozen of those apples
a dozen of them 二十四 two dozen (of)
三十六 three dozen (of) eg: I’ve bought a dozen of pencils for my son.
I want four dozen (of) eggs.
dozens of 许多several / a few / some dozens of
by the dozen 按打,以打计算 in dozens 成打地
3. Skillful adj.灵巧的,熟练的 Skilled 熟练的,有技能的
Be skillful at /in =be skilled in/at
善于绘画 Be skillful at painting 熟练的工人 A skilled worker
技术性工作Skilled work
4. permit V. permission n.
with /without one’s permission
Permit sb. to do sth.
Permit doing
He was permitted outside after finishing his homework.
A. play B.playing C. to play D. plays
5.have been around 遍布全球(各地);深入人心
6. familiar
be familiar with sth. 某人对…熟悉/通晓
sb. be familiar with sb. 与某人过分亲热
sth. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉
familiarity n. 熟悉,亲密
(1)Han Hong 为 所熟悉young fans.
7.A new generation of sports is capturing the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try something new.
capture: vt. 捕获;占领;赢得
e.g 1 Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive.
2.He captured first place in the men’s broad jump with a leap of 7.51 meters. 。
8.center v.
~ on /upon 将…当作中心或重点; 集中于
Their talks always center on politics.
The discussion centers on the most important questions.
~ sth. on /upon 将某物集中在…上/集中于….
concentrate vt.
集中(思想/注意力…) 于…
~ (thought/attention…) on/upon…
We must ~ our attention on efficiency/studies..
concentrate on/upon全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴;专心
She couldn't concentrate on a book very long.
n. concentration camp 集中营
There is too much noise outside, I can not _____my attention on my work.
A. fill B. connect
C. flat D. concentrate
9.delight n.1) 欣喜,愉快 [U]=joy 令…高兴的是
to one’s delight
兴高采烈/高兴地 with delight以…为乐 take/find delight in
2) 乐事,乐趣[C]
He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life.
vt. 使高兴;使愉快=please
The clown ~ed the audience.
I'm delighted that you are back.
We were delighted to read your novel.
be delighted by/with sth. 因…而高兴
1) vt.登记,注册,申报; (仪表等)标示,;记录=read
He went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.
The thermometer registered 70 degrees.
2) vi.登记,注册
I registered at a hotel near the train station.
Unit 1
1.in a soccer career 在足球生涯中
2.settle an argument about 确定关于…的论点
3.be sent into 被收入
4.set down 登记;记载;写下
5.keep track 与…保持接触;跟…的进程或发展
6.be put into 被放入…;翻译成…
7.stand out 显著;杰出
8.be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断出患了癌症
9.in the first place (用与列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先
10.make for 可造成;可译成;有好处;走向
11.apply for 申请;请求
12.head down to 开往;前往;朝向
13.have been around 遍布全球(各地);深入人心
14.burst into something 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物
15.centre on /upon 将某人或某事物当作中心或重点
16.concentrate on 专心致力于
(1) “the + 最高级” 表示“最…”,一般表示三者或以上相比,这种句式一般常有表示比较范围的介词短语。
(2) 最高级可被序数词以及much, by far, not quite等修饰。如:
This hat is by far/ much / not quite the biggest.
How much did the second most expensive but cost?
(3) 表示“最高程度”的形容词,如excellent, extreme, perfect, favorite, dead等,没有最高级,也没有比较级。
篇13:-高考复习教案 Units 6 Book1A NSEFC ┆ 高三
2005-度高考复习教案 Unit 6 Book1A
Unit 6 Good manners
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1.Key words: interrupt,apologize,introduce,manner,custom,advice,impression,serve
2.Important phrases: leave out,make jokes about
3.Classic Patterns:
wish sb.+n./adj常用来表祝愿
It is time...该做……了,到做……的时间了
4.Differences between words and phrases:
stare at/glare at/glance at
5.Grammar: Attributive clauses
6.Communicative phrases: 道歉与致谢
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.
Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.
Step 3. language points.
1.Interrupt vt/vi.打断……谈话;打断,使中断(某一)活动
It is not polite to interrupt a speaker.打断讲话人讲话是不礼貌的。
Children must learn not to interrupt.孩子们要学会不打断别人谈话。
2.apologize (vi) to sb.for sth.(doing sth.)
excuse sb.for (doing) sth原谅某人(做)某事
forgive sb.for (doing) sth.
pardon sb.for sth.(doing sth.)
Bill was apologizing to his friend for having kept her waiting for a long time.
He made an apology for his child.他替他的孩子道歉。
apologize to sb.for…=make an apology to sb.for…
3.introduce vt.介绍;引进
introduction n.介绍;引进
introduce oneself自我介绍
introduce sb.to sb.介绍某人给某人
introduce sth.into(to)把……引进(入)……
Let me introduce my teacher Miss Gao to you。我来向你介绍一下我的老师高小姐。
Coffee was introduced into England from the European Continent.
