如在GE,每个员工每年的工资增长都是与他的业绩分数紧密相连的,业绩分数越高,增长比例就越高,而且增长工资的周期就越短。在欧莱雅,有一个“全球利润共享计划”,公司将根据去年主要指标的完成情况及盈利状况,拿出一定比例的利润来提高员工福利。为了吸引、激励和留住人才,除了富有竞争力的工资之外,完善的福利计划,也是外企重要的人力资源战略。如多数外企会提供补充养老保险、车贴、房贴,驻外工作津贴等优厚的待遇。有的外企,更是推出“家属参观日”等精神福利措施。比如,在汉高,公司会根据员工的具体表现提供各种福利,像员工住宅、膳食补助金、圣诞节奖金、信用磁卡等。补充社会保险这是多数外企普遍采用的福利计划,除了基本的社会保险外,公司还会为员工购买商业保险。比如,商业的医疗保险等,以保证员工最大的社会福利。像欧莱雅,除了按照国家的规定缴纳社会保险外,还给员工及员工的子女购买额外的医疗保险。Foreign compensation and benefits to develop
Like, in foreign companies, have a very clear salary structure.The company will be based on the position range size, job complexity to determine the level of wages, wage increases with the performance of staff are closely linked.The majority of foreign enterprise salary is formulated, in accordance with the principle of both 3P2M, actual performance, job responsibilities, personal ability, industry market and talent market and the development of.The salary of 13 months at the end of most foreign, are double, basic wages for 13 months.Year-end bonus year-end optic performance iue year-end bonus, year-end bonus, based mainly on the performance of the company and each employee's performance appraisal.Wage increase in addition, employees work after a period of time, most foreign companies will carry out salary adjustment.However, the pace of ascension and the line, as the staff 's performance and.As in GE, each employee annual wage growth is closely connected with his performance scores, performance scores is higher, the growth proportion is higher, and the growth of wage cycle is shorter.In L'Oreal, there is a “ global profit sharing plan ”, will be based on the
last major targets and profit status, take out certain proportional profit to improve the welfare of the staff.In order to attract, motivate and retain talent, in addition to a competitive salary, perfect welfare plan, but also foreign important human resources strategy.Like most foreign companies will provide supplementary endowment insurance, car, housing allowance, allowance and other preferential treatment to work.Some foreign enterprises, isthe introduction of “ families visiting the day” mental welfare measures.For example, in Henkel, companies will staff according to embodiments provide various benefits, like employee housing, meal subsidies, a Christmas bonus, credit cards and other.Supplementary social insurance which is most commonly used in welfare programs, in addition to the basic socialemployee's largest social welfare.Like L'Oreal, except in accordance with the provisions of the state to pay social insurance, to the staff and children of employees to purchase additional medical insurance.Overseas training for excellent employees, abroad the headquarters of training or participation in http:// important project, is also one of the important benefits to employees.Such as L'Oreal, according to staff development, design a comprehensive personalized training program.Employee stock option which is foreign to the excellent staff launched a welfare plan.As in Standard Chartered, introduced thestock option plan;in the aociation, to reach a certain level of employee stock option, approximately 80% of Lenovo employee owned company option.A number of awards for outstanding staff, many foreign companies are also provided every kind of award, as the staff encouragement important aspects, such as customer service, the spirit ofinnovation award, which is a welfare program, such as Federal Expre launched the “ Purple commitment Award ” is awarded, providing excellent customer support, in providing customer service proactive, to enhance customer and community relations exhibit altruistic behaviors of employees.Standard Chartered Bank launched the employee awards and special contribution award.All kinds of subsidies on some senior management personnel, many foreign companies are also set up extra staff welfare and retention plans, such as stickers, Fangtie and various subsidies.In addition, the birthday cake, the festivities fee, disease visits various “ people-oriented” welfare subsidies, to care about the staff's daily life, but also foreign companies used to attract and retain talents method.
薪酬体系-人力资源管理李宇潇 243薪资构成员工的薪资由月薪及年终双薪(年终分红)构成。月薪=标准工资+绩效年终双薪=两个月标准工资特殊津贴饭费补贴 按每天20元计算三个月一......
薪酬与福利管理 薪酬是指用人单位以现金或现金等值品的任何方式付出的报酬,包括员工从事劳动所得到的工资、奖金、提成、津贴以及其它形式的各项利益回报的总和。薪酬一词有......