I.Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases :(每题2分,计20分)(1)弱肉强食
A.the weak is the meat of the strong B.the weak are the prey of the strong C.the jungle principal D.the weak is the mercy of the strong(2)如鸟兽散
A.flee helter skelter B.as if birds and beasts disappearing C.flying away as birds D.running away as animals(3)深文周纳
A.well versed in literature and art
B.try to help innocent people out of trouble C.to enjoy great learning and popularity
D.convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law(4)首鼠两端
A.take both for granted
B.catch the first mouse coming along C.there being two sides to everything D.shilly-shally(5)师直为壮
A.an army fighting for a just cause has high morale B.an honest teacher is always eloquent in speech C.a great master is always speak out his mind D.strong physique is aociated with moral life(6)文不加点
A.article with no definite argument B.have a facile pen
C.without the use of any punctuation D.plain style without and flourish(7)殊深轸念 A.fall a prey to
B.be sympathetic about
C.expre deep solicitude for D.become bosom friends(8)余勇可贾
A.valor to encourage others B.with strength yet to spare C.energy left over for future use D.great deeds for praise(9)纵横捭阖
A.cri-croing the vast country B.a wide stretch of beautiful field
C.maneuver among various political groupings D.search up and down for a bosom friend(10)责有莜归
A.duty is well placed
B.obligation should be observed C.blame goes to its destiny
D.responsibility rests where it belongs
II.Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)
A.She was a touch woman, physically and spiritually.Not a day paed that I didn’t feed off the bread of her spirit.B.In physique as well as in spirit, she is a strong and firm lady, everyday I absorb from her spiritual nutrition.C.I get strength from her everyday, since she is a strong-willed woman, both in body and in mind.D.She has got very strong will-power, and everyday I can benefit from her spiritual food as far as mind and constitution are concerned.12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。
A.Before the acquaintance got to a certain point, he wants to be physically involved.B.He even wanted to get in poeion before the relationship is ripe.C.Before long, he started to show his true colors.D.He wanted to get physical early in a relationship.13. 科技的发展似乎对纸张的使用没有太大的影响,正如医学的进步也不能铲除病毒。
A.The development of science doesn’t seem to have great influence on the use of paper, just as the advances of medicine can not get rid of virus all together.B.Paper seems to be as immune to technology as viruses are to medical science.C.Paper is not very much affected by the development of technology;the same is true with the fact that progre in medical research cannot exterminate germs.D.The advances in science seems to have no function in affecting the use of paper, as the improvement in medicine and pharmacology are not able to wipe out viruses.14.那年中有好几次,我将我所受到的挫折以及失落感发泄到孩子们身上。A.Many times in that year, I vented out on my kids all the frustrations I experienced.B.On many an occasion that year I lost tempers and scolded my children for my own setbacks.C.I gave vent to my own lost feelings that year and wreaked my kids for my own headaches.D.There were quite a few times that year when I took my frustrations out on the children.15.这是个未知的领域:如何成为宇航员?无准则可遵循,无先例可参照。
A.This is an unknown world: how to become astronauts? No rules to follow, and no precedents to be used as references.B.That’s a field unknown to us: we have no experience in the past and there are no set rules for us to obey.C.That is an unfamiliar area for research: how to train astronauts? We have no regulations and principles to follow, and we have no succeful examples for reference.D.This was uncharted territory---there were literally no guidelines or precedents on how to become an astronaut.16.这棵树在秋天身披金灿灿的树叶,显得格外美丽。
A.This tree is so outstandingly magnificent in full, covered with such a golden foliage B.Clad in golden glory, the tree is incredibly beautiful in autumn.C.So beautiful is the tree just because it is covered in such effulgent leaves.D.In this golden autumn, the tree is beautifully dreed in such bright gold.17.在参加工作面试之前,这个求职者在自己的房间里反复演练。
A.The job hunter practiced time and again in the room before he went to see the interviewer.B.Before he went to attend the interviewing for the job, he did a lot of practices in his own room.C.Before going to the job interview, the applicant rehearsed his presentation in his room.D.The candidate did some drilling in his room very seriously and then he went to the job interview.18.在新的环境中生活和工作,对刚毕业的学生来说,通常都是很大的挑战。A.Life and work in a new environment are usually very challenging for new graduates.B.In this new working and living environment, it is obvious that all this is a great challenge for the students who have just graduated for universities.C.It is clear that living and working in this new environment, newly graduated students are meeting an awesome challenge.D.The new work and living environment imposes a great challenge to the graduates who have just come for universities.19.千百年过去了,人们一直相信希腊神话和罗马神话,而且你可以看到这些神话一直在我们的思想和语言中反映出来。
A.Thousands of years elapses by, and people have been in faith of Greek and roman myths, and you can see them reflecting though our thoughts and languages.B.It has been many hundreds of years since people have believed in the myths of the Greeks and Romans, yet you can see that they still echo in our minds and in our language.C.Hundreds after hundreds of years have past, while people still have held a strong belief of Greek and Roman mythologies which keep coming through our spirits and languages.D.Hundreds and thousands of years later, Greek and Roman mythologies are still alive and full of vitality in people’s faith and beliefs, and you can see that they are showing themselves in our speech and thinking.20.尽管这部影片做了很多宣传,我个人认为故事情节没有什么新意。
A.In spite of the propaganda work done so far, personally I felt no originality in the plot.B.No matter how much the publicity about this film, I think the story shows nothing but some clichés.C.Though the film is given a lot of limelight, I can’t see anything bordering on new creation.D.Although there was much publicity about the movie, I personally found little novelty in the story line.21.当地警方已经逮捕了那些向店主勒索保护费的歹徒。
A.The local police have got those bad eggs in custody who often forced fee out of shop keepers for so-call ―protection.‖