I love duck cooked in Chinese manner.我爱吃中国烧法的鸭子。
I don't like his manner;it's very rude.我不喜欢他的举止;太粗鲁了。
It's bad manners to interrupt others.打断别人说话是不礼貌的。
5. custom n.[c]风俗;习惯;[u]光颐
custoins n海关(常大写);关税
customer n.顾客
Social customs vary in different parts of the world.世界各地的习俗不同。
Our store would like to have your custom.我们商店欢迎您的光顾。
a word/piece/bit of advice一条建议
give/offer advice to sb.给某人提建议
ask sb.for advice征求某人的建议
follow/take(act on)sb.’s advice听从某人的建议
adviee on/about关于……方面的建}义
advise sb.to do sth.劝告某人做……
advise sb.that...劝告某人……
advise sb.on...对于……给某人忠告
advise sb.against...劝告某人不要……
Take my advice,and let me drive you home.听我的建议,让我开车送你回家。
I advise him that he(should)stop smoking.我劝他戒烟。(that从句中应用should加
7.impression n.印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念
make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象
make no impression on对……无影响/效果
give sb.a favorable impression以某人以好印象
a strong impression很深的印象
an impression of sb's foot某人的脚印
impress sth.on/upon one's mind把……牢记在心上
Your performance gave me a strong impression.你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。
What I said made no impression on him.我的话对他不起作用。
缀。have an impression of sth.doing sth.that…是常用结构,impression前还可加形容词修饰。
serve as充当,相任
serve sb.with sth.相当于serve sth.to sb.,意为“拿出……款待(某人);供给……”。
The waiter served wine to us.服务生给我们倒酒。
She served the family as a cook for fifteen years.她在那户人家当了之久的厨师。
解题警示: 、
at sb's service听候某人的吩咐,in service在职,服役
1.leave out的用法
leave out删掉;漏掉;把……放在外面;leave alone不理会;丢下……不管(宾语多指人)
This word is wrongly spelt.You have left out a letter.这个词拼错了,你漏掉了一个字母。
leave out与cross off/out容易混淆。
leave out删掉;漏掉(不在纸、名单等上)。
10.make jokes about取笑,拿……开玩笑,也可用make a joke about表达。。。。。。
make/tell a joke说笑话
have a joke with sb.与某人说笑话
play a joke on sb.戏弄某人=play tricks on sb.
in joke闹着玩地(不是当真地)
Don't have a joke with the person whom you don't know well.不要与你不了解的人开玩笑
It's wrong to make jokes about disabled people.拿残疾人开玩笑是错误的。
laugh at嘲笑(带有一种恶意),
make jokes about既可以是恶意地开玩笑又可以是恶意地嘲笑。
11.“wish sb.+n/adj.”常用来表示祝愿
Wish you good luck/lueky.祝你好运。
Wish you au the best.祝你万事如意。
Best wishes(to you)!祝你一切顺利!
With best wishes.(信末结束语)祝好。
give/send one's best wishes to sb.向某人致意
除wish外,may也可用来表示祝愿:may sb.do sth.
May you succeed.祝你成功。
12.句型It is time...的用法
It is time...意为“该做……了,到做……的时候了”。
It is time for sth.
It is time to do sth.
It is time for sb.to do sth.
It is(high)time(that)sb.did sth. .
It's time for class.该上课了。
It's time(for me)to go.(我)该走了。
It is(high)time somebody taught you to behave yourself
l 3.forgive/excuse/pardon
forgive v.(forgave,forgiven)宽恕,原谅,赦免,免除
forgive sb.for(doing)sth.因……而原谅某人
forgive sb.sb’s sth.原谅某人某事
forgive sb.sb’s debt免除某人的债务
I’11 never forgive what you said to me last night.我绝不会宽恕你昨晚对我说过的话。
Won't you forgive me such a small debt?请你免了这么小小的一笔债行吗?
Excuse me for being late.原谅我来晚了。
pardon me与excuse me意义相仿。
Pardon me for troubling you.对不起,打扰你了。
This is an insult that will not be easily forgiven.这个侮辱是不能轻易宽恕的。
15.stare at/glare at/glance at
stare at盯,凝视
glare at向人瞪眼,怒目而视(含有感情色彩=look at angrily)
glance at向……匆匆一瞥=have a quick look at
The little girl stared at the toys in the window.小女孩盯着窗内的玩具。
He didn't answer the question,so she glared at him.他没有回答那个问题,所以她怒视着他。
stare at和glance at不含有感情色彩,而glare at含有感情色彩(愤怒)。
Unit 6语言点练习:
1.--Did you give your father__________?
--Yes,I advise he __________ smoking.
A. an advice;should giving up B. any advice; give up
C. any advice; giving up D. a piece of advice ; to give up
2. But the World War lI ________ his studies, forcing him to take a job.
A. troubled B. interrupt C. interrupted D. disturbed
3.I must ________ her an apology for not going to her party.
A. make B. offer C. do D. accept
4.The next programme is said to _______ by Mary Davidson, which is sure to be popular.
A. introduce B. have introduced
C. be introduced D. have been introduced
5. --What do you think of Terry?
--He has no ____________.
A. manner B. manners C. a manner D. any manner
6. He had much trouble with the _________ , as he wanted to escape paying the ______.
A. custom ; custom B. customs ; customs
C. custom ; customs D. customs ; custom
7.We are _______ people and we should _________ people heart and soul.
A. servants of; serve B. service for;serve
C. servants of;serve for D. servants of;serve of
8. He behaved well when he was ___________.
A. leave along B. left alone C. left off D. left out
9. Only the people who have a sense of humour can tell _________ and amuse others.
A. lies B. jokes C. news D. tales
10. I _______ all of you good luck in your studies.
A. hope B. wish C. want D. imagine
11. It's __________ you to go to the conference.
A. a time of B. the time for C. time for D. times when
12. He has lost all in the big fire. You'd better _______ him his debt
A. give up B. throw away C. forgive D. pay off
13.The sun ______ in the east and ______ in the west.
A. raises ; falls B. goes up ; drops C. sets ; rises D. rises ; sets
14.He _______ his watch and left in a hurry.
A. glances at B. watched C. stared at D. glanced at
15. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ________setting water is not the least.
A. whose B. for what C. as D. of which
16.China ________ every foreign guest ________ her high speed of development.
A. surprises ; by B. interested ; for C. attracts ; by D. impresses ; with
篇14:NSEFC 高三 Unit 3 The Land Down Under reading教案
Unit 3 The Land Down Under (SBIII)
Pre-reading Reading & Post-reading
Teaching Aims:
1.Train the students reading ability especially the skills of summarizing and scanning.
2.Study and have a good grasp of some keywords and phrases.
3.Learn to analyze some difficult long sentences.
We have learned several articles about introducing a country before, so before reading please try to finish the exercise on SB P21. Try to tick the questions that you think will be answered in the passage.
Step I. Reading the article quickly and then check the answer that you ticked before reading.
keys: 2,3,4,7,9
Step II: Reading the article carefully to grasp some important facts and try to answer some questions.
