
2023-04-04 07:12:13 精品范文 下载本文



5.Penetrating The Darkness

Wisdom Of The Owl

For as long as humankind has recognized animals as teachers, wise men and women have recognized traits worthy of respect in both wild and domestic creatures. The cultural and spiritual significance of certain animals transcends geographical boundaries, unifying disparate peoples. Not so the majestic and mysterious owl, which has over many millennia served as the focal point of numerous contradictory beliefs. Though owls have been regarded with awe and fascination, they have also inadvertently served as agents of fear. Since owls are nocturnal, human-owl encounters tended to occur at night and likely when the bird was swooping silently down to earth to grapple with prey. Yet even as some shied away from the owl, calling it an agent of darkness, others recognized the depths of awareness in beautiful owl抯 eyes.

In the classical Greek tradition, an owl could often be found perched on the shoulder of Athena, goddess of wisdom, while owls could ward off bad luck in Roman lore. It is in Native American mythos, however, that the owl attains its own unique identity. Owls are patient messengers, bringers of information and the holders of wisdom, and they are capable of seeing the unseen. With their keen eyesight, they can glance into the soul to discern meaning and motive, and they are totems of truth. Unlike our distant forebears, we may never encounter an owl in the wild, but we can nonetheless internalize the wisdom of the owl by attuning ourselves to its most venerable qualities. Fully integrating the medicine of the owl into spiritual existence is a matter of considering how we might open ourselves more fully to the wisdom that can be found in the larger universe.



6.Bounded By Wellness

Send Healing To Yourself

Most people, when given an opportunity to aid someone in need, are eager to do whatever they can to be of service. Those of us who have chosen to make healing the world a vocation are grateful for any occasion to send light and love to people in our immediate spheres of influence and beyond. As we apply our passion and our principles to this altruistic endeavor, we often forget to send ourselves the same bountiful gifts of wellness, though we ourselves may be in dire need of it. We overlook ourselves, not because we forget, but because we fear that focusing on the self is an indicator of selfishness. It is moreover much more difficult to heal oneself than to heal others because the seeds of uncertainty are more easily banished when we act on anothers behalf. When we send healing light to ourselves, it is important that our intentions and our self-trust be stronger than ever to counteract doubt. As we bless ourselves in this way, we serve as both an active channel and a passive destination. This should not change the way we interact with the valuable energy we wish to receive, however. Though we may be tempted to consciously direct or influence the manner in which light impacts our lives because we know ourselves most intimately, we should not try to control its path. When we draw the white light of protection and purity to our bodies, taking it into ourselves with each inhalation, our belief in the fact that it will naturally move toward areas of dysfunction will ensure that it flows through every muscle and organ. And when we fill our spaces with this light, our environments are cleared of all the negative energy that can sap our strength and our spirit. Surrounded inside and out with healing light, we feel safe and protected, healthy, relaxed, and content just as those who regularly receive such loving gifts from us do. If you sincerely believe that there is a part of yourself that exists independently of upset and illness, the love and light you send yourself will help you connect with it. You will see the affirmative impact of this connection almost immediately when you include yourself in the recipients of your healing gifts, as lifes frustrations become more tolerable and your bliss becomes ever more palpable.



14.A Refuge Of Your Own

Creating A Garden Sanctuary

Each of us has been blessed with an innate need to celebrate and glorify life. At a most basic level, we honor the forces that came together to bring us into being by caring for our bodies and our souls. To truly rejoice in existence, we must also learn to cultivate loveliness in those special places that replenish the soul. When we create a garden sanctuary, we are reminded that we a

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Below The Surface

Finding Deep Strength

We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength to carry on. Sometimes we have just gotten through a major obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting for us the moment we finally catch our breath. Sometimes we endure one loss after another, wondering when we will get a break f

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有人开会迟到了,你若对他说 ―You are late。‖,听起来象是废话,若说―Did you get lost ?‖,则更能让他歉然,可别说成―Get lost!‖那可是让人滚蛋的意思。

别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说―You can do that。‖就有点土了,用一句―Do you have the time? ‖实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:―May I have you name?―要比‖What’s your name ? ‖礼貌得多,不过警察例外。

别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用―It’s my secret ,Don’t ask such a personal question。‖回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说―I would rather not say。‖(还是别说了吧!)。

有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说―Well …‖―Let me see‖―Just a moment ‖或―It’s on the tip of

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13.Stronger Than You Know

Getting Ourselves Worked Up

Our capacity to cope successfully with lifes challenges far outstrips our capacity to feel nervousness. Yet in the weeks, days, and hours leading up to an event that we believe will test our limits, we can become nervous. While we may have previously regarded ourselves as equal to the trials that lie ahead, we reach a point at which they near and our anxiety begins to mount. We then becom

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 Underneath The Noise

Hearing The Whisper

You may have noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be louder than the room抯 noise generally only hurts your throat and adds to the chaos. Similarly, that still, small voice within each of us does not try to compete with the mental chatter on the surface of our minds, nor does it attempt to ove

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She lost control of her car on the ice.


The ice on the roads made driving conditions treacherous.


Both teams are on the ice, waiting for the whistle.


Head to your nearest ice rink for fun and fitness.


Can you just plop some ice in my drink?


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Writing 8 – Eay

The image shows a man sitting on a snail, which is moving slowly, while thinking about riding a very fast horse.The man is holding a book containing his thoughts on ideals and dreams.The indication is that it is no use daydreaming if you want to achieve more.Daydreaming is looked upon negatively because it represents 'non-doing' in a society that emphasizes productivity, we are always under constant preure to do, achieve, produce, s

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Writing 10 – Eay

The image shows a beauty parlour, with a lady who has just received beauty treatment.She is throwing away a banana peel onto the street, apparently without considering the environment around her.The actions shown are in conflict with our expectations that an attractive person has inner beauty and is good hearted or caring.This leads to a question whether good appearance should be the measures of inner beauty.Because our physical ap

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