B.The policemen in this locality have got held of those hooligans who preed the shop owners for protection fees.C.The local police arrested those gangsters who extorted protection money from shop owners.D.The local police authorities have already detained those scoundrels that threatened shop owners to hand in the money for their protection.22.有时大人也会上小孩的当。
A.Sometimes even adults will fall for children’s tricks.B.Once in a while, grownups will also be hoodwinked by a kid.C.From time to time, mature adults may be cheated by small children.D.At some occasions, kids may succefully take the grownup in.23.此外,英语得到了极大的丰富和发展,受益于许多其他语言。
A.Still, the English as a language made great progre and got enriched from many languages.B.Besides, English has got great progre and enrichment, benefiting a lot from other languages.C.In addition, the English language has been greatly enriched by many other languages.D.More over, English, enriched by many languages, has ever since made great advances.24.将军给突击队配备的是其最勇猛的战士。
A.The marshal put the bravest fighters in the storm units.B.The soldiers in the general’s commando are the best among the whole fighting force.C.The soldiers showed the greatest intrepidity among the general’s troops.D.The general manned the aault troops with his bravest soldiers.25.从一开始,他就和足球结下了不解之缘。
A.From the very beginning, he and football were tightened together.B.He and football were meant for each other at the very beginning.C.Football and he were tied together so tightly that they will never separate.D.From the start, he and football became inseparable friends.26.野生的花朵散发出甜美迷人的芳香,随风荡漾,蜜蜂哼着悠扬的曲调在欢快地采集着花粉。A.Wild flowers iued very charming fragrance that travel with the wind, and bees are dancing and singing happily among the flowers.B.Those natural flowers give off attractive and nice odor, which is dancing on the light breeze, while the honeybees are humming merrily around collecting the pollens.C.Wild flowers spread their sweet heady perfume along the gentle breezes and bees hum musically to themselves as they cheerily collect flower pollen.D.Flowers in the wilderne set off enchanting sweet perfumes that floats on the swift air, and the bees accompanied by their own melody are joyfully picking pollen form flowers.27.但在我生活的大部分时间里,我一直不承认我看不见,而是装作看得见。A.Yet for most of my life I denied my blindne and pretended I could see.B.But in the greater part of my life, I kept denying my own blindne and pretend a joyful visibility.C.I refused to admit that I cannot see, and I pretend I can in most part of my life.D.However, I have been pretending to see while in fact I cannot in the majority of my lifetime.28.在我面前我看到的是一片空无缥缈,过去所发生的一切似幻影般在这一片空虚中浮荡。
A.In front of me, I saw nothing but an emptine, what happened in the past kept floating through this wide space as specters.B.Before my eyes, I feel a ghost-like phantom croing the emptine, everything that happened in the past seem so unreal.C.I took in all the emptine just in front of my very eyes, and pondering on the past events that seemed like apparitions scudding through the open space.D.I gazed upon the profound emptine in front of me and the ghosts of my past that drifted acro it.29.只有勇气非凡的人才会相信看不见的事情,并且把所有的赌注都压在没有亮出的牌上。
A.Only an unusually courageous person could have believed something not yet seen and put all the wager on that card that is not put down on the table.B.It takes an unusual person to believe what can’t be seen and to stake everything on a card that hasn’t fallen.C.It will be a very exceptionally brave person to believe invisible things and put all the stake on a card that is still off table.D.Any thing that is still not yet clearly seen can only be held fast by those bravest people who would make such brave stakes on a card still in hand.30.那次会议耗费时间,却不会解决问题。
A.That meeting consumed lot of time, but solved no iue.B.The convention bought time;it could not bring settlement.C.That reunion took a lot of time whereas no agreement reached.D.The conference took lots of time with no problems tackled and dealt with.III.Select the best version among the four choices:(每题2分,计40分)
31.He wants a lawyer who understands his case, who sympathizes with him and who has been there himself.A.他所选择的是对他的情况有所理解、有同情心、也遭遇过相同情况的律师。
32.These songs are part of our past.They’re about a good period when honor and respect were valued.A. 这些歌曲所表现的我们历史上的一个良好时代,当时的人们珍惜荣誉、崇尚尊严的价值观受到了重视。B.那些歌谣反映着我们过去,在那个美好的时代,人们十分崇尚荣誉和尊严的价值观。
33. The workers threatened an all out strike but a word in season saved the day.A.劳工们的威胁是要举行大规模的罢工,但适当的解释解决了当天的问题。B.工人们威胁说要举行全面的罢工,但一句中听的好话就化解了危机。C.劳工进行全面罢工的威胁,因话不投机而提前了一天。
34.While the computer has had a profound effect on society in so many ways, there are other new technologies that are changing or could change, our lives no le dramatically.A.电脑对于社会的深刻影响有很多方面,还有其他一些新技术也正在改变或可以改变我们的生活,其规模也不容忽视。
35. First love may register in the blood with dizzying effect, but the love that endures takes up residence in the soul.A.第一次恋爱会在我们的血液中留下隐隐约约的痕迹,可是深沉的爱才可能永驻心田。B.首次坠入爱河时会有如痴如醉的感受,而永恒的爱却会在心灵深处扎根。C.初恋会在血液中留下令人陶醉地感觉,但是持久的爱情会注入灵魂深处。D.初恋时血液中流淌着令人神往的激情,而永久的爱会在灵魂深处安居。
36.Even in a land where miracles have street cred, St Rocco is special.He’s the patron saint of the sick and or prison inmates.A.即便是在一个在大街上都常有奇迹发生的地方,圣·拉科也是少见的。被奉为圣者,为病患和蹲监狱的人提供方便。
B.即使在这样一个充满神奇的国度里 圣徒罗轲也很特别。他可是个圣人,专门支助病者和入监服刑人员。C.在大街上都充满奇怪事件的地方,森拉寇也不一般。他被奉为神灵,对老弱病残者和蹲大牢者都提供帮助。
37.We agree to disagree without being disagreeable.A.我们同意各自保留不同意见,而不造成双方的不快。
38.This is a fairy tale about a dragon rock, which lies still in a mountainous village for many years until a particular hot and dry summer.It wakes and saves the village by making a lake.A.这个童话故事讲述了一石龙劈山造湖的故事。曾经静卧多年之巨石,在某酷暑期间拯救了这个山村。B.这个童话故事讲的是一块龙岩,它静静地卧在一个山村多年,直到有一年夏天又热又旱,它劈地造湖,拯救了这个山村。
39.Her whole face seemed to light up, not only from the touch of blush, but from the sense of freedom she had pried out of her mother.A.她整张脸似乎都光彩靓丽,不仅仅是由于涂脂抹粉,更主要的是她从母亲那里获得了自由的感受。B.她仪态万千,光彩夺目,这是因为外有妆饰,内有从妈妈那里获得自由的轻松感觉。C.她从母亲那里获得了自由的感觉,再加上漂亮的化妆,她显得容光焕发,光彩照人。
40.He eyed me silently for a long pause, as though weighing whether I could be trusted to keep his confidence, then spoke man-to-man.A.他盯着我瞧了半天,没吭气,仿佛在思量我能否为其保守机密,然后才敢对我敞开心扉。
41.What used to be a dirty, brown dust bowl, now gleamed and glistened in the sunlight, sending playful waves and ripples acro the lake and inviting all to share.A.过去这里是一块肮脏的干泥洼地,现在在阳光的照耀下水光熠熠,碧波涟涟,湖光一片,路人都会停下来看一看。
42.The university would rather that students play Wall Street than have frat parties when the market closes down.A.大学宁可让一些学生在墙壁大道上玩,也不允许他们在市场关闭时搞兄弟派对。