Read Part One THE PORTRAIT OF A NATION and answer question 1-3.
1. What oceans are around Australia?
2. What’s the capital city of Australia? Is it also Australia’s most famous city?
3. How many stars are there in the Australian flag?
keys:1.Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. 2. Canberra is the capital city of Australia, but it is not the most famous city. Sydney is Australia’s most famous city. 3. There are six stars.
Read Part Two THE FIRST AUSTRALIANS and answer question4-5.
4.Who are the first Australians?
5.Do they have their own culture?
keys: 4. The first Australians were the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders
5.Yes, and their culture was highly developed.
Read Part Three A NATION OF PRISONERS? and answer question6-10.
6.When European explorers began arriving on the continent?
7.Who claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown?
8.Why so many prisoners and criminals were sent to Australia?
9.What day is Australia Day? What happened on that day?
10.Why many Aborigines and islanders were moved?
6.In the seventeenth century. 7. Captain James Cook. 8. Because of the American War of Independence, it was impossible for England to send prisoners to North America. 9.January 26. The British Governor landed on the continent on that day. 10.The newcomers came and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.
Read the last two parts and do the following T or F exercises:
11.In the early twentieth century, Australia was a “new world” society without a ruling class.
12.Aborigines and other non-Europeans enjoyed the same rights.
13. The First World War had a great influence on Australia.
14. In the early 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthen the rights of Aborigines and Islanders to improve their living condition.
15. French is the official language of Australia.
16. Australian English is different I spelling from British and American English.
17. “Down under” means “in Australia”.
18. Some of the Aboriginal language have been lost.
F: 12,14,15,16
Step III. Books closed and listen to the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation.
Discuss in groups and answer the questions on SB P23.
Step IV. Explain some words in the text and then finish the exercise on SB P 24.
newcomer: people who come to a place later the originals 后来者,新来者
differ: be different 不同于
diverse: be various 不同的,多种多样的
govern: be in the charge of 统治,控制
immigration: people who go to the another country 移民
resemble: looks like 看来象
transform: change 改变,变动
strengthen: make …strong 强化,加强
The Aborigines have been living in Australia for thousands of years. Their present lifestyle and culture(1)_____little from those of their ancestors. However, after the early European explorers set foot on this vast land in the seventeenth century, the Aborigines, who (2)______the Native Americans during the same period of time, were forced to leave their own land. The white (3)______ took their land and killed many of them. Many more Aborigines had to move to inland areas. The continent was (4)________ by the white settlers. Towns and farms were built rapidly. After World War II, a mass (5)_______ from nearly 200 countries (6)______ Australia in to a modern nation.
In a struggle that lasted for many years, the Aborigines claimed equal rights for all Australians, But it was not until the 1960s that the Australian government came to realize the importance of passing laws to (7)________ the rights of the “first Australians”. Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of (8)________ cultures.
Keys: differ, resembled, newcomers, governed, immigrations, transformed, strengthen , diverse
Read the text .
篇15:NSEFC 高三册Unit 2 词汇详解
高三册 Unit 2 辅导材料
一.evaluate vt.评价, 估计, 求...的值v.评价evaluation n.(名词)
evaluative adj.(形容词)evaluator n.(名词)-ated, -ating
“The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success.”
Please evaluate our service. 请对我们的服务作一评价。
Its impossible to evaluate these results without knowing about the research methods employed. 不了解所使用的研究方法,就不可能对这些结果进行评价。 We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up(经久耐用).
二. various
1. 不同的;各种各样的,形形色色的
Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.
There are various colors to choose from.
2. 好几个的;许多的
Wheat is grown in various parts of the country.
名词variety He has a variety of interests.
in the name of
in the name of the law
He attended the party in the name of his father.
三. key重要的,基本的,关键的
Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career.
四.origin [ ] [ ]
1. 起源;由来;起因[C][U]
What was the origin of the quarrel?
The rumor had its origin in an impulsive remark.
2. 出身;门第;血统[U][P1]
His origins were humble.
“We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try”(James Baldwin)
五.equip 名词equipment equipped, equipping,vt.
1. 装备,配备[(+for/with)]
Our laboratory is well equipped.
The army is eqipped with modern weapons.
2. 使有能力;使有资格;赋予[(+for/with)
Your training will equip you for your future job.
His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.
六. endeavor1. 努力,力图[+to-v]
They endeavored to improve the quality of life in the inner city.
His endeavors to get the bill passed failed.
1. 使迷惑;使为难,使窘困[H]
What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.
He looked a little puzzled.
His recent behavior puzzles me.
1. 感到迷惑[(+at)]
I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.
2. 苦思,冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]
1. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛[C]
2. 难题,谜,难以理解之事[S1]
Her decision was a puzzle to him.
八. wealthy [ ]
1. 富的;富裕的;丰富的
He was the eldest son of a wealthy family.
a man of great wealth 一个很富有的人
a wealth of 丰富,大量a wealth of oil
九. in exchange for
What would you give me in exchange for my recorder?
十. wander vi.
(常与in, off连用)漫游; 漫步;漂泊
The children wandered in the woods.
The river wanders through beautiful country.
His mind is wandering.
十一. aware adj.
知道的, 明白的, 意识到的 awareness
Are you aware of your opponent's hostility?
I am aware that Congress has passed the legislation.
十二. existence 生存,存在
The laws are in existence for centuries;
The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
struggle for existence 为生存而斗争
十三. accurate
Your answer to question must be very, very accurate.
an accurate answer
Is this watch accurate?
Accurate, don't you think?
十四. command n.或者vt. 命令,指挥,控制
obey command服从命令
The army is under the king's command.
She has a good command of the French language.
He commanded the army.他指挥这支军队。
a person who commands seven languages.
十五. set sail (to/ for/from)
They set sail for Australia.
十六.in return
I gave him a few books in return (for his kindness).
They volunteered their services.
