
2020-02-28 读后感 下载本文




Happine and Income


Everything that rises must converge

幸福的家庭总是相似的Emerging markets are catching up with the West inthe happine stakes


POETS, songwriters and left-wing politicians hate theidea, but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear: money buys happine and thericher you are, the more likely you are to expre satisfaction with your life.Until now.Asurvey of 43 countries published on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre of Washington,DC, shows that people in emerging markets are within a whisker of expreing the same levelof satisfaction as people in rich countries.It is the biggest qualification to the standard viewof happine and income seen so far.诗人,作词家,左翼政治家总是反驳这样一个观点:钱可以买到幸福,一个人越有钱,他对生活的满意感就可能越高。但是十年来民意调查却清楚证明了这一点。不过,位于华盛顿特区的皮尤研究中心调查了43个国家后,发现发展中国家的人对生活满意度与富有国家的人们生活满意度相差无几。这是迄今为止出现的最能证明人越有钱越幸福这个观点的证据。

The Pew poll asks respondents to measure, on a scale from zero to ten, how good their livesare.(Those who say between seven and ten are counted as happy.)In 2007, 57% ofrespondents in rich countries put themselves in the top four tiers;in emerging markets theshare was 33%;in poor countries only 16%—a claic expreion of the standard view.皮尤让被调查者用0到10之间数字表示对生活的满意度。(如果给出数字在7和10之间,认为该调查人幸福。)2007年的调查显示富有国家57%的调查者认为自己是幸福的人;发展中国家有33%认为自己幸福;在贫困国家幸福的人只有16%—这是证明金钱和幸福感相关的典型例子。

But in 2014, 54% of rich-country respondents counted themselves as happy, whereas inemerging markets the percentage jumped to 51%.This was happening just at a time whenemerging markets' chances of converging economically with the West seemed to be receding.2014年中富有国家幸福的人有54%,然而发展中国家的百分比跃到了51%。此时发展中国家抓住机会发展经济正在赶上经济似乎萎靡的西方国家,两个时间点不谋而合。

Rich countries did not experience steep declines in happine.The decreases in America andBritain were tiny(a single percentage point), while the share of happy Germans rose 13 points.A large drop in formerly joyful Spain ensured a modest overall decline for the rich.But theconvergence happened thanks to huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia(+35)


andPakistan(+22).In 12 of the 24 emerging markets, half or more people rate their lifesatisfaction in the top tiers of the ladder.富有国家在幸福感上并没有大幅下降。美国和英国只是下降了一个百分点,德国人民的幸福感却上升了13个百分点。但是之前幸福的西班牙人此次调查指数大幅下降导致发达国家幸福指数总体稍微有所下降。幸福感大幅提高的几个国家是此次汇合发生的原因,比如印度尼西亚(+35),巴基斯坦(+22)。24个发展中国家里12个国家,半数、或半数以上的人感觉对自己生活很满意。

This is not to say the link between income and satisfaction has been snapped.Poor countrietill lag behind: only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers—half the level of theother two groups.There is also a clear link between happine and income growth(as opposedto income levels).China's GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10% in 2007-14 and itshappine level rose 26 points.这并不是证明金钱和生活满意度之间的关联断了。贫困国家指数依旧垫底:只有四分之一的人认为自己幸福—是发展中国家和发达国家的一半。该数据清晰显示了工资增长率和幸福感之间的联系(而不是收入水平)。中国国内生产总值从2007到2014年每年以平均10%的速度增长,其人民幸福度提高了26个百分点。

Within countries, richer people expre more satisfaction than their poorer neighbours.Thestudy divided respondents into categories with higher and lower incomes and fewer and morehousehold goods.In every country in every group, richer folk with more goods expreedhigher levels of happine.So at a personal(as opposed to national)level, money does buyhappine.And if you ask people about different aspects of their lives—health, family life,religion, standard of living—it turns out that satisfaction with living standards still has thebiggest influence on happine.在同一个国家里,富人比穷人更幸福。这项调查把调查者分成了高收入群体和低收入群体,家里日用品多的和少的群体。在每个国家里的每个群体,有很多如用品较为富有的居民反映出的幸福度更高。如果问到生活中一些其它方面如健康,家庭生活,信仰,生活水平对幸福感的影响,结果显示生活水平是影响幸福感最大方面。

But the secret of happine has been scattered around.Women tend to be happier than men.Married people are happier than unmarried ones.Latin Americans are more satisfied than peoplein other emerging markets.Asians are the most optimistic;Middle Easterners the least.Income still matters.But it has been dethroned.但是幸福的秘密还存在很多地方。女人为什么会比男人幸福?已婚者为什么比未婚者幸福?拉丁美洲人为什么比别的发展中国家幸福?亚洲人为什么如此乐观?中东人为什么不幸福?收入是一方面,但已经不是唯一方面。



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