43.And the more we practice the art of letting go of all negativity, the better able we become to devote our thoughts, our time, and our energy to living joyfully in the present, whatever age we happen to be.A.无论我们处于什么年龄阶段,都应该明白,不去纠缠那些负面的东西本身就是一种艺术,我们越是学会放弃那些消极的东西,就能越能够将自己的思想、时间和精力投入到快乐的现实生活中去。
44.In conformity with other books in this series, and with my own predispositions as a reader of poetry, rather than describe “movements” and “trends,” I have taken fifty individual modern poets.A.与该系列从书中其他书一样, 在这本书中我以一个诗歌读者的身份,根据自己的爱好,选择了五十位有各自特点的现代诗人,而没有去描述什么―运动‖和―趋势‖。
45.Many a man has fallen in love with a girl in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it.A.很多人会在这样暗淡不清的光线下就看上一位姑娘,而他在这样的条件下连一套西服也不会去选。B.不少男士在朦胧暗淡的灯光下就会爱上了一位姑娘,可他们倒不会在这种条件下去选套西服。
46.One of the great charms of $2 as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring.A.劳伦斯非常讨人喜欢的原因是他从来不表现出来对别人的厌烦,也就从来不会被别人感到厌烦。B.劳伦斯人缘很好,很有魅力,其中有一点十分重要,那就是他从不令人感到厌烦,也不对别人感到厌烦。
47.I walked to the ticket counter.When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.A.我向柜台走过去时,那位长相漂亮的票务员见到我后脸色突变,表现得很不友好。
48.He minces no words pointing out the seriousne of the situation.A.他从容不迫地指出了局势的严重性。B.他好不客气地指出了局势的严重性。C.他毫不在意地指出了局势的严重性。D.他开门见山地指出了局势的严重性。
49.As in all inter-personal relationships, succe depends on clarity of purpose, openne to others, and a willingne to experiment.A.要取得成功和其他的人际关系的处理是一致的,目的要明确,对人要诚恳,工作要主动。
50.White flowers, were dotted in between the layers of the leaves,some blooming gracefully;others, as if bashfully, still in bud.They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky.A.层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有的袅娜地开着,有的羞涩地含苞待放;宛如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天中的星星。
Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.①Both men and women, ②nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex.There is abundant evidence on both sides.If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male;if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals.③The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people.We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, ④persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others.Seeing that each nation has its characteristic merits and demerits, ⑤we adjust our standard of values so as to make out that the merits poeed by our nation are the really important ones, while its demerits are comparatively trivial.⑥Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer.It is more difficult ⑦to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind.The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit ⑧is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, ⑨and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings ⑩as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.对于那些容易助长你狂妄自大的观点尤宜提防。①„„②„„双方都有不可胜数的证据。如果你自己是男性,你可以指出大多数诗人和科学家都是男子;而如果你是女性,你可以用大多数罪犯也都是男子来反唇相讥。③„„但是,自尊心却使大多数人看不到这一点。不管我们属于世界上哪个国家,④„„看到每个民族都有自己特有的长处和短处,⑤„„以便证明自己民族的长处乃是真正重要的长处,而其缺点相对来说则微不足道。⑥„„由于我们无法和人类之外的智者辩论清楚,所以就更难⑦„„就我所知,处理这个普遍存在的人类自高自大问题的唯一方法就是⑧„„⑨„„宇宙中其他地方还有一些生物,⑩„„
这个问题天生就无法解决; 这个问题本来就无法解决; 这个问题本来是无法解决的; ④
常听到这样的抱怨:做女人真是吃力。我深有同感。细究起来,① 这种吃力,不仅是体力上的,更主要的是心理上的。
② 在我们还是小女孩的时候,我们就懂得一条千真万确的道理:女人是半边天,男女都一样。那时候,这口号被我们喊在嘴里,心里只感到骄傲与豪迈;那时候,③ 这口号被我们努力地落实为行为,确实体现出了女人和男人有一样的智慧一样的能力一样的才干,什么“铁姑娘队”、“三八包车组”、“女飞行员”等等,总之,在各行各业女人们的表现绝不落后于男人;总之,④ 男人能够做到的事情女人没有办不到的;总之,⑤ 女人和男人应该而且必须并驾齐驱。“男女都一样”的口号,那么响亮地被贯彻了几十年,并组成为一种世界观,影响着我们的人生,而且,⑥ 这口号还是一种具有历史意义的标志——中国妇女解放的标志。但我不能认同。
万事万物由方方面面组成,⑦ 而那个“男女都一样”的口号,只是向女人提出要求,却没有相同的口号要求男人和女人做得一样:一样耐心持久地抚育孩子;一样任劳任怨地操持家务;一样尽心尽责地伺奉老人。仔细想想,⑧ “男女都一样”的口号曾鼓舞着许多妇女竭力地建树了和男人一样的丰功伟绩,同时,⑨ 女人却依然要做那些男人不屑一顾的事情。其实,⑩ 所谓“一样”的口号,使女人们在做着女人的同时再做男人;其实,所谓“一样”的口号,让女人们又给自己加重一挑担子;其实,女人和男人在根本上还是不一样。
I often hear the complaint that it is so hard to be a woman, and I can’t help feeling the same.① ____________________.② ____________________.At the time, as we chanted the slogan, our hearts were filled with pride.③ ___________________.The examples of the “Iron Girls Brigade,” the “March 8 Railway Service Group,” the “female aviators” and so on were living proof that women have caught up with men in every field of action;④ __________________;⑤ _________________.The slogan “women are as good as men” has been ringing
clear and loud for the last couple of decades, it has deeply ingrained into our mentality and has influenced our lives.⑥ ___________________.But I have my reservations.All things under heaven are made up of different parts, ⑦ _____________: to raise children just as patiently, to do household chores just as uncomplainingly, to care for the old just as dutifully.Come to think of it, ⑧ _______________.But at the same time, ⑨ _______________.The fact is, ⑩ _____________, must take up another burden.Let’s face it, basically women are not the same as men.① A.The strain is not only physical, there’s also the psychological burden.B.The strain is not only physical, but more importantly, psychological.C.The strain is not only physically, but also psychologically.② A.Ever since I was a little girl, we all held it as an indisputable truth that “Women hold up
half the sky,” that “women are just as good as men.”
B.Ever since I was a little girl, we all understand it as an indisputable truth that “Women are half the sky”, that “women are just as good as men.”
C.Ever since I was a little girl, we all believed the truth that “Women are half the sky”, that “women are just as good as men.”
③ A.We try to put the saying into practice, and prove that women were indeed just as intelligent as men and capable and talent as men.B.The saying was put into practice, showing that women have the same intelligence, capability, and talent as men.C.We put the saying into action, and proved that women were indeed just as intelligent as men, just as capable and just as talented.④ A.that women were perfectly capable of doing whatever men can do.B.that whatever men can do will never be beyond women.C.that women were capable of doing well what men can do.⑤ A.That men and women should go hand in hand with each other.B.that women can and must keep up with men.C.that women and men must keep hand in hand with each other.⑥ A.This slogan is also a symbol of historical meaning — it is a symbol of women’s liberation.B.This slogan also has its historical significance — it is an emblem of women’s liberation
C.This slogan also has historical meanings — it is a mark of women’s liberation.⑦ A.but the slogan “women are as good as men” demands on women without asking men “to be just as good as women”.B.but the slogan “women are as good as men” makes demands on women, and it fails to ask men “to be just as good as women”.C.but the slogan “women are as good as men” makes demands on women without making a corresponding demand on men to be “just as good as women”