They volunteer to give blood.自愿献血
We want some volunteers to help paint the house.
We all volunteered to paint the house.
Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts.
十八.bring up
His uncle brought him up.
He was brought up in the countryside. 他在乡下长大。
Brought up in the city, he knows it well.在这个城市长大,他对它很是了解。
Having brought up some food, he felt much better. 吐出了一些食物,他感到好受一些。
十九.suggest vt. 提议,建议,暗示,表明
He suggested a few ideas. 他提了些想法。
He suggested a visit to the Great Wall. 他提议到长城看一看。
He suggested putting off the meeting.
He suggested the meeting (should be) put off.
His pale face suggests poor health.
His pale face suggests he is in poor health.他苍白的脸色表明他身体不好。
take(follow) one’s suggestion
Our suggestion is that the meeting (should) be put off.
If I had followed his suggestion that I should reduce my weight, I would not be so fat now.
二十. accomplish vt.完成, 达到, 实现
They accomplish their purpose
I accomplished two hours' work before dinner.
You should accomplish the task within the given time.
二十一. apart from
Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.
除了几处刮痕外,汽车没有什么损坏。=except for
All the children like music apart from Bobby.
The writer lives apart from his family.
Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.
Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.
二十二.refer 提交,指点 referred ,referring
vt. Don’t refer the matter to our school.不要把该事提交学校
He refers me to the dictionary when I meet with new words.
questions referring to yesterday's lecture.
The new law does not refer to farm land.
Don’t refer to the matter again!不要再提起该事!
The man referred to in my last letter is our headmaster.
4 .参考
Don’t refer to your textbooks while answering questions.
refer to a dictionary 查字典
5. refer to….as 认为….是 ,称作
These are referred to as insects.这些被称为昆虫。
二十三 run out用完;耗尽:
Our supplies finally ran out.
They ran out of fuel. 他们耗光了燃料
二十四.arise arose, arisen
出现; 发生
That question did not arise.
I arose early in the morning.
二十五.praise vt. n. 不跟宾语从句
She praised her daughter's hard work.
= She praised her daughter for her hard work.
He spoke in praise of a friend
He gave a speech in praise of the school.
to give praises to God赞美上帝
篇16:NSEFC 高三册Unit 3 词汇详解
高三册 Unit 3 辅导材料 词汇详释
1. 【口】男人;家伙;人
A fellow must eat.
2. 伙伴;同事
They are my fellows at school.
fellow students 同学,fellow soldiers 战友
He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure.
criminal [ ]
a.1. 犯罪的,犯法的
Robbery is a criminal act.
DJ: [ ]
1. 罪,罪行[C]
He committed a high crime.
2. 犯罪,犯罪活动[U]
3. 违反道德的行为,罪过[C]
It's a crime to waste food.
govern[ ]
1. 统治;管理
Who really governs this country?
2. 决定,指导,影响
The need for money governs his behavior.
3. 控制(感情等)
Govern your temper.
1. 进行统治,执政,管理
In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern.
consequence[ ]
1. 结果,后果,结局;结果
I'm quite willing to accept the consequences.
As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
2. 重大,重要(性);价值
He is a man of great consequence. 他是一个很重要的人物。
Is it of any consequence to you?
resemble [ ]
1. 像,类似 (+in)]
She was not beautiful; she did not resemble her mother.
She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.
diverse [ ]
1. 不同的,互异的
John and his brother have diverse interests.
2. 多种多样的;多变化的
The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama.
transform [ ]
1. 使改变;使改观;将...改成
The Greggs have transformed their garage into a guest house.
She transformed the room by painting it.
2. 改造;改革;改善
The situation has been greatly transformed.
3. 使变换
A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.
immigrate immigrated, immigrating, immigration
vi.迁移;迁入vt. . 使迁移
Britain immigrated many colonists to the New World.
strengthen [ ]
vt. 加强;增强;巩固
It is necessary to strengthen our competitive ability.
Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks.
The front army troops were strengthened by a large contingent of students from the military academy.
The fence was strengthened with wire.
differ [ ]
1. 不同,相异[(+from)]
Our tastes differ from each other.
2. 意见不同[(+from/with)]
That's where we differ.
My brother and I differ in many ways.
She differs from me in many ways.
Nylon and silk differ.
Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.
We differ from / with them on / about that question.
They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.
I'm afraid we shall have to differ on this matter.
Jack differed with his father about / on / over the present economic situations at home.
vocabulary [ ]
1. 词汇;语汇;用词范围[C][U]
Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.
I understand some of the concepts of the theory but I'm not sure about its details.
break out
to break out of prison
Fire broke out in the kitchen.
It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood.
World War II broke out in 1939.
The fire broke out in the basement.
Wars have broken out between the two countries.
break away逃走;逃脱
break down破坏;拆散,(机器)损坏,分解,(身体)垮掉
Our truck broke down outside town.
The car broke down halfway to the destination.
Food is broken down by chemicals.
If you keep working like this, you will break down sooner or later.
break in
The burglar broke in and stole my money.
It's her usual habit to break in with some ideas of her own.
Don't break in when the adventurer is telling his own story.
Children shouldn't break in on adults' conversation.
The telephone ring broke in on/upon my thoughts.
break into
The thieves broke into the office and stole some money.
The bandits broke into the jewelry and stole near all the valuable necklaces.
to break into song
break through
After the storm the sun broke through the clouds.
At last, those physicians and specialists broke through in their fight against heart disease.
The guerrillas soon broke through.
break up
The crowd started to break up when the night fell.
The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.
Their marriage broke up.
The police broke up the fighting crowd.
He may break up under all this pressure.
The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs.
chew [ ]
1. 嚼,咀嚼,嚼碎
He chews gum.
2. 深思,细想,熟虑[(+over)]
I'll chew the problem over for a few days.
He chewed over the problem for several days before making his decision.
1. 咀嚼
He can't chew without his false teeth.
2. 深思,细想[(+on/upon)]
He took my offer after chewing on it.
feed[fi:d]vt., vi.
fed [fed], feeding
Have you fed the animals?
