
2020-02-28 协议书 下载本文


Appointment Agreement

Party A:

Party B:ID card No.:

According to Party A’s working need, Party A and Party B reach the following agreement on the basis of equality, willingne and consensus and will jointly comply with it.1.Party A appoints Party B as Part-time Teacher with an appointment term of three years, namely from to.2.Party A’s Rights and Obligations

(1)Party A appoints Party B as Part-time Teacher and will provide a stable and safe

working environment to Party B.(2)Party A needs to provide details of students to Party B before arranging Party B to

teach courses so that Party B can carry out targeted instruction.(3)Party A will examine Party B’s teaching work.(4)Party A will give rewards or reduce salaries according to Party B’s examination

results.(5)Party A should inform Party B prior to one day if cla hours need to be added

according to students’ actual conditions.3.Party B’s Responsibilities and Obligations

(1)Party B is willing to be appointed as Part-time Teacher by Party A and perform

corresponding responsibilities and obligations.(2)Party B should fully prepare courses, teaching materials and school aignments,make corresponding records and write teaching plan before cla.(3)Party B should actively give coordination and participate in teaching research

exchange, frequently reflect students’ performances and jointly take efforts with Party

A to take full advantages of personalized education.(4)If Party B needs to change teaching time due to special reasons, he or she should

inform Party A of it prior to 3 days.(5)During teaching courses, Party B must obey Party A’s working system and strictly

carry out instruction according to teaching plan and progre but should not conflict with students and parents.4.Salary and Payment Method

(1)Party B’s cla hour salary is RMB 00,000/year.(2)Payment method: it will be paid per school year and all salaries will be paid off on

the last studying day in current school year.5.The agreement will be executed after being signed and is in duplicate.Party A and Party B respectively keep one.Party A(seal):Party B(signature):





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