⑧ A.the slogan “women are as good as men” has encouraged women to achieve to challenge on men.B.the slogan “women are as good as men” has encouraged women to do as well as men.C.the slogan “women are as good as men” has spurred women on to achievements to challenge men’s.⑨ A.women must still do what men do not stoop to.B.women must still do what men would not cast a glance at.C.women must still do what men would not glance.⑩ A.“women are as good as men” means that women, after doing what they are suppose to do, have to be as capable as men.B.“women are as good as men” means that women have to play the dual role of being men and women at
the same time.C.“women are as good as men” means that women have to play the dual role of men and women at the same time.III.下面每个英语句子或段落提供的译文没有排序,请根据原文将译文排序,使之成为一个连贯的段落。(2x5=10%)
1.There are several reasons why Kiinger no loner appears to be the magician the world pre had made him out to be an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward megalomania.①对此人们曾经写过不少文章,发表过不少言论。②基辛格不仅在中东起了作用,而且还从事了一系列冒险活动,包括一些最重要的冒险活动。③但这些文章和言论大部分都有一个特点,就是既反映出对他的策略有所认识和了解,又表现出对他的战略捉摸不透。
2.The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America, where explorers had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver.Although Spain and England shared a pronounced lust for wealth, differences between the two cultures were profound.①英国人抱着和西班牙人开拓南美洲一样的动机来到北美洲,②虽然西班牙和英国都同样明显地贪图财富,③但是两国的文化却存在着很大的差异。④西班牙的探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。
3.She turned towards me immediately.The easy elegance of every movement of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room, set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly.①她立刻转过身来。②我不由得很想看清她的面孔。③当她从房间的那一头走过来时,④一举手一投足风度非常优雅。
4.Many men have recognized the similarity of plants to the behavior of animals, and have dreamed wistfully, but forlornly, upon some method or source of rejuvenation such as Ponce de Leon sought in the Fountain of Youth several centuries ago.①植物的习性与动物相似,②就像数百年前,彭斯? 德? 里昂在青春泉祈求仙水一样,③许多人认识到,④于是梦寐以求的探讨什么“返老还童”的“灵丹妙药”,⑤结果只能是竹篮打水。
5.They drifted acro America and gathered in the big cities when winter came, hungry, defeated, empty, hopele, restle, driven by they knew not what, always on the move, looking everywhere for work., for the bare crumbs to support their miserable lives, and finding neither work nor crumbs.①冬天到了,②他们漂泊啊,漂泊,走遍了美国,③忍饥挨饿,到处碰壁,一无所有,前途渺茫,④才在各大城市聚集起来,⑤到处找仅能糊口的面包,以维持他们悲惨的生活,可是一样也没找到。⑥焦躁不安,心烦意乱,辗转奔波,到处找活干。
①Looking east, one could see the warehouses of foreign firms on the waterfront of Pootung like huge monsters crouching in the gloom, ②Under a sunset-mottled sky, the towering framework of Garden Bridge was mantled in the gathering mist.③The evening tide from the Wangpoohad turned imperceptible, and now the aortment of boats along both sides of the creed were riding high, ④The muddy water of Soochow Creek, transformed to a golden green, flowed quietly westward.⑤Whenever a tram paed over the bridge, the overhead cable
suspended below the top of the steel frame threw off bright, greenish sparks.⑥The sun had just sunk below the horizon and a gentle breeze careed one’s face.⑦To the west, one saw with a shock of wonder on the roof of a building a gigantic neon sign in flaming red and phosphorescent green: LIGHT, HEAT, POWER!⑧Faint strains of music were bore on the wind from the riverside park, punctuated by the sharp, cheerful patter of kettledrums.⑨their lights twinkling like countle tiny eyes.⑩their decks some six inches above the landing stages.V.请将下列短文翻译成汉语。(20%)
To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have.An aspiration is a joy for ever, a poeion as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity.To have many of these is to be spiritually rich.Life is only a very dull and ill-directed theatre unle we have some interests in the piece;and to those who have neither art nor science, the world is a mere arrangement of colors or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins.It is in virtue of his own desires and curiosities that any man continues to exist with even patience, that he is charmed by the look of things and people, and that he wakens every morning with a renewed appetite for work and pleasure.Desire and curiosity are the two eyes through which he sees the world in the most enchanted colors: it is they that make women beautiful or foils interesting;and the man may squander his estate and come to beggary, but if he keeps these two amulets he is still rich in the poibilities of pleasure.VI.请将下列短文翻译成英语。(20%)
1.It is a long lane that has no turning.A.只有不会拐弯的巷子才是长巷子。
2.She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.A.她能渡过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像是个娃娃模样。
3.A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 carrying 142 people overshot the runway on landing at $2 airport on Sunday, hitting a car with a woman and child in it before coming to rest at the edge of a gas station, officials said.A.官方人士称,一架载有142人的西南航空公司的波音737飞机,星期日在Burbank机场降落时冲出跑道,撞到了一辆准备停在加油站边的小车,车里有一个妇女和一个孩子。B.一架载有142人的西南航空公司的波音737飞机,星期日在Burbank机场降落时冲出跑道,撞到了一辆
4.Casualties, were taken to several hospital in southwestern $2, some of which operated on backup generators.A.伤亡人员被送往佐治亚州西南部的几所医院里,其中有几家医院是靠备用发电机维持运作的。
5.I can tell you there wouldn’t be the enthusiasm and excitement about soy foods if they were only a good source of protein that’s low in saturated fat.A.我能告诉你们的是,如果大豆仅仅是含低饱和脂肪的蛋白质来源,人们对大豆食品就不会有那么多的热情和欣喜。
6.In $2’s approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers.A.我们看到并欢迎中国在处理同其它国家的关系中所持的原则――强调各国一律平等,强调尊重中小国家的权力和意见。
7.She felt that she must not yield, she must go on leading her straitened, humdrum life.This was her punishment for having made a mistake.She had made her bed, and she must lie on it.A.她觉得她不能打退堂鼓,她必须继续过她那贫苦而单调的生活。这是她犯了错误得到的惩罚,自己铺了床,自己就要躺。
8.The government and people of Haiti offer their best wishes for prosperity and succe to our brother people of Guyana, who have just attained political independence and been admitted to membership in the United Nations.A.海地政府和人民对刚取得政治独立和成为联合国成员的圭亚那兄弟人民的繁荣昌盛,表示最良好的祝愿。
9.You want your pound of flesh, don’t you?
10.He does not teach because teaching is easy for him.A.他教书并非因为教书对他来说是轻而易举的事。
A.It can be said that during this period, $2’s wealth swelled considerably and the national economy mounted to a new stage.B.It can be said that during this period, $2’s wealth expanded considerably, and the economy as a whole was raised to a new level.C.It can be said that during this period, $2’s wealth soared considerably, and the national economy mounted to a new stage.2.她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。