The horses fed quietly.
to feed the wire into the hole
比较:Sheep feed on grass.羊以草为生。= live on
He feeds his sheep on grass.他用草喂羊(平时是这样)。
He fed the bone to the dog. 他把那根骨头喂给那条狗了。
He is feeding the dog with a bone. 他在用一个骨头喂狗。
She is feeding her baby. 她在给婴儿喂奶。
注:用on 表平时,泛指。用with表示具体的动作。
entire [ ]
1. 全部的,整个的It took us an entire week to finish painting the home.
2. 全然的,完全的
I am in entire agreement with you.
round up集中,使集合在一起,聚拢
We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer.
Round up a few friends to help you.
Round up the sheep. 把羊赶在一起。
outdoors [ ]
1. 在户外,在野外,在露天;往户外
The children played outdoors until it started to rain.
1. 户外,野外;户外生活方式,野外活动[the S][J]
I saw her coming in from the outdoors.
outing 远足,短途旅游,尤指愉快的旅行
I think we should postpone the outing.
We will go to the Great Wall for an outing. 我们讲到长城去远足(旅行)。
roast [ ]
1. 烤,炙,烘
He roasted a chicken for dinner.
2. 烤得使变热(或烫),烘暖
The sun was roasting us.
barrier [ ]
1. 障碍物;路障,栅栏
The police put up barriers to control the crowd.
2. 障碍,阻碍[(+to)]
They soon overcame the language barrier.
pointed [ ]
1. 有尖头的,尖的
His daughter has a pointed nose.
2. 尖锐的;深刻的;直截了当的
pointed criticism
1. 中间;中庸;适中
There is a medium in all things.
The man is of medium height.
篇17:NSEFC 届高三英语复习--主谓一致
The number of the students present is 200.
Jane and Mary look alike.
1)主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。如:The crowd were shouting.
单数形式代表复数内容的词有:people, police, cattle等。
2)主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。如:The news was so surprising.
形复意单的单词有news和一些以ics结尾的学科名称,如physics,politics, economics等。
即谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。如用连词or,either…or, neither…not, not only…but also等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致。如:
Either your students or Mr. Wang knows this.
1)某些集体名词,如family, team等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。如:
His family is a happy one.
The whole family are watching TV.
名词population一词的使用情况类似。“a group(crowd) of +复数名词”等短语之后的谓语动词也同样可用单数或复数,前者强调整体,后者强调各个部分。
2)某些集体名词,如people, police, cattle等,只当复数看待,谓语动词必须用复数。如:
The police are searching for the thief.
A sheep is over there.
Some sheep are over there.
The doctor’s is across the street.
My uncle’s is not far from here.
常见的省略名词有:the baker’s, the barber’s, the carpenter’s, the Zhang’s等。
Richardson’s have a lot of goods to sell.
Three years has passed since then.
6)不定代词each, every, no所修饰的名词即使以and或逗号连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍用单数形式。如:
Each boy and each girl wants to go to the cinema.
7)如果主语有more than one…或many a…构成,尽管从意义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。如:
More than one student has read the book.
Many a girl has been there.
但是,“more +复数名词+than one”结构之后,谓语动词一般多用复数形式。如:
More members than one are against your plan.
8)一些有两个部分构成的名词表示衣物或工具作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式,例如:glasses, clothes, trousers, shoes, compasses, chopsticks, scissors等。但如果主语用“a kind of, a pair of , a series of等加名词”构成时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如:
A pair of shoes was on the desk.
9)this kind of book =a book of this kind(这种书),其谓语动词用单数;短语this kind of men =men of this kind =these kind of men(口语)(这一类人),但this kind of men的谓语动词用单数,men of this kind和these kind of men的谓语动词用复数,all kinds of后跟复数名词,谓语动词用复数形式。如:
This kind of men is dangerous.
Men of this kind are dangerous.
The (This) glass works was set up in 1980. (这家玻璃厂建于1980年。)
The(These)glass works are near the railway station. (这些玻璃厂在火车站附近。)
当它们前面有a, such a , this, that修饰时,谓语用单数;有all, such, these, those修饰时,谓语用复数,但means, no means, the means等词前没有以上修饰词时,可用作单数,也可用作复数。
11)如果名词词组中心词是all,most, half, rest等词语,所指的复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式;反之,用单数。如:
All of my classmates like music.
All of the water is gone.
Between the two windows hangs a picture.
1) 用and或both…and连接并列主语,谓语动词通常用复数形式。如:
Plastics and rubber never rot.
Walking and riding are good exercises.
Truth and honesty is the best policy.
The girl’s teacher and friend is a young doctor.
To love and to be loved is great happiness.
Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.
A knife and fork is on the table.
2)当主语后面跟有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, with, like, rather than, together with, but, except, besides, including, in addition to等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数而定。如:
The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library.
3)以or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等连接的名词(代词)作主语时,谓语动词的单复数应根据就近一致的原则。如:
Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room.
Either you or he is to go.
Ours (Our Party) is a great party.
Your shoes are black, and mine(=my shoes) are brown.
2)such, the same起指示代词作用时,应根据其所指的内容来决定单、复数。如:
Such is our plan. Such are his words.
3)关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致。如:
Those who want to go please put up your hands.
Some of the energy that is used by man comes from the sun.
4)疑问代词who, what, which作主语时,谓语动词可根据说话人所要表达的意思决定单、复数。如:
Who lives next door ? It is Xiao Liu.
Who live next door ? It is Zhang and Liu.
What produce(s) heat ?
5)不定代词any, either, neither, none, all some, more等作主语时,有以下两种情况:
Now all has been changed. All are present.
either, neither单独作主语时,谓语通常用单数。
Do(es) any of you know his address ?
None of them has(have)seen the film.
(1) 当句子的主语是one, 并要在句子中多次出现时,一般用第三人称单数代词来代替后面将出现的one
1) One should never blame his friends when he friends when he finds himself in trouble.
