Reading and Writing
Teaching aims:1.Enable the students master how to appreciate(鉴赏)
an article.2.Cultivate the students’ sense of connecting reading
with writing.3.Learn some writing skills.Teaching procedures:
Step 1.Leading in
Step 2.Learn to appreciate an article
①Read two articles that describe the same event but they are in different ways of writing.②Compare and analyze these two articles to get the answer to
the question“Which one is better and why?”
③Summarize how we can know whether an article is good or
not.Step 3.Exercise
Rewrite and improve an article to consolidate what they have
learnt above.Step4.Write a composition.
读写结合教学设计教学内容:《欧也妮.葛朗台》、《金钱的魔力》《刘姥姥进大观园》 教学目标:1、品味作家笔下鲜活的人物形象,体会作者描写人物的方法,抓住人物动作、语言,和侧面......
《四季.读写结合》片段教学设计 广州市华侨外国语学校李文霞 教材分析:《四季》是人教版一年级语文的一篇课文。本文语言优美,富有童心,读来朗朗上口,易诵易记,是孩子们说话写话的......