A.She is proud of her achievements, which is not unreasonable.B.She is justified for her pride in her achievements.C.She is justifiably proud of her achievements.3.我们应该抢时间赶任务。
A.It is better for us to hurry in our work so as to fulfill what we are aigned to do ahead of time.B.We should make full use of time and hurry in our work.C.We should work against the clock.4.一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在了家里),很多热心人都前来帮忙,但无济于事。人们找到了王涛,但被他拒绝了。
A.Many warm-hearted people came to help, but without any result.People wanted Wang Tao to help, he refused them.B.Many warm –hearted neighbours came, but they could do nothing for her.So they turned to Wang Tao for help, yet met with his refusal.C.Many warm-hearted people came, but nothing could help.So they asked for Wang Tao’s favor, but he refused them.5.每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。
A.There is a scene to be witneed everywhere in $2 at four or five P.M.when people enjoy a cup of tea, with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation.B.It is very common in England that people have a cup of tea and some toast or biscuit while chatting at four or five P.M..C.At four or five P.M.in $2, people often have a cup of tea and some toast or biscuit while chatting, this is not uncommon.6.这是民国六年的冬天,大北风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。
A.It’s the winter of 1917.The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living.B.It’s the winter of 1917.The north wind was blowing hard.For the sake of living, I had to walk in the street in the early morning.C.It happened during the winter of 1917.A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early.7.事虽经纬万端,但综观台海局势,合则对国家有利,分则必伤民族元气。
A.Though the matter was as complicated as could be, an all-round view of the situation would show that cooperation is beneficial to the country and nation while division is detrimental to them.B.Although the matter is sophisticated, but if we view the situation generally, we will find that unity will benefit the country and the nation while division will harm them.C.Complicated as the matter was, an overall view of the situation will show that united, our country and nation will benefit;and divided both sides acro the Taiwan Strait will suffer.8.(二十岁的时候,随时随地向人透露我的年龄,答得比问得还快。)三十岁之后,最恨别人问年龄,你要是非问不可,你猜啊。
A.After I have turned thirty, I hate any inquiry about my age.If you insist, have a gue.B.After thirty, age became almost a taboo to me.If somebody is so nosy, I respond, ―Gue.‖
C.After I was thirty, I hate being asked about my age.If you insist, gue.9.中百一店设有顾客问询处、休息处,深受群众的称赞。
A.The Shanghai No.1 Department Store has set up an inquiry service and provided a lounge, much to the customer’s appreciation.B.An inquiry service has been set up in the Shanghai No.1 Department Store which has also provided a resting-room, much to the customer’s appreciation.C.An inquiry service has been set up and a resting-room has been provided in the Shanghai No.1 Department Store, which is much appreciated by the customers.10.特别是人口众多的发展中国家要有自己的良好政策。
A.Densely populated developing countries in particular need a good policy.B.In particular, the developing countries with large populations should have good policies in this respect.C.Over-populated developing countries in particular need a good policy.III.下面每个英语句子或段落提供的译文没有排序,请根据原文将译文排序,使之成为一个连贯的段落。(每小题2分,10分)
1.As the west sleepwalks into a decade in which moral confidence and steadfastne will be increasingly needed and decreasingly found, and as a cry for ―leadership‖ iues from millions who probably would not recognize it if they saw it, and probably reject it if they did, John Paul II becomes more fascinating.①约翰?保罗二世之所以在西方变得越发具有魅力,并原因盖出于此。②当西方恍恍惚惚进入八十年代的时候,③千百万人迫切要求加强“领导”,而当胜任的领导出现的时候,他们却又可能视而不见,或者见到了又拒不接受。④人们的道德信念和坚韧精神日益消退,而获得这一切的希望又日趋渺茫。
2.It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students.Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.①近来已注意到本馆存书惊人地减少,②今后凡借书逾期不还者,必将严格按章处罚。③此事令人关切。④现要求学生不要忘记借书还书规则,并考虑其它同学的需要。
3.There is nothing more disappointing to a hoste who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or busine with her husband that he fails to notice the flavour of the coffee, the lightne of the cake, or the attractivene of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.①最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心神或费用来招待客人,②丝毫也没注意到咖啡的香浓、糕点的松软或房间内讲究的陈设,③可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫论政治、谈生意,④而这些却可能是她最感兴趣、最为自豪的东西。
4.We have to keep trying, and risk failing, in order to solve this country’s problems.We cannot move forward if cynics and critics swoop down and pick apart anything that goes wrong to a point where we lose sight of what is right, decent, and uniquely good about $2.①如果听任那些愤世嫉俗者和吹毛求疵的人不分青红皂白,不论事情大小都大做文章,②这样的话,我们就不会前进。③那么我们就看不出美国正确、大气和独有的长处。④我们要不断尝试,敢于失败,以求能解决这个国家的问题。
5.That story never fails to touch me or the audience.It is a metaphor for what we have to do as a nation.We have to start thinking of $2 as a family.We have to stop screeching at each other, stop hurting each other, and instead start caring for, sacrificing for, and sharing with each other.We have to stop continually criticizing, which is the cry of the ideologue, and instead get back to the can-do attitude that made $2.①作为一个民族,我们应该按这个比喻所说的去作。②我们应停止不断指责他人,那只是理论家的发泄方式罢了,③相反,应重新恢复不怕困难的精神,正是这种精神造就了美国。④我们必须把美国看作一个大家庭,必须停止相互伤害。⑤这个故事一直打动着我和听众。⑥相反,我们应该互相关心,互相作出牺牲,同舟共济。
①It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in the North.②Suppose you put up in a humble rented house inside the bustling imperial city, you can, on getting up at dawn, sit in your courtyard sipping a cup of strong tea, leisurely watch the high azure skies and listen to pigeons circling overhead.③As to morning glories, I like their blue or white flowers best, dark purple ones second best, and pink ones third best.④When I am in the south, the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping’s Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins, Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow trees, Western Hills with their chirping insects, Yu Quan Shan Mountain on a moonlight evening and Tan Zhe Si with its reverberating bell.⑤Saunter eastward under locust trees to closely observe streaks of sunlight filtering through their foliage, or quietly watch the trumpet-shaped blue flowers of morning glories climbing half way up a dilapidated wall, and an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you.⑥It will be most desirable to have them set off by some tall thin gra planted underneath here and there.2.文化并不限于语言那么简单,它包含了思想、感情和我认为特别重要的一环――感官反映。要知道自己的文化倾向,最准确的指标可以说是我们的直觉反应。语言固然是其中一种指标,因为没有多少人会用第二语言来表达突如其来的痛楚或快感;但同样我们也有非常明显的非语言指标,其中一项很重要的就是对食物的偏爱,特别是身体不舒服的时候想吃什么。上面所说的种种,大概可以概括地称为本能感觉。正因为这些反映完全不受我们自己或别人的希望支配和伪装,所以准确性很高。