2) One can’t be too careful, can you (one)?
1)“分数或百分数+名词”构成的短语以及由“a lot of, lots of plenty of, a large quantity of, a heap of, heaps of, half of +名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致,这是因为短语中后面的名词是中心词,而短语中前面的量词是修饰语,例如:
Lots of damage was caused by fire.
About three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Three-fifths of the workers here are women.
和这种情况类似的还有“a number of+名词复数”,但是,“the number of +名词”的中心词却是number, 试比较:
A number of students have gone home.
The number of pages in this book is two hundred. 注意:(large)quantities of修饰可数或不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数,例如:
Quantities of food(nuts) were on the table.
短语in quantity, in large quantities意为“大量”;in small quantities意为“少量”。
2)a great deal of , a large amount of修饰不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数;large amounts of修饰不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数,例如:
A large amount of(A great deal of)damage was done in a very short time.
Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.
3)表示数量的one and a half后,名词要用复数形式,但是其短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,例如:
One and a half bananas is left on the table.
4)half of, (a) part of修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数,修饰可数名词复数时,谓语动词用复数。
如果主语由“the+形容词(或过去分词)”结构担任时,谓语通常用复数,这类词有:the brave, the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the sick, the dead, the deaf and dumb, the oppressed, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed等;但也有少数的过去分词与定冠词连用时指个别,则用单数。如:
The blind study in special schools.
The departed was a well-known engineer.
这类形容词或分词如果要表示个体时,就要与名词man, person或表示人的单数连和,如:an old man, a rich person, the(a)wounded soldier
What we need is more time.
What we need are doctors.
2)在“one of+复数名词++who/that/which”引导的从句结构中,关系代词who/that/which的先行词是靠近它的复数名词而不是one,因此,从句中的动词应该是复数形式。如:
This is one of the most interesting stories that have been told.
但是当one之前有the only等修饰语时,关系代词的先行词是one,而不是靠近它的复数名词,因此从句的动词应是单数形式。如:
She was the only one of the girls who was late.
1. Each of you ______ responsible for the accident.
a. am b. be c. is d. are
2. Each man and woman ______ the same rights.
a. has b. have c. had d. is having
3. Every means ______ tried but without much result.
a. has been b. have been c. are d. is
4. There ______ in this room.
a. are too much furniture b. is too many furnitures
c. are too much furnitures d. is too much furniture
5. The manager or his assistant ______ planning to go.
a. were b. are c. was d. be
6. Not only I but also David and Iris ______ fond of playing basketball.
a. am b. is c. are d. was
7. Neither Tom nor his parents ______ at home.
a. is b. are c. has d. was
8. Either the dean or the principal ______ the meeting.
a. attends b. attend c. are attending d. have attended
9. ______ was wrong.
a. Not the teacher but the students b. Both the students and the teacher
c. Neither the teacher not the students d. Not the students but the teacher
10. “______ twenty dollars a big sum to her?”
“I suppose so.”
a. Will be b. Is c. Are d. Were
11. Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task.
a. are b. has c. is d. were
12. Most of his savings ______ in the Xin Hua Bank.
a. has been kept b. is being kept c. have kept d. have been kept
13. All that can be done ______.
a. has done b. has been done c. have done d. have been done
14. One or perhaps more pages _______.
a. is missing b. has been missed c. are missing d. was missing
15. More than one worker ______ dismissed.
a. have been b. are c. has been d. has
16. Many a student ______ the importance of learning a foreign language.
a. have realized b. has realize c. have been realized d. has been realized
17. The gas works ______ near the city.
a. is b. are c. were d. be
18. The surroundings of his house ______ clean now.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
19. The committee ______ over the problem among themselves for two hours.
a. has argued b. has been arguing c. have argued d. have been arguing
20. The public ______ generous in their contributions to the earthquake victims.
a. is b. was c. are d. has been
21. Cattle ______ on the hillside.
a. grazes b. is grazing c. was grazing d. were grazing
22. Her politics ______ neither conservative nor liberal.
a. is b. are c. was d. has been
23. Measles ______ a kind of infectious illness.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
24. The Philippines ______ to the south-east of China.
a. lies b. lie c. lay d. lays
25. Mary is one of the girls who ______ always on time.
a. is b. am c. are d. was
26. Tom is the only one of the stall members who ______ to be promoted.
a. is going b. are going c. has been going d. have been going
27. What caused the accident ______ on the road.
a. were stone b. were stones c. was stone d. was stones
28. Wisky and soda ______ his favorite drink.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
29. ______ is to attend our evening.
a. both the singer and the dancer b. Either the singer or dancers
c. The singer or dancers d. The singer and dancer
30. The Smiths ______ their breakfast when the morning post came.
a. had b. has been having c. are having d. were having
31. No one except two students ______ the meeting.
a. has been late for b. have been late for c. was late for d. were later for
32. All but him and me ______ to the exhibition.
a. am going b. is going c. are going d. was going
33. Interest, as well as prospects, ______ important when one looks for a job.
a. are b. were c. is d. was
34. The president, accompanied by his assistants, ______.
a. have arrived b. are arriving c. had arrived d. has arrived
35. A number of cars ______ in front of the park
a. is parked b. was parked c. are parked d. has parked
36. the number of articles published on smoking ______ amazing.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
37. The majority of doctors ______ smoking is harmful to health.
a. are believed b. had believed c. has believed d. believe
38. The majority of the damage ______ easy to repair.
a. is b. are c. were d. be
39. Four-fifths of the crop ______.
a. are ruined b. was ruined c. were ruined d. have been ruined
40. Three-fourths of the buildings ______.
a. was destroyed b. is destroyed c. were destroyed d. has been destroyed
41. Early to bed and early to rise ______ a man healthy, happy and wise.
a. making b. to make c. make d. makes
42. Mathematics ______ the language of science.
a. is b. has been c. are d. have been
43. The young ______ the vital forces in our society.
a. is b. has been c. are d. have been
44. Every man, woman and child ______ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world.
a. knows b. know c. is known d. are known
45. None of them ______ my friends.
a. is b. are c. was d. has been
46. Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe , indeed the whole human society ______ to alter its attitude to racial problems.
