第三模块 第二单元教案_第三册第二单元教案

2020-02-27 教案模板 下载本文

第三模块 第二单元教案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“第三册第二单元教案”。

您现在正在阅读的五年级英语《Sam ate six hamburgers.》教学设计文章内容由收集, 请记住本站网址:www.daodoc.com.以便下次访问!本站将为您提供更多的精品教学资源!五年级英语《Sam ate six hamburgers.》教学设计 Theme: English Food Function: Describing eating habits Target Language: What did she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? She had …

Vocabulary: egg, email/ sandwich/ traditional, delicious/ hamburger/ eat—ate/ give—gave/ drink—drank/ tonight Pronunciation: /

/ /





/ Chant: I like fish and I like chips.一、Warmer: 1.Get two large pieces of paper.On one write 'Yes, I ate…‘ and on the other one write 'No, I didn't eat …

2.What did you eat last night? I ate noodles.Did you eat noodles last night? Yes, I ate noodles.No, I didn't eat noodles.3.With 'cheese, milk, fish, hamburger/ noodles/ juice' making some sentences.二、Presentation: 1.Listen and say: A.Tell the Ss that you are going to read out the letter but you will change one word in each sentence.B.The Ss have to follow the text in their books and call out the word that you said incorrectly.C.Listen to the letter and answer the questions: Who ate six hamburgers? Who had a sandwich? Does Amy mi Chinese food? What is Mum going to cook tonight? Who wrote this letter to Daming? 2.Listen and repeat: A.ea/ee




ere/eir B.I can see my teacher.I've got some bread on my head.I hear with my ear.The bear is eating a pear.Where are their things?

三、Activity Book: 1.Listen to the tape answer the questions: Sam ate six hamburgers.Lingling had a sandwich.Yes, she does.Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling.Amy wrote this letter to Daming? 2.Write the sentences.A.Today Sam ate six hamburgers at school.B.He likes hamburgers very much.C.Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn't like hamburgers.D.We gave our hamburgers to Sam.E.Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling.3.Listen and match.A.This cat likes fish very much.She ate five fish yeaterday.B.This dog likes milk very much.He drank lots of milk last night.C.This lion likes meat very much.He ate some meat for dinner yesterday.D.This elephant likes bananas very much.She ate one hundred bananas last week.E.This monkey likes watermelons very much.He ate four watermelons yesterday.四、Homework: 1.Read the letter.2.Remember the new words.


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第三模块 第二单元教案
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