①Culture is not just a matter of language;②few people would shout out sudden pain and pleasure in a second language.③It is our instinctive responses which invariably reveal our cultural affiliations.④Language is one obvious indicator;⑤it involves the intellect, emotion, and----to me the most important of all----our senses.⑥But there are clear non-linguistic indicators as well, one of the most important being our preferences for food, particularly when we feel unwell.⑦Since these are responses uncamouflaged by our own or other people’s manipulation and wishful thinking, they are very reliable.⑧All these can perhaps be summed up as “gut feelings”.V.请将下列短文翻译成汉语。(20分)
Why is this? The reason is that the strange and bitter miracle of life is nowhere else so evident as in our youth.And what is the eence of that strange and bitter miracle of life which we feel so poignantly, so unutterably, with such a bitter pain and joy, when we are young? It is this: that being rich, we are so poor;that being mighty, we can yet have nothing;that seeing, breathing, smelling, tasting all around us the impoible wealth and glory of this earth, feeling with an intolerable certitude that the whole structure of the enchanted life----the most fortunate, wealthy, good, and happy life that any man has ever known----is ours----is ours at once, immediately and forever, the moment that we choose to take a step, or stretch a hand, or say a word----we yet know that we really keep, hold, take and poe forever----nothing.All paes;nothing lasts: the moment that we put our hand upon it, it
melts away like smoke, is gone forever, and the snake is eating at our heart again;we see then what we are and what our lives must come to.(15分)
The gods, they say, give breath, and they take it away.But the same could be said----could it not?----of the humble comma.Add it to the present clause, and, of a sudden, the mind is, quite literally, given pause to think;take it out if you wish or forget it and the mind is deprived of a resting place.Yet still the comma gets no respect.It seems just a slip of a thing, a pedant’s(书呆子)tick, a blip(光点)on the edge of our consciousne, a kind of printer’s smudge(污点)almost.Small, we claim, is beautiful(especially in the age of the microchip).Yet what is so often used, and so rarely called, as the comma----unle it be breath itself?(5分)
01)She knew no more shorthand than if she had been a graduate in stenography just let slip upon the world by a busine college.(A)她并不太精通速记,就像是刚刚走出商学院速记专业的毕业学生,来闯荡世界。(B)她的速记法丝毫不逊色于商业大学的速记毕业生——世面上只认他们。(C)她粗通速记,水平相当于刚从商学院速记专业的毕业生,刚刚踏上社会。
(D)她的速记水平很好,即使她是一个刚刚从商学院毕业的速记专业的学生,也不过如此了。(E)她并不懂得很多速记知识,她比不上从商学院速记专业毕业的学生。02)Alopecia may also occur in syphilis, thyroid disease, and iron deficiency.(A)秃头症也许会和梅毒、甲状腺疾病和缺铁症有关。(B)体内缺铁、盾状疾病、以及花柳病都会引发斑秃。(C)梅毒、甲状腺疾病和铁缺乏症也可引起脱发。(D)患有梅毒、甲状腺和缺铁等病症者也会有脱发。(E)秃头症会和梅毒、甲状腺疾病以及缺铁症同时发生。
03)Here is an example of immunofluorescence positivity for anti-thyroglobulin antibody.(A)这个病例显示了抗甲状腺球蛋白的萤光免疫检验为阳性。(B)这是抗甲状腺球蛋白免疫荧光法阳性的病例。
04)If I could handle a cue stick like Billy Morales, I'd become a pool hustler.(A)如果我能像比利.莫拉雷斯那样摆弄球杆,我能够成为台球高手。(B)我要是能像比利.摩拉莱斯那样操控球杆,我早就成了撞球赌客了。
(C)假如我耍球杆像比利.莫拉赖斯那么利索,我肯定成了靠打台球的骗子手了。(D)只要我能像比利.莫拉雷斯那样玩弄球杆,我铁定靠打台球混钱。(E)要是我能够像比利莫拉尔那样耍弄球杆,我早就成为台球专业户喽。05)The hurricane hit Florida in July.(A)七月中,佛罗里达州惨遭风暴蹂躏。(B)佛罗里达州七月遭到飓风袭击。(C)飓风在七月份袭击了佛罗里达州。(D)飓风袭击佛罗里达州是在七月中。(E)袭击福罗里达州的暴风是七月形成的。06)We should stand by on a hurricane alert.(A)接到飓风警报,我们应当多加戒备。(B)得到暴风雨警报后,我们不应该慌乱。(C)既然是大风暴预警,我们应该停止前进。(D)在暴风雨警戒期间我们应该坚定不移。(E)得到飓风预警后,不得盲目行事。
07)We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.(A)我们必须做好事而不做坏事,而不论其规模是多么微不足道。(B)勿因善小而不为,勿因恶小而为之。
(C)无论是大事小事,只要是坏的就别做,只要是好的就应做。(D)好事再小都应做,坏事再小也别为。(E)我们应该惩恶扬善,尽管有时并不起眼。08)She smiled him into a good humor.(A)她对他微笑使他情绪好转。
09)Five thousand jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.(A)有五千个就业机会被砍掉了,其原因是政府开支的削减。(B)因为行政经费压缩,5000人丢了饭碗。
(E)5000个岗位就这样没了,直接原因就是行政单位削减开支。10)The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.(A)盟军的战斗机群轰炸了该国,达几百架次。(B)联军的战机出动了几百架,对该国狂轰滥炸。(C)盟军数以百计的战机轰炸了那片土地。(D)联军的机群从空中轰炸乡村时有成百架。
(E)联合国军队的战机轰炸了其乡村地区,出动的飞机有上百架。11)He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement.(A)他说他的计划有其好处,那就是容易实行。(B)他说他计划的优点在于最容易实施。
12)Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.(A)忠告如适时,定需多睿智。
13)When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be.(A)只要有心促团结,便有可能不分裂。
14)The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police.(A)找警方来现场时那孩子表现得格外积极。(B)那孩子表现得很积极,主动去找警察。(C)那儿童极为主动地把警察找来。
15)She likes to pick up some interesting junk in junk shops.(A)她这人就喜欢在旧货市场淘宝。
16)He's seen my face.We can't let him live.If hi finds out about this, we're finished.He must die.(A)他看到过我的相貌,我们不可留他活着,如果他发现了这事儿,我们就玩完。所以他必须死。(B)我们见过面,所以不能留活口。要是他发觉此事,我们都得完蛋。他非死不可。
17)Nothing...it means nothing.Call it a modest gentle man's agreement to ensure our continued relationship.(A)没,没什么意思。这只是个君子协议罢了,来确保两国关系能继续发展下去。
18)Yes.Preferably with something...painful.Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks.(A)对,最好用点痛苦的办法。必须证明给我看这的确不是你们又一次玩弄什么鬼把戏。
19)These were the meetings that engineered my “resignation” on ground of “advancing age and deteriorating
20)You won't give up the bridge.I don't care if you lost half your men.Lose the other half.Lose yourself.(A)你决不能放弃这座桥梁。你的部下是否伤亡过半,我可管不着。用完另一半吧。你自己也得杀身成仁。(B)你不能失守大桥。我不关心这样会损失你一半的人。把另一半人的命也耗上去。你也得英勇献阵。(C)你必须与这座桥共存亡,不管部队是否过半死伤,剩下一半还得拼命抵抗,你本人更不得动摇彷徨。
(D)不许你放弃这座桥梁。我可不管你的士兵是否伤亡一半。还有一半也给我豁出去。你的命也得搭上。(E)这座大桥你不得失守。无论你的士兵是否伤亡过半,再用完另一半吧,你自己也得与桥共存亡。21)Born into a peasant family, he worked as a shepherd and a locksmith before he began to work actively in the Communist Party.(A)早年出生农户家,修过锁来放过羊,随后参加共产党,积极奋斗为理想。(B)出生农民家庭的他,在参加共产党之前做过放羊倌和锁匠。
22)Demand? You mean it wasn't just a request? What's it to us if the regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction?
23)He wanted a resolution to the contest over Berlin, yet he chose the most dangerous poible way to force one: via nuclear confrontation in Cuba.(A)在有关柏林的竞争问题上,他想有个解决方案,但是他选择可能是最危险的方式来强行取得:通过在古巴的核对抗。
(E)他想要在柏林问题上抢得先机,然而,他却采取了一条最危险的方法:将核武器运入古巴。24)This is a fine kettle of fish!(A)这事给弄得一团糟!(B)壶里煮鱼倒不出。(C)这是一壶好鱼!