a. need b. needs c. has a need d. have a need
47. Getting to other planets or to the moon _____ many problems.
a. involve b. involves c. involving d. to involve
48. In that country, the rich ______ richer, the poor, poorer.
a. become b. has become c. becomes d. is becoming
49. The project requires more labor than ______ because it is extremely difficult.
a. has been put in b. have been put in c. being put in d. to be put in
50. Not one in one hundred children exposed to the disease ______ likely to develop it.
a. should be b. must be c. is d. are
1 C 11 C 21 D 31 C 41 D
2 A 12 D 22 B 32 C 42 D
3 A 13 B 23 A 33 C 43 C
4 D 14 C 24 A 34 D 44 A
5 C 15 C 25 C 35 C 45 B
6 C 16 B 26 A 36 A 46 B
7 B 17 A 27 D 37 D 47 B
8 A 18 B 28 A 38 A 48 A
9 D 19 D 29 D 39 B 49 A
10 B 20 C 30 D 40 C 50 C
篇18:NSEFC 高三 高三Units 21-22重点知识及讲解
高三Units 21-22
1. My aunt, Mrs Flower, died three weeks ago. Her husband had built up a large business during his lifetime.我姑妈弗劳尔太太三周前去世了。她的丈夫在世时创立了一个大企业。
该句中build up意思是“逐步建立”,强调“逐步”。例如:
The university has built up a net work of its own institutes.这所大学已建立起自己的研究网络。
The company has built up a large fund for ages.
2. …he left all his money to his wife.
leave sth. to sb.把--留给---(尤指死后留下--给----)。
He left his house to his brother.他把房子留给他兄弟。
也可以写成He left his brother his house.
leave sth. to (with) sb. 托付--(某人),委托----
Leave this to me.把这事交给我(办)吧。
You should leave the matter to the lawyer.
3. When my aunt was buried, Clare turned up at the service, …在我姑母下葬时,克莱尔突然出现在葬礼上,------
该句中,turned up意思是“到来,出现,找到”,尤指出乎意料之外地到来或找到。例如:
He promised to come, but so far he has not turned up.
I expect it will turn up one of these days.
4. I want you check out this Clare Flower and see that she has the right to get my aunt’s money…我想要你调查一下这位克莱尔 弗劳尔,看看她有没有权力得到我姑妈的钱财。
该句中check out是“检查,核查。”例如:
We have checked out all these figures and found them to be correct.我们核对了所有数字,发现它们都是正确的。
Ask them to check the information out for me.
5. “He married my aunt in 1968, so Clare would have been five years old.”他是1968年同我姑妈结婚的,因此,克莱尔想必(那时)已是五岁了。
The lady you referred to would be Mrs Black.
I thought our mother would have waited for us long there. 我想母亲想必是在那等了我们好长时间。
6. Can you go through them and give me whatever you find?
go through 的意思是“检查,搜查。”例如
The customs men went through his suitcases.
The policemen went through every room of the building.警察搜查了那座建筑物的每一个房间。
7. It only remains for me to pass all the money that she had to the right person.我还要做的事只是把她所有的钱交给合法的继承人。
it only remains for sb. to do sth.意思是“某人所要做的是”,句中it为形式主语,for sb. to do sth.为不定式复合结构做真实主语。例如:
It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan.他所要做的只是说一说他同意这一计划。
8. Mrs Flower directed that all the money that belonged to her should come to you.
该句中direct的宾语从句用了should +原形动词结构,其中should可以省去。例如:
The general directed that the prisoners (should) be set free.将军命令把所有的办犯全都释放。
The teacher directed all the students (should) gather in the playground.老师命令所有的学生到操场集合。
9. “I’m allowed to change the colour of my hair,” she said angrily.“我可以改变我的头发的颜色,”她愤怒地说。
be allowed to do“可以做---;得到允许做-----”。不要按汉语译为“被允许做-----”。例如:
Are we allowed to play catch here?
They are allowed to watch TV every evening.
10. Don’t tell me that all this is because of photograph taken when I was twelve.
该句主句为Don’t tell me that…其后接了一个宾语从句。从句的主语为all this,其表语是because of photograph taken when I was twelve,而在这个表语中包括了由过去分词taken做定语,在分词短语又包括了一个由when引导的状语从句。
11. The lawyer was brief and to the point.
to the point意思是“中肯的,切题的,扼要的”,其反意词组为off the point“离题的,题外话”。例如:
In spite of all his talk he never seems to come to the point.尽管他说了许多话,却似乎永远说不到点上。
He always speaks to the point. 他讲话总是很中肯的。
12. She instructed in her will that if that were to happen, all the money should go to an organization for helping the blind called “Helping Hand.”她在遗嘱中指示说,如果发生这种情况的话,这笔钱就该全部归于一个叫做“援助之手”的盲人救济组织。
该句是个主从复合句,其主句为She instructed in her will,其后接一个that引导的宾语从句。这里that不可以省,而在宾语从句中又包括了一个由if引导的条件从句。在宾语从句中又有一个过去分词called短语作定语。
注意在句中宾语从句含有一个由if引导的虚拟语气的结构。从句中用了were to do结构表示对将来情况的推测或假设。例如:
If the sun were to rise in the west, I would follow you.
If it were to rain tomorrow, we would put the sports-meet off.如果明天万一下雨,我们就把运动会延期。
13. turn短语
(1)turn about向后转;转过身来;使----向后转
All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.
(2)turn back折回,往回走
It looks like rain, we’d better turn back.
It is clear that the wheel of history cannot be turned back.很明显历史的年轮不能倒转。
(3)turn down拒绝(某人,请求,提议);调低,关小
He wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was under age.他要求参军但因年龄不够而没被同意。
Please turn the radio down. It’s too loud.