25)The pot calls the kettle black.(A)罐子说壶黑。(B)真是难兄难弟。(C)五十步笑百步。
26)That’s a different kettle of fish.(A)那是另外一锅鱼。(B)那得另当别论。
27)As dusk falls, kerosene stoves ignite in the poorer kitchens of Delhi.(A)夜色茫茫,德里穷人家厨房,煤油灯已经点亮。(B)黄昏时分,德里贫苦人家的厨房里点起了煤油炉。
28)They are also employed to determine the density of gasoline, Kerosene, vegetable oil and petroleum ether.(A)这些物体还用来测定汽油、煤油、植物油以及石油醚的密度。
(E)在测量汽油、煤油、植物油、石油醚质量密度时可以使用这些添加剂。29)Hill and woods diversify the landscape.(A)山峦丛林,美景叠嶂。
30)Courtesy is the lubricant which oils the wheels of busine.(A)礼仪是商务活动的润滑剂。(B)礼貌是商务巨轮的润滑油。
31)Amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant at the birth of the baby.(A)羊水只在婴儿出生时作为润滑剂之用。(B)羊膜液在婴儿出生时起到润滑作用。
32)Skin lubricating strip secretes lubricant when wet, reducing friction thus making a better shaving effect.(A)润肤条呀顶呱呱 遇水即刻变超滑;用时舒适少摩擦,确保剃须效奇佳。(B)减少摩擦,要靠润肤滑条;舒适剃须,刀得精心打造。(C)润肤滑条遇水分泌润滑剂,剃须时减少摩擦,效果极佳。
33)It was an angelic soprano singing the lullaby,which mom sang to the new-born baby.I got up, unaware of where the voice came.(A)天使女高音,摇篮催眠吟,歌者是娘亲,听来好温馨。醒后忙坐起,不知何处寻。(B)那是一种母亲唱给新生儿听的天使般的女高音,我坐将起来,却不知声音来的方向。
34)Apollo 17, the last manned lunar flight, returned to Earth on the same day today in 1972.(A)阿波罗17号完成了最后的有人驾驶登月飞行后回到了地球,时间是1972年的今日。(B)72年的同一天,阿波罗17号作为最后一架人工操纵的月球飞船返回了地球。
(C)在最近的一次载人飞行访问月球后,阿波罗17号回到地球的日子是72年的今天。(D)1972年的今日,阿波罗17号返回了地球,完成了最后一次载人的月球飞行。(E)1972年的今天,阿波罗17号完成了最后一次载人的月球之旅,返回了地球。35)When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog.(A)他对模型飞机感兴趣之后就全力以赴了。(B)当他对航模感兴趣以后,就完全沉浸在里面。
(C)他对模型飞机发生兴趣后,就全身心地投入进去了。(D)他一旦喜欢上了航空模型飞机,就一门心思专研起来。(E)他喜欢模型飞机后,就决定从头学起。36)I want to find him his ultimate woman.(A)俺想给他找个最好的媳妇。(B)我想帮他找到最终归宿。”(C)我想替他找到他最终的女人。(D)我想给他找个终极版的女子。(E)我想给他找个女中豪杰。(F)我想让他找到最中意的极品。
37)Are Vampires the ultimate sex symbols?(A)V字特工队是最终的性象征吗?(B)吸血鬼是最能代表性的象征吗?(C)难道吸血虫是性的象徵?
(E)吸血鬼能不能确定为性别的象征呢? 38)The octopus is the ultimate softie.(A)章鱼其实是最愚蠢的了。(B)章鱼的身体最柔软不过了。
39)The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!(A)这一事件理所当然地称为是国王间谍活动的独一无二的史诗。(B)可以毫不夸张地说,这一事件是皇家间谍活动成功的辉煌案例。(C)将这一事件称作皇室参与间谍活动的特别典范,并不为过。
40)It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilized than before.(A)在到了新的岗位之后,她的天赋将会比从前发挥得更佳。
41)The thief ran off down the road, so I chased him for all I was worth.(A)有贼逃,顺路跑;我追他,没用巧;吃奶劲,全用掉。(B)见贼夺路而逃,我便奋力猛追。
42)Hurricane Dean has lost some of its punch as it croes the Yucatan Peninsula.(A)代号是“院长”的飓风逐渐减弱了风势,穿过了尤卡坦半岛。(B)代号为“笛音”的飓风在穿越尤卡坦半岛时其风速有所降低。(C)在通过尤卡坦半岛时,飓风“迪恩”的猛烈程度有所减缓。(D)飓风“狄恩”在经过尤卡坦半岛后风势减弱。(E)尤卡坦半岛让飓风在通过其境时减弱了风势。43)Phoebe announces four programs a week.(A)翡璧每周播音四次。
44)According to this theory, all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time.(A)该理论认为:一切地质现象均可解释为现存各力之和而产生的结果,从地球起源直至今日都如此运作。(B)均变说是一种理论,可以将所有地质现象解释为从地球起源到现在已均匀作用的现存力的结果。
45)What we saw was a green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.(A)我们见到的是一种绿色的放射性矿物质,那是一种水晶般透明的铀铜磷酸盐。(B)我们看到的是一块带有放射性的绿色矿石,是酷似水晶的铜铀云母。
46)This is what has been frequently referred to as “doublespeak” or “public lying”.(A)这种话通常被认为是“夸张而含糊”或“欺骗公众”的。(B)这就是人们时常提及的“欺人之谈”或“公众谎言”。(C)这种话常常被认为是“故弄玄虚”或“当众撒谎”。(D)这就是通常所谓的“玄虚言辞”或“信口雌黄”。(E)这种话人们经常称之为“巧言令色”,或者“公开说谎”。(F)这种说法常被说成是“言不由衷”,“胡说八道”。47)Two’s company, three’s a crowd.(A)两人成伴,三人添乱。(B)两人结成伴,三人不欢散。(C)俩结好友,仨易成仇。
48)Somebody has a crush on you, huh?(A)有人揍你了,对吧?(B)你让别人压死你,是吗?(C)你把别人拖下水了,没错吧?(D)有人爱上你了,哈哈?(E)你挨别人揍了吧,啊?(F)你在单相思吗,嗯? 49)You slimy little creep!(A)你这个无耻的奴才!(B)你这个小臭虫!
50)Love seems to creep up on you.(A)肩并肩,走一走;手牵手,看不够。(B)爱情似乎在悄悄降临。
51)In this chapel, which has a nave and two aisles, there lies the tomb of a genius: Leonardo da Vinci.(A)在这个拥有小广场和回廊的礼拜堂里,安葬着一位天才——来昂那多?达?芬奇。(B)在这个小教堂里,有一个中殿和两排回廊,坐落着一代天才达芬奇之墓。(C)这个小教堂含有中殿和两条回廊,安放着奇才莱昂纳多达芬奇之遗骨。
52)It permits excision of the entire talus, and the only tarsal joints that it cannot reach are those between the navicular and the second and first cuneiforms.(A)可以切除整个距骨,而唯一达到不了是舟状骨和第二、第一楔状骨之间的关节。
正题满分100分,加试题10分。如果正题得分达到85分,加试题有效。1-5 ACCDC 6-10 AADCB 11-15 BABBB 16-20 CDBDC 21-40 DCABB CABCX BAAAC BBDCD 41-60 BDBDB CABCC CCBAC DBBBD 61-80 BAAAD DCDBA BCDBB CBCDA 手打
一、选出最佳译文,每题一分,共80分。01)The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A)这套房子花了他很多钱。(B)这套房子让他赚了不少钱。(C)这套房子差点让他丧命。
to charge someone an arm and a leg,这是指要价太高。个人觉得本题选A 以下试题部分选项省略,保留正确选项。02)Tom was given the axe.C汤姆被解雇了
03)We live out of cans.我们靠罐头食品过活。C 04)He went to bed with the chickens.他很早上床睡觉。D 05)
It’s time to put on the feedbag.吃饭时间到啦.C 06)
Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale.请给我一瓶水。A 07)
It’s your baby, not mine.那是你的任务,不是我的。A 08)Her re-election is in the bag.她在改选中已稳操胜券。D 09)He is a ball of fire.他精力充沛。C 10)The story happened before the Flood.故事发生在远古时代。B 11)
I don’t know the ABC of computers.我对电脑一窍不通。B 12)His parents are going bananas at him.他爸妈快被他气疯了。A 13)
Don’t pa the baby to me.25
不要把责任推卸给我。B 14)She employed a tender foot to help her.她请了一个新手帮她。B 15)
Mary is an apple polisher.B 16)
Don’t make yourself in the shit.不要自讨没趣。C(原意:不要自找麻烦。)17)Mike is a lady killer.迈克是个师奶杀手。D 18)
Ok, let’s talk turkey.好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。B 19)
He led a dog’s life.他过着穷困潦倒的生活。D 20)This music in the film is easy on the ear.电影里的音乐很动听。C 21)We held a back-street meeting.我们开了一个秘密会议。D 22)That boy never says uncle.那个孩子的嘴特硬。C 23)I will put my back into this program.我将对这个项目全力以赴。A 24)
Meg is the apple of her father’s eye.梅格是她爸爸的掌上明珠。B 25)This is an apple of love.这是一个西红柿。B 26)The fat is in the fire.事情搞砸了。C 27)
She’s a knowing card.她是个精明鬼。A 28)Everyone has been under the gun.每个人都顶着巨大的压力。B 29)He lived from hand to mouth.他过着勉强糊口的生活。C 30)
玛丽在殡仪馆工作。(A)Mary is funeral home.(B)Mary is in funeral parlor.(C)Mary is at mortuary house.(D)Mary is an undertaker.这题我不确定(殡仪馆可翻译为funeral parlor 或者the undertaker's)31)
This novel can’t be le interesting.这部小说无聊极了。B 32)I have the deed to the house.我有这所房子的房契。A 33)You must hold your horses.你一定要镇静。A 34)
Tom is good at winning girl’s ears.26
汤姆很能够博得女人的好感。A 35)Nobody can say I put on airs.谁也不能说我这个人摆架子。C 36)These transactions are aboveboard.这些交易是光明磊落的。B 37)
I won’t buy your story.我不信你那一套。B 38)Has the cat got your tongue?(A)你为什么生气?(B)你为什么哭?