(4)turn in交进,上缴,归还
After the football match, the players turned in their uniforms.这场足球比赛之后,队员们把运动衣归还。
(5)turn into进入;变成
We turned into a narrow lane.
He has turned into a brave fighter.
The ancient city has now turned into a modern industrial base. 现在这座古老的城市已变成一个现代化的工业基地。
(6)turn off关掉(自来水、煤气、收音机);解雇;失去兴趣
Be sure to turn off the gas before you leave.
The boss thought him a trouble-maker and turned him off.老板认为他是个闹晤者,于是把
This music really turns me off.
(7)turn on旋开(自来水、煤气、收音机等)
Shall I turn on the bath for you?
(8)turn out生产,制造,培养出;证明是,结果是,原来是
The university has turned out some first-rate scholar.这所大学培养出一些一流的学者。
Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料之外,那天天气特别好。
(9)turn over翻动,滚动;使翻倒;翻阅,翻查;移交
They helped to turn over the huge stone.
The car turned over when the driver was making a sharp turn.司机一个急转弯,汽车翻倒了。
Mr Smith was idly turning over a magazine, the bell rang.
I turned over my work to him before I left the office.
(10)turn to着手工作;求助于;变成;转向
We all turned to and soon had the room tidy.
Don’t hesitate to turn to us if you are in difficulty.
The ice turned to water.冰化成了水。
Now let us turn to the problem.现在我们着手处理这个问题。
(11)turn up发现,找到;意外地出现;出现
He turned up a jar of ancient coins.
I’m sure your lost watch will turn up eventually.
Her name is often turning up in the newspapers.
14. They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.
The more we looked at the picture, the less we liked it.
The busier his is, the happier he feels.
The more, the better.越多越好。
The sooner, the better.越快越好。
15. So another astonishing fact came to light.
come to light是个动词短语,作“发现”“暴露”解。例如:
New facts about ancient China have recently come to light.有关古代中国的史实最近已有新发现。
16. It soon became clear that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun’s position changed.很快就清楚了,舞蹈的直线部分是随着太阳的位置改变而改变。
该句属于It be/become+adj. /n. +that clause,句中it为形式主语,代替that引导的整个从句。
It is clear that…很清楚----
It is obvious that…很明显------
It is necessary that…很有必要---
It is a pity that…很可惜----
17. To his astonishment, the bees began to perform a dance on the surface of the honey comb.
to one’s +n是个常用的短语结构。
to one’s joy使-----高兴的是----
to one’s surprise使----吃惊的是----
to one’s disappointment使----失望的是------
to one’s sorrow使----悲痛的是----
18. But then another question came up.但是接着又提出了一个问题。
come up作“提出,发生”讲。
His name came up whenever the matter of nuclear energy was discussed.每当讨论核能问题时,他的名字就是被提到。
The question of wage increases came up at the meeting.
注意:come up为不及物动词短语,译成汉语时往往加“被------”。一定要注意,汉语是被动概念,而英语是不及物概念。
19. He set out to discover whether the wadding dance showed direction.他便着手了摆尾舞是不是能够表明方向。
该句中set out to do sth.是“着手,动手”做某事。例如:
She set herself out to finish the work within this week.
They set out to design a big steel bridge across the river.他着手设计一座跨河大钢桥。
set out+n.意思是“陈述,解释。”
He said that he was going to set out his plan at the next meeting.他说他将在下次会议上说
set out for意思是“动身出发去-----”。
They will set out for Shanghai tomorrow.
20. the number of 和a number of
the number of表示“-----数目”,当它作主语时谓语要用单数形式,of之后要接可数名词复数形式。
The number of cattle is growing.牛的数目还在增长。
The number of the League members in our class has increased to 41.我们班团员的数目已增加到41人。
a number of表示“若干-----许多”。它做主语时,谓语要用复数形式,其后接可数名词复数形式。
A number of young teachers have joined the Party.
注意:Bus No. 3, Room No. 205, Middle School No. 12.等
短语不加the,而the No 3 Bus 中的the不能省。
Back at the hive they watched the wagging dace closely.他们回到蜂箱旁,仔细观察摆尾舞。
back at the hive=when they were back at the hive
Whenever in difficulty, you can come to me for help=Whenever you are in difficulty, …
Do not leave the room till told to do so.
=Do not leave the room till you are told to do so.
22. come up的含义
come up除本单元做“提出,发生”解外,还有:
He camp up and introduced himself to all the guests.他走上前来并向所有客人做自我介绍
Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节快要到
Don’t wait down there; come straight up.
The seeds never came up at all.种子根本没发芽。
He was an officer who came up from the ranks.
The child doesn’t seem to be able to keep anything down, Everything he eats comes up again.
23.one after another与one by one
one after another,意思是“一个接一个”强调数量之多;one by one意思是“一个个地”强调顺序,例如
We’ve gained one victory after another.
After class, the students left the classroom quietly one by one.
Step by step students gain knowledge.学生们按部就班地获得知识。(强调一步一步地,由浅入深地)
He saved up some money little by little.
He did the experiment time after time.
Unit 1 That must be a record !ReadingSummarize the general idea of each paragraph.Para. 1 The first edition of Guinness Book of World RecordPara. 2 Records of d......
刀豆文库小编为你整合推荐4篇高三新教材 Units 1--3教案 NSEFC ┆ 高三,也许这些就是您需要的文章,但愿刀豆文库能带给您一些学习、工作上的帮助。......
NSEFC 高三Listening for workbook
刀豆文库小编为你整合推荐3篇NSEFC 高三Listening for workbook,也许这些就是您需要的文章,但愿刀豆文库能带给您一些学习、工作上的帮助。......
NSEFC 高三Listening for workbook
Unit1Listening textPart 1Before a record is accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records, it must pass the following tests. First of all, there must be at lea......
Unit 4Reading:Warming upLook at the pictures and match each flower with its correct nameWhich flower is your favorite? Explain why.Pre-readingWhy was Carl Linna......