应该是D(原意:你为什么不吭声呢?)39)Old Green is a real card.老格林真是个活宝。C 40)Jim is the black sheep of our cla.吉姆是我们班的害群之马。D 41)David carried the ball in the firm.大卫负责公司里最困难的工作。B 42)I have a crush on you.我迷恋你。D 43)Can you find your feet? 你能适应环境吗?B 44)Cut out your banana oil.收起你的花言巧语。D 45)Can we get around this iue? 我们能避开这个话题吗?B 46)This kind of dre sells like hot cakes.这款裙子很畅销。C 47)Where is john? 洗手间在哪里?A 48)He was born to the purple.他出身皇族。B 49)Is he a Jonah? 他是个带来厄运的人吗?C 50)
You can’t beat that.再没有比这个更好的了.C 51)
Why don’t you belt up? 你干吗还不住口呢?C 52)The black dog is over Jim now.吉姆现在意气消沉。B 53)He is a blue nose.他是个严谨的人。B 54)Nick was run off his legs.尼克破产了。A 55)The escaped prisoner is still at large.27
那个逃犯仍逍遥法外。C 56)Those pretty girls are easy on the eye.那些漂亮的女孩子真是赏心悦目。D 57)The book is as good as a play.这本书非常有趣。B 58)He will help you, as likely as not.他可能会帮助你。B 59)She has been canned.她被解雇了。B 60)These youths are full of animal spirits.这些年轻人充满活力。D 61)
I don’t know you from Adam.我根本就不认识你。B 62)I will trust you when pigs fly.我绝不会相信你。A 63)Colin is absent in shanghai.克林去上海了,没在这儿。A 64)Sam is baby kier.山姆是个圆滑的政客。A 65)A cat may look at a king.小人物也有权利.D 66)My husband and I led a cat and dog life.我和我丈夫过着争争吵吵的日子。D 67)The bo hit the ceiling.老板大发雷霆。C 68)
She is a fox in a lamb’s skin.她是个口蜜腹剑的人。D 69)Carrie never changes her mind at pleasure.凯莉从不随意改变主意。B 70)He made a pa at Mary.他对玛丽暗送秋波。A 71)
He has made a real dog’s breakfast.他把事情搞得一团糟。B 72)Her opinion is all my eye.她的观点都是胡说八道。C 73)Mike carried the can for his son.迈克替他儿子背黑锅。D 74)Bill is an American China trader.比尔是一个从事对华贸易的美国商人。B 75)Gary spoke at length about the bridge.加里详细地讲述了有关那座桥的事。B 76)Bath festival is just around the corner.巴斯音乐节即将到来。C 77)Why is Mary like April weather? 为什么玛丽喜怒无常?B 78)I wore my Sunday clothes.28
我穿着我最好的衣服。C 79)She is in her birthday suit.她什么都没有穿。D 80)Tom asked after you.汤姆问候你。A
“强制安装过滤软件完全是无聊的瞎折腾。”武汉晚报的编辑这样评论。加试题10分: 每题5分。共2题。
banana oil 花言巧语 cut out your banana oil.a real card 有趣的人,特别的人 John 厕所
back-street meeting 秘密会议 going bananas快疯了 adam ale 清水 live out of cans ball of fire 才智精力过人
mortuary room/house undertaker apple of love 西红柿
give sb a cold shoulder 甩了 give a damn不注意,不关心 it's time to feedbag 吃饭 the apple in one eye 重要事 lady killer baby killer win ladies on the ear don't give the baby to me it's your baby not mine a birthday suit an arm and a leg a dog in the manger a bird in hand everything he did was always quite above board.光明磊落
a convenient divorce 闪电离婚 the acid test 试金石
The Asian football cup is the acid test for chinese football team.all fingers and thumbs 笨手笨脚
i fell all fingers and thumbs today.i really couldn't play the piano.barking up the wrong tree 找错了对象
you are barking up the wrong tree if you ask her to help you.an arm and a leg hang in on 等一下,坚持一会儿 that is it!就是这样!
that is so sweat!你太好了。
make her feel like home 让他别在拘束!back her up!支持一下她。
mi the part of my office!我没听到那一段!
we have been through it!我们已经谈过这件事情。riddle猜谜
i think clap cup really works.it is cubic!这是立体。
time's getting serious!事情越来越严重!hearing room!听证会 just trust your voice!outfit never understate others不要低估了别人 2011 十
I.01-05: ACAAB 06-10: ACCBB II.01-05: CABAB 06-10: CBCCA
III.01-05: BCCCB 06-10: BCCAC 11-15: BBACC 16-20: BABCB IV.试题原文(克林顿总统1998年在北京大学的演讲): 参考译文:
V.说明:《落花生》这篇文章曾被多位翻译家翻译过,在此特附上翻译家杨宪益夫妇的译文 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:―让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然你们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。‖我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了!
Behind our house there was a patch of land.―It would be a pity to let it go wild,‖ said Mother.―I suggest that since you are all so fond of peanuts you should grow some there.‖
We children and the little maidservants were all delighted.Some of us bought seeds, some dug up the plot and others watered it.In just a few months we had a harvest.Mother said, ―Let’s have a harvest festival tonight and invite your father to taste our fresh peanuts.‖
正题满分100分,加试题10分。如果正题得分达到85分,加试题有效。一、选出最佳译文,每题一分,共80分。01)The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A) 这套房子花了他很多钱。(B)这......
湖北省第十七届外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译组初赛试题01 The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A) 这套房子花了他很多钱。(B) 这套房子让他赚了不少钱(C) 这套房子差点让他......
湖北省第十八届外语翻译大赛你还在为你大学期间没有参加过一项大型赛事而遗憾吗? 你还在为你找工作时没有一张高含金量的证书而担心吗? 你是英语爱好者吗?你希望在竞赛中体现自......
湖北省第十四届外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译组决赛试题I.下面有十个英语句子,每个句子均提供了三个译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为最好的一个译文。(每小题2分,20分)C 1.It is a lon......
湖北省第二十届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译决赛试题 While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely c......
